Preventing Undesired Copying of X509 Certificates to Authenticate Other Computers - wcf

I'm asking this question because I have gone through the tutorial posted here:
Preventing Duplication of the x509 Certificate Used on a WCF Client?
And I am not understanding why the client couldn't just go to another computer and install the Root CA and install the Public CA to connect from a different computer?
I want to be able to install a certificate on a client's computer that only authorizes that computer to connect to the WCF service. If they "buy" another certificate, I would create it off the Root CA and install it on the other computer they want which would now authorize that computer (2 computers can now connect to this service ONLY).
How does the posted method prevent a different computer from being authenticated if the client just copies the Root CA and Public CA and installs it onto a different computer?

You can install end-user certificate to Windows certificate storage and when installing the certificate, specify that the private key should be non-exportable. Such key can not be exported and thus copied (at least in theory). Next, you can give the user a hardware with the key -- a USB cryptotoken or smartcard. Such hardware also doesn't let private keys to be exported from the device, yet you need to be aware of this attack.


Terraform Init/apply/destroy - SSL Connection Problems

our company proxy brokes the SSL Connections and the proxy use our own CA.
So i have always tell the applications i use (RubyGems, Python Pip, Azure CLI ...) to use our company CA Certificate.
Does anyone know, how i can use our CA Certificate with a local Terraform installation?
Is the CA deployed to your OS's certificate store or can you import it? If so, Terraform (and probably other tools) should just be able to work with a proxy like this with no other configuration. If you need some further direction, tell us what operating system and how you typically access you have to the CA.
#Kreikeneka have you have the certain the location CentOS expects to import into the store. There is a command you need to run that actually imports it update-ca-trust. Have you run this? If the cert is being used for SSL and you just need to trust it when going through your proxy, that is all you should need to do. You shouldn't need to tell your tools (Terraform, PIP, etc) to trust it for SSL with the proxy. If the cert is imported into your certificate store, it should be passively usable from any connection on from the machine from any process.
If you are using the cert for client authentication to the proxy then just trusting the cert by placing it in the certificate store probably won't work.
I'm not clear from your comments if you need the cert for SSL or for client authentication to the proxy. Check with your IT what it is really used for if you aren't sure and get back to us.
As of CentOS 6+, there is a tool for this. Per this guide,
certificates can be installed first by enabling the system shared CA
update-ca-trust enable
Then placing the certificates to trust as CA's
in /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ for high priority
(non-overridable), or /usr/share/pki/ca-trust-source/ (lower priority,
overridable), and finally updating the system store with:
update-ca-trust extract
Et voila, system tools will now trust those
certificates when making secure connections!

TLS/SSL certificate verification

I am new to TLS/SSL so this might be a very basic question, but I've been searching a lot an could not find an answer.
I am trying to implement a TLS/SSL client. This client will run on an embedded unit with Windows OS on it (XPe or WES7). My implementation uses GnuTLS.
How do I get the list of trusted authorities to my unit so my client can verify the server's certificate? Is it supposed to be a file stored on the client side, that the client is responsible for keeping up to date? Or can my client somehow get this list from the internet each time it is needed and not maintain it locally?
The Certificating Authority (CA) master certificates are stored client side and the client is responsible for keeping them up to date. Keeping them up to date isn't as hard as it sounds, as CA certificates aren't changed that often - most are valid for 5-10 years at least.
Client side storage is necessary because any given internet site your application uses might be compromised.
To get a list, you might start by looking at the CA certificates distributed with a browser or at the cacerts file distributed with Java. Before releasing your code, you'll probably want to check that the certs you use are genuine by checking them against information provided by the CA.
Go to any Windows machine and run "certman.msc" from command-line. Export each CA certificate (Intermediate Certificates, Trusted Authorities) to file (BER, PEM), then import these certificates into your embedded software. Now you can validate email certificates, the same way Windows does (i.e. using various x.509 related RFCs and CRLs)

SSL-Does a server certificate bind to a specific machine?

Recently we created a server with tomcat and we also add SSL support for this little server. For SSL support, we need a certificate which issued by a third issuer like Entrust, Thawte etc.
A colleague said to me that the certificate is binding to a specific machine. That's once we got the issued certificate, then this cert can't be used in another machine.
I doubt this completely because the CSR doesn't contain any info of the machine. Is that true?
The certificate isn't necessarily bound to a particular machine. To be able to "use a certificate" on a machine, you need two things: the certificate itself, and its private key. You should have generated the private key along with the CSR (depending on which tools you've used).
Some systems don't allow you to re-extract the private key (e.g. Windows has an option to import a private key in a way you can no longer export it, but as far as I understand, this can be bypassed if you have sufficient access rights on that machine). In cases where you're using a smart card or hardware token, the private key may be generated there in such a way that you can't extract it (in this case, moving the token to the new machine would make sense if necessary).
The other part is the certificate and its name. The host name(s) in the certificate (which is often also found in the CSR, although that's ultimately not necessary), should be the host name(s) of this machine, as seen by the clients trying to connect to it (see RFC 2818 Section 3.1 for detail on host name verification for HTTPS). As such, although the certificate itself isn't tied to a particular machine in terms of hardware, it will be tied to this host name (which allows you to change the hardware for this machine or its IP address for example).

How to export SSL certificate from azure to local server?

I want to move my MVC application from Azure to an in-house server. How do I export the SSL certificate associated with the App to install it on the local server?
Is it at all possible?
NO. There is no way to get certificate out of Windows Azure. Question is how it (the certificate) appeared in the Azure at first place. It was certainly not uploaded by Microsoft people or some magic. It is a developer who packed the deployment package to include the certificate reference (thumbprint) and service administrator (or co-admin) who uploaded the original certificate in the Azure. So contact that people (whom might be just you?) and ask for the original certificate.
If certificate is lost, contact the original issuer (certification authority) for a copy, if you were the one to originally requested. If you did not originally requested the certificate, there might have been a reason behind that.

SSL certificate migration from one server to another

What's necessary to migrate valid SSL certificate from one server and service provider to another?
In some cases it may be simply a matter of copying the keys to and changing apache configuration on the new server.
For example:
Some certificate authorities may tie an SSL certificate to a specific server.
Essentially, you export SSL certificates from the server that they are currently installed on, move SSL certificates to the new server, and then import SSL certificates on the new server. But this only really only applies if you are sticking with the same certificate authority ("provider")... which it sounds by your question that you are not.
Keep in mind that even if you stick with the same provider, many require that you purchase a "server license" for each server that you install an SSL certificate to, even if it uses the same private key. And speaking of private keys, it is slightly less secure to copy the SSL certificate and use the same private key on a different server. If an attacker breaks into one server and gets the private key, he will be able to listen in on the connections that other servers are making.
So my advice to you since you want to switch providers is just purchase a new one all together with the new provider once you move to the new server... But maybe I'm misunderstanding your question.
First determine if the device installed with the certs are storing the private key in hardware/software. In most today's servers, they are in software *.key files (e.g. web server SSL).
To be found near the key files are the certificate and perhaps even CSR. Moving these files to another server is generally allowed (Considering the destination server will have the same hostname) and hence keeping the same CA. Most CAs have no concern to customers who does that.
But if you are just looking to switch the service provider from one to another, simply ask current CA to 'revoke' the cert. Then start with the new Cert buying process with the new CA.