Should I double check before and after locking a list? -

I have an in-application service which allows me to feed it messages from various sources, which will be put into a simple list. The service, running in its own thread, will, periodically, process all messages in the list into various files; one file for each source, which are then managed for size.
My question is about the proper way to check for messages and performing a lock around the code which accesses the list. There are only two places which access the list; one is where a message is added to the list and the other is where the messages are dumped from the list into a processing list.
Adding a message to the list:
Public Sub WriteMessage(ByVal messageProvider As IEventLogMessageProvider, ByVal logLevel As EventLogLevel, ByVal message As String)
SyncLock _SyncLockObject
_LogMessages.Add(New EventLogMessage(messageProvider, logLevel, Now, message))
End SyncLock
End Sub
Processing the list:
Dim localList As New List(Of EventLogMessage)
SyncLock _SyncLockObject
If (_LogMessages.Count > 0) Then
End If
End SyncLock
' process list into files...
My questions are: should I do a double check when I am processing the list, see below? And why? Or why not? And are there any dangers in accessing the list’s count property outside of the lock? Are either of the methods better or more efficient? And why? Or why not?
Dim localList As New List(Of EventLogMessage)
If (_LogMessages.Count > 0) Then
SyncLock _SyncLockObject
If (_LogMessages.Count > 0) Then
End If
End SyncLock
End If
' process list into files...
I understand that in this particular case, it may not matter if I do a double check given the fact that, outside of the processing function, the list can only grow. But this is my working example and I’m trying to learn about the finer details of threading.
Thank you in advance for any insights…
After some further research, thank you 'the coon', and some experimental programming, I have some further thoughts.
Concerning the ReaderWriterLockSlim, I have the following example which seems to work fine. It allows me to read the number of messages in the list without interfering with other code which may be trying to read the number of messages in the list, or the messages themselves. And when I desire to process the list, I can upgrade my lock to write mode, dump the messages into a processing list and process them outside of any read/write locks, thus not blocking any other threads which may want to add, or read, more messages.
Please note, that this example uses a simpler construct for the message, a String, as opposed to the previous example which used a Type along with some other metadata.
Private _ReadWriteLock As New Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim()
Private Sub Process()
' create local processing list
Dim processList As New List(Of String)
' enter read lock mode
' if there are any messages in the 'global' list
' then dump them into the local processing list
If (_Messages.Count > 0) Then
' upgrade to a write lock to prevent others from writing to
' the 'global' list while this reads and clears the 'global' list
' alway release the write lock
End Try
End If
' always release the read lock
End Try
' if any messages were dumped into the local processing list, process them
If (processList.Count > 0) Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub AddMessage(ByVal message As String)
' enter write lock mode
' always release the write lock
End Try
End Sub
The only problem I see with this technique is that the developer must be diligent about acquiring and releasing the locks. Otherwise, deadlocks will occur.
As to whether this is more efficient than using a SyncLock, I really could not say. For this particular example and its usage, I believe either would suffice. I would not do the double check for the very reasons ‘the coon’ gave about reading the count while someone else is changing it. Given this example, the SyncLock would provide the same functionality. However, in a slightly more complex system, one where multiple sources might read and write to the list, the ReaderWriterLockSlim would be ideal.
Concerning the BlockingCollection list, the following example works like the one above.
Private _Messages As New System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection(Of String)
Private Sub Process()
' process each message in the list
For Each item In _Messages
End Sub
Private Sub AddMessage(ByVal message As String)
' add a message to the 'global' list
End Sub
Simplicity itself…

Once a thread acquires the _SyncLockObject lock all other threads reentering that method will have to wait for the lock to be released.
So the check before and after the lock is irrelevant. In other words, it will have no effect. It is also not safe, because you're not using a concurrent list.
If one thread happens to check the Count in the first test while another is clearing or adding to the collection, then you'll get an exception with Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.. Also, the second check can only be executed by one thread at a time (since it's synced).
This applies for your Add method as well. While the lock is owned by one thread (meaning the execution flow has reached that line), no other threads will be able to process or add to the list.
You should be careful to also lock if you are just reading from the list in some other places in your application. For more complex read/write scenarios (such as a custom concurrent collection), I recommend using ReaderWriterLockSlim.
Use a BlockingCollection, since it is thread safe (i.e. it handles concurrency internally).


