Where is the Flyout control in WinRT XAML? - windows-8

The Flyout control in JavaScript is handy for the Settings pane and for button Flyout extensions. But where is the Flyout control for WinRT XAML?

The control you are looking for is called Popup in XAML. Unlike the JavaScript implementation of Flyout, it is up to you location the subject button and position the Popup near it.
Look: http://blog.jerrynixon.com/2012/08/how-to-create-windows-8-settings-pane.html

use Callisto control toolkit, it has flyout control


Button control as ListView DataTemplate container wrt Drag-and-Drop of ListView Elements

When I use a Button control in DataTemplate for ListView (UWP app), Drag-and-Drop of ListView items doesn't work. If I use containers like StackPanel, RelativePanel or Grid, instead of Button control, everything works fine. I would prefer the Button control as a container, because I like its mouse Hover effect on ListView items. I can do something similar for StackPanel, etc, with a custom hover effect by using a combination of Style and Behavior programming but trying to avoid this route (too involved).
Can I do something to the Button control so that it gives me the hover and also responds to the Drag-and-Drop event when part of a ListView DataTemplate?
I am also curious what specifically makes the Button suppress the Drag-and-Drop of ListView items.
The Button is capturing the pointer which cause the pointer click event not be bubble up to the ListViewItem which cause the Drag&Drop to start.
You can take a look at ReleasePointerCapture method which will release the pointer capture allowing other item to capture it.
You will need to create a new class which extends the default Button class and override for example the OnPointerPressed method to choose the logic between the drag&drop and the click on the button.

XAML AppBarButton Hover Colors

I'm developing a Universal Windows App in VS2015 (C#, XAML).
I have an AppBarButton on a RelativePanel, The panel's background is black.
When I move the mouse over the button (Hover), it turns black with a darkgray background, which is not visible on a dark background:
Please tell me how to change the colors for the button in all mouse states: hover, mousedown,...etc.
Thank you
You need to create custom style template for button to overwrite the hover effect and behaviour.
Please open the button in Blend by using Edit A copy and then edit its template! you might need to remove some element.
Mostly it shall be a button as the property of changing color is exhibited by a button control

Xamarin Forms Pill Button

How do you declar the Button in Xamarin Forms to be a pill button regardless of the width/height of the button? Is there a way to do this without resorting to native custom renderers? I would like to do this 100% in XAML.
You can specify the BorderRadius property on the Button to round the corners to look like a pill.
It's not possible without custom renderers. But here's a nice article about it: http://www.wintellect.com/devcenter/jprosise/supercharging-xamarin-forms-with-custom-renderers-part-2

Switch between panes in Pharo v3

While at the System Browser I can switch between panes and buttons using alt+tab and arrows, but once I'm at the "method editing" pane I can't go out of it using keyboard shortcuts. Is there a way to do so?
This is a well-known issue. KeyMapping is being overhauled. You can add your own for the moment.
Take a look at the class side of AbstractNautilusUI
you can switch the focus to the other panels:
cmd+g+c focus class list
cmd+g+p focus package list
cmd+g+m focus method list
cmd+g+t focus protocol list
cmd+g+s focus source code panel
in the window menu (little arrow icon on the title pane) is a menu entry
for the shortcuts description

C#/XAML Store App: accessing controls in FlipView.ItemTemplate

I've got a Flipview which has an ItemTemplate which contains a MediaElement and buttons for pause and play. I need to be able to access the MediaElement based on the Clicked event on the buttons. What is the best way to link my buttons to my MediaElement? Most of the code examples I find on the internet apply to WPF and not Store Apps. Ideally, I'd like to be able to use CommandParameters or some other type of XAML binding to pass the MediaElement control back to the event handler. Thanks
Put your MediaElement and buttons in a separate UserControl and put that control in your ItemTemplate. After that - it should be easy.