How to prevent dead code being optimized by JVM? - jvm

public class A
public String getText()
public class Marker
public static void start()
long now = System.currentTimeMillis;
public static void end()
long now = System.currentTimeMillis;
I want to use JPDA (Java Platform Debugger Architecture) to detect the occurrence of Marker.start() and Marker.end() from external application. However I think the code may be optimized / eliminated away by JVM. How to prevent dead code being optimized by JVM?

You could for example create a fake int variable somewhere in the class Marker and increment/decrement its value in the start() and end() methods. I don't think any optimizer could remove an instance field from a class even if the value is not used anywhere. After all, someone could always inject new agent code into the JVM and ask for the value. This means calls to start() and stop() shouldn't get optimized out, either.


How to programmatically register extensions in Junit5

Say, a test needs a parameter that is only known when the tests are about to run.
public class Test {
protected final MyParameter p;
public Test(MyParameter p) {}
public void test() { assertSuccess(TestedCode.doComplexThing(p)); }
Only before the tests are executed, the specific contents of MyParameter instance can be determined. So I can have a resolver extension that simple pastes that parameter value where needed:
class MyParameterExtension implements ParameterResolver {
private final MyParameter myParameter;
public MyParameterExtension(MyParameter p) {
myParameter = p;
public boolean supportsParameter(ParameterContext parameterContext, ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
return (parameterContext.getParameter().getType() == MyParameter.class);
public MyParameter resolveParameter(ParameterContext parameterContext, ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
return myParameter;
I run the tests by starting Junit5 from my own code. That's when I can determine what the corresponding parameter values are. Let's say these parameters drive the behavior of the tests, and a user can specify (i.e., over a CLI) the values that a run should use.
How do I register the extension with the test run, as I'm about to commence it?
void launchSuite(List<DiscoverySelector> selectors, Object something) {
// The input to this are all the necessary selectors.
LauncherDiscoveryRequest ldr = LauncherDiscoveryRequestBuilder.request()
Launcher launcher = LauncherFactory.create();
TestPlan plan =;
MyParameter myParameter = new MyParameter(something);
MyParameterExtension ext = new MyParameterExtension(myParameter);
// $TODO: how do I register my extension with the test run
// before starting it?
Auto-registering extensions doesn't help me (how would that process know the value of MyParameter)
Using #RegisterExtension in the test code doesn't help me (A static block in the test code won't know the proper input for constructing instances of MyParameter)
Looking at the mechanics of launching the test, I don't see anything that lets me register those extensions in advance.
I considered using a ThreadLocal field in an extension registered statically but AFAIU, this won't (reliably) work because JUnit may create its own threads at least in certain cases.
I considered sticking the value of MyParameter in the "extension context", but I don't see a way to grab a hold of that before the test execution starts either. The root context is created in JupiterEngineDescriptor that is, if nothing else, all internal API.
The obvious solution is to stick the parameter in a static field somewhere, but that would preclude me from running tests with different parameters in parallel, unless I resort to loading tests into isolated class loaders, which sounds too cumbersome for something that I believe should be simpler. After all, all of the contexts of a test run are otherwise fully isolated.
What I'm ultimately trying to do, at then, as to make something like this possible:
// ...
new Thread(()->launchSuite(selectors, "assume Earth gravity")).start();
new Thread(()->launchSuite(selectors, "assume Mars gravity")).start();
So what's are the reasonable ways to wire something this together?
Let's start with the one thing that does not work: Using the launcher API.
The launcher API is a platform feature, whereas extensions are Jupiter-related. That's why there is no mechanism to register an extension in the API.
What should work, though, is #RegisterExtension - although you claim it would not. As the documentation shows it is not restricted to static fields. Therefore, whatever you do here:
MyParameter myParameter = new MyParameter(something);
MyParameterExtension ext = new MyParameterExtension(myParameter);
could be done in a static method to instantiate an extension during runtime:
public class Test {
private static MyParameterExtension createExtension() {
MyParameter myParameter = new MyParameter(something);
return new MyParameterExtension(myParameter);
private MyParameterExtension my = createExtension();
public void test(MyParameter p) {
If that doesn't work in your case, some information is missing from your problem statement IMO.
If your extension creation code requires parameters that can only be determined at launch time, you have the option of adding configuration parameters to the discovery request:
LauncherDiscoveryRequest ldr = LauncherDiscoveryRequestBuilder.request()
.configurationParameter("selectors", "assume Earth gravity")
This parameter can then be retrieved within the extension:
class MyParameterExtension implements ParameterResolver {
public MyParameter resolveParameter(ParameterContext parameterContext, ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
var selectors = extensionContext.getConfigurationParameter("selectors").orElse("");
return new MyParameter(selectors);

