Fastest way to access data in Objective C - objective-c

I have an xml file with a list of 10k abbreviations and their full terms. I would like to store this xml into a structure in load time. Then will have a page of abbreviations that will constantly hit that structure to convert to the full term. In other word, one creation at the load time and many lookups. I am not sure what is the best structure I can use in terms of speed and reliance? For example should I use CoreData or NSDictionary, some other hash table? Should I just have the parser parse the NSXML for every term lookup?

Before anyone here can recommend any type of performance increases, you need to share two critically important pieces of information:
What are the details of your current implementation?
What is the specific [set of] performance bottleneck[s] that you are trying to address?
Without that, any subsequent discussion is no better than armchair quarterbacking during the superbowl; a mildly amusing means of wasting time.


Is it ever a good idea to store an array as a field value, or store array values as records?

In my application I've got "articles" (similar to posts/tweets/articles) that are tagged with descriptive predefined tags: i.e "difficult", "easy", "red", "blue", "business" etc
These available tags are stored in a table, call it "tags" that contains all available tags.
Each article can be tagged with multiple tags, editable through a custom admin interface.
It could be tempting to simply bundle the tags for each entity into a stringified array of the IDs of each tag and store it alongside the article record in my "articles" table:
id | title | author | tags
1 | title | TG | "[1,4,7,12]"
though I'm sure this is a bad idea for a number of reasons, is there ever a reasonable reason to do the above?
I think you should read about Database normalization and decide for yourself. In short though, there are a number of issues with your proposal, but you may decide you can live with them.
The most obvious are:
What if an additional tag is added to row(1)? Do you have to first parse, check if it's already present then update the row to be tags.append(newTag).
Worse still deleting a tag? Search tags, is present, re-create tags.
What if a tag is to change name - some moderation process, perhaps?
Worse again, what about dfferent people specifying a tag-name differently - it'd be hard to rationalise.
What if you want to query data based on tags? Your query becomes far more complex than it would need to be.
Presentation: The client has to parse the tag in order to use it. What about the separator field? Change that and all clients have to change.
In short, all of these operations become harder and more cumbersome. Normalization is designed to overcome such issues. Probably the only reason for doing what you say, IMO, is that you're capturing the data as a one-off and it's informational only - that is, makes sense to a user but not to a system per-se. This is kind of like saying it's probably best avoided (again, IMO).
It seems to me like you want to have a separate table that stores tags and holds a foreign key which relates the tag records back to their parent record in the articles table (this is referred to as "normalizing" the database structure).
Doing it like you have suggested by cramming the tags into one field may seem to make sense now, but it will prove to be difficult to maintain and difficult/time consuming to pull the values out efficiently as your application grows in size or the amount of data grows a lot larger.
I would say that there are very few reasons to do what you have suggested, given how straightforward it is to create another table and setup a relationship to link keys between the two tables to maintain referential integrity.
I totally agree that it CAN be a good idea. I am a strong advocate of storing tags in the database as a single delimited list of strings.
BUT: The reason that I agree is that I like to use Azure Search API to index these types of data, so the query to do a lookup based on tags is not done via SQL. (using the Azure search API service is not necessary, but In my experience you will get much better performance and scalability by using a search index that is outside of the database.)
If you primary query language will be SQL (relational based queries)
then you are better off creating a child table that has a row for each
tag, otherwise you will wear a performance hit when your query has to
perform a logic on each value to split it for analysis.
Tagging is a concept that we use to get around relational data or hierarchical mapping, so to get the best performance do no try to use these relational concepts to query the tags. It is often best implemented in NoSQL data storage because they don't try to use the database to process the search queries.
I encourage you to store the data as a delimited string, and use an external indexing service to provide search and insights into your data. This is a good trade off between CRUD data access performance attempts to manage the data and indexes to optimise for searching. Sure you can optimise the DB and the search queries to make it work in SQL but it can take effort to get it right.
Once your user base hits large volumes and you need to support multiple concurrent searches without affecting update performance you will find that external indexing is an awesome investment in your time now, to save you time and resources later.

