Global NSOperationQueue - objective-c

I'm trying to create a NSOperationQueue and add a NSOperation to it. Later I wan't to check if the queue is running and maybe abort it. All of that is supposed to be called from within different functions. What's the best approach to do this? I would be glad for a code example. Thanks!

I would create an operation queue that's managed by a singleton.
First, create your singleton class. It will provide access to the NSOperationQueue. Let's call the singleton MyGlobalQueueManager.
It will have an ivar called myGlobalQueue:
#property (nonatomic) NSOperationQueue* myGlobalQueue;
In the .m file of MyGlobalQueueManager, create a fairly standard init method that will set up the operation queue:
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self)
myGlobalOperationQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
return self;
Now, the method that provides itself as a singleton. Again, this is pretty standard stuff:
+ (MyGlobalQueueManager *)sharedInstance
static MyGlobalQueueManager *sharedInstance = nil;
static dispatch_once_t isDispatched;
dispatch_once(&isDispatched, ^
sharedInstance = [[MyGlobalQueueManager alloc] init];
return sharedInstance;
Let's access that queue from wherever you want to use it:
MyGlobalQueueManager* myGlobalQueueManager = [MyGlobalQueueManager sharedInstance];
NSOperationQueue *myGlobalQueue = myGlobalQueueManager.myGlobalOperationQueue;
You can then add operations to that queue as you fancy.
How to know if anythings queued?
NSUInteger count = [myGlobalQueue operationCount];
How to abort? Cancel everything as follows:
[myGlobalQueue cancelAllOperations];
Cancelling of course depends on the operations. If you're writing custom NSOperation classes, you'll need to handle that yourself.
I find NSOperation and NSOperationQueue to be fairly easy to use and quite straightforward.
A great document to read for all this is the Concurrency Programming Guide. Specifically, have a look at Operation Queues

An easier way to do it is to make a "globally visible" function. AKA, declare it in a public header:
extern NSOperationQueue * SharedQueue();
and define it within your compilation "unit" - but outside any #implementation.
NSOperationQueue *SharedOperationQueue()
static NSOperationQueue * _SharedQueue = nil;
return _SharedQueue ?: ^{ _SharedQueue =;
_SharedQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = NSOperationQueueDefaultMaxConcurrentOperationCount;
return _SharedQueue;
As a little bonus.. #define it with an "alias".. and you can REALLy abuse it!
#define MY_SOQ SharedOperationQueue()
[MY_SOQ addOperationWithBlock:^{ /* GO CRAZY */ }];


Static NSMutableDictionary is "just leaking"

Here's a simple class:
#import "One.h"
#import "Two.h"
#implementation DataFileRegistrar
static NSMutableDictionary *elementToClassMapping;
+ (void)load
[self registerClass:[One class] forElement:#"one"];
[self registerClass:[Two class] forElement:#"two"];
+ (void)registerClass:(Class)class forElement:(NSString *)element
if (!elementToClassMapping) {
elementToClassMapping = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:class forKey:element];
} else {
[elementToClassMapping setValue:class forKey:element];
+ (id)classForElement:(NSString *)element
return [elementToClassMapping valueForKey:element];
The problem is this compiler message:
objc[7172]: Object 0x6840720 of class __NSCFDictionary autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
Any ideas what's going on?
Basically, I want to have a simple class with a couple of class methods and one static dictionary. It would be always used without instantiation. I want to use it for a couple of things right after the app starts and then I want to release its memory. I thought ARC can take care of this.
You should not use autoreleased objects on static variables.
Change line...
elementToClassMapping = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:class forKey:element];
elementToClassMapping = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjects:[NSArray arrayWithObject:class] forKeys:[NSArray arrayWithObject:element]];
And also do not call your + (void)registerClass:(Class)class forElement:(NSString *)element from a 2nd thread without creating a autorelease pool.
Your class' +load is calling methods which calls autorelease.
Your class is loaded before main.
You can explicitly create an autorelease pool in +load:
+ (void)load
#autoreleasepool {
[self registerClass:[One class] forElement:#"one"];
[self registerClass:[Two class] forElement:#"two"];
However, it's often better to guarantee the order of your program's initialization and load explicitly before creating any threads in main:
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
[DataFileRegistrar initializeStaticStuff];
what are you doing there is putting the dictionary on the stack (which is frankly stupid, because you have so many ways not to do that) and it leaks because it never gets deallocated from the stack.
NSDictionary is created to be used with autorelease pool (and yes..i know there are some cases where is better to use a static one but those cases are very very rare )
declare NSMutableDictionary *elementToClassMapping; in interface and everything will work just fine