I need help creating a TaskScheduler to prevent threading overload

I want to add workers into a queue, but only have the first N workers processing in parallel. All samples I find are in C#.
This is probably simple for a programmer, but I'm not one. I know enough about VB to write simple programs.
But my first application runs fine until it suddenly hits 100% CPU and then crashes. Help, please (Yes, I've wasted 5 hours of work time searching before posting this...)
More Context: Performing a recursive inventory of directory structures, files, and permissions across file servers with over 1 million directories/subdirectories.
Process runs serially, but will take months to complete. Management already breathing on my neck. When I try using Tasks, it goes to about 1000 threads, then hits 100% CPU, stops responding, then crashes. This is on a 16 core server with 112 GB RAM.
So, with the sample provided on using Semaphores, this is what I've put in:
Public Class InvDir
Private mSm as Semaphore
Public Sub New(ByVal maxPrc As Integer)
mSm = New Semaphore(maxPrc, maxPrc)
End Sub
Public Sub GetInventory(ByVal Path As String, ByRef Totals As Object, ByRef MyData As Object)
Dim CurDir As New IO.DirectoryInfo(Path)
Totals.SubDirectoryCount += CurDir.GetDirectories().Count
Totals.FilesCount += CurDir.GetFiles().Count
For Each CurFile As IO.FileInfo in CurDir.EnumerateFiles()
MyData.AddFile(CurFile.FileName, CurFile.Extension, CurFile.FullName, CurFile.Length)
End Sub).ContinueWith(Function(x) mSm.Release())
End Sub
End Class
You're attempting multithreading with disk I/O. It might be getting slower because you're throwing more threads at it. No matter how many threads there are, the disk can physically only seek one position at a time. (In fact, you mentioned that it works serially.)
If you did want to limit the number of concurrent threads you could use a Semaphore. A semaphore is like a syncLock except you can specify how many threads are allowed to execute the code at a time. In the example below, the semaphore allows three threads to execute. Any more than that have to wait until one finishes. Some modified code from the MSDN page:
Public Class Example
' A semaphore that simulates a limited resource pool.
Private Shared _pool As Semaphore
<MTAThread> _
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Create a semaphore that can satisfy up to three
' concurrent requests. Use an initial count of zero,
' so that the entire semaphore count is initially
' owned by the main program thread.
_pool = New Semaphore(0, 3)
End Sub
Private Sub SomeWorkerMethod()
'This is the method that would be called using a Task.
'Do whatever
End Try
End Sub
End Class
Every new thread must call _pool.WaitOne(). That tells it to wait its turn until there are fewer than three threads executing. Every thread blocks until the semaphore allows it to pass.
Every thread must also call _pool.Release() to let the semaphore know that it can allow the next waiting thread to begin. That's important, even if there's an exception. If threads don't call Release() then the semaphore will just block them forever.
If it's really going to take five months, what about cloning the drive and running the check on multiple instances of the same drive, each looking at different sections?

using locks to control access to non thread safe libraries

I'm working on converting a single threaded application to be a multi threaded one.
One of the libraries we use, according to their documentation is not thread safe. So to get around this the answer is to use locks (at least that's my understanding so far..)
So I kick off my threads:
Parallel.ForEach(recordList, Sub(record) ProcessRecord(record))
Public Sub ProcessRecord(ByVal record As UploadRecord)
Dim controller As New UploadController()
End Sub
In the class UploadController(), I've added a lock object.
private thisLock As Object = new Object()
I then use this lock to control access to calls to my non-thread safe library.
SyncLock (thisLock)
structureTemplatefs = IO.File.OpenRead(GetVersion(record, validationTemplatePathElement) & structureTemplateElement)
validator = New FileValidator(structureTemplatefs, record.FileData, True)
'Get all errors...
result = validator.Validate(FileValidator.ValidationEngineType.Structure, True)
End SyncLock
SyncLock thisLock
record.FileData.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin)
cellValue = excelUtility.GetCellFormulaValue(record.FileData, sheetNo, GetConfigSetting(GenericConfigSection.VALIDATION_CELL_RANGE_NAME), fileName)
End SyncLock
However, its not working. Is it because each thread creates its own instance of UploadController() and therefore there are multiple locks?
On further reading of the following:
In particular the following:
Protected Data. If lockobject is a Shared variable, the exclusive
lock prevents a thread in any instance of the class from executing the
SyncLock block while any other thread is executing it. This protects
data that is shared among all the instances.
If lockobject is an instance variable (not Shared), the lock prevents
a thread running in the current instance from executing the SyncLock
block at the same time as another thread in the same instance. This
protects data maintained by the individual instance.
As a result I've modified my lock to be Shared.
This appears to have resolved my issue.