Use an SQL database as a word dictionary

I am creating a mobile game that takes words from users and then validates them to see if they are valid words in the English dictionary. I have created a similar game like this in the past using a dictionary that I loaded into the games local memory.
The problem with that approach was that I would often need to update the dictionary with new words. Since the dictionary was in memory, adding new words required me to completely update the app. If I were to use an SQL database as the dictionary, I could add words very easily without having to update the app and have to rely on users to go and download the new update.
My question is, is there any thing wrong with this approach (design or performance wise)? I have not seen something like this being done before. Also, I don't need definitions. I just need to make sure that the word is a valid English word.
If this is bad design, are there any better alternatives? Or am I better off just dealing with the in memory dictionary?
A SQL database seems overkill. Have you looked at a key-value store like Berkley DB?
The answer depends to a large extent on the overhead of the database for your application. It may take a lot of processing power and memory for adding a small amount of functionality.
If you are already using a file based approach, perhaps the simplest solution is to periodically poll the file to check for updates (size or modify time). When one is found, load it into memory.
The database would be valuable in an environment where the data is too big to fit in memory, because databases do a good job managing memory and disk space.

What exactly is 'indexing' in Core Data?

As an answer to a question I asked yesterday (New Core Data entity identical to existing one: separate entity or other solution?), someone recommended I index an attribute.
After much searching on Google for what an 'index' is in SQLite/Core Data, I'm afraid I'm not closer to knowing exactly what it is or how it speeds up fetching based on an attribute. Keep in mind I know nothing about SQLite/databases in general other than a vague idea based on reading way, way, way, too much about Core Data the past few months.
Simplistically, indexing is a kind of presorting. If you have a numerical attribute index, the store maintains linked list in numerical order. If you have a text attribute, it maintains a linked list in alphabetical order. Depending on the algorithm, it can maintain other kinds of information about the attributes as well. It stores the data in the index attached to the persistent store file.
It makes fetches based on the indexed attribute go faster with the tradeoff of larger file size and slightly slower inserts.
All these answers are good, but overly technical.
An index is pretty much identical to the index you'd find in the back of a book. Thus if you wanted to find which page a certain word occurred at, you'd go through it alphabetically and thus quickly find the all the pages where that word occurred.
If you didn't have an index, then the user would have to resort to going thru EVERY single page word by word, which could take quite a while. Thus, the index is created pretty much in this way ONLY once, and not every time the user wants to search.
Wikipedia has a great explanation of a database index:
"A database index is a data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval operations on a database table at the cost of slower writes and increased storage space."

Which would be better? Storing/access data in a local text file, or in a database?

Basically, I'm still working on a puzzle-related website (micro-site really), and I'm making a tool that lets you input a word pattern (e.g. "r??n") and get all the matching words (in this case: rain, rein, ruin, etc.). Should I store the words in local text files (such as words5.txt, which would have a return-delimited list of 5-letter words), or in a database (such as the table Words5, which would again store 5-letter words)?
I'm looking at the problem in terms of data retrieval speeds and CPU server load. I could definitely try it both ways and record the times taken for several runs with both methods, but I'd rather hear it from people who might have had experience with this.
Which method is generally better overall?
The database will give you the best performance with the least amount of work. The built in index support and query analyzers will give you good performance for free while a textfile might give you excellent performance for a ton of work.
In the short term, I'd recommend creating a generic interface which would hide the difference between a database and a flat-file. Later on, you can benchmark which one will provide the best performance but I think the database will give you the best bang per hour of development.
For fast retrieval you certainly want some kind of index. If you don't want to write index code yourself, it's certainly easiest to use a database.
If you are using Java or .NET for your app, consider looking into db4o. It just stores any object as is with a single line of code and there are no setup costs for creating tables.
Storing data in a local text file (when you add new records to end of the file) always faster then storing in database. So, if you create high load application, you can save the data in a text file and copy data to a database later. However in most application you should use a database instead of text file, because database approach has many benefits.