Running DropwizardAppRule before each test in a class using junit

I have a test class that has several tests. At the moment I have this to start up the server, wipe the database etc:
public static final DropwizardAppRule<ServiceConfig> RULE =
new DropwizardAppRule<ServiceConfig>(ServiceApp.class, ResourceHelpers.resourceFilePath("config.yml"));
All my tests work with this individually. But when I run them all together some fail since other tests modify data. I tried doing the following but I'm getting null pointers when calling RULE.getPort():
public static DropwizardAppRule<ServiceConfig> RULE;
public void beforeClass() {
RULE = new DropwizardAppRule<ServiceConfig>(ServiceApp.class, ResourceHelpers.resourceFilePath("config.yml"));
I would have expected this to work but it doesn't seem to set the values of RULE properly. Any ideas?
I don't know how to handle db "from within" DropwizardAppRule, so I may not really answer your question... I'm actually having another issue myself trying with DropwizardAppRule not properly being setup and torn down between tests. (So if you made progress going this way I'd like you insights).
Anyway, I think you need to handle your DB outside DropwizardAppRule and give it in the Rule. We resolved DB clearing by relying on custom and external TestsRules:
public class CockpitApplicationRule implements TestRule {
public static class App extends CockpitApplication<CockpitConfiguration> {
// only needed because of generics
public final DropwizardAppRule<CockpitConfiguration> dw;
public final EmbeddedDatabaseRule db;
public CockpitApplicationRule(String config, ConfigOverride... configOverrides) {
this.db = EmbeddedDatabaseRule.builder()
this.dw = new DropwizardAppRule<>(App.class, ResourceHelpers.resourceFilePath(config),
ConfigOverride.config("database.url", () -> this.db.getConnectionJdbcUrl()));
public Statement apply(#Nullable Statement base, #Nullable Description description) {
assert base != null;
assert description != null;
return RulesHelper.chain(base, description, dw, RulesHelper.dropDbAfter(db), db);
public DSLContext db() {
return DSL.using(db.getConnectionJdbcUrl());
Basically we override TestRule apply(...) to chain custom Statements. There's our RulesHelper if you want to take a look. That way the DB is cleanly handled by the Rules, we can fill our test DB in test classes using #Before setup methods.
org.zapodot.junit.db.EmbeddedDatabaseRule Is an external dependency that allows us to rather easily instantiate a DB for our tests.
The RulesHelper.dropDbAfter does the actual cleaning:
public static TestRule dropDbAfter(EmbeddedDatabaseRule db) {
return after(() -> DSL.using(db.getConnectionJdbcUrl()).execute("DROP ALL OBJECTS"));
You should be able to setup and clean the DB from #Before and #After methods without fully using TestRules though, but I'm not sure it's really easier in the end.
Hope this helped !

How to disable static initializer?

Assuming my system under test looks like this:
public class SysUnderTest {
public int foo() {
Trouble trouble1 = new Trouble();
Trouble trouble2 = new Trouble();
return trouble1.water(1) + trouble2.water(2);
The test will looks something like
public class DummyTest {
#Tested SysUnderTest sut;
#Mocked Trouble trouble;
public void testTrouble() {
new Expectations() {{
trouble.water(anyInt); returns(10, 20);
assertThat("mocked result",, is(30));
new FullVerificationsInOrder() {{
Trouble t1 = new Trouble();
Trouble t2 = new Trouble();
However, Trouble is actually a 3rd-party lib class that I have no control, which it does static initialization which will fail in testing env.
public class Trouble {
static {
public int water(int i) {
return 0;
private static void troubleInitialize() {
throw new RuntimeException("Trouble");
I know I can use MockUp<Trouble> to get rid of the static initializer but I have no idea how to make use of it in case as I want to (in my realistic case) be able to distinguish the two new instances (created in SysUnderTest) and verify their invocations. I have tried different ways but all failed with some reasons
Adding a new MockUp<Trouble>(){#Mock void $clinit(){} }; in #Before/#BeforeClass, and keep #Mocked Trouble trouble;. It seems not working because the mockup action happens after the DummyTest class is loaded, which will load (unmodified) Trouble class which will throw exception during static initialization
Adding the new Mockup in a TestSuite and call the DummyTest in suite, similar problem as 1.
Simply put the behavior of returning 20, 30 in the fake class, and remove usage of Expectations/Verifications but I have no way to verify which instance is called with what parameter.
Is there a better way to solve my problem? Actually I would want to keep using Expectaitons/Verifications, all I want is some way to disable the static initializer during unit test.
Use stubOutClassInitialization to change the mocked class's static init to an empty method when using Mocked.
#Mocked(stubOutClassInitialization=true) Trouble trouble;

