Modify Property Code At Runtime in VB.NET -

Let say I have the following classes,
Public Class Base
Public Event PropertyChanged()
Sub New()
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Other
Inherits Base
Public Property X As String
End Class
If I wanted to say, alter the code definition of the automatic property X (at runtime, perhaps in Sub New), such that I could throw the PropertyChanged event, how could I go about doing that?
Edit: Its seems that the Postsharp is an available tool that does the functionality I'm exploring, but I wanted my question to be more academic than practical. So, how could I implement the code injection at compile time or runtime myself?

I guess you are looking for AOP. A very nice technology that IMHO isn't mature on the dotnet platform. I believe, correct me if I am wrong, that Postsharp is the best known AOP framework. It isn't gratis though for production; installing and playing (and possibly F/OSS) is gratis. Also check this post for more info.

The answer is simple: you can't. Once a type is loaded, you can't change its code.
If you want to implement INotifyPropertyChanged without writing the same code for each property, there are several ways.
One of them is making the property MustOverride (abstract in C#) and then creating another class at runtime which implements it at runtime (for example using Castle DynamicProxy).
Another one is using AOP to rewrite the code after compilation (but before it's run) using something like PostSharp.
Also have a look at Implementing INotifyPropertyChanged - does a better way exist?, for an overview of other options.


How to get created objects (instances) in

I just did some researches on google but I didn't find an answer to my question.
Is there a way to get the list of the active objects (instances of classes) at runtime?
In my application I need to have single instance classes that needs to be used by different running forms but if I create an instance in the form A, ho do i get control of the same instance in the form B?
Thank you
Actually, your question has 2 parts:
1. How to create single-instance objects.
2. How to have the same object accessible from different forms.
Fortunately for you, there is a solution to both of these problems in one simple and common design pattern called Singleton.
Classes written in the Singleton pattern can only have a single instance, and as you are about to see, as a side effect, this instance is accessible through the entire application.
The simplest way to use the singleton design pattern is this:
Public Class SingletonClass
Private Shared _instance As SingletonClass
Public Shared Function GetSingletonClass() As SingletonClass
If isNothing(_instance) Then
_instance = New SingletonClass()
End If
Return _instance
End Function
Private Sub New()
'' Create the instance here
End Sub
End Class
As you can see, since the constructor is private, it is not accessible from anywhere outside of class SingletonClass, and since class SingletonClass holds a static reference to it's instance, it means that every time you write SingletonClass.GetSingletonClass() in your application you get the same instance.
This design pattern solves both of your problems in a simple, elegant, and well known architecture.
I've recently read a great article about different ways to implement singleton patterns. It turns out that my above specific implementation is not so good, as it is not thread safe. The code examples in this article are C#, but it should be very easy to change them to VB.Net. If you are using .Net 4 or higher, I would recommend going with the 6th version - using .NET 4's Lazy type.
It is both thread safe and lazy loading, two advantages that the implementation I've written doesn't have.

