New structure field is not empty - velocity

I'm changing my liferay velocity template by adding new field for structure. e.g. 'heading1' and then adding this new field to template:
<h1>Heading is: $</h1>
But if the structure field is not yet filled the outcome is:
Heading is: $
So I thought I can fix this by:
#if($!="")<h1>Heading is: $</h1>#end
But the outcome is still:
Heading is: $
If I open the web content and just publish it then the outcome is right, it doesn't show anything, but I don't want do find every similar web content and start publish them manually.
So is there a way how to check if the heading is just not filled?

You can use a silent reference to tell Velocity not to display an empty reference:
<h1>Heading is: $!</h1>
or you can directly test whether its content does exist:
#if($ <h1>Heading is: $</h1> #end
Up to Velocity 1.7, this test will be false if the reference is null or uninitialized, but will still be true if the reference contains an empty string. Empty strings will also evaluate to false in next versions.


Robot Framework variable attribute in seperate file not storing attribute to be used elsewhere

Variable attribute not getting passed into other file.
I have my variables for element locators stored in one file and I have assertions done in another file which has worked fine until now and separates things out nicely. I am doing an assertion to check that an element exists and its attribute(value) is not blank. If I write it on one page as follows it works perfectly. This use the selenium library keywords should not be equal and Get Element Attribute just to note.
${EXAMPLE} get element attribute class=test test-data
should not be equal ${EXAMPLE} ${EMPTY}
But If I separate them out into different files. So a locators.robot file:
#Locater File
${EXAMPLE} get element attribute class=test[test-data]
And an Assertions.robot:
#Assertion File
should not be equal ${EXAMPLE} ${EMPTY}
It stops working. If I use a selenium library assertion like page should contain element then it works, so I know I am pulling in the other Resource correctly. I have a feeling I may need to store the attribute in another variable somehow and actually assert against that. Any ideas would be great. Thanks in advance.
Suppose you have html code like this as you given in other question -
<div id="top-list">
<div data-version="12345" data-list="1" data-point="10">
Way 1 - Less recommended -
This is how my assertion.robot looks like -
Library SeleniumLibrary
Resource Locator.robot
*Test Cases
Test attributes Locator
Open Browser file:///C:Desktop/testxpath.html chrome
${attribute_value}= Get Element attribute ${Datalist_locator_with_all_attribt} data-list
should not be equal ${attribute_value} ${EMPTY}
The locators are in locator.robot file. I'm not calling Get Element Attribute keyword in the locators because doing so there will be no link of directly executing it and referencing back the return value of it in testcase... So just keeping the locators in the locator file nothing else. This locators are accessible when I did Resource Locator.robot in my assertion.robot file. As you can see the Get Element Attribute element take first argument locator of element and second argument is nothing but the attribute name of which value you need. And this keyword returns value of attribute that supplied as second argument. -
${Datalist_locator_with_all_attribt} xpath://div[#data-version='12345' and #data-list='1' and #data-point='10']
${locator_with_single_attribute} xpath://div[#data-version='12345']
Way 2 - More Recommended -
Wrap the Get Element Attribute and Should Not Be Equal keywords in one single keyword. and dump it in another keyword file or create *keywords section in locator.robot file itself. Doing this your assertion.robot file will look like this -
*Test Cases
Test attributes Locator
Open Browser file:///C:/Desktop/testxpath.html chrome
Attribute values should not be empty
and locator.robot will look like this. You can make it more generic though -
*** Variables
${Datalist_locator_with_all_attribt} xpath://div[#data-version='12345' and #data-list='1' and #data-point='10']
${locator_with_single_attribute} xpath://div[#data-version='12345']
*** Keywords
Attribute values should not be empty
${attribute_value}= Get Element attribute ${Datalist_locator_with_all_attribt} data-list
should not be equal ${attribute_value} ${EMPTY}

