Google Earth: Retrieving icon URL from KML using JAK - api

I'm currently using JAK (Java API for KML) to interact with Google Earth and a customized KML file. I'm able to get/set the name, description, coordinates of a placemark using things like Placemark p.getName(), or point.getCoordinates(); into a list, etc. But what I'm having trouble with is getting the url of the image used for the icon. So for example, if my kml file has this placemark in it (contained by a Document, and then the overall KML tag):
<name>Isla de Roatan</name>
Cruise Stop
How can I grab that png url to say, put in a separate String object? I've seen within Style the .getIconStyle, and within IconStyle, the .getIcon, and within Icon, the .getHttpQuery, but nothing to link looking into the Style from the Placemark/Feature, except for .getStyleSelector and .getStyleUrl. Can you do it with one of those or a Style Map? I'm not sure if I grasp completely what each of these does. Additionally in reverse, what can be done to set this URL? Thanks for any help!

Feature.getStyleSelector() returns a List<StyleSelector>. Style is a subclass of StyleSelector, so your Style should be in this list (along with any other Styles and StyleMaps defined for the Feature).
Setting style (and icon URL):
Placemark placemark = ...;
Style myStyle = new Style().withId("my_style");
myStyle.withIconStyle(new IconStyle().withIcon(new Icon().withHref("http://someurl")));
Getting style (and icon URL):
for (StyleSelector styleSelector : placemark.getStyleSelector())
if (styleSelector.getId() == "my_style")
String href = ((Style)styleSelector).getIconStyle().getIcon().getHref();


How to show HTML in Marker's description in react-native-maps?

In react-native-maps Marker allows a description props which should be string. But in my use case I have a description with html tags like this "<p>hello <strong>world</strong></p>". How can I show the html in Marker description? Currently It shows the whole string with tags.
I can remove the html tags using regex, but I really want the html tag's effect such as <b><strong> e.t.c
/*--- other props ----*/
/*--- marker custom image ---*/
Note: I don't want to any third-party library for this.
Try with I am not sure that it will work, but I use it for displaying HTML in the app.

Kotlin download and display a PDF

Hi I would like to download and display a pdf using Kotlin. I want to download and display a progress bar with the first page of the pdf display while we are downloading.Then display the PDF. I did it in swift with PDFKit it was very simple but I can't find an equivalent in Kotlin.
I made many research to display a pdf in Kotlin but I didn't got much result, it's seem that this subject is not really so first I looked at PdfRenderer that is native but most exemple are in java and not Kotlin and I don't get what is : documented.getSeekableFileDescriptor().
Then I looked at pdfView lib that is really nice to display a pdf but only from asset, the pdfView.fromStream doesn't seem to work and I can't get any exemple to how it's work.More over I would like to avoid downloading the pdf I want to display it directly to avoid long loading.
Finaly I used okhttp and retrofit to download the pdf but I can't use pdfView to display it because in the from asset the pdf has to be already in the project.
I found that downloading pdf from and url and display it with Kotlin is very difficult and not very documented.
So if anyone has some suggestion I'll take it.
here is my sample of code using pdfView.fromStream this only load a blanc page
private fun loadpdf(){
//PDF View
Thread(Runnable {
val input = URL(pdf_url).openStream()
val pdfView = this.findViewById<PDFView>(
.enableSwipe(true) // allows to block changing pages using swipe
.enableAnnotationRendering(false) // render annotations (such as comments, colors or forms)
.enableAntialiasing(true) // improve rendering a little bit on low-res screens
// spacing between pages in dp. To define spacing color, set view background
And here is my sample of code using pdfView.fromAsset this one work but only if the file is already on the project however I want to get my pdf from and url
private fun loadpdf(){
//PDF View
Thread(Runnable {
val pdfView = this.findViewById<PDFView>(
.enableSwipe(true) // allows to block changing pages using swipe
.enableAnnotationRendering(false) // render annotations (such as comments, colors or forms)
.enableAntialiasing(true) // improve rendering a little bit on low-res screens
// spacing between pages in dp. To define spacing color, set view background
If anyone got this problem, I solved it by using the coroutine :
Add this dependency to your gradle build :
then import this line :
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
in your file.
Then use launch coroutine methods as follow :
private fun loadpdf(pdfView: PDFView){
//PDF View
val input : InputStream
input = URL(pdf_url).openStream()
.enableSwipe(true) // allows to block changing pages using swipe
.enableAnnotationRendering(false) // render annotations (such as comments, colors or forms)
.enableAntialiasing(true) // improve rendering a little bit on low-res screens
// spacing between pages in dp. To define spacing color, set view background
You have to pass the pdfView cos you can use the global view in asyctask.
Now to add a progress bar you can add to your xml :
android:minHeight="50dp" />
then you need to override the function loadComplete to get the call back for your progress bar and implement OnLoadCompleteListener interface for your activity.
And btw if you want to display page per page with the pdfView lib add :

