SQL -- SELECT statement -- concatenate strings to - sql

I have an SQL question. Everything works fine in the below SELECT statement except the portion I have highlighted in bold. What I'm trying to do is allow the user to search for a specific Rule within the database. Unfortunately, I do not actually have a Rule column, and so I need to concatenate certain field values to create a string with which to compare to the user's searchtext.
Any idea why the part in bold does not work? In theory, I would like this statement to check for whether the string "Rule " + part_num (where part_num is the value contained in the part_num field) equals the value of searchtext (the value of searchtext is obtained from my PHP script).
I did some research on concatenating strings for SQL purposes, but none seem to fit the bill. Does someone out there have any suggestions?
FROM rules
WHERE part_title LIKE "%'.$searchtext.'%"
OR rule_title LIKE "%'.$searchtext.'%"
OR sub_heading LIKE "%'.$searchtext.'%"
OR contents LIKE "%'.$searchtext.'%"
OR "rule" + part_num LIKE "%'.$searchtext.'%" --RULE PLUS PART_NUM DOESN'T WORK

Since you didn't specify which DB your using, I'm going to assume SQL Sever.
Strings are specified in SQL Server with single quotes 'I'm a string', not double quotes.
See + (String Concatenation) on MSDN for examples.

Another possibility is that part_num is a numeric. If so, cast the number to a string (varchar) before concatenating.


How run Select Query with LIKE on thousands of rows

Newbie here. Been searching for hours now but I can seem to find the correct answer or properly phrase my search.
I have thousands of rows (orderids) that I want to put on an IN function, I have to run a LIKE at the same time on these values since the columns contains json and there's no dedicated table that only has the order_id value. I am running the query in BigQuery.
Sample Input:
Table I'm trying to Query: transactions_table
SELECT order_id, transaction_uuid,client_name
FROM transactions_table
WHERE JSON_VALUE(transactions_table,'$.ordernum') LIKE IN ('%ORD12345%','%ORD54376%')
Just doesn't work especially if I have thousands of rows.
Also, how do I add the order id that I am querying so that it appears under an order_id column in the query result?
Desired Output:
Option one
WITH transf as (Select order_id, transaction_uuid,client_name , JSON_VALUE(transactions_table,'$.ordernum') as o_num from transactions_table)
Select * from transf where o_num like '%ORD12345%' or o_num like '%ORD54376%'
Option two
split o_num by "-" as separator , create table of orders like (select 'ORD12345' as num
Select 'ORD54376' aa num) and inner join it with transf.o_num
One method uses OR:
WHERE JSON_VALUE(transactions_table, '$.ordernum') LIKE IN '%ORD12345%' OR
JSON_VALUE(transactions_table, '$.ordernum') LIKE '%ORD54376%'
An alternative method uses regular expressions:
WHERE REGEXP_CONTAINS(JSON_VALUE(transactions_table, '$.ordernum'), 'ORD12345|ORD54376')
According to the documentation, here, the LIKE operator works as described:
Checks if the STRING in the first operand X matches a pattern
specified by the second operand Y. Expressions can contain these
A percent sign "%" matches any number of characters or
An underscore "_" matches a single character or byte.
You can escape "\", "_", or "%" using two backslashes. For example, "\%". If
you are using raw strings, only a single backslash is required. For
example, r"\%".
Thus , the syntax would be like the following:
'$.ordernum') LIKE '%ORD12345%'
OR JSON_VALUE(transactions_table,
'$.ordernum') LIKE '%ORD54376%
Notice that we specify two conditions connected with the OR logical operator.
As a bonus information, when querying large datasets it is a good pratice to select only the columns you desire in your out output ( either in a Temp Table or final view) instead of using *, because BigQuery is columnar, one of the reasons it is faster.
As an alternative for using LIKE, you can use REGEXP_CONTAINS, according to the documentation:
Returns TRUE if value is a partial match for the regular expression, regex.
Using the following syntax:
REGEXP_CONTAINS(value, regex)
However, it will also work if instead of a regex expression you use a STRING between single/double quotes. In addition, you can use the pipe operator (|) to allow the searched components to be logically ordered, when you have more than expression to search, as follows:
where regexp_contains(email,"gary|test")
I hope if helps.

