ASP File Extension Split - file-upload

I have the following code:
Public Sub Save(path)
Dim streamFile, fileItem, filePath, allowedExtensions
allowedExtensions = ".jpg, .gif, .png, .zip, .7z, .exe, .bmp, .pdf, .doc, .docx"
if Right(path, 1) <> "\" then path = path & "\" '"
if not uploadedYet then Upload
For Each fileItem In UploadedFiles.Items
Dim MyArray, extension
MyArray = Split(fileItem, ".")
extension = MyArray(UBound(MyArray)-1)
'' # var extension = UCase(right(fileItem.FileName,5,);
if(allowedExtensions.Contains(extension)) then
filePath = path & fileItem.FileName
Set streamFile = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
streamFile.Type = adTypeBinary
StreamRequest.CopyTo streamFile, fileItem.Length
streamFile.SaveToFile filePath, adSaveCreateOverWrite
Set streamFile = Nothing
fileItem.Path = filePath
end if
End Sub
I cannot seem to get this line correct:
MyArray = Split(fileItem, ".")
The browser is telling me:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'
Object doesn't support this property or method
/up/freeaspupload.asp, line 90
Everywhere I look up, it shows this is how you do it.
Anyone have any ideas what I am doing wrong or a way around this?
I just want to only allow certain extensions to be uploaded.

In VBScript primitive types has not built-in methods. So, allowedExtensions cannot have Contains method. I think this is why the error occurred. Line MyArray = Split(fileItem, ".") is correct and clear.
if(allowedExtensions.Contains(extension)) then
You could use InStr to search a word within another.
'For case insensitive search
If InStr(1, BeingSearched, SearchedFor, vbTextCompare) Then
End If

Well Kul-Tigin has spotted another problem with your code that you would crash into once you got past the Split problem that this question is actually about. The reason your Split function fails I suspect is that it should look like this:
MyArray = Split(fileItem.FileName, ".")
Note that you should probably be passing the value of the FileName property of the fileItem object. It would seem that fileItem does not have a default property specified.


Copy file with progress bar bypass file replacement confirmation

This is a follow up to this question and great answer:
Copy files with progress bar
So I added the code from Siddharth Rout's answer and it does exactly what I want to happen with a minor exception. When I copy the files, I am looping through each file in the directory and copying it up as long as it is not *List.xml. Because I am replacing an existing library the 97% of the documents are pre-existing and I get prompted to replace existing documents each time.
Is there a way to get it to prompt me to choose to replace for all files? Do I need to reformat/structure the sequence of my code?
Function UploadToSharepoint(Folderpath As String, Foldername As String, Filenames() As String, SharepointLinks() As String) As Boolean
'upload file to sharepoint library based on the folder name
Dim SharePointLib As String
Dim LocalAddress As String
Dim DestinationAddress As String
Dim xCounter As Long
On Error GoTo loadFailed
Folderpath = FolderPick
Foldername = Left(Folderpath, Len(Folderpath) - 1)
Foldername = RIght(Foldername, Len(Foldername) - InStrRev(Foldername, "\"))
Select Case Foldername
Case "OPSS", "SSP", "OPSD", "MTOD", "SSD"
SharePointLib = "\\\Subsite\" & Foldername & "\"
Case "West", "Eastern", "Northeastern", "Northwestern", "Head Office"
SharePointLib = "\\\Subsite\NSP\" & Foldername & "\"
Case "NSP", "NSSP"
MsgBox "Pick the NSP regional sub folder: West, Eastern, Northeastern, Northwestern, Head Office"
GoTo Pickafolder
Case Else
MsgBox "Inappropriate directory to upload from. Please select one of the CPS download directories"
GoTo Pickafolder
End Select
Filenames = GetFilesDir(Folderpath)
ReDim SharepointLinks(LBound(Filenames) To UBound(Filenames))
For xCounter = LBound(Filenames) To UBound(Filenames)
LocalAddress = Folderpath & Filenames(xCounter)
DestinationAddress = SharePointLib & Filenames(xCounter)
Call VBCopyFolder(LocalAddress, DestinationAddress)
SharepointLinks(xCounter) = "#http:" & Replace(DestinationAddress, "\", "/") & "#"
Next xCounter
UploadToSharepoint = True
Exit Function
UploadToSharepoint = False
End Function
And by the looks of things I am not excluding the file I was referring to earlier...must be doing that else where.
Based on comment received at the linked question, the solution is to declare a public constant at the start:
Public Const FOF_NOCONFIRMATION As Long = &H10
and then in the copy procedure change the line of code to:
Now, this does solve the problem of being constantly asked to confirm the replacement. I am very happy about this. The problem now is the progress window displays for the first file to be copied then disappears but fails to reappear for subsequent files. The remaining files still get copied and the prg carries on like it's supposed to. The whole point of the progress bar though was to let people know that "THINGS" were still happening in the background and now that is not happening. Is there something I need to adjust?
Update 2
After running my code and choosing a source directory on the network drive instead of the local computer, the copy window is popping up for every single file like I was expecting. I notice that sometimes the progress bar closes before reaching 100%. This leads me to believe that since the file sizes are so small that when it is copying from my local drive to sharepoint, the operation completes so fast that it does not have time to draw and update the progress window before its time to close it.