Change dynamically the stylesheet depending on document mode

is there a way to change stylesheet file dynamically depending on if the document is in edit or read mode?
What I would like to do is to add the following code to the "compute value" option of the resource href property:
return "style_edit.css"
return "style_read.css"
My main problem with this is that when the page loads, it gives the error "document not found". This is probably because when the page loads, there is only a view that includes the documents and when the user clicks a document id, then the custom control with the binded document appears. I don't know how to make the binded to custom control document available on load of the page.
I tried a try/catch block and now the xpage opens without displaying an error. But although the custom control is refreshed, the css file does not change, althoug I use compute dynamically and not compute on load
Thank you in advance!
You can set the resource href attribute as computed. For this go to All Properties of XPage "basics > resources > styleSheet". Here you can compute the href attribute with your JavaScript code. So your resource in XPage source would look something like this
<xp:this.href><![CDATA[#{javascript:if (document.isEditable()) {
return "style_edit.css";
} else {
return "style_read.css";
To access the data source from custom control you can use the global variable currentDocument instead of document.
Why force user to download separate files on edition when You can simply add computed styleClass to some panel/component:
<xp:this.styleClass><![CDATA[#{javascript:return document.isEditable()?"docEditMode":"docReadMode";}]]></xp:this.styleClass>
and use it as a selector inside style.css

Dynamic Height Adjusting w/ Open Social Gadget

I have a gadget that is a glossary with a number of different pages. users can upload new words to the data source and those words will be pulled into the glossary through an AJAX call.
I want to resize the gadget window everytime the window is re-sized OR a new letter is selected and the page height changes (ie the gadget html block height).
Google developers has posted this on their website. However, this clearly is not working for me. The scrolling is not registering on the iframe and the height is not adjusting when the window is resized.
Here are my ModulePrefs
title="Climate Policy and Science Glossary"
description="Paragraph format"
<Require feature="dynamic-height"/>
<Require feature="opensocial-0.8" />
Here is the gadget's script telling it to adjust:
window.onresize = adjust;
function adjust() {
var wndwH = gadgets.window.getViewportDimensions().height,
wgtH = $('#_glossary').closest('html').height,
h = Math.min(wndwH, wgtH);
What's going on? Am I doing something wrong or is there anyone else out there having trouble with Google's dynamic height??
The adjust function really only needs:
function adjust() {
That should fit everything automatically.

How to create loading mask on a XUL panel using JQuery or JScript

does anyone know how to create a loading mask over a XUL panel with JQuery or normal Javascript?
i am developing a firefox extension and i need the loading mask over some of the panels to avoid the user from making any further input while information is being submitted.
First of, i don't really know if mozilla supports loading masks over XUL panels because all the JQuery scripts i tried so far make the panel disappear instead of masking it.
thanks for reading
XUL uses box layout which makes typical techniques from HTML like absolutely positioned divs malfunction. You should use a XUL <stack> tag (see and put both your content and your half-transparent layer as its children. When you make the half-transparent layer visible it will appear on top of the content. For example:
<stack flex="1">
<hbox id="content" align="center" pack="center">
<button label="Click here" oncommand="document.getElementById('busy').hidden = false;"/>
<hbox id="busy" hidden="true"/>
And some CSS code:
#busy {
background-color: black;
opacity: 0.5;