Objective-C Weather API [closed] - objective-c

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Closed 6 years ago.
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How do I fetch current weather-temperature (based on ZipCode), using XCode with Objective-C? Is there an API (framework/library)? I can't seem to find one using Google. With the project I'm working on right now, all I need to do is simply fetch an integer (e.g., degrees fahrenheit).
**This is for Mac OS X, not iOS.

Here are five different ones you can look into.
Do any fit your needs?

I use World Weather Online. It's free and pretty comprehensive. It will fit your needs, of course. Here is the local weather API, where you can input zip codes.

OpenWeatherMap gets my vote. I wrote a wrapper for it so that you don't have to touch the JSON. The link is here if it helps - http://jonathanfield.me/objective-c-openweathermap-api-wrapper/


API-s for songs and movies [closed]

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Closed 9 months ago.
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I've googled the google out of google, does anyone have any good suggestions for random movie and -song API's? Not looking for anything special, I just need something to return a simple title. The simplest things seem to be hard to find.
Previously, I made a movie app on android and used data parsing API. I'm using The Movie DB, but you have to register an account first to get the API key from the website.
Sign up here:
You can follow the directions from The Movie DB website to get your API Key:

What are the spell correct api's available? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I wanted to know the spell correct api's available for commercial/non commercial usage other than google/bing.
First of all you can write your own spell corrector with this tutorial. In addition there are some Python packages that may help you with that, such as TextBlob (which I highly recommend). Another option is Gingerit which Iv'e never tried but looks promising. Another DIY spell correct tutorial might interest you as well.
I just launched this, so it's still beta, but it's not bad. It has a dictionary of over 600,000,000 entries covering most non-Asian languages.

nepali-english language translator api [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am looking for a language translator API for my project. I don't want to use the Google Translate API.
Can anyone suggest another? An open source translator would be better.
you can use Bing (Microsoft) machine translation engine.But it is almost the same as translate.google.com Or, you can make your own english-nepali machine tanslation system (engines), e.g.use this:
But, it will costs yo a lot of effort and time (question is whether it is worth of it).
Here is some discussion what options do you have if looking for some language translator for not-so-common language:
(hopefully you will be able to display it)

IE BHO screenshot [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Where would I find the API that I can call from a BHO?
Basically I need to figure out how long will it take to build a screnshot functionality inside IE.
I have done the same research for FF and it was quite easy to find information on how to do it and what sort of API I would have available but now I need to do the same for IE and can't seem to find any information about it. Just the plain old tutorials on how to build a BHO etc.
Thanks in advance
Ok I got my answers:
Here is a good start point for the API and here is a good example on how to do a screen shot in C#

Where have they hidden the DotNetOpenAuth API documentation? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am pretty sure I looked in the most common places but I can't seem to find the documentation for the DotNetOpenAuth API. Almost every link forwards to docs.dotnetopenauth.net which doesn't seem to excist.
Does anyone know where they've hidden the docs?
Many thanks :)
Depending on the version you're using:
The site was down for a day or so. But it's back up now.
Here is a copy of the docs. Don't know if its up-to-date but is contains information with better markup than the Google cache;)
EDIT: Site is already online now