How can I achieve this style in iOS? - objective-c

In my app, I'd like to show a popup screen within my UITableViewController screen listing a few options for the user to select from.
Similar to how the Facebook app works (unfortunately I have no requests) :(
So I have two questions:
1) The black, shaded frame we see here seems to be a common style that I see a lot, especially in iPad apps. Is this just coincidence that apps use the same style? Is it a 3rd party plugin that others are using? Or is it a new, native part of the iOS SDK?
2) If I am to build this subview myself, what kind of structure would be best? I'd thought of:
UIImageView (for the background) >
UILabel (containing the header)
UITableView (containing my sub-table)
Thanks in advance

It's UIPopoverController, native component for iPad, but not for iPhone.
For iPhone use 3rd party frameworks, like this one:


How to create web browser like tabs for WKWebView for Mac app? [Objective C]

I already have a webview in my Mac app. Now I need to implement tabs like Safari (for example). I searched some and didn't got any one for Cocoa App. Some libraries I found was too old and was not able to change it to running condition. I found a lot for iOS apps Cocoa Touch. Is there any solution for giving tabs for a webview?
For tabs, NSWindow provides all the functionality you need. Basically, you get tabs for free, including the ability for users to drag/drop tabs to windows and vice versa.
For grouping several windows/tabs together, there is webView:createWebViewWithConfiguration:forNavigationAction:windowFeatures: in the UI delegate, which tells you how to open the new window/tab and gives you an opportunity to set the webview up.

How to deal with the ios Launch files

It has been a while since I created my last app and I missed the change with the launch file (since titanium 5.2.0).
I want my app to have a custom splashscreen (full screen image). In the past I used the various png files for the splashscreens Default.png, Default#2x.png etc.
I'm testing with the launch file and the custom Storyboard. At the moment it's not clear to me how I can achieve the behavior i want: A full screen image in the splash screen.
What is the best approach?
Thanks for the help.
Go to!/guide/Icons_and_Splash_Screens-section-29004897_IconsandSplashScreens-iOSgraphicassetrequirementsandoptions and take a look at the Purpose column. You'll see 9 splash screen sizes. You have to make each of them and put them in app/assets/iphone. Note that you have to name them exactly as told in the table.
This worked for me, Ti-5.4.0 tested on iPhone 7, iPad Air, iPhone 4S and iPhone 6S Plus.
Since version 5.2 storyboards were introduced. You can use them or you can disable it and use the "old" method to implement splashscreens.
To disable it, add this to tiapp: (of course, within the existing ios section in tiapp
To use it, look at the documentation how to implement it correctly.

Storyboard for iPhone-only application displaying iPad sizes?

I am following along with a tutorial on and I am using XCode 6, while the tutorial uses XCode 5, so perhaps this is the problem. I have created a tabbed application and set devices to iPhone but my storyboard file looks like it's displaying iPad sizes. Why is this? My storyboards for other projects are not displayed like that.
In Xcode 6 Main.storyboard is the single storyboard for all devices, no matter their screen size. Open the storyboard and you’ll see that it contains a single view controller, but of an unfamiliar size. Storyboards in previous versions of Xcode had to match the screen size of the target device. This clearly isn’t possible with the “one storyboard to rule them all” approach, so the storyboard is given an abstract size instead.
Please check this tutorial :

iOs multi page browser (safari) like view

I want to open multiple pages in my app just like iPhone( safari browser). Have two questions:
What is the best way to hold the views here, One view controller with an array of views to switch from ?
how to show safari like selection of views,where we can slide through a row or views and select one.
If you have any links or examples for this functionality pls share.
Thanks in advance.
There is a open source library that implement something that look like the mobile safari (iPhone) multiple page selection. It is not using some uiwebview in the sample, but I guess it can be adapted to use uiwebview :
I'm also working on a Mobile safari clone, it's not yet implementing multiple pages selection, but I plan to add this when I'll be able to find some time to work on this. You can check this project here :
look for uiscrollview uiwebview

Cocoa Touch how to design the interface like facebook iPhone application's home screen?

I am just curious how facebook for iPhone application can display a list of icons with the text, then all the icons shake to allow user to change the position of each item.
What kind of control is that, and is there some sample code that do the same thing?
I think it must be standard because it exists as well in home screen of iPhone and iPod app to choose the tab item.
Thank you.
It's not a standard control. It's generally implemented with Core Animation and a rotation transform.
Apple discourages App developers from imitating the spring board, claiming it is confusing for the user. So don't expect standard controls for this.
You can of course implement it yourself with animation. Basic (property based) animation should be sufficient.