VB.NET: Avoiding redundancies

Each of my VB.NET projects needs a certain set of custom modules.
For example:
In SOME of these modules I have a few references to other modules.
For example the sub modLog.WriteLog goes like this:
Public Sub WriteLog(Byval uText As String)
If globalclassOEM.IsOEMVersion Then
sPath = (some custom path)
sPath = (some default path)
End if
'Write log text to file
End Sub
This is really stupid because sometimes I have to add really many modules and classes to a tiny projects just to solve some dependencies as the above and to be able to use a few modules that I really need.
Is there any best tactics in VB.NET to avoid such situations?
The best way to avoid such problems, would be to avoid that problem ;) Means: Libraries should do exactly what they are meant to do and not do some "extra work" in the backgorund. In your example: Why does the WriteLog function need to determine the path and why doesnt the caller define it and pass it to the logging function/class?
IF you still want or need to have the functions in that way, you might circumvent the problem by defining interfaces and then put ALL your interfaces into a single library, but NOT the classes that implement them. That would still require to load the file with the interface definitions, but of course you don't need to load any class that implements it.
You might also use some kind of plugin system and when your logging class (in this example) is created, it might try to dynamically load the required assemblies. If they do not exit, the class will without them, otherwise it can use them as pretended. Doesnt make programmers life easier, though (imho).
The "best" way (imho again) would be the first suggestion. Dont have "low level" libraries referencing other libraries. Everything else most likely would be considered to be a design flaw and not a "solution".
I have not covered a whole heap of referencing in, however, would it be possible for you to create a .dll with all the base modules. This would mean you could reference this .dll saving you time. For the extenuating circumstances where you have references to other modules you could just manually write that module.
As others have alluded to, you never want to directly include the same code file in multiple projects. That is almost never a good idea and it always leads to messy code. If you have common code that you want to share between two different projects, then you need to create a third project (a class library) which will contain the common code, and then the other two projects will just reference to the class library. It's best if you can have all three projects in the same solution and then you can use project references. However, if you can't do that, you can still have a direct file reference to the DLL that is output by that class library project.
Secondly, if you really want to avoid spaghetti code, you should seriously look into dependency-injection (DI). The reason I, and others have suggested this, is because, even if you move the common code into class libraries so that it can be shared by multiple projects, you'll still have the problem that your class libraries act as "black-boxes" that magically figure out everything for you and act appropriately in every situation. On the face of it, that sounds like a good thing for which a developer should strive, but in reality, that leads to bad code in the long run.
For instance, what happens when you want to use the same logging class library in 100 different projects and they all need to do logging in slightly different ways. Now, your class library has to magically detect all of those different situations and handle them all. For instance, some projects may need to save the log to a different file name. Some may need to store the log to the Windows event log or a database. Some may need to automatically email a notification when an error is logged. Etc. As you can imagine, as the projects increase and the requirements grow, the logging class library will need to get more and more complex and confusing which will inevitably lead to more bugs.
DI, on the other hand, solves all these issues, and if you adhere to the methodology, it will essentially force you to write reusable code. In simple terms, it just means that all the dependencies of a class should be injected (passed by parameter) into it. In other words, if the Logger class needs an event log, or a database connection, it should not create or reach out and find those things itself. Instead, it should simply require that those dependencies be passed into it (often in the constructor). Your example using DI might look something like this:
Public Interface ILogFilePathFinder
Function GetPath() As String
End Interface
Public Class LogFilePathFinder
Implements ILogFilePathFinder
Public Sub New(isOemVersion As Boolean)
_isOemVersion = isOemVersion
End Sub
Private _isOemVersion As Boolean
Function GetPath() As String Implements ILogFilePathFinder.GetPath
If _isOemVersion Then
Return "C:\TestOem.log"
Return "C:\Test.log"
End If
End Function
End Class
Public Interface ILogger
Sub WriteLog(ByVal text As String)
End Interface
Public Class FileLogger
Implements ILogger
Public Sub New(pathFinder As ILogFilePathFinder)
_pathFinder = pathFinder
End Sub
_pathFinder As ILogFilePathFinder
Public Sub WriteLog(text As String) Implements ILogger.WriteLog
Dim path As String = _pathFinder.GetPath()
' Write text to file ...
End Sub
End Class
As you can see, it requires a little bit of extra work, but when you design your code like this, you'll never regret it. You'll notice that the logger class requests a path finder as a dependency. The path finder, in turn, requests an OEM setting as a dependency. So, to use it, you would need to do something like this:
Dim pathFinder As ILogFilePathFinder = New FileLogPathFinder(_OemSettings.IsOemVersion) ' Note, don't use a global to store the settings, always ask for them to be injected
Dim logger As ILogger = New FileLogger(pathFinder)
Now, you can easily reuse all of this code in any situation. For instance, if you have different projects that need to use a different log file path, they can still use the common FileLogger class, they just need to each implement their own version of ILogFilePathFinder and then inject that custom path finder into the common FileLogger. Hopefully you see how doing it this way can be very useful and flexible.

When to declare methods as private

I am looking for specific and exact rules to determine how a method's visibility can be declared. This is not language agnostic, it applies to the standard OOP languages.
A good rule to follow would be:
Members should not have more accessibility than they need.
Start with private and make them more accessible as the need arises.
Public is for when the method must be accessible by an outside class. Something like getState() would fit here.
Private is for when the method should not be accessible by any other class, something like changeState(...). Generally this relates to the actual alteration of an object's contents - maybe you'll have a public setX(int x) that just calls the private setXInternal(int x), that way you can have extra type-checking/safety/etc. To be safe you might as well make everything private until it has to be otherwise.
Protected is basically "public to child classes, private otherwise". Could go either way.
With any class/object there are:
1. things it does (behaviours)
2. how it does them (implementation)
The world cares about the behaviour of your object. It shouldn't (often) care about how it achieves this behaviour under the hood. Keep implementation details private, and expose behaviours.
Any kind of operation which does not define behaviour of particular object directly but is useful during implementation of object's behaviour is a candidate for private member function.
I think the helpfulness of the public, protected and private keywords is just to make the code more clear.
So you would use public for the API of a class, private to make it clear how to do NOT extend a class and protected in every other case.
A common pragmatic approach is never use private and to use just public or protected.
Public for things that are part of the public API.
Protected for non-public functions that you want subclasses to be able to call.
Private if you don't want subclasses mucking around with said method (or to even know of its existence).
In C, C++, and C# don't forgot to mark a method virtual if you want a child class to be able to override it.

