Calling a Metro based Security Token Service from an Axis2 STS Client - axis2

I want to call a Security Token Service which was created and deployed using Metro 2.2 framework from an Axis 2 STS Client. I'm trying to do the same but getting issues like the one below: -
java.lang.RuntimeException:Incorrect inclusion value: -1
I went deep into the source code and saw that in SecureConversationTokenBuilder class code is wriiten something like this:-
String inclusionValue = attribute.getAttributeValue().trim();
then I went into the SP11Constants.getInclusionFromAttributeValue(inclusionValue) and saw the following piece of code:-
public static int getInclusionFromAttributeValue(String value ) {
if (INCLUDE_ALWAYS.equals(value)) {
} else if (INCLUDE_ALWAYS_TO_RECIPIENT.equals(value)) {
} else if (INCLUDE_NEVER.equals(value)) {
} else if (INCLUDE_ONCE.equals(value)) {
return SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOKEN_ONCE;
} else {
return -1;
as INCLUDE_ALWAYS = "" which is not equal to what is defined by metro in policy.xml like
Therefore the above code always return -1 and in turn throws a runtime exception as below:-
public void setInclusion(int inclusion) {
if(SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOEKN_ALWAYS == inclusion ||
SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOKEN_NEVER == inclusion ||
SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOKEN_ONCE == inclusion ) {
this.inclusion = inclusion;
} else {
//TODO replace this with a proper (WSSPolicyException) exception
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect inclusion value: " + inclusion);
Just wanted to know whether it is possible to get token from Security Token Service (STS) created in Metro Framework invoked from an Axis2 based STS Client.Please advise as I'm stuck in between.
Thanks in advance.


Xamarin iOS - Check if mobile data connection is available

I would like to check if mobile data is available (the app has access, it's switched on in settings, aeroplane mode isn't on and there is a valid connection).
I want to know this even when an active wifi connection is established. So I can't use any get the current connection as it won't be the current one, WiFi would be.
I have tried looking into NWPath and NWPathMonitor but got a bit confused by it all.
Thanks, if I need to add any more information just drop a comment and I will update this or reply to you.
Since you have a Tag with Xamarin, just use the API from Essentials. For the connectivity-checker see the docs.
Here is a pretty perfekt blogpost from "James Montemagno"
A sneak preview of the Post:
var current = Connectivity.NetworkAccess;
case NetworkAccess.Internet:
// Connected to internet
case NetworkAccess.Local:
// Only local network access
case NetworkAccess.ConstrainedInternet:
// Connected, but limited internet access such as behind a network login page
case NetworkAccess.None:
// No internet available
case NetworkAccess.Unknown:
// Internet access is unknown
Edit due to the comment from #Samuel James:
Maybe this helps?
Check what type of activ connection (according docs from Mircosoft):
var profiles = Connectivity.ConnectionProfiles;
if (profiles.Contains(ConnectionProfile.Cellular))
// Active mobile/cellular data connection.
public enum ConnectionProfile
/// <summary>Other unknown type of connection.</summary>
/// <summary>The bluetooth data connection.</summary>
/// <summary>The mobile/cellular data connection.</summary>
/// <summary>The ethernet data connection.</summary>
/// <summary>The WiFi data connection.</summary>
See my answer here ,we can use CoreTelephony framework to get what the specific type of cellular is .
Try the following code
public ConnectivityTest()
// Register for connectivity changes, be sure to unsubscribe when finished
Connectivity.ConnectivityChanged += Connectivity_ConnectivityChanged;
string result;
void Connectivity_ConnectivityChanged(object sender, ConnectivityChangedEventArgs e)
var access = e.NetworkAccess;
var profiles = e.ConnectionProfiles;
if (Connectivity.NetworkAccess != NetworkAccess.Internet)
result = "NoNetworkAccess";
else if (profiles.Contains(ConnectionProfile.Cellular))
CTTelephonyNetworkInfo networkInfo = new CTTelephonyNetworkInfo();
string carrierTypeName = networkInfo.ServiceCurrentRadioAccessTechnology.Values[0];
if (carrierTypeName == null) result = "unknown";
else if (carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.GPRS ||
carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.Edge ||
carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.CDMA1x)
result = "2G";
else if (carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.WCDMA ||
carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.HSDPA ||
carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.HSUPA ||
carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.CDMAEVDORev0 ||
carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.CDMAEVDORevA ||
carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.CDMAEVDORevB ||
carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.EHRPD)
result = "3G";
else if (carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.LTE)
result = "4G";
else result = "5G";
Refer to

why it is showing project name as "Default" in sitefinity dashboard portal once I run it