Multithreading Webbrowsers

I am currently making a vb program that i plan to make very big. I have a decent knowledge of visual basic but today i came across something i do not understand. Because of the huge size of my program , i decided to try and keep the program as organized as possible by putting specific subs in modules. These subs consist of httprequest , webbrowsers(control), webclients and alot of loops. In order to prevent these subs from lagging my main application i thread them using threading.thread and i start them from my main form. But this leads to two problems.
Problem 1: The threads cannot in any way interact with the main form.
Once the a httprequest or webclient collects the information from my desired website, i am trying to make it add the info to a listbox in my main form, So what i did is it typed
Msgbox("Info Sent")
The first messagebox will show but although the code right under it runs, nothing is added to the first forms listbox.I am not using delegates to transfer the information, instead, although its not a good habit, i am using checkforillegalcrossovers.
Problem 2: Threading with a webbrowser.
Threading with a webbrowser using threading.thread also does not work because it causes an active x error. After looking it up i found that a solution was to use a single threaded apartment but this would not work because i may need multiple threads running off the same sub at once.
One solution that i have found to this problem is creating another form completely and setting it invisible, and since the form is its own thread i do not need to use threading.thread , but the problem comes when i am trying to create multiple threads, or else i can somehow dynamically create the threads and put the subs inside of it programically this method wont work And even if it does i feel that it is sloppy so i will leave this for one of two last resorts.
The other solution is the most simple one in which i just put all of the code in the main form, but if i keep on doing that form1 is gonna become huge and sloppy, doing this wont solve the webbrowser problem either and even when using regions i still feel that something that 1000+ lines deserves its own class.
There must be some solution out there that solves these problems. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.
I checked my code for updating the progress bar, and using a single thread with synclock will NOT work. They way I make it work is perform the step of the pbar each time after a thread is started as I have limited total threads (say less than 5 threads). Thus, even the progress bar steps before the threads are finished, but it will not progress further before new threads started. It is not 100% accurate but it more or less telling the progress
'update the progress bar
' This while loop is to count the existing running thread,
' and determine whether new thread should start
While 1
Dim t2 = New System.Threading.Thread(Sub() WaitForPermission())
If proceed_gen Then
Exit While
End If
End While
'Start doing what I need to do
Dim t1 = SomeSub()
'End of code, as VB doest not have thread.detach()
Correct me if I am wrong, but you probably have to use a background worker. I know this is annoying, but this is the limitation of
Or, you can have something like this (pseudo code, not tested)
structure some_struct
'define the strings you want to update, and their status such that
'main() knows if you need to update the stuff to the form
' You can also put how many threads are running, and the status of each thread,
'such that the main knows if all threads are completed
end structure
sub your_sub()
'Manipulate the website, and update the data structure with
'proper stuff you need
end sub
sub main(){
dim t1 = New System.Threading.Thread(Sub() your_sub())
' I am listing only one threads here, but start as many as you want
'check if there are strings that you need to update to the form
while 1
'check if there are any stuff you want to update from the data structure.
' Make sure you use synclock on the data structure, so each thread won't fight each other on accessing the data struct
dim should_update as boolean = false
should_update = 'Something thatyou should implement to judge whether you should update the form.
'You can start a thread and join it so the thread won't fight with other threads for accessing the data structure
dim some_string as string
if should_update
some_string = 'You may also need a thread to join to get the stuff you need. Dim the string as an array if it is required.
'You can also try pass by ref
'if you need to use thread to access the data structure to know if you need to update the form
form1.listbox1.items.add(some_string )
end if
end while
end sub
This is an ugly solution, but it will help you do the job...