Issue with MVVMLight ViewModelBase public parameterless constructor in inherited base class for WP7 Tombstoning

I am handling tombstoning in Wp7 by dumping my ViewModel into the PhoneApplicationService state (see this link for more info).
My ViewModel (VM) inherits from the MVVM Light Toolkit (ViewModelBase) which has a protected parameterless constructor only.
This causes the serilization to fail with:
"The type 'GalaSoft.MvvmLight.ViewModelBase' cannot be deserialized in partial trust because it does not have a public parameterless constructor."
Excuse my ignorance but serialization is new to me - I think I understand why it's failing, but I am trying to think of ways around it. For example, can I mark the entire base class as non-serilizable or ignored like I do certain fields in classes ([IgnoreDataMember])? I don't need to store anything that is in this class.
Is there anyway around this? I don't want to edit the source of that assembly to mark it public instead of protected.
Public default constructors in abstract classes are frowned upon by StyleCop, which is why I made the ViewModelBase one protected. As you found out, this however causes issues with serialization. This issue is more acute in WP7 where it is tempting to dump the whole vm in serialization for safe keeping.
Right now, the only fix I can propose is to implement your own viewmodelbase class. I will consider changing the constructor to public in a future release.

Basic questions about Classes, Modules and interaction

I am new to and very frustrated.
Like all good programmers I want to split my code into separate files based on functionality . Some of my code interacts with users via Forms and some interacts with lab equipment behind the scenes (no direct user interaction). Sometimes a user will change something that will impact the lab equipment and sometimes something will happen with the lab equipment that a user needs to be aware of. When I use VS to create files I have to choose a Module or Form. VS then creates an empty file with a with either
Public Class Foo
End Class
Module Foo
End Module
If I have a bunch of files, each a Module, and if I define routines in a Module to be Friend then I can call them from other Modules, so:
Module Foo
Friend Sub DoSomeWork()
End Sub
End Module
Code in Fee can call routines in Foo -
Module Fee
Friend Sub Stuff()
End SUb
End Module
When I create a Form, VS creates a Class. I find that I can call subroutines defined in a Module from a Class but when I try to call from a Module into a Class I get an error that the routine I am trying to call is not declared. I also cannot call from one Class into another Class. Declarations seem to apply only to library routines outside my program.
I have looked through several online explanations and tutorials, but frankly I don't understand these nor do I care about "inheriting from the base class" and all the other gobbledygook that such "explanations" contain. I want to concentrate on building my application.
My Main form has the name "Main"
I tried putting all the module code into the Main Class first by renaming "Module Foo" to "Public Partial Class Main" - bad idea - creates an impossible-to-find duplicate error. I tried creating empty code files, defining them as Public Partial Class Main and putting the Module code into them, - this worked in that code in the Class Main could call the "Module" code (which was now in Main) and vice-versa, but, other Forms (of course I have more than one) are created by VS to have their own Classes and once the "Module" code is moved out of Modules into Class Main the other Forms(Classes) could not call the code anymore.
I just want some recipe (best practice) I can follow to for defining Modules and Classes so that code and data can be shared.
ANSWER from below
To invoke a subroutine in another Class you simply need to put the class name in front of the subroutine name.
So not
This may be obvious to all of you experienced programmers but not to me. You do not have to prepend a class/module name to a Module-to-Module call or a Class-to-Module call, only to calls that are made into Classes. Personally, for the sake of consistency, I think the things should be the same, but it would probably violate some OO rule. Anyway thank you to all.
Generally, if you have a function that needs to be called from more than one form, or from forms and modules, put it in the main module. If you have an exceptional case and need to call a function or sub in a form from another form or a module, you can declare it to be public:
Public Class Form1
public sub test(i as integer)
end sub
end class
and then you can call it by referring to the class.subname:
call form1.test(7)
Like all good programmers
you should indeed care
about "inheriting from the base class" and all the other gobbledygook that such "explanations"
This will make you a better programmer and taking the time to understand why proper code structuring is important will also begin to yield better results for you.
I am not sure why two commentors seem to have an issue with VB.Net. The question would be the same regardless of the language, since both are C# and VB are built on .Net. Code can be written poorly in C#, just like VB. Please leave the language wars at home. NormD, the answer to your question should really be to direct you to the resources needed to better understand the problem. Here is an article on scope that might help a bit - class scope. The reason you are getting the behavior that you see is due to what you are working with. Modules (similar to static classes in C#) are created when you program begins, so there is no need to create them. So you can reference a method on a module, like so - module.method. Classes on the other hand, some exceptions, need to be created in order to be referenced. So to use an employee (or form class) you must create a variable of that class. So you would use dim myemp as New Employee() and then call myemp.method() from your module. This is a rather simplistic description, so please read the scope article and other MSDN articles for more information. I am sure other posters can post additional links with good information. Hope this helps a bit.
It seems like you don't understand the basics of object-oriented programming (OOP).
If you DON'T want to learn how to design your application in an object-oriented way, then only create modules in your application and you will be able to call functions from one to another without any problem. But this will result in code that will not be easily maintainable and scalable.
The other option is to learn OOP by picking a book about it, or following a course or tutorial on the subject. It's a significant investment but it will result in more robust code that will scale better when your application grows.