combine values of a parameter in reporting services 2008 - sql

Hi I have a parameter called 'SiteOfClinic' which lists down few site
DHH Paeds
TRP Paeds
MJH Paeds
It works fine so far, but now i want to combine the top two (option 1 and 2) together, so i created another label 'OHH YAC/DHH Paeds' but I dont know what to put in the expression to combain the two.
i have tried the following but unsuccessfull
=SPLIT(JOIN(Parameters!HospitalSite.Value,"'OHH YAC,DHH Paeds"),"'OHH YAC,DHH Paeds")
=JOIN(Parameters!HospitalSite.Value,"OHH YAC,DHH Paeds")
please help, many thanks.

>> ' Assuming "SiteOfClinic" (aka "Parameters!HospitalSite.Value")
>> ' is an array containing 3 string values:
>> SiteOfClinic = Array("A 0", "B 1", "C 2")
>> ' and you want an array holding the first two items, you have to create a copy:
>> Copy = SiteOfClinic
>> ' and keep just the first two items
>> ReDim Preserve Copy(1)
>> ' Use Join(array, separator) to build a string from Copy
>> s = Join(Copy, "<>")
>> WScript.Echo s
>> or Split(string, separator) to get an array from s
>> a = Split(s, "<>")
>> WScript.Echo CStr(UBound(Copy)=UBound(a)), CStr(a(0)=Copy(0))
A 0<>B 1
True True


VBA excel: How do I compare a string array to a string?

I have a script that takes the contents of a cell, and puts the first 2 characters of the cell into a string array. I need to later compare that string array to a string, but I can't seem to get that to work. Here's what I have:
For i = 2 To 600
colStr = Sheets("smartlist").Cells(i, "A").Value
If colStr <> "" Then
ReDim charArray(Len(colStr) - 1)
For j = 1 To Len(colStr)
charArray(j - 1) = Mid$(colStr, j, 1)
strArray = LCase(charArray(0)) & LCase(charArray(1))
If CStr(Join(strArray)) = CStr(Join(pwArray)) Then
Now, I've tried:
If charArray = "ab"
If Join(charArray) = "ab"
If CStr(Join(charArray)) = "ab"
I'm pretty lost at this point. Any suggestions would be welcome!
Edit: added the whole function up until I get the 'Type mismatch'
You could use Join(charArray, "") - without "" it joins the elements with space so the result of your initial try was "a b"
Firstly, you really need to clarify what you're doing. You say that later you need to check what's in the string. If that is the case, then you don't need an array, you simply need another string...
Dim chars As String
chars = Left$(cellToTest, 2)
Later you can test more simply using the InStr function, like so...
Dim loc As Integer
loc = Instr(colStr, chars)
If loc > 0 Then
If you want to turn this into a function on your spreadsheet you can use the following in the cells as formulas...
=LEFT(A1, 2)
Here's a little screen shot of what I mean...

VBScript Recordset Field Names and Length

Using VBScript, I create a recordset from a SQL query through and ADO connection object. I need to be able to write the field names and the largest field length to a text file, essentially as a two dimensional array, in the format of FieldName|FieldLength with a carriage return delimiter, example:
Matter Number|x(13)
Due Date|x(10)
Whilst I am able to loop through the Columns and write out the field names, I cannot solve the issue of Field Length. Code as follows:
Set objColNames = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(LF14,2,true)
For i=0 To LF06 -1
objColNames.Write(Recordset.Fields(i).Name & "|x(" & Recordset.Fields(i).ActualSize & ")" & vbCrLf)
in this instance it only writes the current selected Field Length.
If I understand the question correctly (I'm not certain I do)....
If you change your SQL statement you only need to return one record.
Select Max(Len([Matter Number])) as [Matter Number],
Max(Len([Description])) As Description, Max(Len([Due Date])) As [Due Date] FROM TableName
This will return the maximum length of each field. Then construct your output from there.
To get an extrema item (largest, smallest, ...) of a collection you need a loop over all elements that checks the current element's value against the known 'extrema so far':
>> a = Array(1, 3, 2)
>> x = a(0)
>> For i = 1 To UBound(a)
>> If a(i) > x Then
>> x = a(i)
>> End If
>> Next
>> WScript.Echo x
After a little more research and testing I solved the issue by creating a dictionary based on the recordset field (column) count, then iterating through each item and evaluating the length of each field:
Dim Connection
Dim Recordset
Set Connection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set Recordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Connection.Open LF08
Recordset.Open LF05,Connection
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set objColNames = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(LF14,2,true)
For i=0 to LF06 -1
d.Add i, 0
Dim aTable1Values
Set objFileToWrite = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(LF07,2,true)
Dim iRowLoop, iColLoop
For iRowLoop = 0 to UBound(aTable1Values, 2)
For iColLoop = 0 to UBound(aTable1Values, 1)
If d.item(iColLoop) < Len(aTable1Values(iColLoop, iRowLoop)) Then
d.item(iColLoop) = Len(aTable1Values(iColLoop, iRowLoop))
End If
If IsNull(aTable1Values(iColLoop, iRowLoop)) Then
objFileToWrite.Write(aTable1Values(iColLoop, iRowLoop))
End If
If iColLoop <> UBound(aTable1Values, 1) Then
End If
next 'iColLoop
Next 'iRowLoop
For i=0 to LF06 -1
d.item(i) = d.item(i) + 3
objColNames.Write(Recordset.Fields(i).Name & "|x(" & d.item(i) & ")" & vbCrLf)
I then have two text files, one with the field names and lengths, the other with the query results. Using this I can then create a two dimensional array in the CMS (VisualFiles) from the results.

