WiX MSI behaves differently before and after removing CRT MSM - wix

I've got an MSI built with WiX. It performs the following custom action:
<CustomAction Id='StartTray'
Execute='deferred' />
It is scheduled like so:
<Custom Action='StartTray' After='StartServices'>NOT Installed OR (TRAYWASRUNNING AND NOT REMOVE~="ALL")</Custom>
myapptray.exe happens to use impersonation to relaunch itself from its starting context of Local System (running from MSI context) as the user currently active on the desktop. This is not in my control and Impersonate='yes' does not work because the MSI may be invoked for an upgrade from the context of the system service, meaning Impersonate='yes' would still end up running the app as Local System.
I recently moved from including the VC9 CRT as a MSM in this MSI, to including it in a bootstrapper exe.
Doing this prevents the myapptray.exe custom action from running successfully. The impersonation fails in WTSQueryUserToken which returns ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD. This seems to imply that removing the MSM actually changed the user context in which the MSI runs, but that seems ridiculous. The only lines I removed from the wxs file are the <Merge> and <MergeRef> tags for the MSM, nothing else has changed.
What am I doing wrong?

I'd look more at what versions of the CRT your EXE was built against and if there are any policy rules saying what it can run against. Moving from an MSM to an EXE run before your MSI should generally be a good thing.
BTW, I did something really hacking like this once upon a time. We had to push an MSI out under the SYSTEM context using MSI. If a user was logged on we had to relaunch the application using the users desktop login session. I had a DCOM server installed configured to impersonate the interactive user to accomplish this. Really wierd, but there was a valid reason.
This was all before Restart Manager though.

I figured it out.
The CRT MSM was setting ALLUSERS=1 and the installer's behavior changed because it was not present in our base installer. The MSM's setting of ALLUSERS was inherited into the base installer as a result.
Setting ALLUSERS=1 in our wxs file fixed the problem!


Windows per-machine install requires reference to original installer when second user runs application

I'm working on an MSI installer written in Wix. The installer works in both per-user, and per-machine contexts.
In a per-machine installation, everything goes smoothly; the product is installed and configured for the initial user. Upon switching to a test user, the application appears in the start menu correctly. Running it for the first time, a msiexec process starts with the message that the app is being configured. However, if the original .msi has been deleted, this process fails.
The failing setup action gives the following message in its log:
Error 1706. An installation package for the product myProduct cannot be found. Try the installation again using a valid copy of the installation package 'myInstaller.msi'.
=== Logging stopped: 3/16/2017 11:15:52 ===
I understand from reading a blog post by Rob Mensching (Lead of Wix) that it probably isn't possible to just edit the source list to point towards the windows cached .msi, a point backed up by another article I've found. Is that correct?
Is there a way to stop this entire action of calling the msi on first run by users from happening? Caching the msi or keeping the original is not ideal, I'd like to use the .msi in a custom bootstrapper that involves deleting the msi once installation is complete.
Microsoft recommends you keep the original MSI available, Rule 31:
and I won't repeat what it says about repair/resiliency, but you cannot guarantee the source MSI won't be needed sometime.
You're probably getting this "repair" because there is some resource (a file most likely) that is being installed to a user-profile location. When another user logs on and uses the application that file is missing, so potentially the application is broken. For example a file installed to User's Application Data needs to be available for all users of the system, not just the user that installed it.
So keeping the MSI might not be ideal but is strongly recommended, and in your case of product use by multiple users it's even more likely to required. There should be an Application Event log entry under MsiInstaller that says something about the missing resource.

