Check iOS XCode Project Files: openGL Particle Emitter for GLKit - objective-c

I am trying to port the Particle Emitter by Michael Daley to GLKView and found a XCode project where he did this on github - unfortunately heavily bound inside a nice little game.
Now I tried to take only the particle emitter out of his game project to reuse it (I need it in 2D) and I made it up to a state without any compile error - but couldn't see nothing...
Here is the project file. Could anybody tell me why there is no particle emitter visible?


SpriteKit physics world scale in iOS 7.0

I am working on this game where I have a SKNode (named objectsNode) which contains all of the game sprites.
Running on iOS 7.0x Collision detection works great between the sprites until I try to zoom out the objectsNode (by modifying its xScale and yScale properties).
It seems that the physics body's size of each sprite remains the same as if it was not affected by the scale. I ran across this answer which might confirm it is a bug with iOS 7.0 but I could not find a more convincing source.
Running on iOS 7.1 works great and collision is correctly detected when zooming out the objects node.
Is there a way to fix this or should I just deploy the game to iOS 7.1 devices and above (is it recommended to so ?) ?

Sprite Kit running without rendering

Is there any way how to pause rendering in Sprite Kit runloop, but still simulate physics and run all actions?
I'm writing small simulator and I need to be able to check collisions and apply forces to objects so I think it would be great to use the new Sprite Kit physics. However I have to be able to turn off rendering and focus just on simulation, but I am not sure if this is possible with Sprite Kit.
So what do you think, is it possible or do I have to use some other physics engine (Box2D)?
The short answer is no. There is no way to just stop rendering in Sprite Kit. The SKView is responsible for rendering which takes place as the last segment of the scene processing. SKView does have a paused command which causes no actions to be executed but it also stops the physics simulation.
Source: SKView Class Reference
You should use the Box2D engine, as SpriteKit does the same.
The Wikipedia page for Box2D says:
The physics engine used in SpriteKit for iOS and OS X uses Box2D

Level Editor for Sprite Kit?

Do you know a level editor compatible with Sprite Kit for iOS?
I would need a software similar to Cocos Builder that is good but as far as I know it is not compatible with Sprite Kit.
Thank you.
Here's a list. In alphabetical order, as of July 5th, 2015:
Level Helper 2 apparently supports Sprite Kit (link to docs)
Sprite Kit Designer is designed specifically for Sprite Kit but has not been updated since April 2014 (possibly discontinued?)
Xcode has a Sprite Kit Scene Editor built-in (Scene Editor)
Not (yet) available
SpriteBuilder v1.1 beta had experimental support for Sprite Kit (w/o physics) but this feature was dropped.
If you know a Sprite Kit (or compatible) visual design tool that's not listed here please add it as a comment. I will update the list infrequently.
I know this is an old question, but Xcode 6 which is in beta right now, has a level editor for SpriteKit built in. I'm having a hard time find a good tutorial on it, but its worth checking out. And if anyone finds a good tutorial on this, for a beginner like me, I'd love to know about it.

Adding the openGL Particle Emitter by Michael Daley inside GLKView

I try to use the great particle emitter which Michael Daley build for his Particle Designer to be working inside a GLKView. I see two ways to get there:
hack the code from his great (but too old) tutorial to work with iOS5.1 inside a GLKView
pay and use his Particle Designer to add the particle effect to a glkview
I tried 1. the whole day but ended alone and lost in the wide lands of openGL. I don't know how or what is important to initialize from the GL-stuff.
I ported the classes Image, Texture2D, Common and ParticleEmitter and instantiated them inside a GLKViewController, ending with an EXC_BAD_ACCESS in line 341 of ParticleEmitter.m:
// Now that all of the VBOs have been used to configure the vertices, pointer size and color
// use glDrawArrays to draw the points
glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, particleIndex);
and I don't know why or what....
Now I think about buying the Particle Designer and try to implement it inside the GLKViewController and its GLKView.
Is there any body who could help me with 1./2. to solve my problem, adding an openGL particle emitter to a view based application?
edit: removed some stupid code
Looks like this one could help a lot...
I also created a new question here.

How to drag and drop a Sprite in Sencha Touch Charts 2 Beta

I'm trying to understand the new beta release of Sencha Touch Charts 2. I'm not sure whether event handling is fully supported yet, but I need to drag Sprites around and generally get them to react to touch.
Has anyone tackled this yet? Any code snippets that would help?
Ext.util.Draggable does not feel like the right way to do it.
I now understand how the chart code handles the various chart interactions, and that interactions works in the new beta too. I've also noticed that the old Charts 1 code has little or no support for Sprite events either, and so the final example in the Draw Guide fails there too.
Maybe we are just meant to dip in to the chart code, learn, and then code our own stuff for non-chart Sprite events.
In charts 1, there's a draggable config item on Sprites. No idea how it's meant to work though. Looks like it may be a stubbed out feature.