Setting static inside its method call (with singleton pattern)

is smth. like this legit? it compiles and looks running ok, but is it ok? (aim setting myself to nil, inside my method)
i mean iam setting myself static to nil, in a method
static MyClass * StaticInstance = nil;
+ (MyClass *) sharedStaticInstance
if (StaticInstance == nil) {
StaticInstance = [[MyClass alloc] init];
return StaticInstance;
- (void) killStaticSelf
StaticInstance = nil;
and later
[[MyClass sharedStaticInstance] doSmth]; // our static instance is created
[[MyClass sharedStaticInstance] killStaticSelf]; // now its killed inside itself method
[[MyClass sharedStaticInstance] doSmth]; // now it should recreate again
Its having a memory leak.
You should dealloc the StaticInstance first and then you should assign nil to it.
Yes, that's how it's done. I use the sharedStaticInstance often, though I don't usually create a destructor it's probably a good idea, as long as all references to the shared instance in this class pass through sharedStaticInstance first.
EDIT: I just noticed that killStaticSelf is an instance method - it should be a class method I believe, but there shouldn't be any issue either way.
[MyClass killStaticSelf];
Even as the function stack closes, since sending messages to nil doesn't cause issues in Objective-C.
your sharedInstance method is not thread safe so you could get a race condition in this code:
if (StaticInstance == nil) {
StaticInstance = [[MyClass alloc] init];
- (void) killStaticSelf
StaticInstance = nil;
the above code has a leak since you do not provide StaticInstance as a retain property (apparently). You could instead wrap your singleton code in a property but that uses the same static instance.
It's legit, but you need to release the variable before setting it to nil, to avoid memory leaks if you're not using ARC.
Though comprehension of such singleton usage logic is beyond my humble brain abilities.

Objective-c Async memory management

I've had a look around but have been unable to find a definitive answer to this question.
If I have a class that performs an async operation, when and how do I release it?
AsyncObject *async = [[AsyncObject alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
[async goDoSomething];
When do I release *async?
You could keep a private property to save the value, or, if you have control over the AsyncObject, pass the instance in the didSomething: selector.
I think the first option is better since you know the object will be retained until you get your delegate call.
Option 1:
#interface ClassName ()
#property (nonatomic, retain) AsyncObject* async;
async = [[AsyncObject alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
[async goDoSomething];
[async release];
async = nil;
Option 2:
-(void)aysncObject:(AsyncObject*)async didSomething:(Result*)result {
[async release];
If your object runs its asynchronous task on a background thread, or is the target of a timer, or uses GCD and is referenced within the scope of the dispatched block (the ^ {} kerjigger) then it will be retained for you for the lifetime of that background operation.
So the normal use case would be:
AsyncObject *async = [[AsyncObject alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
[async goDoSomething];
[async release];
Now, it's possible to work in the background with an object that is not retained (e.g. by using a __block-scoped reference to the object with GCD, or by detaching your worker thread with pthreads instead of NSThread/NSOperation) but there are no typical use cases I can think of offhand where that would happen. In such a case, you should ensure that -goDoSomething internally retains and releases self for the duration of the operation.
(If somebody can think of a case where the object is not retained for you, please post in the comments and I'll update my answer.)
Thanks for the help guys, I did a bit of experimenting with NSURLConnection to see how it handled it (As you autorelease that and it will continue on with it's async operations).
Turns out at the beginning of every async step it internally bumps its retain count and at the end of every async step it internally releases itself.
This means that it can be sent autorelease/release and it won't actually be release until it has completed it's current operation.
AsyncObject *async = [[[AsyncObject alloc] initWithDelegate:self] autorelease];
[async goDoSomething];
-(void) goDoSomething
[self retain];
-(void) finishedDoingSomething
[delegate didSomething:result];
[self release]

Can a C function be used as a selector in Cocoa?

