hard luck with RBAC in yii - authentication

i am trying to learn RBAC following various online tutorials and docs on yii and finally ends with something like below i am missing something but i dont know what. I studied the theory and tutorials twice but still getting hard with practical implementation so finally i decided to ask the SO community for the help. what i did till now is exactly below
**I step**
create a table with fields: username,password,email,role
role is enum datatype with 4 roles values ('superadmin','admin','useractive','userpassive')
**II step**
then i imported the schema-mysql.sql file in my database from the framework/web/auth folder of my yii setup.
**III step**
configured my config.php for CDbauthmanager
**IV step**
then i added few lines to UserIdentity.php
public function authenticate()
$user = Users::model()->findByAttributes(array('email'=>$this->username));
if ($user===null) { // No user found!
else if ($user->password !== $this->password )
{ // Invalid password!
} else { // Okay!
// Store the role in a session:
$this->setState('roles', $user->role);
$this->_id = $user->id;
return !$this->errorCode;
public function getId()
return $this->_id;
**V step**
then i inserted values manually in the RBAC required table i.e. AuthItem,AuthItemChild,AuthAssignment
AuthItem table values
name type description bizrule data
user1 2 the user1 role NULL NULL
updateProfile 0 update profile NULL NULL
parent child
user1 updateProfile
AuthAssignment table values
itemname userid bizrule data
user1 1 NULL NULL
And My users table
username password email role
test1 pass1 tes1#local.com user1
**VI step**
after that i tried to play with a controller
public function actionIndex()
echo "yes";
echo "missing something";
now when i logging and tries to access the controller with user1 it show "missing something" but i have assign the user same role. What the Hell I am missing.
This is what i did exactly what part i m missing i dont know i hardly able to do this much.
Thanks all for your precious time

Be careful with the role you called "user1". In case you didn't know yet: This is not your user but simply a role that is called user1, might be confusing if you come back to it in the future :)
The data in your tables looks okay. You added a role (user1), an operation (updateProfile) and you linked the updateProfile action as a child of "user1". Also your AuthAssignment indicates that the role user1 is added to userid 1 so that is all well.
I think the issue is with the fact that you never seem to do anything with the CWebUser instance. Yii::app()->user is a CWebUser instance and it needs to have a user id associated with it. Since I see no code assigning this, it's probably NULL. NULL means that Yii considers the user a guest. You should try to do a var_dump of Yii::app()->user->id to make sure;
The correct way is to have a line somewhere that does the login, like so:
Yii::app()->user->login(, );
Either that or take the lazy way out and do a Yii::app()->user->id = ;


adding a user id step in actionCreate()

I'm new to Yii. I have a table where I'd like to add a user ID at the time of creation of an entry. I've identified actionCreate() in the associated Controller, which I guess is the appropriate place to make my ammendment. The only thing is I can't find any documentation on what I should now do. Can I ask for help on what I should no next.
You're probably looking for afterSave(). You can add a method like this to your User model:
protected function afterSave()
if($this->isNewRecord) {
// Insert ID into other table here
Simply set the field to primary and autoincrement in the database. This value will automatically be added after calling ->save() on the new object.
You will be able to access this ID field with $model->primaryKey

Edit Custom Attribute after Log In

I can only Edit a custom field when I before edit it by hand with the user administrator.
What's wrong with my code and what I should do to solve this??
Exactly, I'm trying to assign a value to a User custom attribute when It logs in the portal. And I'm not able to get ExpandoColumn in the conditions specified.
The problem is that ExpandoValue is null.
public class LoginAction extends Action {
public void run(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
User currentUser;
try {
currentUser = PortalUtil.getUser(req);
long userId = PrincipalThreadLocal.getUserId();
long companyId = currentUser.getCompanyId();
long groupId = GroupLocalServiceUtil.getGroup(companyId, "Guest").getGroupId();
/* Get de CustomField Segmentation */
ExpandoTable expandoTable = ExpandoTableLocalServiceUtil.getDefaultTable(companyId, User.class.getName());
ExpandoColumn expandoColumn = ExpandoColumnLocalServiceUtil.getColumn(companyId, User.class.getName(), expandoTable.getName(), "Segmentation");
if (expandoColumn != null) {
ExpandoValue expandoValue = ExpandoValueLocalServiceUtil.getValue(expandoTable.getTableId(), expandoColumn.getColumnId(), userId);
if (expandoValue != null) {
Summary: My problem is that
ExpandoValue expandoValue = ExpandoValueLocalServiceUtil.getValue(expandoTable.getTableId(), expandoColumn.getColumnId(), classPK);
is Null when I access the Value of Custom Attribute. If I edit by hand this customattribute and then execute the same Code it works!!! I don't know why and I dont know how to solve this.
Edit (after your update to the question)
Take a look at the ExpandoValueLocalService javadoc: You'll find that there's a createExpandoValue method. Now guess the relationship between the scenario "You have not manually set the value at all, and you're getting back null as ExpandoValue" vs. "You have set it once and get back a value that you can update...
Another option would also be to just specify a default value for your expando value - this way you'll definitely have a value in there and you can unconditionally update it (at least until it's deliberately deleted - for robustness you should still cater for this possibility)
Original answer:
Where else but in the if condition do you go? Have you tried an else condition or do you get any exception before? E.g. you might need to create the 'default' table before you can just get it.
See this code for an example on how to access Expando Tables/Columns.
I didn't run your code, but of course exceptions might occur earlier as well. Or you might have made a mistake in configuring your LoginAction, so that it doesn't run at all.
By default, regular User role has no permissions to access Expando values.
Anyway, it is better to modify expando values with
User user = UserLocalService.getUserById(userId);
user.getExpandoBridge().setAttribute("attributeName", "attributeValue");
If you want to modify value with any permissions, use
user.getExpandoBridge().setAttribute("attributeName", "attributeValue", false);
Here I found the answer of the question..
You can manage the solution with the code proposed.

