Unable to find httpd.conf - apache

I'm running tomcat and I want to change the default webroot so that it points to another location. Is there a way to find out what's running tomcat or where the default webroot is set as I can't find httpd.conf which is where I believe it's usually set?
Alexei Blue.
It's been a long time since I looked at this question that I forgot about it. In the end it turned out that we were using Apache HTTPD to accept requests from port 80. From there we had the webroot and ProxyPass rules set in the /etc/httpd/conf/virtual-hosts/default.conf file (these can also be set in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf). From there we had several tomcat instances running, all hosted on different ports which are setup in apache-tomcat-x/conf/server.xml.
When I wrote this question I was trying to setup a new tomcat instance to run an application in development and was told I would need to change the webroot to access my application, which was incorrect. Instead what I needed was to include a ProxyPass rule so that when my application name was recognised in the URL, HTTPD would send the request to the correct tomcat instance to be processed.
In /etc/httpd/conf/virtual-hosts/default.conf
ProxyPass /myApplication/ ajp://<ajp_port>/myApplication/
ProxyPassReverse /myApplication/ ajp://<ajp_port>/myApplication/
Where the ajp_port is setup in apache-tomcat-x/conf/server.xml. I needed to ensure that non of the ports conflicted with other tomcat instances so remember to check all ports i.e. Shutdown, HTTP, HTTP with SSL, AJP etc.

Tomcat doesn't use httpd.conf, that is an apache file. The location of the individual webapps are kept in their individual web.xml files, but the location of all the configs are in ../tomcat6/conf/server.xml and web.xml
Is it where the files come from you want to move, or where it compiles and executes them from?

As #Woody says, Tomcat does not use httpd.conf files: that's an Apache httpd thing (httpd is a web server, Tomcat is a Java application server).
You didn't mention what OS you are using or what package management software you are using (e.g. yum, apt, etc.) so I'll give you generic information as if you had downloaded and installed Tomcat directly from apache.org (which I usually recommend people do for a number of reasons).
Tomcat keeps its server-wide configuration in the conf/server.xml file in the Tomcat base installation directory (often called $CATALINA_BASE for convenience): here, you configure things like what types of connectors (e.g. HTTP, HTTPS, AJP, etc.) to use and which ports they should listen to, clustering configuration, session persistence, global JNDI and realm resources. There are also conf/web.xml and conf/context.xml files that define defaults for all webapps deployed on that instance of Tomcat, but it's best to leave those files alone unless you have a really good reason to modify them.
When you want to deploy a webapp (under the default configuration), all you need to do is drop a .WAR file into the $CATALINA_BASE/webapps/ directory and the webapp will be deployed into a "context path" (aka URL prefix) that matches the name of the file minus the ".WAR" suffix. So, if you have a WAR file called mygreatwebapp.war, then it will be deployed such that your clients can reach it at http://yourhost/mygreatwebapp/. There is a special name you can give a WAR file so that it has an empty context path: if you name your WAR file ROOT.war (case matters), then your webapp can be reached at http://yourhost/. (If you would rather use exploded-WAR directories instead of WAR files, everything above still applies except the directories simply don't have the .war extension).
Given your original question, it sounds like all you want to do is drop a ROOT.war file into $CATALINA_BASE/webapps (or replace the one that is already there): this will deploy whatever webapp you want into the URL space that you might call the "default webroot".
If you want to change the directory where all the webapps live for a host, you can modify $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml and change the <Host>'s appBase attribute to point to, say, /cfusion/main/www/. That will deploy all the WAR files and directories in /cfusion/main/www/ as separate webapps.
If you just want to serve a single webapp from an arbitrary location, you may create a deployment file under $CATALINA_BASE/conf/[EngineName]/[HostName]/[appname].xml. This is a standard file like META-INF/context.xml and contains a <Context> element except that you will have to specify a docBase which points to your webapp (e.g. /cfusion/main/www/mywebapp).


WebSphere reverse proxy plugin - skipping domains

Hoping someone can give me some advice if possible.
We have a Linux box in our DMZ with the WebSphere plugin. This points to a Windows box running WebSphere Application Server.
httpd config only contains the default virtualhost with no ServerAlias specified. There is a redirect set up in the virtualhost in httpd.conf to forward any requests to service.domain.com to service.domain.com/wascontext1. Plugin-cfg.xml is set up with two uri groups, wascontext1 and wascontext2, but only 1 is actively used.
I want to use the Linux box as a reverse proxy for another application totally separate to WAS. It would have a different domain (i.e. dimsim.domain.com) but point to the same IP.
I was going to add another virtualhost for this but am unsure exactly how the WebSphere plugin will behave with it. From what I understand if I set this up and went to dimsim.domain.com/wascontext1 it would serve the WebSphere content as httpd forwards all requests to the plugin.
Is there a way to tell httpd to not send requests to the WebSphere plugin based on domain name or virtualhost? Or would doing a rewrite on any requests to dimsim.domain.com/wascontext be considered ok?
EDIT: Thanks for the responses! I'll test changing the virtualhost name in plugin-cfg.xml on our second unused context and let you know how it goes.
A solution that doesn't require plugin-cfg.xml changes: If you use an Apache-based HTTP server, you can conditionally set the per-request variable "skipwas" to short-circuit the WAS Plugin processing.
SetEnvIf Host ^dimsim\.domain\.com$ skipwas=1
If you look at the plugin-cfg.xml file, in the first part of the file you will find virtualhostgroup section similar to this:
<VirtualHostGroup Name="default_host">
<VirtualHost Name="*:9080"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:9443"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:443"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:80"/>
just change the Name from * to the required domain name e.g. service.domain.com and then plugin will forward only requests for the service.domain.com hostname.
So something like:
<VirtualHost Name="service.domain.com:80"/>
should work for you.
When a request comes into the web server, it is passed to the WebSphere plugin and then plugin examines the request based on its configuration to determine if it should forward to WebSphere or pass back to the web server for further processing.
The "route" clauses in the plugin-cfg.xml are key to determining what will be forwarded and what will not. A request must match all the values in the route to be forwarded. A route contains virtual hosts, uris and clusters. The request must match one a virtual host from the VirtualHostGroup in the route, a URI from the UriGroup in the route and there must be an available server in the ServerCluster value of the route for the request to be sent to WebSphere.
Note-If you manipulate your plugin-cfg.xml for your setup, be aware that plugin is very sensitive about the format of this configuration and incorrect or invalid entries could cause a crash of the webserver. Be sure to backup the file and test before using in production. Also, if you modify your WebSphere configuration, it could overwrite this file and wipe out your changes.
Sorry for the late response.
covener's answer of setting the following does what I need.
SetEnvIf Host ^dimsim\.domain\.com$ skipwas=1