Access vba Check if file exists

I have a database split in FrontEnd and BackEnd.
I have it running:
i) in my office
ii) updating/testing in my personal computer.
My BackEnd file is running in different Folder location according to computer running.
I want to place a code and check if file exist.
Sub FileExists()
Dim strPath As String '<== Office.
Dim strApplicationFolder As String
Dim strPathAdmin As String '<== Admin.
strPath = "\\iMac\Temp\"
strApplicationFolder = Application.CurrentProject.Path
strPathAdmin = strApplicationFolder & "\Temp\"
If Dir(strApplicationFolder & "SerialKey.txt") = "" Then
'===> Admin User.
If Dir(strPathAdmin & "*.*") = "" Then
'===> Empty Folder.
'===> Files on folder.
End If
'===> Office User.
If Dir(strPath & "*.*") = "" Then
'===> Empty Folder.
'===> Files on folder.
End If
End If
End Sub()
I have this until now.
Any help.
Thank you...
Create a small function to check if a file exists and call it when needed.
Public Function FileExists(ByVal path_ As String) As Boolean
FileExists = (Len(Dir(path_)) > 0)
End Function
Since the backend database paths dont change, why dont you declare two constants and simply check their value?
Sub Exist()
Const workFolder As String = "C:\Work Folder\backend.accdb"
Const personalFolder As String = "D:\Personal Folder\backend.accdb"
If FileExists(workFolder) Then
'Work folder exists
End If
If FileExists(personalFolder) Then
'Personal folder exists
End If
End Sub
This is a very belated reply, but don't reinvent the wheel. VBA can access the FileSystemObject, which includes a powerful set of methods that fetch file and folder information without requiring you to write your own functions, and the resulting code is much easier to read.
Second, borrowing on the previous answer, you know the folders you want the code to look at, and they don't change much, but because they could, I would also move your parameters into the declaration so they can be customized if needed or default to existing values.
Finally, FileExists is a verb, which should scream Function rather than Sub, so I'm guessing you want to return something and use it elsewhere in higher level code. It so happens that FileExists is already the name of a method in FileSystemObject, so I'm going to rename your function to LocatePath. You could return the valid path of the file you're looking for and decide by convention to quietly return an empty string "" if the target isn't found, and handle that in the calling procedure.
fs.BuildPath(strRootPath, strFileOrSubDir) appends strFileOrSubDir to strRootPath to construct a properly
formatted, full pathname and you don't need to worry about
whether you have backslashes (or too many) between the two.
It can be used to append files, or subdirectories, or
files in subdirectories.
fs.FileExists(strFullPath) is simple, returns True if strFullPath exists,
and False otherwise.
fs.GetFolder(strFolderName) returns a Folder object that has a
.Files property, which is a Collection object. Collection
objects in turn have a .Count property, which in this example
indicates how many files are in strFolderName. The Collection
object could also be used to iterate over all the files in the
folder individually.
What follows is your code refactored to incorporate all the changes I recommend according to what I think you're trying to achieve. It's not as symmetric as I'd like, but mirrors your code, and it's simple, easy to read, and finished in the sense that it does something.
Function LocatePath(Optional strWorkPath as String = "\\iMac",
Optional strHomePath as String = CurrentProject.Path,
Optional strFile as String = "SerialKey.txt"
Optional strSubDir as String = "Temp") as String
Dim fs as Object
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fs.FileExists(fs.BuildPath(strHomePath, strFile)) Then
If fs.GetFolder(fs.BuildPath(strHomePath, strSubDir).Files.Count > 0 Then '===> Admin User.
LocatePath = fs.BuildPath(strHomePath, strFile)
ElseIf fs.GetFolder(fs.BuildPath(strWorkPath, strSubDir).Files.Count > 0 Then '===> Office User
LocatePath = fs.BuildPath(strWorkPath, strFile)
End If
Else 'Target conditions not found
LocatePath = ""
End If
Set fs = Nothing
End Function()
Ideally, I probably wouldn't specify strHomePath as String = CurrentProject.Path because strWorkPath as String = CurrentProject.Path is probably also true when you're at work, and you would want to do a better job of differentiating between the two environments. This is also what causes the little problem with symmetry that I mentioned.