How to only allow approved users to log in to my wiki?

I have added a column in my wikidatabase in the user table called approved_account.
The standard value on that column is 0 (zero).
I would like to add an exception when a user tries to log in to the wiki, such that
if approved_account = 0 then the login attempt is denied.
Does anyone know how and where I should place that if statement?
Edit: I've come this far.
I am using the AbortLogin hook, since I need to verify if my statement is true every time a user tries to log in.
However, my code won't let anyone in. It blocks all login attempts, even if I have the correct value in the approved_account field.
Can anyone help me fix this?
* Prevent a user from accessing this file directly and provide a helpful
* message explaining how to install this extension.
if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
echo <<<EOT
To install the Test extension, put the following line in your LocalSettings.php file:
require_once( "$IP/extensions/approvedaccount.php" );
exit( 1 );
// Extension credits that will show up on Special:Version
$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
'name' => 'Approved Account extension',
'description' => 'Prevent login',
'author' => 'Me',
'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:approvedaccount'
$wgHooks['AbortLogin'][] = 'approvedaccount::onAbortLogin';
class approvedaccount
public static function onAbortLogin( $user, $password, &$retval ) {
global $wgOut, $wgUser;
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$res = $dbr->select(
'user', // $table
array( 'user_name', 'approved_account' ), // $vars (columns of the table)
'user_name = "'.$wgUser.'"', // $conds
__METHOD__, // $fname = 'Database::select',
array( 'ORDER BY' => 'user_name ASC' ) // $options = array()
$output = '';
foreach( $res as $row ) {
$output .= 'Användarnamn: ' . $row->user_name . ' , Approved Account: ' . $row->approved_account . ".";
if ($row->approved_account = "1"){
// return false;
header("Location: http://hbg-whirlpool.emea.stream.corp/index.php?title=Special:UserLogout&returnto=Main+Page");
exit(); // you need to exit after a Location header is sent
You could do this with a simple AuthPlugin, overriding the strictUserAuth() method to return true for users that match the condition.
However, I suspect you're approaching this problem the wrong way. Why not just define a new user group, say, approved, and then add the corresponding record to the user_groups table for approved users? You won't be able to prevent unapproved users from logging in, but you can prevent them from making edits by only granting the edit permission to the approved group, like this:
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false;
$wgGroupPermissions['user']['edit'] = false;
$wgGroupPermissions['approved']['edit'] = true;
(If you wanted, you could even revoke the read permission from unapproved users too, but please read the warnings about restricting read access in MediaWiki first.)
Edit: I see a couple of problems with your AbortLogin hook.
Doing a 301 redirect and an exit() in the middle of the hook is probably not a very good idea. Sure, it probably will abort the login, but that's not really how the hook is meant to be used. Rather, you should just have the hook function return false to indicate that the login should be aborted or true to proceed with the normal login checks.
In any case, you're doing the exit() when the approved_account column is 1, which is presumably exactly when you don't want to abort the login.
...or, rather, you're doing the exit() always, because you used the assignment operator = instead of the comparison operator == in the condition, causing it to be always true. (Don't worry, that's a common bug in PHP and other C-like languages. One way to avoid is to get in the habit of using "Yoda conditionals" like 1 == $row->approved_account, which will produce an error if you leave out one =, since you can't assign to 1.)
Also, concatenating a User object with a string probably won't produce anything meaningful; and, even if it did, there would be an SQL injection vulnerability there. And besides, the hook parameters already include a User object, so you should use that instead of the global $wgUser (which might be stale during login anyway).
I admit that some of this stuff is really poorly documented. Besides the AbortLogin docs, I'd suggest looking at the general MediaWiki hook documentation, as well as the actual way the hook is called from SpecialUserlogin.php. For the database access, I'd also point you to the database wrapper function docs; unfortunately, the method documentation pages are giving 404 errors right now, so you'd again need to look directly in the source for the documentation.
Anyway, I'd rewrite your hook like this:
public static function onAbortLogin( $user, $password, &$retval, &$msg ) {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$row = $dbr->selectRow(
array( 'user_id' => $user->getID() ),
if ( !$row || !$row->approved_account ) {
$retval = LoginForm::ABORTED; // actually the default, but let's be sure
$msg = 'login-abort-not-approved'; // optional: custom error message
return false;
else {
// account is approved, return true to proceed with other login checks
return true;
If you want the custom message, you'll also need to create the page MediaWiki:login-abort-not-approved on your wiki. (If you wanted to turn this into a proper MediaWiki extension, you could provide a default message in an i18n file, but that's probably overkill here.)
Edit 2: Yes, you can add as many hooks as you want in an extension. (In fact, you don't even need an extension, it's perfectly fine to define simple site-specific hooks directly in LocalSettings.php if you want.) I think something like this could work for an AddNewAccount hook to log the user out, although I must note that I haven't actually tested this:
public static function onAddNewAccount( $user, $byEmail ) {
global $wgUser;
// try to log out the new user only if they're actually logged in
if ( $user->getName() == $wgUser->getName() ) $user->logout();
return true;
The if clause is there because the AddNewAccount is also called when a user creates a new account while logged in to a pre-existing account, in which case logging them out from their original account would be an unwelcome surprise. (Technically, just if ( $user == $wgUser ) ought to suffice, but explicitly comparing the usernames rather than the object references seems safer.)
Note that logging the new user out at that point kind of yanks the carpet out from under the new user creation code, so some unusual things may happen. For example, I suspect that the user creation log may actually end up saying something like "NewUserName created the new user account NewUserName", and the "Account successfully created" page may temporarily show the user as logged in, even though they're actually not.
It would be much cleaner to somehow avoid the auto-login behavior in the first place, but I don't see any obvious way to do that without patching SpecialUserlogin.php: the only check that determines whether the new user is automatically logged in is if ( $this->getUser()->isAnon() ), which only checks whether a user is already logged in. Even faking that somehow (which would be an ugly kluge in itself) doesn't really seem practical, as far as I can tell.
If you don't mind patching the MediaWiki core, though, just replacing that condition with if ( false ) (or if ( false && $this->getUser()->isAnon() ), if you want to keep it self-documenting) should do the trick. Note that you could still keep the AddNewAccount hook as a backup, in case you forget to reapply the patch after upgrading or something.