Can't pass a Test Execution result to a variable in Robo Framework

I am posting the results of automated tests to an offline forum. It would be nice to include PASS/FAIL in the forum post title but I'm having some difficulties retrieving the ${TEST STATUS} value - (obviously a hard-coded value works fine) .
I've defined the following in common-variables.robot as:
then on publish-results.robot
Input Text....//*[#id="title"]....${FORUM_TEST_RESULT}
The error I get is: variable ${FORUM_TEST_RESULT} not found
I can see here: that ${TEST STATUS} can only be used as part of Teardown.
I'm not sure how to collect the value of ${TEST STATUS} in the context of my RF script.
e.g the very last thing my script does is post to a forum:
Input Text....//*[#id="title"]....${FORUM_TEST_RESULT}
but before that I obviously need to populate ${FORUM_TEST_RESULT} with the value of ${TEST STATUS) which you can only get on Teardown? Hope this makes sense.
Input Text is a keyword of Selenium2Library that types the given text into the text field of a web page. You need to start a browser session first and open the right page an then possibly wait for the element to become visible, for example like this:
Open Browser [URL of your site]
Wait Until Element Is Visible //*[#id="title"]
Input Text //*[#id="title"] ${FORUM_TEST_RESULT}
If you want to retrieve a text from a page (as your coment suggests) then you need to use the keyword Get Text which returns the text of the element identified by locator.
Get Text locator

How to identify webelement using partial attribute of id?

I have to find xpath for a textbox using id attribute. However, a portion of the attribute keeps changing every time I login to the application which I'm automating and the remaining portion remains unchanged. PFB example -
Attribute ------> id="StringJob_value_1102199569"
Here, the numeric value changes during every login and the portion "StringJob_value" remains unchanged.
Hence, is there any way in selenium to only use the constant portion of the attribute to identify the web element(Text Box)?
Try the following xpath:
//*[contains(#id, 'StringJob_value_')]

How to find value of email field using Selenium2Library

I am writing regression tests for a web application using robot framework and the Selenium2Library library. I have a simple test which changes all of the fields of an "account settings" type form (think username, password, email, etc.), then revisits the page and makes sure all of the data was saved. Like so:
*** Test Cases ***
Sample Test
Change All Account Details
New Account Details Should Be Saved
*** Keywords ***
Change All Account Details
Navigate to Account Page
Input Text accountSettingFrom_firstname Test
Input Text accountSettingFrom_lastname Dummy
Input Text accountSettingFrom_email
# etc etc, eventually save the form
New Account Details Should Be Saved
Textfield Value Should Be accountSettingFrom_firstname Test
Textfield Value Should Be accountSettingFrom_lastname Dummy
Textfield Value Should Be accountSettingFrom_email
I get the following error on the final step (Textfield Value Should Be accountSettingFrom_email when running this test: Value of text field 'accountSettingFrom_email' should have been '' but was 'None'
I have taken screenshots the moment before that step runs, and I have added a pause and manually confirmed that the value attribute of 'accountSettingFrom_email' is indeed ''. HTML of the element at time the check occurs:
<input type="email" name="accountSettingFrom[email]" value="" class="foo bar" required="required" tabindex="3" maxlength="128" url="/foo/bar" userid="foobar" id="accountSettingFrom_email">
You'll notice that the first two Textfield Value Should Be keywords pass. The only difference I can discern between the three elements is that 'accountSettingFrom_email' is type="email" instead of type="text", but if the the keyword is successfully locating the element, then why can't it grab the value of the value attribute?
So am I doing something wrong? I feel like this or some similar keyword must exist to test this, without having to resort to writing a custom library.
You have hit some bugs in Selenium2Library. When Selenium2Library was created, HTML5 was not ratified. Internally the library is filtering out your element because it has a type other than 'text' (made sense before HTML5). Textfield Value Should Be can only find your element if it has tag name input and attribute value 'text' for type.
Also due to how Textfield Value Should Be is implemented, the error you are getting makes you think the element was found when in fact it was not because it was filtered out.
In contrast, Input Text and Input Password have never filtered on element tag or attribute.
I would try Get Element Attribute instead to get the attribute named value instead. According to the API it should be

How do I set value of DateTextBox?

So basically I have these two DateTextBoxes and I want to copy the value from one to another? Sounds easy, right? Still, it is not...
I tried to do it this way:
dojo.byId("datetextbox1").value = dojo.byId("datetextbox2").value;
it actually looks like the value changes as the content of the field changes, but it doesn't really. When I inspect the element with firefox it still contains the old value in the code and when I try to submit the form, the old value is sent!
So my question is: how should I change that damn value?
You'll want to set the value on the widget and not directly on the node.
dijit.byId("datetextbox1").set('value', dijit.byId("datetextbox2").get('value'));
dijit.byId grabs widgets, dojo.byId grabs dom nodes