JMockit: #Mocke and MockUp combination in the same test

What I have to do:
I have to test my spring mvc with JMockit. I need to do two things:
Redefine MyService.doService method
Check how many times redefined MyService.doService method is called
What the problem:
To cope with the first item, I should use MockUp; to cope with the second item I should use #Mocked MyService. As I understand this two approaches are overriding each other.
My questions:
How to override MyService.doService method and simultaneously check how many times it was invoked?
Is it possible to avoid mixing a behaviour & state based testing approaches in my case?
My code:
#ContextConfiguration(locations = "classpath:ctx/persistenceContextTest.xml")
public class MyControllerTest extends AbstractContextControllerTests {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
protected WebApplicationContext wac;
private MyServiceImpl myServiceMock;
public static void beforeClass() {
new MockUp<MyServiceImpl>() {
public List<Object> doService() {
return null;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
this.mockMvc = webAppContextSetup(this.wac).build();
public void sendRedirect() throws Exception {
.andExpect(model().attribute("positions", null));
new Verifications() {
times = 1;
I don't know what gave you the impression that you "should use" MockUp for something, while using #Mocked for something else in the same test.
In fact, you can use either one of these two APIs, since they are both very capable. Normally, though, only one or the other is used in a given test (or test class), not both.
To verify how many invocations occurred to a given mocked method, you can use the "invocations/minInvocations/maxInvocations" attributes of the #Mock annotation when using a MockUp; or the "times/minTimes/maxTimes" fields when using #Mocked. Choose whichever one best satisfies your needs and testing style. For example tests, check out the JMockit documentation.

Composition, I don't quite get this?