Storing multiple choice values in database

Say I offer user to check off languages she speaks and store it in a db. Important side note, I will not search db for any of those values, as I will have some separate search engine for search.
Now, the obvious way of storing these values is to create a table like
UserID nvarchar(50),
LookupLanguageID int
but the site will be high load and we are trying to eliminate any overhead where possible, so in order to avoid joins with main member table when showing results on UI, I was thinking of storing languages for a user in the main table, having them comma separated, like "12,34,65"
Again, I don't search for them so I don't worry about having to do fulltext index on that column.
I don't really see any problems with this solution, but am I overlooking anything?
You don't search for them now
Data is useless to anything but this one situation
No data integrity (eg no FK)
You still have to change to "English,German" etc for display
"Give me all users who speak x" = FAIL
The list is actually a presentation issue
It's your system, though, and I look forward to answering the inevitable "help" questions later...
You might not be missing anything now, but when you're requirements change you might regret that decision. You should store it normalized like your first instinct suggested. That's the correct approach.
What you're suggesting is a classic premature optimization. You don't know yet whether that join will be a bottleneck, and so you don't know whether you're actually buying any performance improvement. Wait until you can profile the thing, and then you'll know whether that piece needs to be optimized.
If it does, I would consider a materialized view, or some other approach that pre-computes the answer using the normalized data to a cache that is not considered the book of record.
More generally, there are a lot of possible optimizations that could be done, if necessary, without compromising your design in the way you suggest.
This type of storage has almost ALWAYS come back to haunt me. For one, you are not even in first normal form. For another, some manager or the other will definitely come back and say.. "hey, now that we store this, can you write me a report on... "
I would suggest going with a normalized design. Put it in a separate table.
You lose join capability (obviously).
You have to reparse the list on each page load / post back. Which results in more code client side.
You lose all pretenses of trying to keep database integrity. Just imagine if you decide to REMOVE a language later on... What's the sql going to be to fix all of your user profiles?
Assuming your various profile options are stored in a lookup table in the DB, you still have to run "30 queries" per profile page. If they aren't then you have to code deploy for each little change. bad, very bad.
Basing a design decision on something that "won't happen" is an absolute recipe for failure. Sure, the business people said they won't ever do that... Until they think of a reason they absolutely must do it. Today. Which will be promptly after you finish coding this.
As I stated in a comment, 30 queries for a low use page is nothing. Don't sweat it, and definitely don't optimize unless you know for darn sure it's necessary. Guess how many queries SO does for it's profile page?
I generally stay away at the solution you described, you asking for troubles when you store relational data in such fashion.
As alternative solution:
You could store as one bitmasked integer, for example:
0 - No selection
1 - English
2 - Spanish
4 - German
8 - French
16 - Russian
--and so on powers of 2
So if someone selected English and Russian the value would be 17, and you could easily query the values with Bitwise operators.
Premature optimization is the root of all evil.
EDIT: Apparently the context of my observation has been misconstrued by some - and hence the downvotes. So I will clarify.
Denormalizing your model to make things easier and/or 'more performant' - such as creating concatenated columns to represent business information (as in the OP case) - is what I refer to as a "premature optimization".
While there may be some extreme edge cases where there is no other way to get the necessary performance necessary for a particular problem domain - one should rarely assume this is the case. In general, such premature optimizations cause long-term grief because they are hard to undo - changing your data model once it is in production takes a lot more effort than when it initially deployed.
When designing a database, developers (and DBAs) should apply standard practices like normalization to ensure that their data model expresses the business information being collected and managed. I don't believe that proper use of data normalization is an "optimization" - it is a necessary practice. In my opinion, data modelers should always be on the lookout for models that could be restructured to (at least) third normal form (3NF).
If you're not querying against them, you don't lose anything by storing them in a form like your initial plan.
If you are, then storing them in the comma-delimited format will come back to haunt you, and I doubt that any speed savings would be significant, especially when you factor in the work required to translate them back.
You seem to be extremely worried about adding in a few extra lookup table joins. In my experience, the time it takes to actually transmit the HTML response and have the browser render it far exceed a few extra table joins. Especially if you are using indexes for your primary and foreign keys (as you should be). It's like you are planning a multi-day cross-country trip and you are worried about 1 extra 10 minute bathroom stop.
The lack of long-term flexibility and data integrity are not worth it for such a small optimization (which may not be necessary or even noticeable).
As stated very well in the above few posts.
If you want a contrary view to this debate, look at wordpress. Tables are chocked full of delimited data, and it's a great, simple platform.