Replacing characters in the oracle database value range

I have a database in an oracle, I filled in the "Number" fields with numbers starting from "A14602727" to "A14603000" but it turned out that I accidentally typed the symbol A (in Ukrainian) instead of A (in English). And now I when find the command:
select number from test where number 'А14602727'
...find me nothing. Is it possible somehow with the help of the command to replace all numbers from "A14602727" (Ukrainian) to "A14602727" (English) ?
I will be grateful for your help!)
You can use following trick to convert any character to its base character using accent-insesitive binary sorting.
select your_col,
utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(nlssort(your_col, 'nls_sort=binary_ai')) converted_col
from your_table
Use it in update statement accordingly.
You could use regexp_replace():
update test set number = regexp_replace(number, '^Ä', 'A');
Regexp '^Ä' represents character 'Ä' at the beginning of the string. I used 'Ä' to represent the A in Ukrainian: replace this with the correct character that you want to replace.
This can also be done, probably more efficiently, with substr and like:
update test set number = 'A' || substr(number, 2) where number like 'Ä%';
Use the simple Oracle REPLACE function:
SET number = REPLACE(number, 'A', 'A');
Replace is taking 3 parameters:
String in which you will search for a string to replace (The number column)
The string you are searchin gto replace (Ukrainian A)
The string you will replace it with (English A)
Here you have a DEMO example.
Also please note that the query in your question:
select number from test where number 'А14602727';
Is not valid. It should be something like this:
select number from test where number like 'А14602727';
or like this:
select number from test where number = 'А14602727';
So first do check that!

What does the trim function mean in this context?

Database I'm using: https://uploadfiles.io/72wph
select acnum, field.fieldnum, title, descrip
from field, interest
where field.fieldnum=interest.fieldnum and trim(ID) like 'B.1._';
What will the output be from the above query?
Does trim(ID) like 'B.1._' mean that it will only select items from B.1._ column?
trim removes spaces at the beginning and end.
"_" would allow representing any character. Hence query select any row that starts with "B.1."
For eg.
Optional Wildcard characters allowed in like are % (percent) and _ (underscore).
A % matches any string with zero or more characters.
An _ matches any single character.
I don't know about the DB you are using but trim usually remove spaces around the argument you give to it.
The ID is trimmed to be sure to compare the ID without any white-space around it.
About your second question, Only the ROWS with an ID like 'B.1.' will be selected.
SQL like

SQL String contains ONLY

I have a table with a field that denotes whether the data in that row is valid or not. This field contains a string of undetermined length. I need a query that will only pull out rows where all the characters in this field are N. Some possible examples of this field.
Any suggestions on a postcard please.
Many thanks
This should do the trick:
FROM YourTable
WHERE Field NOT LIKE '%[^N]%' AND Field <> ''
What it's doing is a wildcard search, broken down:
The LIKE will find records where the field contains characters other than N in the field. So, we apply a NOT to that as we're only interested in records that do not contain characters other than N. Plus a condition to filter out blank values.
FROM mytable
WHERE field NOT LIKE '%[^N]%'
I don't know which SQL dialect you are using. For example Oracle has several functions you may use. With oracle you could use condition like :
WHERE LTRIM(field, 'N') = ''
The idea is to trim out all N's and see if the result is empty string. If you don't have LTRIM, check if you have some kind of TRANSLATE or REPLACE function to do the same thing.
Another way to do it could be to pick length of your field and then construct comparator value by padding empty string with N. Perhaps something like:
WHERE field = RPAD('', field, 'N)
Oracle pads that empty string with N's and picks number of pad characters from length of the second argument. Perhaps this works too:
WHERE field = RPAD('', LENGTH(field), 'N)
I haven't tested those, but hopefully that give you some ideas how to solve your problem. I guess that many of these solutions have bad performance if you have lot of rows and you don't have other WHERE conditions to select proper index.

Is it possible to get the matching string from an SQL query?

If I have a query to return all matching entries in a DB that have "news" in the searchable column (i.e. SELECT * FROM table WHERE column LIKE %news%), and one particular row has an entry starting with "In recent World news, Somalia was invaded by ...", can I return a specific "chunk" of an SQL entry? Kind of like a teaser, if you will.
select substring(column,
CHARINDEX ('news',lower(column))-10,
FROM table
WHERE column LIKE %news%
basically substring the column starting 10 characters before where the word 'news' is and continuing for 20.
Edit: You'll need to make sure that 'news' isn't in the first 10 characters and adjust the start position accordingly.
You can use substring function in a SELECT part. Something like:
SELECT SUBSTRING(column, 1,20) FROM table WHERE column LIKE %news%
This will return the first 20 characters from column column
I had the same problem, I ended up loading the whole field into C#, then re-searched the text for the search string, then selected x characters either side.
This will work fine for LIKE, but not full text queries which use FORMS OF INFLECTION because that may match "women" when you search for "woman".
If you are using MSSQL you can perform all kinds VB-like of substring functions as part of your query.