Referring to the below link:
The composition approach to code reuse provides stronger encapsulation
than inheritance, because a change to a back-end class needn't break
any code that relies only on the front-end class. For example,
changing the return type of Fruit's peel() method from the previous
example doesn't force a change in Apple's interface and therefore
needn't break Example2's code.
Surely if you change the return type of peel() (see code below) this means getPeelCount() wouldn't be able to return an int any more? Wouldn't you have to change the interface, or get a compiler error otherwise?
class Fruit {
// Return int number of pieces of peel that
// resulted from the peeling activity.
public int peel() {
System.out.println("Peeling is appealing.");
return 1;
class Apple {
private Fruit fruit = new Fruit();
public int peel() {
return fruit.peel();
class Example2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Apple apple = new Apple();
int pieces = apple.peel();
With a composition, changing the class Fruit doesn't necessary require you to change Apple, for example, let's change peel to return a double instead :
class Fruit {
// Return String number of pieces of peel that
// resulted from the peeling activity.
public double peel() {
System.out.println("Peeling is appealing.");
return 1.0;
Now, the class Apple will warn about a lost of precision, but your Example2 class will be just fine, because a composition is more "loose" and a change in a composed element does not break the composing class API. In our case example, just change Apple like so :
class Apple {
private Fruit fruit = new Fruit();
public int peel() {
return (int) fruit.peel();
Whereas if Apple inherited from Fruit (class Apple extends Fruit), you would not only get an error about an incompatible return type method, but you'd also get a compilation error in Example2.
** Edit **
Lets start this over and give a "real world" example of composition vs inheritance. Note that a composition is not limited to this example and there are more use case where you can use the pattern.
Example 1 : inheritance
An application draw shapes into a canvas. The application does not need to know which shapes it has to draw and the implementation lies in the concrete class inheriting the abstract class or interface. However, the application knows what and how many different concrete shapes it can create, thus adding or removing concrete shapes requires some refactoring in the application.
interface Shape {
public void draw(Graphics g);
class Box implement Shape {
public void draw(Graphics g) { ... }
class Ellipse implements Shape {
public void draw(Graphics g) { ... }
class ShapeCanvas extends JPanel {
private List<Shape> shapes;
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
for (Shape s : shapes) { s.draw(g); }
Example 2 : Composition
An application is using a native library to process some data. The actual library implementation may or may not be known, and may or may not change in the future. A public interface is thus created and the actual implementation is determined at run-time. For example :
interface DataProcessorAdapter {
public Result process(Data data);
class DataProcessor {
private DataProcessorAdapter adapter;
public DataProcessor() {
try {
adapter = DataProcessorManager.createAdapter();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not load processor adapter");
public Object process(Object data) {
return adapter.process(data);
static class DataProcessorManager {
static public DataProcessorAdapter createAdapter() throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
String adapterClassName = /* load class name from resource bundle */;
Class<?> adapterClass = Class.forName(adapterClassName);
DataProcessorAdapter adapter = (DataProcessorAdapter) adapterClass.newInstance();
return adapter;
So, as you can see, the composition may offer some advantage over inheritance in the sense that it allows more flexibility in the code. It allows the application to have a solid API while the underlaying implementation may still change during it's life cycle. Composition can significantly reduce the cost of maintenance if properly used.
For example, when implementing test cases with JUnit for Exemple 2, you may want to use a dummy processor and would setup the DataProcessorManager to return such adapter, while using a "real" adapter (perhaps OS dependent) in production without changing the application source code. Using inheritance, you would most likely hack something up, or perhaps write a lot more initialization test code.
As you can see, compisition and inheritance differ in many aspects and are not preferred over another; each depend on the problem at hand. You could even mix inheritance and composition, for example :
static interface IShape {
public void draw(Graphics g);
static class Shape implements IShape {
private IShape shape;
public Shape(Class<? extends IShape> shape) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
this.shape = (IShape) shape.newInstance();
public void draw(Graphics g) {
System.out.print("Drawing shape : ");
static class Box implements IShape {
public void draw(Graphics g) {
static class Ellipse implements IShape {
public void draw(Graphics g) {
static public void main(String...args) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
IShape box = new Shape(Box.class);
IShape ellipse = new Shape(Ellipse.class);
Granted, this last example is not clean (meaning, avoid it), but it shows how composition can be used.
Bottom line is that both examples, DataProcessor and Shape are "solid" classes, and their API should not change. However, the adapter classes may change and if they do, these changes should only affect their composing container, thus limit the maintenance to only these classes and not the entire application, as opposed to Example 1 where any change require more changes throughout the application. It all depends how flexible your application needs to be.
If you would change Fruit.peel()'s return type, you would have to modify Apple.peel() as well. But you don't have to change Apple's interface.
Remember: The interface are only the method names and their signatures, NOT the implementation.
Say you'd change Fruit.peel() to return a boolean instead of a int. Then, you could still let Apple.peel() return an int. So: The interface of Apple stays the same but Fruit's changed.
If you would have use inheritance, that would not be possible: Since Fruit.peel() now returns a boolean, Apple.peel() has to return an boolean, too. So: All code that uses Apple.peel() has to be changed, too. In the composition example, ONLY Apple.peel()'s code has to be changed.
The key word in the sentence is "interface".
You'll almost always need to change the Apple class in some way to accomodate the new return type of Fruit.peel, but you don't need to change its public interface if you use composition rather than inheritance.
If Apple is a Fruit (ie, inheritance) then any change to the public interface of Fruit necessitates a change to the public interface of Apple too. If Apple has a Fruit (ie, composition) then you get to decide how to accomodate any changes to the Fruit class; you're not forced to change your public interface if you don't want to.
Return type of Fruit.peel() is being changed from int to Peel. This doesn't meant that the return type of Apple.peel() is being forced to change to Peel as well. In case of inheritance, it is forced and any client using Apple has to be changed. In case of composition, Apple.peel() still returns an integer, by calling the Peel.getPeelCount() getter and hence the client need not be changed and hence Apple's interface is not changed ( or being forced to be changed)
Well, in the composition case, Apple.peel()'s implementation needs to be updated, but its method signature can stay the same. And that means the client code (which uses Apple) does not have to be modified, retested, and redeployed.
This is in contrast to inheritance, where a change in Fruit.peel()'s method signature would require changes all way into the client code.