CakePHP 2.0 + Notice (8): Undefined index: Upload [APP/Controller/UploadsController.php, line 32] - file-upload

Im using 000webhost as a way to host my portfolio of websites. However Im getting this error thrown in which doesn't happen to me on localhost.
Notice (8): Undefined index: Upload [APP/Controller/UploadsController.php, line 32]
This is the code it seems to be referring to,
public function add() {
$file = $this->request->data['Upload']['file'];
if($this->Upload->save($this->data) && move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'],APP.'webroot/files/uploads'.DS.$this->Upload->id.'.mp4'))
$this->Session->setFlash('<p class="uploadflash">The upload has been saved</p>', true);
$this->redirect(array('controller'=>'Uploads', 'action' => 'watch', $this->Upload->id));
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash('<p class="loginerror">The upload could not be saved, mp4 files can be saved only.</p>', true);
Any ideas as to why this is happening?
Also in addition my Elements are not showing up on this online hosting either?
I get thrown this error on the page
Element Not Found: Elements/uploads/recentuploads.ctp
Does anyone else seem to have this problem??

Upon further inspection I have found that the server does not allow file upload sizes to exceed 2mb, in this instance PHP throws the error above.


Unexpected server response (0) while retrieving pdf

We are specifically getting this error when using Amazon ec2 instance. Configuration on aws instance is Tomcat 7, Ubuntu 16.04 and memory is 8gb. It occurs when the user tries to view pdf file. In our application, we are having one functionality where the user can only view PDF file onto browser, but won't be able to download it. PDF file is on the same server. We are using cors minimal configuration. We have tried it locally with Ubuntu and it is working fine.
Code snippet:
var fileSplitContent = fileName.split(".");
if ($('#viewImageOnlyForm')[0] != undefined && $('#viewPdfOnlyForm')[0] != undefined) {
if (fileSplitContent[fileSplitContent.length - 1].toLowerCase() != "pdf") {
$('#imageSource').val(requestURL + $.param(inputData));
} else {
var requestURL = "rest/file/getCapitalRaiseFile?";
$('#pdFSource').val(requestURL + $.param(inputData));
} else {
// pop up download attachment dialog box
downloadIFrame.attr("src", requestURL + $.param(inputData));
Jan 04, 2017 5:07:31 AM org.glassfish.jersey.server.ServerRuntime$Responder writeResponse
SEVERE: An I/O error has occurred while writing a response message entity to the container output stream.
org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal.process.MappableException: org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbortException: Connection reset
Caused by: org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbortException: Broken pipe (Write failed)
Depending where you access the document this can be because of you have a download manager installed on your browser. This sometimes causes problems - maybe take a look at your extensions. You should try by disabling downloader manager extension in your browser.

How to use spiderable with a meteor app hosted on

I'm trying to make spiderable works on my meteor app hosted on modulus with SSL.
I have Meteor 1.0, iron:router 1.0, spiderable and node package of phantomjs
All is working on localhost. But once I deploy on Modulus, first I had the error
spiderable: phantomjs failed: null
Then, I added the following environment variable in the modulus panel:
METEOR_PKG_SPIDERABLE_PHANTOMJS_ARGS = --ssl-protocol=tlsv1 --ignore-ssl-errors=yes --debug=true
This is still not working and the debug is outputting multiple times (like it's looping over an error) the following message in the modulus console:
2014-12-03T17:01:00 [DEBUG] WebPage - evaluateJavaScript "(function() { return (function () {
if (typeof Meteor === 'undefined'
|| Meteor.status === undefined
|| !Meteor.status().connected) {
return false;
if (typeof Package === 'undefined'
|| Package.spiderable === undefined
|| Package.spiderable.Spiderable === undefined
|| !Package.spiderable.Spiderable._initialSubscriptionsStarted) {
return false;
return DDP._allSubscriptionsReady();
})(); })()"
2014-12-03T17:01:00 [DEBUG] WebPage - evaluateJavaScript result QVariant(bool, false)
If anyone knows how to solve this or succeeded to deploy a meteor project on with SSL and spiderable. Let's me know the good way to do it :)
Thank a lot !
I solved my problem as follows:
I installed phantomjs locally and run the test script available at
phantomjs phantomtest.js
This gave me more details about the error: Parse Error.
Then, it was a javascript file that once compiled/minified, rendered an error caused by select2. The js library that was using it was flat-ui.js (
I discover this by testing many deploys on * and by adding/removing .js file.
I edit the flat-ui.js library to avoid Parsing Error.
I redeployed on both and * All was working fine on * but still didn't work on That let me thinking about an SSL error but I only saw "spiderable: phantomjs failed: null" in the logs.
I add the following environment variable in the modulus panel:
and it appears that it was a "SSL Handshake error":
[DEBUG] Network - Resource request error: 6 ( "SSL handshake failed" )
I add another option to the METEOR_PKG_SPIDERABLE_PHANTOMJS_ARGS environment variable:
METEOR_PKG_SPIDERABLE_PHANTOMJS_ARGS = --ignore-ssl-errors=yes --debug=true
Now everything is working fine on
To sumup:
solve javascript errors
add METEOR_PKG_SPIDERABLE_PHANTOMJS_ARGS = --ignore-ssl-errors=yes
I hope this will help some dudes,