Yii. Get Users based on role

I am using native CDbAuthManager to implement RBAC in my webapp. How can I get all the users who has permission to do a role? Suppose I have role named updateprofile. I want to get all the users assigned to that role. I searched the documentation and couldnt find a function.
(I know i can iterate through all user models and do a checkAccess() in a foreach loop, but I prefer a nicer solution )
The easiest way I've found to do this is to create an AuthAssignment model that maps to your auth_assignment table. Then, you can setup relationships, scopes, etc for it and query using it to retrieve all user models. There isn't anything particularly special about the auth_assignment table (as it is mainly just roles in there).
code like
class AuthAssginment extends CActiveRecord{.....
public function getUsersBaseOnRole($role) {
return Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
->where('itemname=:role', array(
':role' => $role,))
->queryAll() ;
I think the other replies do not give you the perfect result because roles can be hierarchical and so, you cannot use direct queries or relations. My solution which works well is:
// list all users with 'userManagement' role
if($users = Users::model()->findAll()) {
foreach($users as $id => $user) {
if(!$user->checkAccess('userManagement')) {
$users = array_values($users); // to reset indices (optional)

Adding more info to Laravel's auth user

I am new to Laravel and I am trying to add some more information to the user variable I am getting back from Auth::user()
To be more detailed, I have a Many-to-Many relationship to a "Privileges" table. As the name suggests, that table holds specific privileges a user can have. In the pivot table, I just hold the the user_id and privilege_id. I have the necessary models set up and everything works fine if I do this in my before filter:
$user = Auth::user();
Now, I would really like to avoid querying every single time I want to find the privileges and would like to have Laravel's Auth class include the privilege information, so that when I do
$user = Auth::user();
I can do a
to get an array of all privileges the user has.
Any suggestions for the best approach?
The link to the answer above is not working. However, I found another solution here which worked for me as follows:
First I created a model called EmailPref.php in my own case;
class EmailPref extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'email_pref';
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo('User');
and then I created a relationship (in my own case) in the User model like so;
public function emailPref()
return $this->hasOne('EmailPref');
I subsequently referenced it anywhere required within my application like so:
Hence, I was able to add more information to the Auth user.
I'm no Laravel pro, but i think this will solve your problem: http://forums.laravel.io/viewtopic.php?id=1652