Cannot retrieve path of Special Folders when redirection enabled

I have a tool that reads a .txt file for a list of paths and uses them in a copy. It looks like this:
My system has folder redirection enabled so 'Pictures' for example is actually D:\Adam\Pictures. However when using the following code it will only resolve as C:\Adam\Pictures and throw a "Cannot find path error".
'Declarations earlier in script
Dim Destpath As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(Application.StartupPath + "\CONFIG.txt")(1)
Dim userprofilevar = (Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile))
'Snippet of line reading logic
ElseIf line.Contains("%USERPROFILE%") Then
Dim lineArray() As String = line.Split("\")
Dim lineuser As String = userprofilevar + "\"
Dim linepath As String = lineArray(1)
line = lineuser + linepath
Destpath = String.Concat(Destpath, "\", linepath)
Does anyone know how to resolve the correct path of the redirected folder through the %USERPROFILE% variable?
Solution I found:
After converting #AlexB's example into VB.NET and getting it working in my app, I simply declared each of the %Userprofile% folders as a string then have the line reading logic update the line string as the correct folder path:
'Declarations as start of Form
Dim downloadsPath As String = KnownFolders.GetPath(KnownFolder.Downloads)
Dim contactspath As String = KnownFolders.GetPath(KnownFolder.Contacts)
'Snippit of line reading logic
ElseIf line.Contains("%USERPROFILE%\Downloads") Then
line = downloadspath
ElseIf line.Contains("%USERPROFILE%\Contacts") Then
line = contactspath
It's not pretty to do for all 11 %Userprofile% folders, but it works!

