How to download Apache Tomcat? - apache

It seems like they have changed their web-page and I can no longer find the binary distributions. The main website is
Selecting ie. Tomcat 8 on the left hand side under the download section redirects me to
Then clicking on the suggested mirror just lists a bunch of different folders like /abdera, /accumulo, /ace, /activemg...
Where can I find a normal Tomcat 8 .zip?

You can download from either of the below links
Tomcat 8.0.45
Tomcat 8.5.16
Please put some effort to browse and find details..
The link apache.mirror Url is the mirror for all the downloads under Apache Project .


How can I run an index.html file on my localhost server?

I purchased a fancy little "visual menu maker" over at envato (Code Canyon) from here:
I was using their sample app where you can test out the tool and I was able to create a nice little menu for my site. But you have to purchase a license to export the code.
I purchased the license and the first "Getting Started" requirement is to "Start your Web Server and open the index.html file. This is where I'm lost. BTW... for reference, you can scroll to the bottom of that documentation page to see all the files that were included in the download.
When I try to open that "index.html" file in my browser, it doesn't load.
I followed some instructions to get my native Mac Apache server running, and everything seems to be working, with my localhost, but I don't know how to open this file through my Apache Web Server.
Any help would be so appreciated!!
I am assuming you have your Apache installed on your Mac under /etc/apache2 folder
If you want to serve your html files and related components, you need to tell apache from where to find your files
So , you need to configure apache so that it can server your files.
first you need to open an terminal from lunch menu then go to the apache2 installation directory
cd /etc/apache2
Then you need to open httpd.conf file and make necessary changes,
sudo nano /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
You will see "DocumentRoot" line/. Change it with your directory where you put your files.
Change also Directory path with yours. (It should be in same config file such as
<Document "some_path">
Then you should restart apache server with command
sudo apachectl restart
Now you can try to access your file . you can also check http://localhost to validate
You need to put the files somewhere within the DocumentRoot of your Apache web server, and then you should be able to visit them with http://localhost/ (assuming the index.html file is in the root of the DocumentRoot).
I'm not familiar with the default setting of DocumentRoot on the Mac port of Apache, but you should be able to find that quite easily in the configuration. On Linux that would commonly be found somewhere under /etc/apache2 or /etc/httpd.
There may be further configuration needed if the files expect some sort of server-side module to be activated (e.g. PHP), but it sounds like they are just plain HTML.
Some good answers were given but I think this particular app needed a few extra steps in order to work properly.
The developer got back to me and told me I'd need to install a MAMP solution in order to run the app.
So I installed that and then took the unzipped folder and all its contents in this folder /MAMP/htdocs/
Then when I visit http://localhost:8888/ZMenuMaker/ the app runs without a hitch!

The http://localhost:8080/axis2 link does not work

Hello fellow programmers,
I have to get axis2 (version 1.7.2) working in Tomcat (version 8.0.33) but here I encounter a annoying problem. I have followed the steps in the tutorial (from the axis.apache website) until the point of checking the link mentioned in the topic title.
I have downloaded the Axis2.war file and placed it in the webapps folder in the tomcat home directory (/opt/tomcat).
When I start tomcat using the file and visit the homepage it all seems to work. visiting the link http://localhost:8080/ will show me the text:
It works !
If you're seeing this page via a web browser, it means you've setup Tomcat successfully. Congratulations! etc etc
But then when I visit http://localhost:8080/axis2 I get:
HTTP Status 404 - /axis2
type Status report
message /axis2
description The requested resource is not available.
Apache Tomcat/8.0.28 (Ubuntu)
When I run the .startup file and at the same time look at my webapps folder I see that the .war folder is extracted and makes the axis2 folder appear, thus it works until there at least.
Does someone has an idea of what could be wrong here?
PS: I am using Ubuntu.
if your deploy axis2.war, port must be the same at the Apache Tomcat and Axis2 8080, check file tomcat_dir\conf\server.xml

Apache - Access files from multiple different folders

Is there anyway to have a bunch of iframes on one html page that link to several different text files located elsewhere on the server?
For example, if my apache server hosts its HTML pages in:
Is there anyway to link several different log files from different locations like" C:\game1\logs\log.txt and C:\GameServer\logs\console.txt all into one webpage using iframes?
I suggest you create shortcuts to your current apache document root and give apache user read permission to the original file. Personally, I haven't tested this on a windows machine. Otherwise, you can use Alias directive.
Alias /log1 C:\game1\logs\
and you can call the url as http://localhost/log1/
That should help as well.

Change docBase for apache tomcat in Netbeans

I have tried changing the docBase (with the help of several tutorials for serving static images from outside WebApp)of the Apache Tomcat installed by Netbeans, but till now no luck for me and getting 404 error.
<Context path="/WebApp/images" docBase="C:\\Users\Digvijay\Pictures\SAB" />
I am using windows.
I am not sure if there is some other way to configure Apache Tomcat installed by netbeans.
By the way below are the links for the solutions I tried
Simplest way to serve static data from outside the application server in a Java web application
Mapping a directory outside the web-app to URL in TOMCAT
Following steps works for me (NetBeans 7.3) ...
Select "Services" tab in NetBeans (top-lefthand box)
Right-click "Servers :: Apache Tomcat " and select "Edit server.xml" item
Put content as described in links and save file
Right-click "Servers :: Apache Tomcat " and select "Restart"

Tomcat In Apache

I am trying to include tomcate in apache, following the steps in the below link
In that link they mention after the tomcat starts there will be a file tomcat-apache.conf inside the tomcat\conf directory but am not able to find it. Am using tomcat 6 binary.
Am i using the right tomcat or should get a different one??
if your are on windows , you can easily use XAMPP for windows it supports and included tomcat and it is configured and u can just use it