Standalone WIX uninstaller

I'd like to create a standalone silent uninstaller using WIX that I can send to specific people for support purposes that can be double-clicked to execute the uninstall of our product when the uninstaller did not work properly on their machine and no longer exists (some users remove things manually using other tools). I have a .wxs file that uses the same product id and package id of the previously installed program, and if I run from msiexec /x it uninstalls the previously installed product perfectly. Double-clicking on it (which is all these users can be expected to do) however runs installation, not the uninstall. I tried adding
<Property Id="REMOVE" Value="ALL"/>
<Property Id="ACTION" Value="UNINSTALL"/>
and making sure all InstallExecuteSequence actions are not using an "Installed" check but the product is still installed after running successfully, the log file shows it is still executing ACTION INSTALL:
MSI (c) (A8:F8) [15:42:08:324]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ACTION property. Its value is 'INSTALL'.
MSI (c) (A8:F8) [15:42:08:324]: Doing action: INSTALL
MSI (c) (A8:F8) [15:42:08:324]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText
Action 15:42:08: INSTALL.
Action start 15:42:08: INSTALL.
Is there a way to force an .msi file to perform an uninstall without using the command line or add/remove programs entries? I've seen entries about using ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT but not enough information to do it.
I don't think so. You could, of course, use an exe to do it. I would also strongly suggest that you use the original msi file instead of creating a different msi with the same product code.
For the exe, you could use any number of chainer/bundler/downloaders. There is NSIS and also WiX's own Bootstrapper, ... even WinZip.
You should also note that many package management systems that run uninstall commands will run the install command first if anything is amiss. The theory is that an uninstaller can't properly run unless the critical data placed by installation exists. (E.G., WPKG). For Windows Installer, this usually doesn't apply since it's data is hidden from the user. But if they found it and corrupted it, reinstalling and/or repairing using a fresh copy of the original msi might do the job.

Installation change do not ask for UAC permissions

I implemented an installer for our product. Installer needs administrator privileges, so I used setup bootstrapper with a manifest file (as recommended here) to get these privileges on a Windows machines with UAC enabled. Installation and uninstall goes fine - the user is asked for permission and the installer does what it needs to do.
But if you run Control panel → Programs and Features and select "Change"* for installed program, an error occurs (custom, from installer LaunchConditions), telling that the installer needs administrative privileges. And I can't find any way to ask for permission in a such case - Windows simply runs the MSI file and doesn't know anything about required permissions.
Even more strange is the repair functionality - it asks for permission, but then fails to do some actions that were allowed during installation, using SetupBootstrapper.
I found a similar problem here:
But the proposed solutions are unacceptable in our case.
The only workaround for the change functionality now is to always use SetupBootstrapper and do not use the Programs and Features menu, but that is not very user-friendly and forces the user to keep the installer on his/her hard drive.
Has anybody better advise?
PS: I use WiX for creating the installer, so it would be great to hear about WiX solutions, but I'm pretty sure that it doesn't depend on the installer creation language, but only on MSI specifics.
What actions are failing? If they are actions that you added to the installation, make sure that such actions are defined with Impersonate="no" and Execute="deferred" (or "commit" or "rollback") and that they are sequenced somewhere between InstallInitialize and InstallFinalize.

