How to make WCF data interface serializable - wcf

I have a WCF service and one method accepts an interface IValidationDictionary when calling the service I need to access the interface but the VS generated proxy class shows the interface as an object. I tried to add data attributes to the interface but that is not allowed.
Thanks in advance.
public class UserService : IUserService
private IValidationDictionary validatonDictionary;
private IUserAppService userAppService;
public UserService(IUserAppService userAppService)
this.userAppService = userAppService;
public void SetValidation(IValidationDictionary validationDictionary)
this.validatonDictionary = validationDictionary;
public UserDTO GetUser(int id)
return this.userAppService.GetUser(id);
public interface IValidationDictionary
void AddError(string key, string errorMessage);
bool IsValid();

Interfaces can not be serialize, but you can return any object which implements that interface.


GWT with Serialization

This is my client side code to get the string "get-image-data" through RPC calls and getting byte[] from the server.
CommandMessage msg = new CommandMessage(itemId, "get-image-data");
cmain.ivClient.execute(msg, new AsyncCallback<ResponseMessage>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
public void onSuccess(ResponseMessage result) {
if (result.result) { is byte[].
From the server side I got the length of the data is 241336.
But I could not get the value in onSuccess method. It is always goes to onFailure method.
And I got log on Apache: Type '[B' was
not included in the set of types which can be serialized by this
SerializationPolicy or its Class object could not be loaded.
How can I do serialisation in GWT?
1) Create a pojo which implements Serializable interface
Let this pojo has all the data you want in the response of RPC service, in this case image-data
2) Pass this pojo in the response for your RPC service.
The below tutorial has enough information for creating RPC service
The objects you transfer to and from the server has to implement IsSerializable.
All your custom Objects within the Object you are transferring also needs to implement IsSerializable.
Your objects cannot have final fields and needs an no argument constructor.
You need getters and setters.
A common serialize object in GWT:
public class MyClass implements IsSerializable {
private String txt;
private MyOtherClass myOtherClass; // Also implements IsSerializable
public MyClass() {
public String getTxt() {
return this.txt;
public void setTxt(String txt) {
return this.txt = txt;
public String getMyOtherClass() {
return this.myOtherClass;
public void setMyOtherClass(MyOtherClass myOtherClass) {
return this.myOtherClass = myOtherClass;

check that property setter was called

I have a class I am unit testing and all I want to do is to verify that the public setter gets called on the property. Any ideas on how to do this?
I don't want to check that a value was set to prove that it was called. I only want to ensure that the constructor is using the public setter . Note that this property data type is a primitive string
This is not the sort of scenario that mocking is designed for because you are trying to test an implementation detail. Now if this property was on a different class that the original class accessed via an interface, you would mock that interface and set an expectation with the IgnoreArguments syntax:
public interface IMyInterface
string MyString { get; set; }
public class MyClass
public MyClass(IMyInterface argument)
argument.MyString = "foo";
public class Tests
public void Test()
var mock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IMyInterface>();
mock.Expect(m => m.MyString = "anything").IgnoreArguments();
new MyClass(mock);
There are 2 problems with what you are trying to do. The first is that you are trying to mock a concrete class, so you can only set expectations if the properties are virtual.
The second problem is the fact that the event that you want to test occurs in the constructor, and therefore occurs when you create the mock, and so occurs before you can set any expectations.
If the class is not sealed, and the property is virtual, you can test this without mocks by creating your own derived class to test with such as this:
public class RealClass
public virtual string RealString { get; set; }
public RealClass()
RealString = "blah";
public class Tests
private class MockClass : RealClass
public bool WasStringSet;
public override string RealString
set { WasStringSet = true; }
public void Test()
MockClass mockClass = new MockClass();

Castle windsor wire generic irepository with 2 types

Hi I am trying to change a code example found here
In his example he uses structure map, when I converted it to windsor I can get it to work with the one repository using the following.
But what I really want to do is to map all the irepository based interfacees to thier implementation.
Here is the IRepository, T is the entity, K is the prmiary key type
public interface IRepository<T, K> where T : class
Its implementation Is
public abstract class Repository<T> : IRepository<T, int>, IDisposable where T : DomainEntity<int>
My controller has the interface IPeopleRepository as a constructor paramerter.
public interface IPeopleRepository : IRepository<Person, int>
public class PeopleRepository : Repository<Person>, IPeopleRepository
I want to have one register to register all repositories, something like this, but it wont match and i get the error Service 'Spaanjaars.ContactManager45.Model.Repositories.IPeopleRepository' which was not registered
What am i missing in regards to this? is it because my irepository has 2 generic types?
In order to map all the IRepository based interfaces to their implementations .WithService.AllInterfaces() should be used.
This registration should solve your issue.
There are some tests to test it. I claim they are green.
public class InstallerTest
private IWindsorContainer container;
public void Init()
container = new WindsorContainer().Install(new Installer());
public void ResilveTest_ResolvesViaIRepository()
// act
var repository = container.Resolve<IRepository<Person, int>>();
// assert
public void ResilveTest_ResolvesViaIPeopleRepository()
// act
var repository = container.Resolve<IPeopleRepository>();
// assert
public class Installer : IWindsorInstaller
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)

