What is getting checked in isEqual? - objective-c

The Apple guide for isEqual says:
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver and a
given object are equal. (required)
This method defines what it means for instances to be equal. For
example, a container object might define two containers as equal if
their corresponding objects all respond YES to an isEqual: request.
See the NSData, NSDictionary, NSArray, and NSString class
specifications for examples of the use of this method.
If two objects are equal, they must have the same hash value. This
last point is particularly important if you define isEqual: in a
subclass and intend to put instances of that subclass into a
collection. Make sure you also define hash in your subclass.
So my question is if I want to compare two UIButtons or two UILabels (two UIViews) using isEqual, and beforehand I have checked if their classes are the same class and then call isEqual, what is getting checked? are the properties, values, action messages, target objects are getting checked?

the isEqual: method of NSObject checks whether the hash of the two objects are equal. In practice, the hash is the address of the instance if it isn't overridden. However, on simple data container classes, isEqual is overridden, and, for example, the isEqual: method of NSString invokes isEqualToString: after checking that the object being compared to is an NSString instance. Same applies, as I've mentioned before, to NSData, NSNumber, NSDate, NSArray and NSDictionary. However, UIView (and all its parents) don't override isEqual: as there's no obvious way to decide whether two views are considered equal. You'd better compare another, more significant property of the views to be examined.

No, isEqual does a simple check for the memory address of pointers to see if they are the same object. You'd have to use some other method to check if same the buttons had the same titles but were two separate button instances.


How do implement a custom key for NSDictionary

I'm trying to implement a class for use as a key in an NSDictionary. The docs say that in order to be used as a key the object needs to implement the NSCopying protocol, which I've done.
I'm seeing some very strange behaviour, where values seem to mysteriously become nil even though I can see the objects being stored correctly in the dictionary.
I've implemented copyWithZone: and isEqual: correctly as far as I can see but it's still not working.
What the documentation does not make clear is that to use an object as the key in a NSDictionary it must override BOTH the isEqual: and hash methods, as well as implementing NSCopying.
The contract for isEqual: and hash is that if isEqual: returns YES for 2 objects then their hash methods MUST return the same value. It's okay for 2 objects that are NOT equal to have the same hash but if they ARE equal then they MUST have the same hash.
Failing to correctly override hash will lead to all sorts of hard to debug issues when you try reading and writing from the dictionary.

Does NSDictionary's objectForKey: rely on identity or equality?

Say I have an object called Person which has the property socialSecurityNumber, and this class overrides the isEqual: method to return true when the social security number properties are equal. And say I've put a bunch of instances of Person into an NSDictionary.
If I now instantiate a newPerson object which happens to have the same social security number as one already in the dictionary, and I do [myDictionary objectForKey:newPerson], will it use the isEqual: and return YES, or will it compare pointers and return NO?
I know I can write a simple test to find out, but I want to understand how exactly objectForKey: finds a match in a dictionary, and generally how consistent this is across Cocoa (i.e. does NSArray's indexofObject: work the same?)
NSDictionary works like a hashtable. So it uses both -hash and -isEqual: to find the object in the dictionary corresponding to the given key.
So to answer your question for NSDictionary, this uses isEqual: and not pointer comparison. But you also should implement hash in addition to isEqual: on your Person class for this to work.
From the NSDictionary Class Reference documentation:
A key-value pair within a dictionary is called an entry. Each entry consists of one object that represents the key and a second object that is that key’s value. Within a dictionary, the keys are unique. That is, no two keys in a single dictionary are equal (as determined by isEqual:).
From the isEqual: method documentation:
If two objects are equal, they must have the same hash value. This last point is particularly important if you define isEqual: in a subclass and intend to put instances of that subclass into a collection. Make sure you also define hash in your subclass.
This behavior is consistent across the various container classes in Cocoa. For example, from the NSArray's indexOfObject: method documentation:
Starting at index 0, each element of the array is sent an isEqual: message until a match is found or the end of the array is reached. This method passes the anObject parameter to each isEqual: message. Objects are considered equal if isEqual: (declared in the NSObject protocol) returns YES.
You should always read the documentation : as pointed out by the extracts quoted above, these kind of details are often explained in the "Discussion" or "Special Consideration" sections of the method documentation or in the "Overview" section of the class documentation itself.
how consistent this is across Cocoa (i.e. does NSArray's indexofObject: work the same?)
It is consistent and at the same time it isn't. What I mean is that there are two methods that could be used: isEqual and hash. You should not be too much concerned about which is used when. What you should instead focus on is to respect the NSObject protocol requirements and make sure that if two objects are equal according to isEqual they also have the same hash.
From the isEqual documentation in the NSObject Protocol Reference
If two objects are equal, they must have the same hash value. This
last point is particularly important if you define isEqual: in a
subclass and intend to put instances of that subclass into a
collection. Make sure you also define hash in your subclass.

