How to set up inputComboboxListOfValues search dialog case insensitive in Oracle ADF - case-sensitive

I use an inputComboboxListOfValues in an ADF page fragment (.jsff) like the following:
When I clik on "Search..." I can type what I'm looking for, but here the search is case-sensitive.
How can I set up this field case-insensitive? Also, you could try setting up a case insensitive view-criteria and apply that to the LOV in the UI hints panel of the LOV setup.


Not able to locate webelement

I am not able locate a webelement, this web application opens in Internet explorer only and I have used all the possible ways to click but no luck.
Xpath locators that I have tried :
"//form[#id='Form1']//a[contains(text(),'Age Range')]"
also I have tried click on the element using action class and javascript as well.
Attached DOM in the URL, please have a look here
In the node a, id value is not static so you can't locate that element using the id value but you can use partial id value for example, looks like rptTables1_ is unique in id value and the remaining part is changing so applying contains() on this may works.
Try the below xpath if there is only match :
//a[contains(#id, 'rptTables1_')]
Try the below xpath by providing the matching index if there are multiple xpath matches :
(//a[contains(#id, 'rptTables1_')])[Matching index number]
for example if the matching index is 3 then you can write like this (//a[contains(#id, 'rptTables1_')])[3].
Or you can use the Advanced Performance Parameters Panel Topics text to identify that element.
//a[contains(text(), 'Advanced Performance Parameters Panel Topics')]
Again if there are multiple matches then try to use indexing method as mentioned above.
Or you can try the below modified your xpaths :
//form[#id='Form1']//a[contains(#id, 'rptTables1_')]
(//form[#id='Form1']//a[contains(#id, 'rptTables1_')])[Matching index number]
//form[#id='Form1']//a[contains(text(), 'Advanced Performance Parameters Panel Topics')]
I hope it helps...
I haven't tried any automation in IE at all but in firefox, sometimes I encounter those issues and my work around other than the .click() function is send_keys(Keys.RETURN). Also, i'm using time.sleep(x) before clicking or sending keys to make sure the element has been loaded.

How to assign a keyword to Group of Test Cases at one time in TestLink?

I want to add a keyword to some of the test cases in my test specification. May I know whether there is any easy way of doing it other than adding the keyword to each test case manually?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You can assign keyword to multiple test cases under specification's node.
Select Desktop item from top nav bar menu in Testlink
From the left select Test Specification -> Assign Keywords
Specifications' tree is opened - select the needed node (test suite)
In Keyword Assignment frame from the right assign with > button keyword from available ones to Keywords to be assigned.. and click Save
As result all test cases under the selected node will get the assigned keyword.
You may also filter test cases by some of available filter fields and then assign the keyword (using the process described above) but with "Assign ONLY to filtered Test Cases" checkbox activated, so only filtered TCs will get the needed keyword.

selenium (phpunit) click on drop down link

I want be able click on link from drop down using selenium with phpunit. I don't have any idea how make it happens, can anyone show me example or relevant tutorial, post or anything that can help me figure out.
when I try click on the element without put mouse over the drop down I got this error:
Element is not currently visible and so may not be interact with command ....
when I said "drop down" I don't mean regular select. it more like popup
you can see the example here:
look how they build the menu I want be able click on 'Technical' -> 'Fibonacci Calculator' for example.
Check this post out:
Selenium: How to select an option from a select menu?
You can find more info about this here
select(selectLocator, optionLocator)
selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
optionLocator - an option locator (a label by default)
Select an option from a drop-down using an option locator.
Option locators provide different ways of specifying options of an HTML Select element (e.g. for selecting a specific option, or for asserting that the selected option satisfies a specification). There are several forms of Select Option Locator.
label=labelPattern: matches options based on their labels, i.e. the visible text. (This is the default.)
value=valuePattern: matches options based on their values.
id=id: matches options based on their ids.
index=index: matches an option based on its index (offset from zero).
If no option locator prefix is provided, the default behaviour is to match on label.
Credits go to Dave Hunt
What I use:
$search13 = $this->webDriver->findElement(WebDriverBy::id('id_of_dropdown_field'));
$search13->click(); // Clicking on the dropdownfield
$this->webDriver->getKeyboard()->pressKey('ARROW_DOWN'); // Will go down in your dropdown selection )
$this->webDriver->getKeyboard()->pressKey('ENTER'); // Enter for submitting your selection
This one explains it in java but basically what he does is a mouse over/hover and wait.
Then he clicks on the element.
I'm not a java genius but it's an example how to work with it.
You can use the:
string mouseOver(string $locator)
This simulates a user hovering a mouse over the specified element.
Check if the element is visible using the xpath of the required option value.
If it is true, then click() method selects the specified option.

How to get select box options from GetCustomFields() method of jira

I was curious if anyone else had an idea how to get a select box options of the custom field in JIRA using soap api, if you have have custom field id.
You can reference select list values by their id. To get id go to Custom Field configuration -> Edit Options. Hover over the option's 'Edit' operation (or click on Edit) and check link address. It will be something like 'secure/admin/EditCustomFieldOptions!edit.jspa?fieldConfigId=10480&selectedValue=10030'
selectedValue is the id of select list option.

Change parameter name on selection screen to a real text

I'm trying to replace the parameter name shown on the selection screen.
For example I have:
PARAMETERS pa_age TYPE age_type DEFAULT '18'.
It shows PA_AGE on the screen.
How to change it to How old are you? for instance?
You have to define a text via Goto->text elements->selection text.
If you develop in another language as you execute your code, you need also a translation.
Via menu Goto->Text Elements->Selection Text.