Wcf service inheritance (Extend a service)

The program I am working on exposes both callbacks and services using wcf.
Basically, what the services do is simply return some variables value. As for the callback, they simply update those variables.
I want to be able to expose one class containing only the services and one class containing the services and the callbacks.
For example :
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode=InstanceContextMode::Single, ConcurrencyMode=ConcurrencyMode::Multiple)]
public ServiceClass
public int getValue()
return mValue;
protected static int mValue;
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode=InstanceContextMode::Single, ConcurrencyMode=ConcurrencyMode::Multiple)]
public ServiceAndCallbackClass : ServiceClass
public bool subscribe()
// some subscribing stuff
public void MyCallback()
// Notify every subscriber with the new value
If I want only the services, I can use the base class. However, if I want to subscribe to the callback and use the service, I can use ServiceAndCallbackClass.
Is this possible ?
One solution I found :
Make 2 interfaces. The first one containing only the services and the second one inheriting from the first one and adding the callbacks.
An implementation class would implement the 2 interfaces.
Example :
public interface IService
int GetData();
public interface ICallback : IService
public bool subscribe();
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode=InstanceContextMode::Single, ConcurrencyMode=ConcurrencyMode::Multiple)]
public ServiceClass : IService, ICallback
public int getValue()
return mValue;
public bool subscribe()
// some subscribing stuff
public void myCallback()
// Notify every subscriber with the new value
protected static int;
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode=InstanceContextMode::Single, ConcurrencyMode=ConcurrencyMode::Multiple)]
public ServiceAndCallbackClass : ServiceClass
// Dummy implementation used to create second service
From there, we can create 2 services. One based on the implementation class and one based on the "Dummy" class. Each service would be created from a different interface and thus exposing different methods.

WCF - Sending data to server outside of contract

I have a WCF service with a client application. I have complete control over both the client and server implementation. I have hundreds of methods in the WCF contract which need a piece of information supplied by the client. Instead of modifying hundreds of methods, is there a way I can send specific data from the client with every call to the service, possibly somewhere in the channel?
Maybe when the client is setting up the proxy before making the call, it can store this data somewhere in an internal property of the proxy... the data would then get sent to the server and from within the service method I could inspect the OperationContext or some other piece of memory to get this data back and use it?
Any ideas?
It sounds like you are wanting something like headers like with SOAP webservices. I'm not a WCF expert, but this looks like the WCF equivalent.
It shouldn't actually be that hard. The best way I can think of is to write an IClientMessageInspector that adds a SOAP header into the Message.Headers in its BeforeSendRequest method.
See e.g.
You can't do this trivially. It will take some work.
It's true that SOAP Headers are the perfect way to pass out-of-band data to and/or from a service. But you already have your contract defined, and adding headers will change the contract.
I believe you'll have to start using message contracts.
public class ComplexObject
[DataMember(Name = "Id")]
public int Id;
public string Name;
public interface IMyContract
void MyOperation(ComplexObject co);
public class MyService : IMyContract
#region Implementation of IMyContract
public void MyOperation(ComplexObject co)
// use co.*
Using Message Contracts:
public class ComplexObject
[DataMember(Name = "Id")]
public int Id;
public string Name;
public class MyHeader
public string UserName;
public string Password;
public class OutputHeader
public string Token;
public class MyOperationRequest
public MyHeader Authentication;
public ComplexObject TheObject;
public class MyOperationResponse
public OutputHeader OutputHeader;
public interface IMyContract
MyOperationResponse MyOperation(MyOperationRequest request);
public class MyService : IMyContract
public MyOperationResponse MyOperation(MyOperationRequest request)
// use request.TheObject.*
// Can also read request.Authentication.*
return new MyOperationResponse
{ OutputHeader = new OutputHeader { Token = "someToken" } };