Payara Domain configuration

We are using the PAYARA(Glassfish) server for our application deployment and it has two domain like domain1 and parayaDomain. As on when we need to update payara server version, it has effect on it's domains because domains are present inside the payara/glassfish/domains/domain.
Now, my question is, is it possible to take domains outside the server? I mean completely outside the Payara directory. If it is possible, where all the configurations we have to change(specify the location of the domains which are placed outside).
So that, as on when we have upgrade the server, there will be no effect on domains. Any help will be appreciate.
This is absolutely possible. The asadmin subcommands start-domain, stop-domain, restart-domain, start-local-instance etc all have lots of other options which allow you to specify the location of the directory which holds all the domains or nodes. The path you mentioned is simply the default.
The official documentation has an example of upgrading Payara Server in this way (Method 2) where you may have multiple versions installed in directories alongside separate domain and node directories:
Considering this set up, you could start the domain myDomain with the Payara 154 instance as follows:
/opt/payara/154/payara41/bin/asadmin start-domain --domaindir /opt/payara/domains myDomain
Do note that the command in the example has a space in between domains and myDomain, not a forward slash (/). This is because you need to specify the domainDir, which is the directory which may hold several domain folders, and then specify the name of the domain which you want to start as a separate argument.

Set AllowOverride ALL on Apache 2.4 as default for domains

I recently updated from Apache 2.2 to Apache 2.4 and noticed my sub-directories on some domains were no longer showing (visiting via http resulted in a blank page). I am 50% confident this has something to do with the switch to default AllowOverride to 'none'.
Where do I set this to ALL so that the sub-directories will display again and is there a universal fix I can use to make it act as Apache 2.2 did or do I need to do it on a domain by domain or even directory by directory basis?
I am on a cPanel server (LAMP) with CentOs.
I think best way its use WHM EA Custom Templates
To create custom template files that affect how cPanel & WHM builds entries for all virtual hosts, perform the following steps:
Create a copy of one or more of the following files:
Apache 2.2 with SSL — /var/cpanel/templates/apache2_2/ssl_vhost.default
Apache 2.4 with SSL — /var/cpanel/templates/apache2_4/ssl_vhost.default
Apache 2.2 without SSL — /var/cpanel/templates/apache2_2/vhost.default
Apache 2.4 without SSL — /var/cpanel/templates/apache2_4/vhost.default
Rename the copied file to one of the following filenames:
vhost.local — Use this filename if you copied the vhost.default file.
ssl_vhost.local — Use this filename if you copied the ssl_vhost.default file.
Edit the *.local files to make the desired changes to your virtual host configuration.
It's easy. After create your custom template
service httpd restart

Apache - virtualhosts and global apache config

I have an apache server configured with multiple NameVirtualHosts running on the same IP. This all works fine.
However, because of the "include conf.d/*" directive, apache also picks up config for cacti and phpmyadmin, which add in aliases for /cacti and /phpmyadmin, and those aliases appear to be valid for all virtualhosts. That is to say, I can go to http://firstvirtualhost/cacti and also http://secondvirtualhost/cacti, and I get the same page.
In my case, the default namevirtualhost is publicly visible, and I do not want tools like phpmyadmin or cacti to be visible under that URL
In fact, I don't want any random package to be able to make itself visible across all virtualhosts simply by creating a file for itself in conf.d.
You have to delete the line include conf.d from the global Apache configuration file, and optionally add it to your own private virtual host configuration file.

setting up mod_jk on the Apache HTTP web server2.2.13

So I'm trying out JSP for the first time. I found a tutorial that details the installation of the tomcat server and the mod_jk Apache module, but it's a bit outdated. Right now, I've got everything installed and the mod_jk.so file in the modules folder, along with the corresponding loadModule line in the httpd.conf file. The tutorial tells me to copy a file called 'workers.propperties' to the apache conf directory and do some changes inside it, but there's no such file in the win32 binary installation. However, there is a file in the zipped source code, but I'm not sure if I should use it.
I have installed JDK1.6.0U17/JRE6.0/Apache HTTPServer2.2.13/Tomcat6.0.20/Mod_JK1.2.28/Vista
First this question: do you actually need Apache HTTP Server for other purposes? If not, just leave it aside and run Tomcat standlone. I've namely seen too often that starters are somehow under the impression that they need both Apache HTTP Server and Apache Tomcat to be able to run JSP's. This is untrue. Just Tomcat is enough. It's a webserver and servlet container in one.