i am new to iPhone and objective c
i want to know the meaning of below declaration..can anyone please tell me the answer
UIImage (FiltrrCompositions) iOS
It's Objective-C Category, in other words Extension of existing class.
I am working on an iOS project that would like to showa and hide UIImages in an array for milliseconds in objective-c language. I don't know how?
Perhaps you’re looking for the animationImages property in the UIImageView class. You can set an array of UIImages, a duration and a repeat count.
guys. I am a newbie at Objective-C programming. I was wondering if it is possible to make an image that a user can pick from an image library on their phone. I already have created a UIImageView in the storyboard and a UIImage in the code. How should I do this? Thanks in advance.
Yes, have a look at the UIImagePickerController class and set the source type to UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary
I'd like to use one of this two controls that are written in Objective C
There are some way to use my UITableView with one of those UITableViewCell?
You will need to create a xamarin.ios binding for the objective-c library. You can see how to do this here.
There is a tool available from Xamarin called Objective Sharpie which will give you a great starting point!
Here is a walkthrough to create a static library in Xcode
Sorry if my question looks noob, im new in objective c programming. Im using 4.6 xcode, and when i started to make new built in tab project, then I started to add new UIViewController subclass file, i cant find it. If the template is changed, which template that can provide 3 file (.h, .m, .xib) same with UIViewController. Answer will be appreciate. thanks
Choose the Objective-C class template from the Cocoa Touch section. On the next page, select or type UIViewController in the "Subclass Of" field. Make sure "With XIB for user interface" is checked.
I'm building a game with cocos2d (for iPad) and I would like to know if a class exists, in objective-c or cocos2d that allows me to import another class (written in objective-c).
During the game-session, this has to be compiled in a dynamic way and the methods of this class have to be used in the game to implement it.
I've found the NSBundle of objective-c but they can't be used in this way for iPad.
Can you give me some advice, If you know a solution with cocos2d or library of objective-c?
if there is no solution a parser may be possible?
Sorry to answer your questions so late.. I hope this helps..
lets say you want to check if the class 'ADBannerView' is available. Then you can do something like this.
Class classAdBannerView = NSClassFromString(#"ADBannerView");
if (classAdBannerView != nil){
//the class is available.