Error while deploying a WCF service on web - wcf

I created a working WCF Service Library on my computer.
When I published it on the hosting (right-click -> Publish -> I entered address) and launched the web page with this service like ".../webservice.svc"
I received such an error:
What was wrong?
What should I change to make it work?

It is essential to turn on the error message to see what is the error itself.
After I turned on the error messages in the WCF service configuration file, I saw the problem and fixed it. It was a problem with one of the libraries.


VS2015:Failed to debug a WCF service hosted in IIS

I want to debug my WCF service hosted with my WCFClient application in the same dev box. I can run my WCFClient application successfully. My WCF service binary model is Debug. WCFClient application and WCF service are compiled under .Net4.5 framework within windows8 OS. And my WCF service hosts in IIS7 in the same box as well.
The error is :
Unable to automatically step into the server. Unable to determine a stopping location. Verify symbols are loaded. Error while processing breakpoint.
Hi Anyone who enters here. I resolved the issue with a console application by invoking my WCF service, this is a bit tricky.
I run my WCF application in web form. So there will be issue after attaching w3wp.exe process. Then I tried to use a console application to test
my WCF service, I can debug into the code.
Thanks anyway. I am new to the stackoverflow. Who can help me to know how to close my question?
Most of the time, when you type an error message in Google, you find your answer... It's typically faster than asking a duplicate question on SO.
It's also a good idea to write the error message in plain text instead (or in addition to) a screenshot. This way, a person having the same problem will easilly find your question and eventually an answer.
Take a look at this forum post and this one.

Unable to Create the Web site 'http://localhost/WindowsService'. The Web server 'http://localhost' could not be found

I am working on a Windows Service and whenever I try to publish it, the error is thrown. I have already installed the service through installutil. I would like to test the module I've added before I commit.
It appears IIS was turned off in Windows features so I just turned it on (opted in IIS).

Showing error message from Project server 2010 wcf service

I implemented a web application that connects to a ProjectServer.svc web service. The application works on a project environment server, but returns an error in the production server. Unluckly, due to security settings the text and code of the exception taking place on the server is not shown, instead I get this message:
The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs
I modified the wcf settings in the web config of project server to make the web service return the error...but nothing happened, because probably Project server overrides the web config wcf settings.
How can I get the error message, so I can understand what is wrong with the server configuration?
Sometimes ULS log may help - when Project server process accepted your call and error somewhere inside of the process.
I touched the configs only once to create Proxy assembly and that time it worked... maybe the same approach will help you to find proper config. Here is a link
Don't forget iisreset after you change the config

WFC SVC File emits HTML when called from a service client

I'm in the process of deploying a WCF service application. The service works fine if it's running as its own site, but the intention is for the service to run as a virtual directory of the Default web site of the server. When I set the service up in this configuration, I get an odd problem. When the client tries to make a service call, it receives the HTML of the friendly service description, not SOAP. Naturally this generates a service error. The HTML appears to be identical to the service page that you see in a browser with an HTTP Get, but I'm only seeing the first 1024 bytes in the error message, so I may be missing something.
I've checked HttpHandlers and loaded assemblies, and as far as I can tell there's nothing unusual that is being inherited by the virtual directory. The default site has 3 ISAPI Filters installed including Outlook Web Access (yes, this server is running Exchange). I tried installing these filters in my test web site, but it still ran the service without problems. The problem only happens with the service is running as a virtual directory of another virtual directory within the default web site.
The server is Windows Small Bus Server 2003 SP 2 running IIS6.
If you're hosting WCF in IIS you need to set the server up in the 'Application Role' check out the following link does that help:
MSDN: Internet Information Service Hosting Instructions

how to debug a WCF service once it's out of dev env

I have a WCF service that i've been able to communicate with fine while it's hosted locally.
I have it deployed to a web server in IIS now, and I can get the wsdl file without error by navigating to
in trying to test this, i've created a console app and was able to successfully add a service reference to this. But when I try to run a Get() method on the service reference, it just hangs with no response.
How can I begin to debug this?
When you have a service that works in dev but not in IIS, it is often due to a problem with the WCF configuration:
Is the configuration in place (since you can add service reference it probably is)
Is the protocol you are using available. The configuration you are using must match what is turned on. For example are you using nettcpip binding without WAS.