Why would my Access 2007 query suddenly become not updateable? - sql

I have a query in Access 2007. It's worked fine for months, but I'm suddenly getting a "the recordset is not updateable" error. Thinking an error must have been caused by a recent change, I went back to archived versions (that definitley worked) - they're all chucking out the same error. The table itself is updatable; indeed, another query on the same table works just fine. What could have suddenly happened to break my query? Code follows:
SELECT Prospects.Company, Contactnames.*, IIf([Prospects]![Key Contact]=[ContactID],True,False) AS [Key Contact], Prospects.Status
FROM Contactnames INNER JOIN Prospects ON Contactnames.CompanyID=Prospects.ID
WHERE (((Prospects.Status) Not Like "Duplicate"));
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Oli.

If you are using linked ODBC tables, you need to include the primary key field(s) from all tables in the query if you want the query to be updateable. Here are some potential "gotchas":
Access may not recognize the primary key fields correctly in a linked ODBC table; often (always?) Access picks the first unique index it finds for a table (based on alphabetical order of index name) and assumes that index is the primary key
adding replication to tables in MS SQL Server (and perhaps other RDBMS's) will add a GUID column with a unique index; along with the above point, this can cause Access to think your linked tables have different primary keys than they really do
Changes made to the design of ODBC linked tables are not automatically reflected in Access; linked ODBC tables can be refreshed via Tools --> Database Utilities --> Linked Table Manager... (among other ways)

The likely reason is that it's not the query that has changed, but the database.
Check that the database file hasn't been write protected. That would cause that error message.


Trying to fix the error "Record set is not updateable" in access 2007 with a linked SQL table

I am experiencing an issue where I try to enter data into a linked table on Microsoft Access 2007.
I keep getting the message :
The record set is not updateable
I have the table linked with a table in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
Originally it was working well until something happened with the primary keys. Every datatype had a primary key, but at some point all PKs were taken away. I know the issue revolves around the primary keys, but I am not sure what it is exactly.

Query table with compound primary keys

I'm using pyodbc to connect to a machine database, and query a number of tables in that database using
pandas.read_sql(tbl,cnxn), where tbl = "SELECT * FROM TABLE", cnxn is pyodbc.connect('DSN=DATASOURCE;UID=USERID;PWD=PASSWORD').
It works on most tables, but some tables return:
DatabaseError: Execution failed on sql 'SELECT * FROM TABLE': ('42S02', '[42S02] [Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle][Oracle]ORA-00942: table or view does not exist (942) (SQLExecDirectW)')
These tables that return an error, when opened in MS Access, have multiple columns with a key icon on the left when opened in design view (thus a compound primary key, made up from multiple columns).
Is this is the reason I'm having the error described above? How can I solve this?
Edit: as shown in this screenshot, there are multiple columns marked as making up the primary key in design view:
Edit2:Thanks for the feedbacks. After checking ODBC Data Source Administrator window, this data source is on 32-bit platform, and its driver is Microsoft ODBC for Oracle.
I don't think table's name is the issue, because other tables worked and they have the same naming convention (table name is in this format NAME_OF_THE_TABLE). Trying to avoid showing the table name because working on a company project.
I did research the concept of primary key and realized that there can only be one for a table, but as shown in the screenshot attached, there are a five fields shows a key icon on the left.
Before anything, understand MS Access is a unique, GUI tool that maintains its own default database, JET/ACE Engine, but can connect to other databases as well including Oracle, SQL Server, Postgres, etc. via OLEDB/ODBC connections. Essentially, both MS Access and Python are doing the same thing: make an ODBC connection to Oracle (the actual backend database).
Because all linked tables connect fine in MS Access, try matching connections and queries in Python. Likely, the issue involves table names, schema connection, or user access.
Table Name: Your table contains misspellings or reserved words, or a mix of upper or lower cases as defined in their CREATE TABLE setup causing case sensitivity, so Table as defined with CREATE TABLE "Table" is not the same as TABLE. For this reason, use the exact name in the MS Access linked table and wrap with double quotes.
pandas.read_sql('SELECT * FROM "Table"', cnxn)
(Do note: double quotes in SQL is entirely different meaning than double quotes in Python and are not interchangeable with single quotes.)
Connected Schema/User: Incorrect schema. Because schemas in Oracle are more or less users, you may have multiple connections for your MS Access linked tables. Though they all point to same database server with same ODBC driver, the user differs each with different underlying tables. To resolve, match the Python ODBC connection with the MS Access ODBC connection:
You can locate the MS Access connection string under: Table Design (from Navigation Pane) > Property Sheet (from Ribbon) > Description. Use this in the pyodbc.connect(...) call. Likely only the uid and pwd would differ if working across schemas.
Unprivileged User: The connected user does not have select privilege on that table.