Opening local html file with SlimerJS

I have a script that works in PhantomJS but I'm trying to switch to SlimerJS. I keep getting an error when trying to open a local file:
var webPage = require('webpage');
var system = require('system');
var page = webPage.create();
page.viewportSize = { width: 2048, height: 1536 };
function start(status) {
page.render(system.args[2], {format: 'png'});
simple.html is a file located in the same directory as the script. The resulting PNG says "Address Not Found", "simple.html could not be found. Please check the name and try again."
I've also tried:
full OS path, eg /User/blah/blah/simple.html
file URI file:///Users/blah/blah/simple.html
These yield a similar result.
I'd rather not have the script publicly available for a variety of reasons. Is it possible to launch a local file with SlimerJS?
I don't think its possible. Reading the docs it specifies a url.
I got around this by running a http server
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Then accessing it through localhost.'http://localhost:8000/simple.html',...)
A file URI does work. Something like file:///Users/name/project/file.html.

ReadAsMultipartAsync returns error when no file provided

I think my code was working previously with this same code
var streamProvider = new CustomMultipartFormDataStreamProvider(path);
// Upload media
await Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(streamProvider);
but now it gives System.InvalidOperationException error:
Access to the path 'C:\xxx\Projects\Test Projects\CL.MiClaim\CL.MiClaim\uploads' is denied.
When I provide a file for upload then it works al right. This below doesn't work (since it hasn't yet read the request content yet??)
if (streamProvider.FileData.Count > 0)
any help will be appreciated.
Note: example code can be found at:,-part-2

Codeigniter API error returning

Hi has anyone any experience using Phil Sturgeons RESTFUL libraries for codeigniter. I've decided to create a web service for our database in order to supply access to the database from multiple applications. The website is currently developed in Codeigniter therefore it was a simple solution to use the rest API libraries.
The problem I have is that I am trying to return specific errors in the event of a problem.
At the moment I am purposely returning an error like so:
require(APPPATH . 'libraries/REST_Controller.php');
class Settings_api extends REST_Controller {
function settings_get()
$this->response(NULL, 404);
If I access the url directly then I am just receiving a blank page, I can return a message if I replace the 'NULL' with a message but there is nothing to say its a 404 error whereas If I call the page via php using the following
$user = json_decode(file_get_contents(''));
echo $user;
then it shows the following line
Message: file_get_contents( [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404
In both instances I would like to return a 404 error along with a message I provide. Is this possible and if so could you point me in the right direction.
The error message being generated by PHP, as far as I know, there's nothing you can do about this (other than using the # operator, which I do NOT recommend). So, your only option is to manually check file_get_content()'s return value:
$response = file_get_contents('http://...');
if ($response === false) {
// return whatever you feel is appropriate
} else {
$user = json_decode($response);
echo $user;
Found this answer here on Stackoverflow which is what you are looking for.