I am new to Sitefinity. But I followed steps from tutorial and created the one project named as "SFcmsDemo" and when I run this project and Sitefinity dashboard appears on localhost it is showing name as "Default" instead of "SFcmsDemo", The tutorial I read is showing the correct name in that but when I tried it is showing as "Default". Can anyone please help me find out the root cause and solution for this. I am attaching some screenshot which will help to understand more. Thanks.
Default can be easily changed if you click on it and then Manage Site.
From the decompiled Telerik.Sitefinity.dll (v.12.2):
internal static Site GetOrCreateDefaultSite()
Site site;
string str = "CreateDefaultSite";
MultisiteManager manager = MultisiteManager.GetManager(null, str);
using (ElevatedModeRegion elevatedModeRegion = new ElevatedModeRegion(manager))
ProjectConfig projectConfig = Config.Get<ProjectConfig>();
Guid siteMapRootNodeId = projectConfig.DefaultSite.SiteMapRootNodeId;
Site site = (
from s in manager.GetSites()
where s.SiteMapRootNodeId == siteMapRootNodeId
select s).FirstOrDefault<Site>();
if (site == null)
site = (projectConfig.DefaultSite.Id == Guid.Empty ? manager.CreateSite() : manager.CreateSite(projectConfig.DefaultSite.Id));
site.IsDefault = true;
site.IsOffline = false; =;
site.SiteMapRootNodeId = siteMapRootNodeId;
site.Name = (projectConfig.ProjectName != "/" ? projectConfig.ProjectName : "Default");
Note in the last line how it looks in the projectConfig.ProjectName value and if it is equal to "/" then it sets it to "Default"
Now, if we look at the ProjectConfig there is this:
[ConfigurationProperty("projectName", DefaultValue="/")]
[ObjectInfo(typeof(ConfigDescriptions), Title="ProjectNameTitle", Description="ProjectNameDescription")]
public string ProjectName
return (string)this["projectName"];
internal set
this["projectName"] = value;
So, default value is indeed "/", so that's why when the site is created it has a name of Default.

PHP InstanceOf works locally but not on host server

I have an issue with PHP 7's instanceof statement that is only happening on certain conditions.
It seems that instanceof works locally on my dev machine (MAMP Pro running PHP 7.0.13) but not on my Hosted Server (HostEurope, PHP 7).
I have tried the following :
downgrading to PHP 5.6
using is_a instead
Using fully qualified name e.g. \Site\Ad
but they all exhibit the same behaviour.
I've tried Googling "PHP instanceof not working" and variations of it but I haven't found anything relevant.
I was wondering if anyone had experienced something similar or possible solutions to try?
The Code in question is:
namespace Site;
class AdFactory
* Define(AD_BANNER, 0);
* Define(AD_RECTANGE, 1);
* Define(AD_SUPERBANNER, 2);
* Define(AD_SKYSCRAPER, 3);
* #param $object
* #return AdMediumRectangle|AdSnapBanner|string
public static function CreateObject($object)
$ad = wire(pages)->get("/ads/")->children->getRandom();
if ($ad == null)
return new \Exception("No Random Ad found");
switch ($object) {
echo "AD_Banner Selected\r\n";
$adSnapBanner = new AdSnapBanner($ad);
return $adSnapBanner;
echo "AD Rectangle Created\r\n";
$adRectangle = new AdMediumRectangle($ad);
return $adRectangle;
echo "AdFactory BlankObject created";
return "";
public static function Markup($object)
$obj = AdFactory::CreateObject($object);
if (($obj instanceof AdSnapBanner) || ($obj instanceof AdMediumRectangle)) {
echo "InstanceOf worked";
return $obj->Markup();
else {
echo "return blankString";
return "";
Update : This is the code that calls the above AdFactory class
namespace Site;
require_once (__DIR__."/../const/Const.php");
class AdInjector
public static function Inject($page, $ad_pos)
//Select an Ad from /Ads/ according to criteria
//$ads = wire(pages)->get("/ads/")->children;
$count = 1; //$ads->count();
if ($count > 0) {
$mod = $page->id % 3;
echo "mod=" . $mod . "\r\n";
if ($mod == $ad_pos) {
switch ($mod) {
//Pick an Snap Banner
echo "Banner Injected (banner):" . AD_BANNER . "\r\n";
return AdFactory::Markup(AD_BANNER);
echo "Banner Injected (rect):" . AD_RECTANGLE . "\r\n";
//Pick an Ad Rectangle
return AdFactory::Markup(AD_RECTANGLE);
return "";
} else
return "";
} else
return "";
instanceof is a language construct which is so essential to PHP that it is de facto impossible not to work properly.
The code you provided is not enough to tell where the issue might be happening.
Chances are, you have a folder not readable on your online server and simply get somewhere a null value instead of an expected object along your code. Ask yourself: "If it is not the object I expect, what else is it?"
Use var_dump() or printf() to investigate what your variables actually contain and you will find the error soon.
For your code, PHPUnit tests would be a benefit, or at least the use of assert() here and there in your code.
Turns out there was a bug in 1 of the API calls I was making to the Processwire CMS.
$ad = wire(pages)->get("/ads/")->children->getRandom();
And my local and server instance of Processwire was not the same version, which was news to me. I normally have it synchronised, including any modules I use.
I also suspect my null check is not correct PHP, to add to the problem.
It has to do with namespaces used in the code:
Locally (Code with no namespaces) I used this, working fine:
if ($xmlornot instanceof SimpleXMLElement) { }
But on the server (code with namespaces) only this worked:
if ($xmlornot instanceof \SimpleXMLElement) { }
See also this question/answer: instanceof operator returns false for true condition

