Constructor within a constructor -

Is this a bad idea? Does calling a generic private constructor within a public constructor create multiple instances, or is this a valid way of initializing class variables?
Private Class MyClass
Dim _msg As String
Sub New(ByVal name As String)
'Do stuff
End Sub
Sub New(ByVal name As String, ByVal age As Integer)
'Do stuff
End Sub
Private Sub New() 'Initializer constructor
Me._msg = "Hello StackOverflow"
'Initialize other variables
End Sub
End Class

That's perfectly valid and a commonly used way to reuse constructor code. Only one object is instantiated.

It is a valid approach. There are some caveats with where the new function can be called:
The Sub New constructor can run only once when a class is created. It
cannot be called explicitly anywhere other than in the first line of
code of another constructor from either the same class or from a
derived class.
Read more about the object lifetime on MSDN.

Chaining constructors like this will certainly not create additional object instances.
It is desirable to only write code for a certain portion of initialization once. This is a common and valid initialization pattern.


Passing Method as Delegate Parameter Issues

I'm used to programming in C# so I have no idea how to approach delegates and passing methods in VB
The error that I am getting is: Argument not specified for parameter 'message' of 'Public Sub ReceiveMessage(message As String)'
Here is the constructor of the class that I am trying to pass to:
Delegate Sub ReceiveDelegate(message As String)
Public ReceiveMethod As ReceiveDelegate
Sub New(ByRef receive As ReceiveDelegate)
ReceiveMethod = receive
End Sub
This is the method that I am trying to pass to that constructor:
Public Sub ReceiveMessage(message As String)
End Sub
I'm using it as such:
Dim newClass As New Class(ReceiveMessage)
The purpose of this, is that once the class receives data from a network device, it can call the corresponding method on the Form asynchronously.
You need to create the delegate object and use the AddressOf operator, like this:
Dim newClass As New Class(New ReceiveDelegate(ReceiveMessage))
However, if you don't explicitly create the delegate object, VB.NET will automatically determine the right type, based on the signature, and create it for you, so you can just do it like this:
Dim newClass As New Class(AddressOf ReceiveMessage)
The latter is obviously less typing, but the former is more explicit. So, take your pick. Both ways are perfectly acceptable and common.

Interface does not behave like an Object?

I have a little problem with an interface. A bunch of my classes implement the ILayoutObject interface. A method declares a variable as ILayoutObject (defaulting it as Nothing) and then runs some code which decides which object it should be. The problem is, the evaluation code runs in a method which receives the variable as a parameter and assigns an object to it. With objects, this would be no problem. The object would be affected by the changes in the method and everything would be OK. Howeverm, when using an interface, the variable in the calling code remains Nothing and behaves like a normal variable. Does anyone have any ideas on how to circumvent that? Alas, due to code structure I am unable to use ByRef or functions :(
Here is some code:
Protected LayoutHandler As Dictionary(Of String, Action(Of Constants.OptionsEntryStructure, ILayoutElements)) = New Dictionary(Of String, Action(Of Constants.OptionsEntryStructure, ILayoutElements)) From
{Constants.KeyLayoutType, AddressOf KeyLayoutType}
Sub MakeLayOuts
Dim LayoutElement As ILayoutElements = Nothing
Dim Value = "SomeValues"
Dim key = "Key"
LayoutHandler(key)(Value, LayoutElement)
' LayoutElement remains nothing.....
End Sub
Protected Sub KeyLayoutType(elem As Constants.OptionsEntryStructure, Layout As ILayoutElements)
Layout = New LayoutObject 'which would implement the interface
End Sub
You need to declare the parameter as ByRef if you want to alter the object to which the variable in the calling code points to:
Protected Sub KeyLayoutType(elem As Constants.OptionsEntryStructure, ByRef Layout As ILayoutElements)
Layout = New LayoutObject 'which would implement the interface
End Sub
This is true with any reference type (classes). The fact that they are referenced with an interface makes no difference.
If you can't use ByRef, and you can't use a function to return the new object, then your only other real option would be to request a type of object which has the layout object as a property. For instance:
Public Interface ILayoutElementContainer
Public Property LayoutElement As ILayoutElements
End Interface
Protected Sub KeyLayoutType(elem As Constants.OptionsEntryStructure, Container As ILayoutElementContainer)
Container.LayoutElement = New LayoutObject 'which would implement the interface
End Sub

References in and Basic Programming

I have been programming for some time, but I have some fundamental questions, one of them is as follows:
Public Class PriceListDetails
Dim pricelist As BSPLib.PriceLists.PriceList
Dim IsReadOnly1 As Boolean
Public Sub New(ByVal IsReadonly2 As Boolean)
' This call is required by the designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
'Readonly prevents from Modifying/Saving
IsReadOnly1 = IsReadonly
End Sub
End Class
Is it compulsory to create IsReadyOnly1 and IsReadyOnly2, is there a way to take the parameter from new method to IsReadyOnly1 Directly like in reference type?
Thank you.
Hard to tell what you mean, the posted code cannot compile. I'll suppose you mean this:
Private IsReadOnly As Boolean
Public Sub New(ByVal IsReadOnly As Boolean)
Me.IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly
End Sub
Where the Me keyword ensures that the field is assigned instead of the parameter.
Setting members with constructor parameters is pretty much common practice in OOP. However, if you are using public properties then you could use object initializers as well:
Dim priceList1 = New PriceListDetails With {.IsReadOnly = True}
Boolean is not reference type variable, so it's not possible.
In case you want to copy the reference,then also you need both variable. You can take only IsReadonly2 as reference.

