Tomcat In Apache - apache

I am trying to include tomcate in apache, following the steps in the below link
In that link they mention after the tomcat starts there will be a file tomcat-apache.conf inside the tomcat\conf directory but am not able to find it. Am using tomcat 6 binary.
Am i using the right tomcat or should get a different one??

if your are on windows , you can easily use XAMPP for windows it supports and included tomcat and it is configured and u can just use it


Howto run mod-mono and php on same apache webserver

I've successfully implemented mod-mono and apache webserver on a Centos 8 distro.
I've also installed PHP 7.2 on the server and the configuration looks ok on eye inspection.
However, the webserver is not executing the PHP files, but serving them for download.
If i go to - it runs the website in MONO space
If I go to - it gives me the PHP file for downloading. It makes me think that it tries to run the php file through mono and fails, so gives it to me for download instead forwarding it to PHP for execution.
Is it possible to run both PHP and MONO code on same apache webserver?
If yes, what could be the tricks to have it working ?
Many thanks.
Actually having a separate PHP website and also MONO websites in same apache server was working. However I though things were not working since I tried to run the PHP file from within the MONO-handled virtualhost ... so no need for clarifications.

How to download Apache Tomcat?

It seems like they have changed their web-page and I can no longer find the binary distributions. The main website is
Selecting ie. Tomcat 8 on the left hand side under the download section redirects me to
Then clicking on the suggested mirror just lists a bunch of different folders like /abdera, /accumulo, /ace, /activemg...
Where can I find a normal Tomcat 8 .zip?
You can download from either of the below links
Tomcat 8.0.45
Tomcat 8.5.16
Please put some effort to browse and find details..
The link apache.mirror Url is the mirror for all the downloads under Apache Project .

Trying to Properly configure the mod alias in Apache

I'm running apache 2.2.24 on Max OS X 10.9.1. Currently, we have a network drive that we access all of our Git repos on at /Volumes/GitWebsites. I would like to configure Apache to serve our PHP based repos from that directory. So, localhost (or or /phpsite2? etc. will serve sites from /Volumes/GitWebsites/phpsite1/ or /phpsite2/ in the browser. My two questions are:
Do I simply modify the server root or do I need to use the mod-alias in the httpd.conf file?
What are the permission setting I need to in order for apache to access /Volumes/GitWebsites ?
I've done configuration changes like this in IIS 7.5 and set up a NodeJS dev environment but still new to make large scale changes to Apache. Thanks for any help given.
If you are happy with serving the contents of /Volumes/GitWebsites as it is then it should be fine to point the document root at it. It's also makes it easy to add sites later.
However this could be troublesome later if you want to manage php configuration later on for the sites separately.

Change docBase for apache tomcat in Netbeans

I have tried changing the docBase (with the help of several tutorials for serving static images from outside WebApp)of the Apache Tomcat installed by Netbeans, but till now no luck for me and getting 404 error.
<Context path="/WebApp/images" docBase="C:\\Users\Digvijay\Pictures\SAB" />
I am using windows.
I am not sure if there is some other way to configure Apache Tomcat installed by netbeans.
By the way below are the links for the solutions I tried
Simplest way to serve static data from outside the application server in a Java web application
Mapping a directory outside the web-app to URL in TOMCAT
Following steps works for me (NetBeans 7.3) ...
Select "Services" tab in NetBeans (top-lefthand box)
Right-click "Servers :: Apache Tomcat " and select "Edit server.xml" item
Put content as described in links and save file
Right-click "Servers :: Apache Tomcat " and select "Restart"

Netbeans project 404 + apache localhost XAMPP

I've created a web project in Netbeans. When I run it, it starts a glassfish server, and everything works fine (I don't understand why or how, but it works).
I also have XAMPP installed on my mac. I copied my netbeans project folder to my user sites folder, and ran my apache server with XAMPP.
I can access the sites index, but whenever I try to use a servlet, I get a 404, object not found.
Does this have something to do with glassfish web xml file? Servlet Mapping? Is there a new apache web xml file that I must create for it to work on apache server?
I can paste code if you need it.
Apache Server is for php based application and for running java based web project you have to install apache tomcat or glassfish as you have done previously where the servlet container is available.