Getting DISTINCT values from 3 columns - sql

I have 1 single table with 3 columns say col1,col2,col3
col1 with values (in individual 3 rows) as a, b, c
col2 with values (in individual 3 rows) as b, c, d
col3 with values (in individual 3 rows) as c, d, e
To get distinct list to populate in html drop down box (i.e i want a,b,c,d,e) in alphabetical order ?

Select col1 from table
Select col2 from table
Select col3 from table


How to select rows without duplicates when one column is different?

This is my table with 4 columns:
a b e d
a f c d
I want to get all 1st and 4th columns, so that the first two rows will be merged into one row in the example, since they are the same:
a d
a d
When I use the command:
select column1, column4 from my_table;
Would this automatically remove duplicates? If not, how to get distinct rows with only the 1 and 4 columns?
little confusing question.
Do you want to delete duplicate data or you want to just select non-duplicate data?
If you want to delete duplicate data then it will be like this -
insert overwrite my_table
select * from my_table
join (
Select col1||col2||col3||col4 key, row_number() over (partition by col1,col4 order by col1 ) as rn
from my_table) rs on rs.key = col1||col2||col3||col4 and rs.rn=1
If you want to select the unique col1 and col4 and dont want to change underlying data, you can simply fire
select distinct column1, column4 from my_table;

Insert multiple rows into a table from two different tables in oracle?

I'm trying to insert multiple rows into my table using select but I'm getting not enough values error.
My query:
Insert into c(x, y) select * from a union all select * from d;
table a and b contains 2 records each and table c has one record.
try like below by specifying both column names
Insert into c(x, y)
select col1,col2 from a
union all
select col1,col2 from d
for union all both tables have the same number of colums and their data type also need to be same
List the columns explicitly:
Insert into c (x, y)
select col1, col2
from a
union all
select col1, col2
from d;
If one of tables has only one column, then use a placeholder for the value:
Insert into c (x, y)
select col1, col2
from a
union all
select col1, NULL
from d;

Combining two columns in SQL

I want to combine two columns in such a way that the second column gets added below the first column.
For eg:
Col 1: A B C
Col 2: D E F
Result :
Col : A B C D E F
Do a UNION ALL to get the two columns as one single column:
select col1 from tablename
select col2 from tablename
If you absolutely want col1 values before col2 values, wrap it up in a derived table and add an ORDER BY:
select col from
select col1 as col, 1 as ob from tablename
select col2, 2 as ob from tablename
) dt
order by ob
SELECT CONCAT(col1, col2) AS col FROM table

sqlite: select all columns where one filed has max value over all columns

I have a table like this:
id int, col1 int, ...
Different rows can have col1 of same value.
Now I want to gather all rows where col1 has a the maximum value.
e.g. this table values
1 4
2 3
3 4
The query shall give my row 1 and 3
You can use subquery:
SELECT id, col1
FROM tab
WHERE col1 = (SELECT MAX(col1) FROM tab);

insert into table A from table B, if Table B cols count equal to tabl A?

I have Table A with 10 columns and Table B has 3 columns only.I want insert Table B data into Table A with and remaining 7 fields with empty.
How can I do that?
If your table columns has default values then you have to use:-
insert into tableA select col1,col2,col3,'','','','','','','' from tableB;
for inserting empty values in remaining 7 columns.
insert into table A(coulmn1,column2,coulmn3) select * from B;
Insert into tableA(col1, col2, col3) select col1, col2, col3 from tableB
where col1=condition;
Tested in oracle