JAR is added as .ejb-client in EAR Module assembly RAD 8 - rad

I am using Rational Application Developer v8.0.4 on Windows XP.
I have one ejb application A. I am trying to add the application A to the EAR Module Assembly of the application B ( This would create b.ear which contains A.jar as client EJB JAR). But the problem is that I try to add the project B as
Right-Click on B --> Click on Properties --> Click On Deployment Assembly --> EAR Module Assembly section --> Click on Add --> Select Project --> Select Project B.
By doing this project B is added to Project A as B.ejb-client instead of B.jar. Can any one help me why is it so?


File not Found Exception was unhandled

I created a Project A class library that reference azure.identity and built A.dll.
Then I created a Project B and imported in A.dll, but error comes out that could not load assembly:
In your project B add NuGet packages Azure.Identity and Microsoft.Graph in version 4.45.
Or if your project A and project B are part of the same solution then add project reference to project A in project B instead of importing A.dll.

.Net Core View: the name "Layout" does not exist in the current context

I'm using Visual Studio 2017 to build a .net core mvc project.
When I add a view in this way:
Right click folder -> Add View -> Add
Then the name "Layout" does not exist in the current context
Restart vs or build the project this error still exist.
However, If I add view in this way:
Right click folder -> Add New Items -> MVC View Page
the Layout can be recognized.
Is there any difference?
If you are using vs 2017 you have to add this code in new csproj which you created.
Because When you create a new Web application, this gets set to the "Web" SDK:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">...</Project>
so the Web SDK imports additional tasks to allow design-time processing of Web resources, such as Razor views. Change the SDK in your plugin library to Web.
after you build error should be vanished.

Auto deploy on save Netbeans entreprise project using maven

I have a NetBeans mavenized project Contaning:
web project (war)
ejb project (jar)
parent project
maven project
After every change I must clean an build the maven project and Run the Parent project
How canI configure my projects to auto deploy on save ?
the configuration file(nb-configuration.xml) is as follows :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
This file contains additional configuration written by modules in the NetBeans IDE.
The configuration is intended to be shared among all the users of project and
therefore it is assumed to be part of version control checkout.
Without this configuration present, some functionality in the IDE may be limited or fail altogether.
<properties xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/maven-properties-data/1">
Properties that influence various parts of the IDE, especially code formatting and the like.
You can copy and paste the single properties, into the pom.xml file and the IDE will pick them up.
That way multiple projects can share the same settings (useful for formatting rules for example).
Any value defined here will override the pom.xml file value but is only applicable to the current project.
right click on your project then select 'properties'. Now, click on 'run' option here select deploy on save. Hope it helps.
Sometimes, restarting NetBeans and server helps to solve autosave problem. It's truly strange, but in my case it helped.


I have a Web Project that has three Folder(A,B,C) that contains .cs files.
There will be one .DLL Build by VS by default.
but now I want to Build the project into multiple .dll files(A.dll, B.dll,C.dll),
Any one tell me how can I make it?
Separate them into 3 projects A,B & C (still in same solution)
and then add Project Reference to the main Web Project

Adding external jars to EJB project using EAR content folder

i have EAR and an EJB project. I noticed eclipse (sts) creates and earContent folder so I assume this is where I need to add external jars.
I added my hibernate and log4j jars on this folder but my EJB classes cannot resolve Logger class and hibernate classes.
What's the correct way of adding these jars? or should I just add them to the EJB build path?
Add jars to ear project EarContent folder
In Eclipse Right click ejb project, Properties
Deployment Assembly - Manifest Entries - Add
Choose your jars to add, OK
jars now added to manifest in ejb project, should work.
I'm looking at this in a project for the first time, I'd be very surprised if there wasn't a better solution to this that doesn't require Maven. The Java EE Tools - Update EAR Libraries option looks particularly suspicious, but doesn't seem to do the above. Note I'm on Helios still.
Add those jars under folder EarContent/lib directly , then all is done.
I.E., EarContent/lib/foo.jar will work but EarContent/lib/dir/foo.jar won't.