Slow Access query when joining SQL table with Access table

I am using a SQL database and MS Access 2019 as the front end. The SQL database tables are linked to the Access db using an ODBC connection.
All my queries (they have multiple joined linked tables) run just fine, but as soon as I add a join to a table stored in the Access app (for example, a small table just for mapping values) the query will slow to a crawl. Doesn't matter if the joined fields are indexed or what type of join I'm using.
If anyone has seen this behaviour and found a solution I would much appreciate hearing it.
Joining tables from two separate databases requires the client app to retrieve both tables in their entirety in order to determine the rows needed. That's why it's slow.
If your Access table is small, try using a stored procedure on the SQL side with the data from Access moved to a temporary table. (Or better yet, move the Access table to SQL).

MS SQL Server - Cannot Create Same Index Name on Different Tables

I am creating indexes on two separate tables in the same Database (MS SQL Server), and I got an error saying that an index already exists.
This error does NOT come up again if I changed index name to another.
Please help. Many Thanks.
Screenshot from Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
I'd strongly suggest that the visual designer is leading you astray. IIRC, indexes used to have schema-scoped names (back in the 7.0 or 2000 era, I think. Before user/schema separation) and later gained the ability to only need to be unique at an individual table level1.
If you try to create a duplicate index manually, you receive the error:
The operation failed because an index or statistics with name '<name>' already exists on table '<table name>'.
Since that's clearly not the error you're seeing, I strongly suspect that it's old code in the visual designer and yet another reason not to use it.
1Unfortunately, we're in an area where historic documentation from the right period is no longer available from the Microsoft website. It used to be easier to verify these recollections because you could still find the "What's new in SQL Server 2000", etc pages there.

Updating SQL server from Access front end

This is pretty new to me. I have an Access database that I was to upsize to a SQL server but to keep the Access front end to make this application available remotely. I have imported the data in the SQL database using SSMA which looks to be fine. However, when adding a new record to the Access frontend, the SQL server is not being updated. Am I missing something? I (think I) have linked the tables together but still not joy.
Any help would be great. Thank you
If the data is being stored, but not on the SQL Server then you almost certainly have not linked the tables correctly.
On your Access front end your starting point should be no tables (unless you have some tables deliberately reserved for the front end for some reason). You then link to the back end tables (because you said 'linked the tables together', I suspect you have copies of the tables still in your front end).
During the linking process, Access will confirm if each link is established successfully.
It sounds like you haven't imported the data from MS Access to SQL yet.
Check out the SQL Server Migration Assistant(SSMA) on how to do that.
First you need to migrate the data to SQL and then you link the data in SQL to MS-Access.
Once the tables are linked appropriately it will update in SQL as it is entered in Access.
To link the tables you need to first setup an ODBC and then in access select external data -> import -> more -> ODBC Database and select "Link to the data source by creating linked tables"
Check out this link: http://www.fontstuff.com/ebooks/free/fsLinkingToSQLServer.pdf to make sure you did it right.
I had this problem before.
Create a primary key for every table you want to edit in Access. set identity specification and Identity increment by 1 or ? (you can find this setting in column properties) Make sure data type for primary key is int.
All boolean value fields should have constraint set to 0 and no null values.