File extension validation

This searches for the end of a file name removes it's current file type of .docm and converts it to a .docx. Works great.
ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 Left(ActiveDocument.Name, InStrRev(ActiveDocument.Name, ".") - 1), WdSaveFormat.wdFormatXMLDocument
However, I noticed a little bug. If there is a . in the file name, it finds that first and obviously creates a file that is incorrect.
For example:
Becomes the file
TestFileV.2AlextTest Where the new file type is a .2ALEXTEST file.
Kind of a funny error, but still a bug none the less.
Best course of action for validation?
Try the VBA.Strings.Split() function, which splits a string into an array.
Split the File name on '.' and the last element in the array will be your extension:
Public Function GetExtension(FileName As String) As String
'Returns a file's extension
' This does not go to the filesystem and get the file:
' The function parses out the string after the last '.'
' Useful for situations where a file does not yet exist
' Nigel Heffernan
'Print GetExtension("C:\Temp\data.txt1.docx")
'Returns docx
Dim arrayX() As String
Dim iLast As Integer
arrayX = Split(FileName, ".")
iLast = UBound(arrayX)
GetExtension = arrayX(iLast)
Erase arrayX
End Function
If you don't care about readability, the quick-and-dirty answer is:
strExt = Split(strFile, ".")(UBound(Split(strFile, ".")))
However... I think you're looking for something more sophisticated than a string parser to extract the file extension.
Are you actually looking to validate the file extension?
I'm not coding up a registry lookup for the ShellExt application command to open your file, but I had a closely-related issue to yours a year or two ago, when I needed to populate a file dialog's filter list with a list of arbitrary file extensions.
It doesn't 'validate' as such, but unknown extensions will return a string containing 'unknown file type', and you can test for that:
VBA and the Registry: Returning a File Type from a File Extension
Public Function GetExtensionType(strExt As String) As String
' Return a file extension type descriptor, if the OS knows it
' Parses out the string after the last "." and reads the registry
' GetExtensionType("txt") Returns 'Text Document'
' GetExtensionType("SystemORA.user.config") 'XML Configuration File'
' GetExtensionType("Phishy.vbs") 'VBScript Script File'
' Nigel Heffernan
On Error GoTo ErrSub
Dim strType As String
Dim strTyp1 As String
Dim strTyp2 As String
strExt = Trim(strExt)
' Set a default return: if an error is raised, return this value
GetExtensionType = Trim(strExt & " (unknown file type)")
strExt = Split(strExt, ".")(UBound(Split(strExt, "."))) '
If strExt = "" Then
Exit Function
End If
With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' This will go to error if there's no key for strExt in HKCR
strTyp1 = .RegRead("HKCR." & strExt & "\")
If strTyp1 = "" Then
strType = strExt & " File"
' This value isn't very readable, eg: Access.ACCDEFile.14
' But we can use it to retrieve a descriptive string:
strTyp2 = .RegRead("HKCR\" & strTyp1 & "\")
If strTyp2 = "" Then
' So we didn't get a descriptive string:
' Parse some readability out of strType1:
strType = strTyp1
strType = Replace(strType, "File", " File")
strType = Replace(strType, ".", " ")
strType = strTyp2
End If
End If
End With
If strType <> "" Then
GetExtensionType = strType
End If
Exit Function
Resume ExitSub
End Function
I made it error-tolerant but I didn't bother idiot-proofing it because someone, somewhere, is building a better idiot; and it's entirely possible that the user was actually right insofar as there really are files called that, and my system didn't have a registry entry for the file type in question.
There is an obvious source of errors in the code: GetExtensionType("docx") will give you 'Microsoft Word Document' on an English-Language workstation. If your user base are working with other languages and locales, they will see the descriptive name 'Microsoft Word Document' in their chosen language; and any validation logic you've coded up will fail to match that string (unless, of course, your string literals are internationalised in a conditional compiler block).
So any validation against a predefined application name or file type needs to be at the language-independent layer of the registry, using 'strTyp1' from the root instead of the locale-dependent strings passed into 'strTyp2'.
Use the FileSystemObject from the Scripting Runtime - it has a .GetBaseName() method to extract the basename from a file path:
'Early bound (reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime):
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 fso.GetBaseName(ActiveDocument.Name), WdSaveFormat.wdFormatXMLDocument
'Late bound:
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 fso.GetBaseName(ActiveDocument.Name), WdSaveFormat.wdFormatXMLDocument
You can also retrieve the extension with the .GetExtensionName() method, the path with .GetParentFolderName(), and the drive letter with GetDriveName() (which also works with UNC paths).
If you need to find the registered name of the extension in the current Windows install, you can either use the registry method #Nile answered with or an API call to AssocQueryStringA:
Private Declare Function AssocQueryString Lib "shlwapi.dll" _
Alias "AssocQueryStringA" ( _
ByRef Flags As Long, _
ByVal str As Long, _
ByVal pszAssoc As String, _
ByVal pszExtra As String, _
ByVal pszOut As String, _
ByRef pcchOut As Long) As Long
Sub Main()
Dim buffer As String
buffer = String$(255, " ")
Dim hresult As Long
hresult = AssocQueryString(0, ASSOCSTR_FRIENDLYDOCNAME, ".docm", _
vbNullString, buffer, 255)
If hresult = 0 Then
'Should be something like "Microsoft Word Macro-Enabled Document"
Debug.Print Trim$(buffer)
End If
End Sub
Note that you can also retrieve addition information about the associated file type by passing different values for the str parameter. See the ASSOCSTR enumeration.

Get and edit a file name

I'm looking to retreive a txt file and then edit the file name (adding "converted" to the file name) and extension (from .r01 to .txt).
The purpose for this is so I can know if the txt file has been converted
Here's my code so far;
Dim infilename As Variant
infilename = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text & r01 Files (*.r01;*.txt),*.r01;*.txt", , "Open Neutral File", "OPEN")
InStrRev will allow you to find the last . and remove it and everything following from the string
FileNameWithoutExt = Left(Filename, InStrRev(Filename, ".") - 1)
An example with the workbooks FullName:
Z:\Individual Folders\Sean\transfers2.xlsx
?Left(activeworkbook.FullName, InStrRev(activeworkbook.FullName, ".") - 1)
Z:\Individual Folders\Sean\transfers2
You can wrap these in a function to make them easier to use. I've also added a function that will give the filename only instead of the one with the full path
Function FileNameOnly(fName)
'Changes "C:\Path\Filename.ext" to "Filename.ext"
End Function
Function DelExt(fName)
'Changes "C:\Path\Filename.ext" to "C:\Path\Filename"
End Function
You can then use these in your program, with a line like NewFileName=DelExt(infilename) & "CONVERTED.txt"
I managed to get what I was looking for using part of Sean Cheshire's code.
Dim newFileName As Variant
newFileName = Left(inFileName, (InStrRev(inFileName, ".") - 1)) & "CONVERTED.txt"