How to TILE a background image in WinRT? - windows-8

With the absence of VisualBrush in WinRT, I am not sure the approach. Anyone?

At the moment I don't believe there is a way, while ImageBrush inherits from TileBrush it's missing the important property TileMode. It's unclear whether this will be included in later versions.

Indeed there hasn't been much information given in regards to XAML styling WinRT besides
changing Dark and Light themes...
so I guess we have to fiddle and experiment...
While doing some googling on the web I came with the following link... might as well give it a shot...
Creating tiled backgrounds in Metro style XAML apps
Note that it might work in full screen though I ain't sure on how well it responds to snap and rotation. now have a TiledBackground control.
<ms:TileBackground ImageSource="/Assets/debut_dark.png" />
Requires a license to access the nightly build.


Xamarin forms customizable tabviews

Hello, how can i achieve this tab menu with FavTab transparent border (i don't know how to call it) in xamarin forms, using either xct <xct:tabview></xct:tabview>, sharpnado.tabs, paths, skiasharp (i don't know skia sharp much), i tried using xamarin community toolkit but i don't know how to craft the centered favtab in which it gives the transparent exactly like in the image, any help is appreciated. Thank you!
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
Yes, i was able to do it exactly as i want using Renderers like how mr. wizzyno gives here: Xamarin.Forms - Cradle FAB but make sure you modify the theme in your style to avoid the same mistake as mine. thanks for all your helps and mr wizzy for his help also

Avalonia UI Carousel Example

I'm rather new to Avalonia UI / XAML / .NET MVVM in general. While I really like Avalonia so far, it's still in beta and lacks extensive documentation. Hence I sometimes struggle to get specific things working or finding out how I should use them correctly.
Could somebody point me to an example using the Carousel control? Which properties should I set in the xaml, what kind of item list should be behind it etc?
You can find usage example in ControlCatalog project from the main repository:

OpacityMask missing in UWP

Any easy way to apply OpacityMask to a UI object in UWP XAML?
I used to do that in WPF but appears to be missing in UWP.
You can partially replicate this functionality, but not in an especially easy way. Windows Composition API offers a similar functionality where you can define a CompositionMaskBrush with which you will "paint over" the UI object to achieve a opacity mask effect.
There is an example as the solution of a GitHub issue that demonstrates such process. The same user also asked on StackOverflow.
You can also check out the CompositionProToolkit that might simplify implementing this.

How to create a bitmap cropping control in WinJS

I want to create controls that lets the user decide crop area of a bitmap, in the common way, having four corners on the image. I saw that there is a sample C# app in the Microsoft site for this -
But I cannot figure out how to do this strictly WinJS. Do I need to create custom controls - if so how? Any sample code will help a great deal.
I have an example in my codeSHOW project. It's the demo called Rx Crop. It uses Reactive Extensions (which are awesome by the way), but if you didn't want that dependency you could probably just use the example to figure out how to do it without.
BTW, the codeSHOW project has a bug and a usability issue currently. I have an update in certification. For now, just make sure you select the Rx Crop demo on the home screen and then click See the Code. If you hit See the Code with no demo selected it will crash.
Do me a favor and rate the app. Thanks.

How to create transparent notification window?

I'm not sure of the correct name, but I am wondering how to create (in Objective-C) a transparent notification "window/panel", such as is shown when you change the volume intensity, or keyboard illumination, or display brightness. I want to put my own icon/text on it, for my own notification.
I don't know the words to Google for, so I'm asking here.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Matt Gemmell's RoundedFloatingPanel component on his sample code page may do just what you're looking for.
After looking into using the solutions provided by the other two given answers, I found that they would not work for my purposes. So, I wrote up my own library:
Growl is a widely-used implementation of this. By default, it doesn't look exactly like the system overlays, though it is skinnable - you probably want the Bezel notification:
See the Growl Developer Documentation for more.