adding vertical text each item in text file writeline with some text

I am populating a listbox with some text & saving the output to textfile (sObj.txt)
'Saving items of lb1 in a file under C:\temp
Dim i As Integer
W = New IO.StreamWriter("C:\temp\sObj.txt")
For i = 0 To lb1.Items.Count - 1
This text file contains 3 (for example) entries, let's say abc in 1st line, def in 2nd line & ghi in the 3rd line.
Now I want to append another text file (MPadd.txt) using sObj.txt entries such that I get something like the following:
'Appending listbox items to the file MPadd.txt
Using SW As New IO.StreamWriter("c:\temp\MPadd.txt", True)
SW.WriteLine("some text" & abc & "some text")
SW.WriteLine("some text" & def & "some text")
SW.WriteLine("some text" & ghi & "some text")
End Using
Please help in getting it correctly. thanks.
Just read all the lines from the first file (just three lines so it is not a problem) and then loop over these lines adding prefix and postfix text as you like
Following your last example
Dim commands() =
"cdhdef -t ftpv2 -c r -f {0} -x ",
"cdhdsdef -v CPUSRG {0} ",
"cacls K:\AES\data\Cdh\ftp\{0}\Archive /E /G OSSUSER:C"
Dim counter As Integer = 0
Dim objLines = File.ReadAllLines("C:\temp\sObj.txt")
Using SW As New IO.StreamWriter("c:\temp\MPadd.txt", True)
' Loop only for the number of strings in commands (max 3 now)
for x = 0 to commands.Length - 1
line = objeLines(x).Trim
' This check will prevent empty lines to be used for the output
If line <> string.Empty Then
SW.WriteLine(string.Format(commands(counter), line))
counter += 1
End If
End Using
This example use composite formatting where you define a format string and a progressive placeholder where you want to insert another value.
Of course this will work only if you have just 3 lines in your input file

Prompting user input in Visual Basic 2010 two dimensional array

How do I prompt the user to input elements in a two dimensional array? And how do I then save the output?
I've figured out how write and print a program where the program provides the elements (see short version below), but I can't work out how to get the user to input the elements instead.
Many thanks.
Solfa(0, 0) = 11
Solfa(0, 1) = 12
Solfa(1, 0) = 21
Solfa(1, 1) = 22
TextBox1.Text = Solfa(0, 0) & " " & Solfa(0, 1) & vbCrLf & Solfa(1, 0) & " " & Solfa(1, 1)
Consider a grid (if your presentation framework has one).
Otherwise, you can use an multi-line textbox that is pre-populated with a comma-separated list of values, like this:
11, 12
21, 22
Then, you can parse the user-edited values again (the easiest way being)
For Each line in input.Split (vbCrLf)
For Each field in line.Split (", ".ToCharArray())
// Plug back into array.
// Don't forget bounds-checking.
// Don't forget bounds-checking.

How to find which delimiter was used during string split (VB.NET)

lets say I have a string that I want to split based on several characters, like ".", "!", and "?". How do I figure out which one of those characters split my string so I can add that same character back on to the end of the split segments in question?
Dim linePunctuation as Integer = 0
Dim myString As String = "some text. with punctuation! in it?"
For i = 1 To Len(myString)
If Mid$(entireFile, i, 1) = "." Then linePunctuation += 1
For i = 1 To Len(myString)
If Mid$(entireFile, i, 1) = "!" Then linePunctuation += 1
For i = 1 To Len(myString)
If Mid$(entireFile, i, 1) = "?" Then linePunctuation += 1
Dim delimiters(3) As Char
delimiters(0) = "."
delimiters(1) = "!"
delimiters(2) = "?"
currentLineSplit = myString.Split(delimiters)
Dim sentenceArray(linePunctuation) As String
Dim count As Integer = 0
While linePunctuation > 0
sentenceArray(count) = currentLineSplit(count)'Here I want to add what ever delimiter was used to make the split back onto the string before it is stored in the array.'
count += 1
linePunctuation -= 1
End While
If you add a capturing group to your regex like this:
SplitArray = Regex.Split(myString, "([.?!])")
Then the returned array contains both the text between the punctuation, and separate elements for each punctuation character. The Split() function in .NET includes text matched by capturing groups in the returned array. If your regex has several capturing groups, all their matches are included in the array.
This splits your sample into:
some text
with punctuation
in it
You can then iterate over the array to get your "sentences" and your punctuation.
.Split() does not provide this information.
You will need to use a regular expression to accomplish what you are after, which I infer as the desire to split an English-ish paragraph into sentences by splitting on punctuation.
The simplest implementation would look like this.
var input = "some text. with punctuation! in it?";
string[] sentences = Regex.Split(input, #"\b(?<sentence>.*?[\.!?](?:\s|$))");
foreach (string sentence in sentences)
some text.
with punctuation!
in it?
But you are going to find very quickly that language, as spoken/written by humans, does not follow simple rules most of the time.
Here it is in VB.NET for you:
Dim sentences As String() = Regex.Split(line, "\b(?<sentence>.*?[\.!?](?:\s|$))")
Once you've called Split with all 3 characters, you've tossed that information away. You could do what you're trying to do by splitting yourself or by splitting on one punctuation mark at a time.