VB.NET multithreading, block thread until notification received

Before I begin, I have to apologize for two things. One is that it is very difficult for me to explain things in a concise manner. Two is that I need to be somewhat vague due to the nature of the company I work for.
I am working on enhancing the functionality of an application that I've inherited. It is a very intensive application that runs a good portion of my company's day to day business. Because of this I am limited to the scope of what I can change--otherwise I'd probably rewrite it from scratch. Anyways, here is what I need to do:
I have several threads that all perform the same task but on different data input streams. Each thread interacts through an API from another software system we pay licensing on to write out to what is called channels. Unfortunately we have only licensed a certain number of concurrently running channels, so this application is supposed to turn them on an off as needed.
Each thread should wait until there is an available channel, lock the channel for itself and perform its processing and then release the channel. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do this, especially across multiple threads. I also don't really know what to search Google or this site for, or I'd probably have my answer. This was my thought:
A class that handles the distribution of channel numbers. Each thread makes a call to a member of this class. When it does this it would enter a queue and block until the channel handling class recognizes that we have a channel, signals the waiting thread that a channel is available and passing it the channel id. I have no idea where to begin even looking this up. Below I have some horribly written PsuedoCode of how in my mind I would think it would work.
Public Class ChannelHandler
Private Shared WaitQueue as New Queue(of Thread)
'// calling thread adds itself to the queue
Public Shared Sub WaitForChannel(byref t as thread)
End Sub
Public Shared Sub ReleaseChannel(chanNum as integer)
'// my own processing to make the chan num available again
End Sub
'// this would be running on a separate thread, polling my database
'// for an available channel, when it finds one, somehow signal
'// the first thread in the queue that its got a channel and here's the id
Public Shared Sub ChannelLoop()
while true
if WaitQueue.length > 0 then
if thereIsAChannelAvailable then '//i can figure this out my own
dim t as thread = ctype(WaitQueue.dequeue(), Thread)
lockTheChannel(TheAvailableChannelNumber) 'performed by me
'// signal the thread, passing it the channel number
t => SignalReady(theAvailableChannelNumber) '// how to signal?
end if
end if
end while
End Sub
End Class
and then
'// this inside the function that is doing the processing:
while (waitingForSignal) '// how?
block '// how?
dim channelNumber as int => getChannelNumberThatWasSignaledBack
'// perform processing with channelNumber
I am working with the .NET Framework 3.5 in VB.NET. I am sure there has got to be some sort of mechanism already built for this, but as I said I have no idea exactly what keywords I should be searching for. Any input pointing me in the right direction (ie specific .NET framework classes to use or code samples) would be greatly appreciated. If I need to elaborate on anything, please let me know and I will to the best of my ability.
Edit: The other problem that I have is that these channels can be turned on/off from outside of this application, manually by the user (or as a result of a user initiated event). I am not concerned with a channel be shut down while a thread is using it (it would throw an exception and then pick back up next time it came through. But the issue is that there are not a constant number of threads fighting over a constant number of channels (if a user turns one on manually, the count is reduced, etc). Both items are variable, so I cant rely on the fact that there are no external forces (ie, something outside this set of threads, which is why I do some processing via my DB to determine an available channel number)
What I would do:
Switch the System.Threading.Thread by the System.Threading.Tasks.Task class.
If a new Task needs to be created, but the List(Of Task) (or, in your example, Queue(Of Task) ) count greater than the maximum permitted, use the Task.WaitAny method.
As I answered the previous block on my phone (which is pretty challenging for writing code), let now me write an example about how I would do it:
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Public Class Sample
Private Const MAXIMUM_PERMITTED As Integer = 3
Private _waitQueue As New Queue(Of Task)
Public Sub AssignChannel()
Static Dim queueManagerCreated As Boolean
If Not queueManagerCreated Then
Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub() ManageQueue())
queueManagerCreated = True
End If
Dim newTask As New Task(Sub()
' Connect to 3rd Party software
End Sub)
SyncLock (_waitQueue)
End SyncLock
End Sub
Private Sub ManageQueue()
Dim tasksRunning As New List(Of Task)
While True
If _waitQueue.Count <= 0 Then
Continue While
End If
If tasksRunning.Count > MAXIMUM_PERMITTED Then
Dim endedTaskPos As Integer = Task.WaitAny(tasksRunning.ToArray)
If endedTaskPos > -1 AndAlso
endedTaskPos <= tasksRunning.Count Then
Continue While
End If
End If
Dim taskToStart As Task
SyncLock (_waitQueue)
taskToStart = _waitQueue.Dequeue()
End SyncLock
End While
End Sub
End Class

Dividing work into multiple threads

I've read a lot of different questions on SO about multithreaded applications and how to split work up between them, but none really seem to fit what I need for this. Here's how my program currently basically works:
Module Module1
'string X declared out here
Sub Main()
'Start given number of threads of Main2()
End Sub
Sub Main2()
'Loops forever
'Call X = nextvalue(X), display info as needed
End Sub
Function nextvalue(byval Y as string)
'Determines the next Y in the sequence
End Function
End Module
This is only a rough outline of what actually happens in my code by the way.
My problem being that if multiple threads start running Main2(), they're dealing with the same X value as in the other threads. The loop inside of main2 executes multiple times per millisecond, so I can't just stagger the loops. There is often duplication of work done.
How can I properly divide up the work so that the two threads running simultaneously never have the same work to run?
You should synchronize the generation and storage of X so that the composite operation appears atomic to all threads.
Module Module1
Private X As String
Private LockObj As Object = New Object()
Private Sub Main2()
Do While True
' This will be used to store a snapshot of X that can be used safely by the current thread.
Dim copy As String
' Generate and store the next value atomically.
SyncLock LockObj
X = nextValue(X)
copy = X
End SyncLock
' Now you can perform operations against the local copy.
' Do not access X outside of the lock above.
End Sub
End Module
A thread manager is required to manage the threads and the work that they do. Say it is desirable to split up the work into 10 threads.
Start the manager
Manager creates 10 threads
Assign work to the manager (queue up the work, let's say it queues up 10000 work items)
Manager assigns a work item to complete for each of the 10 threads.
As threads finish thier work, they report back to the manager that they are done and recieve another work item. The queue of work should be thread safe so that items can be enqueued and dequeued. The manager handles the management of work items. The threads just execute the work.
Once this is in place, work items should never be duplicated amongst threads.
Use a lock so that only one thread can access X at a time. Once one thread is done with it, another thread is able to use it. This will prevent two threads from calling nextvalue(x) with the same value.