NSArray property: copy or retain?

According to this: NSString property: copy or retain?
For NSString/NSMutableString, copy is recommended.
How about NSArray/NSMutableArray?
Since you're asking about NSArray (rather than NSMutableArray), you should use copy. NSArray is immutable, so you don't expect a property of that type to change. But NSMutableArray is a subclass of NSArray, so it's perfectly valid for someone to pass in a NSMutableArray. If you just retain that object, then it may change right under your nose. If you copy rather than retain, then the object won't change.
However, you should be aware that when you copy a container like NSArray, you're copying the container only and not its contents. If the array contains mutable objects, the contents of those objects may change even though the array itself is immutable.
choose copy, unless you have a very specific reason not to, as well as all the supporting code/interface to back that up.
i detailed the rationale and several implications here:
NSMutableString as retain/copy
that example is based on NSStrings, but the same applies for NSArrays.
If it is a problem when the underlying data changes, use copy. In fact, this is what you want most of the time, as changing data behind someone's back is a good source for bugs.
Note that copy will essentially just be a retain for an NSArray. Only when you throw an NSMutableArray in, there is more work involved.
From the link you included, it pretty much comes down to this: NSString property: copy or retain?
If you want to make sure the value of the object won't change during execution, you use the copy attribute, otherwise retain will be fine. Generally, retain will be ok for NSMutableArrays and NSArrays (as well as many other objects) as you are (usually) more interested in the object then in the value it contains. In case of an NSString you are always interested in the value, so you copy it to make sure it won't change.
It depends if the developer is interested in the actual value or not. Whenever interested in the actual value, use copy (since you don't want the value to change during execution), otherwise retain is fine. From Apple's docs:
It is common practice in Objective-C code to copy value objects—objects that represent attributes. C-type variables can usually be substituted for value objects, but value objects have the advantage of encapsulating convenient utilities for common manipulations. For example, NSString objects are used instead of character pointers because they encapsulate encoding and storage.
Also from Apple's docs, on the topic of value objects:
A value object is in essence an object-oriented wrapper for a simple data element such as a string, number, or date. The common value classes in Cocoa are NSString, NSDate, and NSNumber. Value objects are often attributes of other custom objects you create.

Objective C - Subclassing NSArray

I am trying to subclass NSArray, but it crashes the app when trying to access the count method. I know that NSArray is a class cluster.
But what does this mean?
Is there a work around to be able to subclass an NSArray?
I know that I can simply subclass NSObject and have my array as an instance variable but I would rather subclass NSArray.
I am creating a card game, I have a class Deck which should subclass NSMutableArray to have a couple of extra methods (-shuffle, -removeObjects:, -renew, etc), and I think it will look cleaner to subclass NSArray rather than having a var.
The problem with adding a category on a class like this is that all instances of the class will inherit the additional methods. That's both unnecessary (since not every array needs to be able to be shuffled, etc.) and dangerous (because you can't benefit from typechecking to be sure the NSArray you're currently referring to is really one that was expected to be shuffled).
An alternative would be to create your own Deck class that has an NSMutableArray as an instance variable. There you can define actions on your deck exactly as you would like, and the fact that you are using an NSMutableArray becomes an implementation detail. This lets you take advantage of typechecking at compile-time and it lets you change the internal implementation of your Deck class without changing its clients. For instance, if you decided for some reason that an NSMutableDictionary would be a better backing store, you can make all those changes within the implementation of your Deck class without changing any of the code that creates and uses the Deck.
You usually won't need to subclass it, but in any case the suggestions made by Apple are:
Any subclass of NSArray must override the primitive instance methods count and objectAtIndex:. These methods must operate on the backing store that you provide for the elements of the collection. For this backing store you can use a static array, a standard NSArray object, or some other data type or mechanism. You may also choose to override, partially or fully, any other NSArray method for which you want to provide an alternative implementation.
Did you actually override countmethod? As they say you have to provide your own backing structure to hold array elements, and override suggested methods considering this..
If you're just adding new methods, and using the existing backing store, then a better approach is to add a category to NSArray. Categories are a really powerful part of objective-C - see cocoadev for some samples.
NSMutableArray already has a - (void)removeObjectsInArray:(NSArray *)otherArray;
You're going to be best off making an NSObject subclass with a mutable array property.
In this particular case, I'd shuffle the array using -sortedArrayUsingComparator: and make your comparator randomly return NSOrderedAscending or NSOrderedDescending.
NSArray *originalArray; // wherever you might get this.
NSArray *shuffledArray = [orginalArray sortedArrayUsingComparator:
^(id obj1, id obj2) {
return random() % 2 ? NSOrderedAscending : NSOrderedDescending;

