I doubt this is possible but, Is it possible to show a UIAlertView inside a UIView?
No, UIAlertView is actually another UIWindow that goes above you application's main window. The same is valid for the keyboard too.
I have two IBActions. In one action I am loading the UIWebview to display a PDF File from my bundle. On clicking the other button the whole UIWebView should get removed from superview.
I have tried using:
[webview removeFromSuperview];
Neither of these are working. They are hiding my UIWebView for a second, but then it appears again.
Is is
I have created UIWEBVIEW programatically and added the UIWebvieWDelegate in the interface file. But when initializing the UIWebView I didnt set webview.delegate=self; Is it the problem?
have you connected Referencing Outlet to the class's #property in the Interface Builder?
If you don't do it, it would be the a possible reason why you cannot reach the UIWebView in your source code. for your sake, you should check the pointer of webview, if it is nil chronically, there is 100% you have not connected them each other.
I was trying to make a thing like this. The solution that worked for me was to add UIview object as subview to view with the frame of webview and bringing it to top.... When u want to make uiwebview visible, just remove that uiview object from superview.
OK, it seems old question, but also i can see there are almost thousand people have view it, and may have the same problem. so my answer for anyone my have the same issue in the future.
I just been doing something smiler and want to hide the web view when at a certain action.
I have tried the following
[super viewDidLoad];
process = [ProcessingData new];
[DetailView setHidden:YES];
DetailView.hidden = YES;
[DetailView removeFromSuperview];
self.DetailView = nil;
however it is still not working, as i have few labels in the WebView which are don't disappear when the view load, when I looked at the "StoryBoard" i notes that the labels are not subview of the
can u see the hierarchy of the libels under the WebView, they are subview of the main view, where they suppose to be same as the table view hierarchy
so in may case the WebView is hiding but the labels are not as they are not a part of the Webview.
how to sort this problem, if you really don't need web view use the normal one, otherwise you have to hide all the labels in that view. hope thats helpe
I don't know obj-c but still posting a solution that worked for me in swift. basically you have to use the main thread to remove the webview.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
print("\nremoving webview\n")
self.myWebView.stringByEvaluatingJavaScript(from: "document.body.innerHTML='';")
As what I said above. I encountered a problem that I have to dismiss the popover on screen while I don't know where it come from.
What I want to do is : when the app become inactive, I want to dismiss the popover. But I don't know where the popover is presented, and which controller is responds to it?
Is there a notification which I could listen to when the UIPopover is presented?
Or can I find the Popover on the screen?
Thank you guys.
Just subclass your own implementation of UIPopoverController and overridepresentPopoverFromRect:inView:permittedArrowDirections:animated and presentPopoverFromBarButtonItem:permittedArrowDirections:animated and keep track of popover references in a global array. Since Apple's HIG says only one popover is allowed at a time on screen, you only need to track the last one.
after a bit of searching, I couldn't find an answer to something that seems like it would be useful to many.
Is there a way to make a UIPopoverController not dismiss when the user clicks somewhere on the outside? I want the user to have to use a cancel button (Yes, i realize this probably violates Apple's HIG somehow, but it's a rare case and makes sense from a User experience perspective).
Thanks for any help.
Just set the modalInPopover property on the UIViewController being displayed in the UIPopoverController.
popover = [[UIPopoverController alloc] initWithContentViewController:content];
content.modalInPopover = YES;
[popover presentPopoverFromBarButtonItem:sender permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny animated:YES];
Be aware that, as of iOS5, you have to set modalInPopover inside of -viewDidAppear.
You can do hit-tests on where the tap occurred and in your popover's delegate return NO. - (BOOL)popoverControllerShouldDismissPopover:(UIPopoverController *)popoverController
So, I realize this is an old question. However, there's an easier answer for anyone searching for a solution today.
If you use a Storyboard Segue, you can set the passthrough property on the segue allowing interaction with other objects in the view. If you do so, clicking outside of the bounds of the popover won't close the popover.
Here's some more info:
What are Anchor and Passthrough used for in popover segues?
And here's a excerpt from the Apple documentation:
To allow the user to interact with the specified views and not dismiss
the popover, you can assign one or more views to the passthroughViews
Is there a way to do a general resignFirstResponder to hide the keyboard regardless of what textfield/view/etc calls it?
Reason is I have a lot of textfields on my view and don't want to have to resignFirstResponder for all textfields to hide the keyboard. Just want a general
[self resignFirstResponder].
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
I know that this has already been marked as answered, but for those that run into this like I did you can just use the following method on the view that contains the textfields.
- (BOOL)endEditing:(BOOL)force
This method looks at the current view and its subview hierarchy for the text field that is currently the first responder. If it finds one, it asks that text field to resign as first responder. If the force parameter is set to YES, the text field is never even asked; it is forced to resign. UIView Documentation
[self.view endEditing:YES];
it will hide keyboard when we click on view.
You can dismiss the keyboard without any reference to UITextfield / UITextView with help of below code:
[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow] endEditing:YES];
this will dismiss the keyboard globally without the reference.
hope this will help you.
The easiest way to do this is to have a method for whenever you want to dismiss the keyboard that looks like this:
-(void)dismissKeyboard {
[firstField becomeFirstResponder];
[firstField resignFirstResponder];
You can check these questions:
Is it possible to make the iPhone keyboard invisible / remove it without resigning first responder?
Hide Input Keyboard on iPhone Without Knowing First Responder?
In summary:
You can call becomeFirstResponder on some other thing that you choose. It could be a UIViewController or a UIView. I had a similar problem before, I needed to make my keyboard go away when I was pushing my view controller back to its caller, without knowing which textfield was the first responder. Then, on viewWillAppear of my view controller which I was returning back, I called [self becomeFirstResponder] and the keyboard of the pushed view was gone. Because this made whichever text field was it loose being the first responder
In my own app when I had more than one text field and would like to make the keyboard go away regardless which of the fields called it, I would just wrote a method and let each and every of them resignFirstResponder.
I assume that as a programmer, you should have the clear knowledge how many text fields are on your view controller and how you can access them, otherwise it'll get messed up and you app won't look good... :-P
I want to do something similar to UIAlertView, ie - without reference to any UIView or UIViewController, present a UIViewController on top of all windows using presentModalViewController.
Looking at the documentation I can't find a way in which this is possible!
In OS4, there is something like this:
UIWindow *window = [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow
UIViewController *rootViewController = window.rootViewController
...but this is not possible in OS3.
Does anyone know how to achieve the same effect in OS3?
OK - so I solved this with a myriad of delegate callbacks to the ViewController itself! Although it's the proper way to achieve this, it did seem kind-of odd that's it's not possible at any stage in execution get a handle to the top View Controller for alerts (etc).
If anyone knows how to achieve this, I'd be still really interested!
UIAlertView creates its own UIWindow above your application's main window, makeKeyAndVisible-s it, and animates in its own views in that window.