Showing error message from Project server 2010 wcf service - wcf

I implemented a web application that connects to a ProjectServer.svc web service. The application works on a project environment server, but returns an error in the production server. Unluckly, due to security settings the text and code of the exception taking place on the server is not shown, instead I get this message:
The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs
I modified the wcf settings in the web config of project server to make the web service return the error...but nothing happened, because probably Project server overrides the web config wcf settings.
How can I get the error message, so I can understand what is wrong with the server configuration?

Sometimes ULS log may help - when Project server process accepted your call and error somewhere inside of the process.
I touched the configs only once to create Proxy assembly and that time it worked... maybe the same approach will help you to find proper config. Here is a link
Don't forget iisreset after you change the config


Why can't I browse to my WCF service in Windows Server 2012?

On any other operating system, if I browse to my WCF service in the browser, I can see information about that service. In Windows Server 2012, I get no information about the service, and it even acts as if there's nothing there at that address. I can still access the service from a client, but I had to add a server feature just to make it work (.NET Framework 4.5 Features -> WCF Services -> HTTP Activation).
Browsing to the service is normally a quick way to make sure that the service is running, but it's a slight annoying that I no longer have this luxury. Does anyone know how I can get Windows Server 2012 to show information about my service when I browse to it?
Make sure your services' configuration or code modifies the default behavior to enable metadata to be published:
How to: Publish Metadata for a Service Using a Configuration File

Error while deploying a WCF service on web

I created a working WCF Service Library on my computer.
When I published it on the hosting (right-click -> Publish -> I entered address) and launched the web page with this service like ".../webservice.svc"
I received such an error:
What was wrong?
What should I change to make it work?
It is essential to turn on the error message to see what is the error itself.
After I turned on the error messages in the WCF service configuration file, I saw the problem and fixed it. It was a problem with one of the libraries.

400 Bad Request while publishing the Entity Framework WCF Services in another system?

In local machine the services are running fine.But i need to place that services in client system.
I changed the connection string properly and permissions all are correct.But i am getting 400 bad request error when the files was published into that server entity framework any files need to place while publishing.I am new to write the EF wcf services.
Please tell me.
400 bad request is a http error message.
Since you get this error when you deploy to a new system, it is probably related to the IIS configuration on the new server. For example you could get this error if ASP.Net was not enabled on the new server.

WCF No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused

I just implemented a simple WCF server using net.tcp.
First, I use as server address and client able to connect the WCF service.
Everything is Ok. But when I try to use the internal IP 192.x.x.x I get an error:
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
Any idea what may cause this?
Best Wishes
PS: I disabled auth on WCF. Even turn off firewall all...Not worked...
Well, I got this error message when I forgot to install necessary components. see link Configuring WCF Service with netTcpBinding
(summary of steps)...
Go to "Programs and Features" (usually in control panel)
Go to "Turn Windows features on or off"
(assuming VS2012) Go to ".NET Framework 4.5 Advanced Services"->"WCF Services"
Enable "TCP Activation"
Do you use 192.x.x.x on both client and server? I remember seeing an issue a while back in which for TCP the client and server names needed to match (something related to one of the message properties), so if you define the service with "localhost" and the client with <machine name> there would be a problem.
The physical client and service addresses can differ if the logical address is the same and the server endpoint has been configured with a "listenUri" and the client behaviour is configured to use a <clientVia> address. In our case, this is required in for our proxy/firewall configuration. In effect, the client calls the firewall and the server listens locally for a forwarded request.
For an IIS-hosted service, check the following:
The Application pool is started and looks correct (.NET 4 etc/security)
For NET.TCP, ensure the "Allowed Protocols" in the Web Site/Application (via advanced settings) are configured correctly: e.g. http,net.tcp
For a non-IIS hosted service, you may need to configure a Namespace Reservation (URLACL).
Also ensure the appropriate Windows Services are running, e.g. Net.Tcp listener.
If you're running from within visual studio in debug mode, ensure your solution port numbers match. I have seen several instances where I had Properties>Web>Auto-Assign Port - selected and the endpoint from, in this case my silverlight app, didn't match the port auto generated. I usually change the port to 1318 in my .web.
Today I found out that this error will also show up if you have a circular reference in your WCF Service Class. I had a method that was calling itself infinitely and causing this error message, which led me here.
So if none of the other suggestions work, check your code to see if you're doing any recursive functionality and make sure you're not caught in an infinite loop.
I resolved this issue by either commenting this setting in the application configuration:
<proxy bypassonlocal="False" usesystemdefault="True" proxyaddress="" />
or, running Fiddler which would take the WCF call at and then forward it.
The complete scenario is, I encountered the same issue with WCF calls made to one of the service. The calls would fail with top level error message "There was no endpoint listening at http://LinuxIP:Port/...", and service trace viewer log showing inner exception to be "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
The reason was that I had put this configuration in my application to capture the outgoing traffic in Fiddler. If this configuration is in place then the Fiddler needs to be running for the WCF calls to make it to the intended destination. If Fiddler is not running this error will be there. Comment this setting in such scenarios, and the WCF call will go to the destination.

how to debug a WCF service once it's out of dev env

I have a WCF service that i've been able to communicate with fine while it's hosted locally.
I have it deployed to a web server in IIS now, and I can get the wsdl file without error by navigating to
in trying to test this, i've created a console app and was able to successfully add a service reference to this. But when I try to run a Get() method on the service reference, it just hangs with no response.
How can I begin to debug this?
When you have a service that works in dev but not in IIS, it is often due to a problem with the WCF configuration:
Is the configuration in place (since you can add service reference it probably is)
Is the protocol you are using available. The configuration you are using must match what is turned on. For example are you using nettcpip binding without WAS.