Sub to create object of type passed by caller in VB.NET

I'm having trouble creating a sub that can create objects of a variable type on the fly. Here's an example of what I'm trying to achieve:
class systemSettings
'some properties
end class
Class fireSystemSettings
inherits systemSettings
'some additional properties
end class
Class windSystemSettings
inherits systemSettings
'some additional properties
end class
sub createSystem(systemType as Type, arg1 as object, arg2 as object)
Dim newSystem as New systemType(arg1, arg2)
end sub
I can't get it to work. I've done a fair bit of research, and looked at generic types, reflection, and other tools, but I'm having trouble determining how best to tackle this problem.
You're looking for Activator.CreateInstance(systemType)
Use generics for this:
Sub createSystem(Of T As {New, systemSettings})()
Dim newSystem As New T
End Sub
And call it with:
createSystem(Of windSystem)
To explain:
The term Of T lets you create a method that can be used for any type. Every time you call it for a new value of T, a new method is created in memory.
The term As {New, systemSettings} constrains T. It says that T must represent a type that is or derives from systemSettings. It also says that T must contain a default constructor: New() which is required for the command New T. Note that you cannot specify a more elaborate constructor as a generics constraint.
If you require parameters in your constructor, you can create an Initialise method in the base class. Because T is constrained to systemSettings, it is guaranteed that the Initialise method exists.
Class systemSettings
Public Overridable Sub Initialise(arg1 As Object, arg2 As Object)
'initialise properties
End Sub
'some properties
End class
Class fireSystemSettings
Inherits systemSettings
Public Overrides Sub Initialise(arg1 As Object, arg2 As Object)
'initialise properties
End Sub
'some additional properties
End Class
Class windSystemSettings
Inherits systemSettings
Public Overrides Sub Initialise(arg1 As Object, arg2 As Object)
'initialise properties
End Sub
'some additional properties
End Class
Sub createSystem(Of T As {New, systemSettings})(arg1 As Object, arg2 As Object)
Dim newSystem As New T
newSystem.Initialise(arg1, arg2)
End Sub

Private Variable Instantiation: When Defined or Within Constructor?

I don't know if this has been asked before, but we're having a discussion about it today at my job. Should private variables (that are shared/static) be instantiated when they are dimensioned/defined, or is it a better practice to do this inside of a constructor?
For example, this seems perfectly fine to me...
Public Class IpCam
Private Const HOST As String = ""
Private Shared _Example As New OurClass(HOST)
Public Shared ReadOnly Property Example() As OurClass
Return _Example
End Get
End Property
End Class
But others are telling me that it should be done like this...
Public Class IpCam
Private Const HOST As String = ""
Private Shared _Example As OurClass
Public Sub New()
_Example = New OurClass(HOST)
End Sub
Public Shared ReadOnly Property Example() As OurClass
Return _Example
End Get
End Property
End Class
What is the difference? Is there a common consensus as to which one to use?
It's really a matter of preference. I think what's more important is consistency: if you instantiate a few variables inline, and others in a constructor, it can get harder to maintain, as it's unclear what is instantiated where.
A good idea is to keep variable declarations just above your constructor (so you don't have to jump around to find all the variable instantiations), and instantiate everything inline. For those few objects which require more complex initialization code, you can use a constructor.
I wonder if your second example is a hangover from the old VB6 days when good practise meant generally avoiding As New declarations because it wasn't optimal (auto-instantiation meant a run-time check each time) and you could never reliably test the instance for Is Nothing etc.
Member variables are initialized before the constructor; otherwise everything else is equivalent, so it's entirely up to you. I would go for what's more legible/maintainable/leads to fewer errors.
One benefit to initializing the variables inline is that you do not have to remember to put the initialization in each constructor or make sure each other constructor calls the one with the initialization. Take this code for example:
Public Class Person
Public Sub New()
_name = "asdlfkj"
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal age As Integer)
_age = age
End Sub
Private _name As String
Public ReadOnly Property Name As String
Return _name
End Get
End Property
Private _age As Integer = 17
Public ReadOnly Property Age As Integer
Return _age
End Get
End Property
End Class
Calling the first constructor will put in a default name, but calling the second will not.
Conversely, if you ever need to initialize the variable different ways for different constructors, I would definitely say to initialize in the constructor.