Read 'hidden' input for CLI Dart app

What's the best way to receive 'hidden' input from a command-line Dart application? For example, in Bash, this is accomplished with:
read -s SOME_VAR
Set io.stdin.echoMode to false:
import 'dart:io' as io;
void main() {
io.stdin.echoMode = false;
String input = io.stdin.readLineSync();
// or
var input;
while(input != 32) {
input = io.stdin.readByteSync();
if(input != 10) print(input);
// restore echoMode
io.stdin.echoMode = true;
This is a slightly extended version, key differences are that it uses a finally block to ensure the mode is reset if an exception is thrown whilst the code is executing.
The code also uses a waitFor call (only available in dart cli apps) to turn this code into a synchronous call. Given this is a cli command there is no need for the complications that futures bring to the table.
The code also does the classic output of '*' as you type.
If you are doing much cli work the below code is from the dart package I'm working on called dcli. Have a look at the 'ask' method.
String readHidden() {
var line = <int>[];
try {
stdin.echoMode = false;
stdin.lineMode = false;
int char;
do {
char = stdin.readByteSync();
if (char != 10) {
// we must wait for flush as only one flush can be outstanding at a time.
} while (char != 10);
} finally {
stdin.echoMode = true;
stdin.lineMode = true;
// output a newline as we have suppressed it.
return Encoding.getByName('utf-8').decode(line);

OpenFire: In an IQHandler, how to get the authenticated user that sent it?

I want to implement an IQHandler, but I want to make sure that only authenticated users can send IQ Packets to it. I want to make sure that the JID I get from Packet.getFrom() is the authenticated user that sent it.
I need this so that no one can just create an IQ Packet and set the "from" attribute to a user id other than their own. Can someone help me with this?
Try this:
ClientSession session = sessionManager.getSession(sender);
if(session.getStatus() == Session.STATUS_AUTHENTICATED) {
Looking closer at the source. It appears that the IQRouter already does this for you. If you are not authenticated the server response with an error stating just that.
public void route(IQ packet) {
if (packet == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
JID sender = packet.getFrom();
ClientSession session = sessionManager.getSession(sender);
try {
// Invoke the interceptors before we process the read packet
InterceptorManager.getInstance().invokeInterceptors(packet, session, true, false);
JID to = packet.getTo();
if (session != null && to != null && session.getStatus() == Session.STATUS_CONNECTED &&
!serverName.equals(to.toString())) {
// User is requesting this server to authenticate for another server. Return
// a bad-request error
IQ reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
Log.warn("User tried to authenticate with this server using an unknown receipient: " +
else if (session == null || session.getStatus() == Session.STATUS_AUTHENTICATED || (
isLocalServer(to) && (
"jabber:iq:auth".equals(packet.getChildElement().getNamespaceURI()) ||
.equals(packet.getChildElement().getNamespaceURI()) ||
.equals(packet.getChildElement().getNamespaceURI())))) {
else {
IQ reply = IQ.createResultIQ(packet);
// Invoke the interceptors after we have processed the read packet
InterceptorManager.getInstance().invokeInterceptors(packet, session, true, true);