How to inherit from NSDictionary?

I have an object called Settings that inherits from NSMutableDictionary. When I try to initialize this object using
Settings *settings = [[Settings alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: #"someFile"]
it returns an object of type NSCFDictionary. As a result, it doesn't recognize my additional methods. For example, when I call the selector "save", it objects:
[NSCFDictionary save]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x524bc0
Of course, it's OK when I initialize using the garden variety
Settings *settings = [[Settings alloc] init]
I tried to cast it again to Settings but that didn't work. This seems really simple - what am I missing?
NSDictionary is a class cluster. This means that the value returned from its init methods is not strictly an NSDictionary, but a subclass that implements the actual functionality. In almost every case, it is better to give your class an NSDictionary as an instance variable or to simply define a category on NSDictionary.
Chuck is correct about NSDictionary (and Dave, by extension, about NSArray/Set/String) and class clusters. Odds are that -[NSDictionary initWithContentsOfFile:] calls down to a different initializer than -init does, which is why it swaps out your allocated Settings instance for another subclass of NSMutableDictionary. (The initialization action when reading from a file may select a particular known subclass of NSDictionary which performs well for loading from a file, etc.)
I'll echo Chuck's guidance that it is almost always better to use composition or categories than inheritance for an NSDictionary. It's highly likely that you could accomplish what you're doing with categories in a much simpler way, and expose yourself to fewer potential bugs in the process. Consider yourself warned before deciding to subclass.
That being said, both NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary have been designed to support subclassing, and on rare occasions that's the right thing to do. Think long and hard about it before trying it. If you find it's the right choice for your design, here are some key points to know and do as needed:
Override the following primitive methods from NSDictionary:
-initWithObjects:forKeys:count: (designated initializer)
Override the following primitive methods from NSMutableDictionary:
If you're supporting NSCoding, be aware of classForKeyedArchiver and replacementObjectForKeyedArchiver: (both instance methods from NSObject) — they can totally change how your class responds, and you often unintentionally inherit some odd behavior from NS(Mutable)Dictionary. (You can verify if they are the culprit by setting a breakpoint on them, or implementing them to call super and breaking on your own code.)
I've implemented a number of these points in an NSMutableDictionary subclass of my own. You can check it out and use the code however may be helpful to you. One that particularly helped me (and could be the solution for your problem) was overloading the designated initializer, which is currently undocumented (Radar #7046209).
The thing to remember is that even though these bullets cover most common uses, there are always edge cases and less common functionality to account for. For example, -isEqual: and -hash for testing equality, etc.
If you actually read the spec for NSDictionary (a rash action, I know) you'll find a section named "Subclassing Notes". In it you will read:
If you do need to subclass NSDictionary, you need to take into account
that is represented by a Class cluster—there are therefore several
primitive methods upon which the methods are conceptually based:
In a subclass, you must override all these methods.
From https://stackoverflow.com/a/1191351/467588, this is what I did to make a subclass of NSDictionary works. I just declare an NSDictionary as an instance variable of my class and add some more required methods. I don't know what to call them though.
I posted my code sample here https://stackoverflow.com/a/10993594/467588.
This question is very old, and since most of these answers were posted, Apple has introduced object subscripting, which allows you to make your own classes behave more like NSMutableArray or NSMutableDictionary. This is simpler than the alternatives discussed above.
At a minimum, you have to override these methods:
- (id)objectAtIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)idx;
- (void)setObject:(id)obj atIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)idx;
- (id)objectForKeyedSubscript:(id <NSCopying>)key;
- (void)setObject:(id)obj forKeyedSubscript:(id <NSCopying>)key;
Here's a nice tutorial on how to do just that.