Wix / MSI : Unable to uninstall

I've developed a Wix installer for an internal project however entirely by accident I've found that I'm unable to uninstall the installer on my development machine as I get the following error message:
The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable
with a dialog pointing to the path of the .msi that I installed from feature from. (The .msi is there, however is has been rebuilt and so has changed since I installed it)
I'm concerned by this dialog as I had believed that Windows Installer kept track of installed .MSI files, however this dialog seems to suggest that I can break my uninstaller by deleting, moving or changing the installer.
Is this the case?
What do I need to do to make sure that I don't break my uninstaller in this way? (Do we need to keep copies of all versions of the installer ever installed on a machine?)
The easiest way to get out of this situation is to do a recache/reinstall. Build a new version of your MSI that isn't "broken" (in whatever way it is broken, in this case, it might not really be broken at all, you just need a new source). Then you use a command line like:
msiexec /fv path\to\your.msi /l*v i.txt
That will copy your.msi over the MSI that is cached and do a repair. Then you'll be in a better place.
One of the first painful lessons of writing installs is to never run your install on your own box. Certainly not until it reaches a point of maturity and has gone through several QA cycles. This is what we have integration labs and virtual machines for. (There is a saying about things you shouldn't do in your own back yard.)
That said, normally an MSI uninstall doesn't require the MSI but there are situations where it could be required. For example if one was to call the ResolveSource action during an uninstall, MSI would then look for the .MSI.
Now there are several ways out of this pickle:
Take an MSI you do have and edit it with ORCA to match to file name, UpgradeCode, ProductCode and PackageCode of the MSI that you installed. You should be able to get all of this information from looking at the stripped cached MSI that exists in %WINDIR%\Installer. CD to that directory and do a findstr -i -m SOMESTRING *.msi where SOMESTRING is something unique like your ProductName property. Once you know the name of the cached MSI, open it in Orca to get the required attributes. Then put these attributes in a copy of the MSI you have available and try to do an uninstall. No, it's not the exact MSI that you installed but usually it's close enough.
Use the front end windows installer cleanup utility (if you still have it) and/or the backend MSIZAP utility to wipe all knowledge of the application from MSI and Add/RemovePrograms. Note, this doesn't actually uninstall the program so you'll have to also write a script or otherwise manually uninstall all traces of the program.
Reimage your workstation
If you know exactly what is wrong (which is often the case during development), I prefer to open the MSI file that Windows will use for uninstallation and edit it directly with a tool like Orca to fix or remove the part that causes the failure.
For example:
Locate the MSI file in %WINDIR%\Installer. The MSI should be the last edited MSI file in that folder right after you did the failed uninstallation.
Open the msi file with Orca.
Remove the failing part - for example the InstallExecuteSequence action that fails which is atypical scenario.
Save the msi and close Orca to release the lock on the msi file.
1 - Have you experimented with "run from source" during installation?
This is an option in the feature tree which allows you to run some files from their installation source. This is generally combined with an admin image on the network. See image below. I haven't tried it, but I assume this could cause: "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable" if the network is down and you are trying to uninstall. Just a theory, there are other ways this could happen.
2 - Are you running script custom actions? If so, do you extract to the tmp folder or run from installed files or the binary table? If so, is the custom action conditioned to run only on install?
3 - Are you perhaps running an EXE custom action that is pointing to an installed file? If so this file may be unreachable on the network.
4 - Are any of your userprofile folders redirected to a network share?
5 - Are you installing anything directly to a folder on the network?
There are plenty of other possibilities.

WiX: Forcefully launch uninstall previous using CustomAction

I'm writing a new major upgrade of our product.
In my installer I start by finding configuration settings of the previous version, then I'd like to uninstall the previous version.
I have found several guides telling me how one should make a MSI suitable for such upgrades.
However, the previous was not an MSI.
It was not according to best practices.
It does, however, in registry HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall{GUID} specify an UninstallString.
Using a RegistrySearch I can easy find the command below, which I store in UNINSTALL_CMD.
RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\PROFES~1\RunTime\10\01\Intel32\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup
"C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{GUID}\setup.exe"
-l0x9 -removeonly 4:
I cannot get the hang of the CustomAction needed to perform the actual uninstall.
<CustomAction Id="ca.UninstPrev" Property="UNINSTALL_CMD" ExeCommand="" />
The MSI logs says:
Info 1721. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action: ca.UninstallPrevious, location: RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\PROFES~1\RunTime\10\01\Intel32\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information{GUID}\setup.exe" -l0x9 -removeonly, command:
Anyone seeing what I am doing wrong here?
I did application repackaging for a couple years at Continental Airlines where I did SMS pushes to an 18,000 seat forest. I frequently had a legacy application in the wild that was not installed using MSI that I needed to get redeployed using MSI and once that was done I supported major upgrades going forward.
These previously deployed apps typically had very broken and misbehaved uninstallers. Instead of calling these, I would use SMS to query the forest to get all the deployed versions. I would then deploy those old packages to a integration lab and work out what it was each installer did to the machine and write my own aggregated "forced cleanup" custom action that was capable of wiping the various versions of the application off the machine.
I executed this custom action prior CostInitialize so that when the new MSI did it's costing it wouldn't be influenced by the crap that was no longer on the machine. This worked for me because I pushed packages as System and I didn't have to worry about elevation issues. If you want to be fully UAC compliant you would want to run this custom code from a prereq package and either have your users run it manually or wire it into a bootstrapper to run prior to your MSI.
After a good nights sleep I found my error.
If you really read http://wix.sourceforge.net/manual-wix3/wix_xsd_customaction.htm the answer was there.
I was trying to make a type 50 custom action, launch an executable already installed on system.
Property specifies the full path to an executable to launch
ExeCommand specifies the command line arguments for this executable above.
And my fault was that I did place the full exe+command line in the Property field.