MapServer cgi-bin get value from query string and concatenate to Postgres query - cgi

I'm working with cgi-bin and I show a map with some data from a Postgres database.
But, I need to introduce an input where the user could select a date and this date would filter the results from the database.
I have the input and I send the parameter by the URL (get method), but I don't know how to get this parameter from the cgi-bin query string and how to concatenate the parameter's value to the database query.
This is the mapfile's code portion:
DATA "the_geom from (select * from
vista_puntos where date > <DATE_VAR_FROM_QUERY_STRING>) as subquery
using unique id_valor using srid=4326"

use select query in DATA
after that use FILTER
*MAPSERV* create a Where clause for Filter
DATA "geom from roads"
FILTER "type='%road1%' or type='%road2%'"
NAME "Road Type1"
EXPRESSION ('[type]' = 'type1')
COLOR 255 0 0
NAME "Road Type2"
EXPRESSION ('[type]' = 'type2')
COLOR 0 255 0
Query String format is like : ..mapserv.exe?map=mapfile&road1=type1&road2=type2


TSQL - Need to query a database column which is populated by XML

TSQL - Need to query a database column which is populated by XML.
The Database has an iUserID column with an Application ID and VCKey
TxtValue is the Column name and the contained Data is similar to this
<BasePreferencesDataSet xmlns="">
I want to be able to identify any iUserID in which the StrValue for iDataID's 5 and 6 are not set to True.
I have attempted to use a txtValue Like % statement but even if I copy the contents and query for it verbatim it will not yield a result leading me to believe that the XML data cannot be queried in this manner.
Screenshot of Select * query for this DB for reference
You can try XML-method .exist() together with an XPath with predicates:
FROM YourTable
WHERE CAST(txtValue AS XML).exist('/BasePreferencesDataSet
/ViewMode_PreferenceData[iDataID=5 or iDataID=6]
The namespace-declaration is needed to address the elements without a namespace prefix.
The <ViewMode_PreferenceData> is filtered for the fitting IDs, while the <strValue> is filtered for a content !="True". This will return any data row, where there is at least one entry, with an ID of 5 or 6 and a value not equal to "True".
So without sample data (including tags; sorry you're having trouble with that) it's tough to craft the complete query, but what you're looking for is XQuery, specifically the .exists method in T-SQL.
Something like
FROM tblLocalUserPreferences
WHERE iApplicationID = 30
AND vcKey='MonitorPreferences'
AND (txtValue.exist('//iDataID[text()="5"]/../strValue[text()="True"]') = 0
OR txtValue.exist('//iDataID[text()="6"]/../strValue[text()="True"]')=0)
This should return all userID's where either iDataID 5 or 6 do NOT contain True. In other words, if both are true, you won't get that row back.

Execute SQL Task in SSIS string parameter

I created two string variables (tot and tot_value) and assigned a value (tot = MyVal) for testing. Then I created an Execute SQL Task which takes (tot) as parameter and the value returned is saved in tot_value.
In the General Tab, i set:
ResultSet to Single row. SQL Source Type to Direct input Query is listed below.
In Parameter Mapping I selected my tot variable with Input DirectionSQL_VARCHAR Data Type 1 as Parameter Name (Since i am using ODBC)Size set to default -1.
In Result SetResult Name to 1Variable Name to tot_value.
If in the query I hard code 'MyVal' i get the correct result, however when I use ? to use my variable as a parameter, I always get a 0 returned.
Note that my tot variable is set to MyVal
Any clue of what I might be missing? Thanks in advance
select TOP 1 CAST('' + ISNULL((SELECT distinct type_of_transfer_code
FROM SYSTEM.history_program_transfer
WHERE type_of_transfer_value = ?),'') AS VARCHAR(100)) as type_of_transfer_code
FROM SYSTEM.table_facility_defaults

Get all entries for a specific json tag only in postgresql

I have a database with a json field which has multiple parts including one called tags, there are other entries as below but I want to return only the fields with "{"tags":{"+good":true}}".
I can get part of the way there with this statement in my where clause trips.metadata->'tags'->>'+good' = 'true' but that returns all instances where tags are good and true including all entries above. I want to return entries with the specific statement "{"tags":{"+good":true}}" only. So taking out the two entries that begin has_temps.
Any thoughts on how to do this?
With jsonb column the solution is obvious:
with trips(metadata) as (
select *
from trips
where metadata = '{"tags":{"+good":true}}';
(2 rows)
If the column's type is json then you should cast it to jsonb:
where metadata::jsonb = '{"tags":{"+good":true}}';
If I get you right, you can check text value of the "tags" key, like here:
select true
where '{"has_temps":false,"too_long":true,"too_long_as_of":"2016-02-12T12:28:28.238+00:00","tags":{"+good":true}}'::json->>'tags'
= '{"+good":true}'

Logical operator sql query going weirdly wrong

I am trying to fetch results from my sqlite database by providing a date range.
I have been able to fetch results by providing 3 filters
1. Name (textfield1)
2. From (date)(textfield2)
3. To (date)(textfield3)
I am inserting these field values taken from form into a table temp using following code
Statement statement6 = db.createStatement("INSERT INTO Temp(date,amount_bill,narration) select date,amount,narration from Bills where name=\'"+TextField1.getText()+"\' AND substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) <= substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',7)||substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',4,2)||substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',1,2) AND substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) >= substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',7)||substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',4,2)||substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',1,2) ");
Now if i enter the following input in my form for the above filters
It fetches date between these date ranges perfectly.
But now i want to insert values that are below and above these 2 date ranges provided.
I have tried using this code.But it doesnt show up any result.I simply cant figure where the error is
The below code is to find entries having date lesser than 01/02/2012 and greater than 28/02/2012.
Statement statementVII = db.createStatement("INSERT INTO Temp5(date,amount_rec,narration) select date,amount,narration from Bills where name=\'"+TextField1.getText()+"\' AND substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) < substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',7)||substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',4,2)||substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',1,2) AND substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) > substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',7)||substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',4,2)||substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',1,2)");
Anyone sound on this,please guide.Thanks.
you need to use an Or clause together with brackets:
WHERE name='....' AND (yourDateField<yourLowerDate OR yourDateField>yourHigherDate)

Storing Select Query result in Variable Ruby on Rails

I wanted to know how we could store the result of my select query on a variable.
#ppt2 ='slide_name').where('id=?',4)
#ppt1 = Ppt.update_all({:time2=>#ppt2},['id like ?','1'])
Here, slide_name and time2 are both text attributes of the same table ppt.
What happens on the above execution is that the time2 field in id=1 gets the value "#ppt2" whereas I want it to get the value of slide_name from id=4 which does not get stored in #ppt1.
In other words, how do I store the value of the select query in #ppt2 so that it can be used in the next line?
Any help is appreciated.
Call the slide_name method on your first result.
#ppt2 ='slide_name').find(4).slide_name