I want to start a new thread using a C function, not an objective-C method. I tried
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector: #selector(func) toTarget: nil withObject: id(data)];
where I have
void func(void *data) {
// ...
and data is a void *, but I get a runtime crash in objc_msgSend, called from
-[NSThread initWithTarget:selector:object:]
What can I do instead? Is it even possible?
Roll your own:
// In some .h file. #import to make the extension methods 'visible' to your code.
#interface NSThread (FunctionExtension)
+(void)detachNewThreadByCallingFunction:(void (*)(void *))function data:(void *)data;
-(id)initWithFunction:(void (*)(void *))function data:(void *)data;
// In some .m file.
#implementation NSThread (FunctionExtension)
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
void (*startThreadFunction)(void *) = (void (*)(void *))[[object objectForKey:#"function"] pointerValue];
void *startThreadData = (void *) [[object objectForKey:#"data"] pointerValue];
if(startThreadFunction != NULL) { startThreadFunction(startThreadData); }
[pool release];
pool = NULL;
+(void)detachNewThreadByCallingFunction:(void (*)(void *))function data:(void *)data
[[[[NSThread alloc] initWithFunction:function data:data] autorelease] start];
-(id)initWithFunction:(void (*)(void *))function data:(void *)data
return([self initWithTarget:[NSThread class] selector:#selector(startBackgroundThreadUsingFunction:) object:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSValue valueWithPointer:function], #"function", [NSValue valueWithPointer:data], #"data", NULL]]);
NOTE: I wrote the above code and here by place it in the public domain. (sometimes the lawyers like this kind of stuff) It is also completely untested!
You can always remove the NSAutoreleasePool bits if you can guarantee that the thread entry function also creates one... but it's harmless, has no speed penalty what-so-ever, and makes calling arbitrary C functions that much more simpler. I'd say just keep it there.
And you can use it like so:
void bgThreadFunction(void *data)
NSLog(#"bgThreadFunction STARTING!! Data: %p", data);
// init and then start later...
NSThread *bgThread = [[[NSThread alloc] initWithFunction:bgThreadFunction data:(void *)0xdeadbeef] autorelease];
// ... assume other code/stuff here.
[bgThread start];
// Or, use the all in one convenience method.
[NSThread detachNewThreadByCallingFunction:bgThreadFunction data:(void *)0xcafebabe];
When run:
2009-08-30 22:21:12.529 test[64146:1303] bgThreadFunction STARTING!! Data: 0xdeadbeef
2009-08-30 22:21:12.529 test[64146:2903] bgThreadFunction STARTING!! Data: 0xcafebabe
Create an Objective-C class with a method that simply calls that function. Take the selector of that method and pass it to NSThread API.
Well, I'm not sure if it's possible, but keep in mind that every Objective-C method has two implicit/hidden arguments, self and _cmd. An IMP is usually typedef'd like this:
typedef id (*IMP)(id,SEL,...);
If you want to jerry-rig methods and selectors, you need to have a method that looks like that:
void func (id self, SEL _cmd, void *firstParameter);
But even after that, you need to register a selector name with the runtime, then you need to associate that selector with the method, but this is done on a class-by-class basis (i.e. classes can have different implementations of the same selector name), so you at least need to have a dummy class.
It is much, much simpler just to create a dummy class and dummy instance of that class than call the various runtime API just to get NSThread to invoke a single C function.
If you don't need NSThread stuff, you can also start a thread with direct POSIX interface.
I want to start a new thread using a C function, not an objective-C method
Then why don't you just use:
POSIX threads,
dispatch_async_f() (man) is suited exactly for this purpose.

How does #synchronized lock/unlock in Objective-C?

Does #synchronized not use "lock" and "unlock" to achieve mutual exclusion? How does it do lock/unlock then?
The output of the following program is only "Hello World".
#interface MyLock: NSLock<NSLocking>
#implementation MyLock
- (id)init {
return [super init];
- (void)lock {
NSLog(#"before lock");
[super lock];
NSLog(#"after lock");
- (void)unlock {
NSLog(#"before unlock");
[super unlock];
NSLog(#"after unlock");
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
MyLock *lock = [[MyLock new] autorelease];
#synchronized(lock) {
NSLog(#"Hello World");
[pool drain];
The Objective-C language level synchronization uses the mutex, just like NSLock does. Semantically there are some small technical differences, but it is basically correct to think of them as two separate interfaces implemented on top of a common (more primitive) entity.
In particular with a NSLock you have an explicit lock whereas with #synchronized you have an implicit lock associated with the object you are using to synchronize. The benefit of the language level locking is the compiler understands it so it can deal with scoping issues, but mechanically they behave basically the same.
You can think of #synchronized as a compiler rewrite:
- (NSString *)myString {
#synchronized(self) {
return [[myString retain] autorelease];
is transformed into:
- (NSString *)myString {
NSString *retval = nil;
pthread_mutex_t *self_mutex = LOOK_UP_MUTEX(self);
retval = [[myString retain] autorelease];
return retval;
That is not exactly correct because the actual transform is more complex and uses recursive locks, but it should get the point across.
In Objective-C, a #synchronized block handles locking and unlocking (as well as possible exceptions) automatically for you. The runtime dynamically essentially generates an NSRecursiveLock that is associated with the object you're synchronizing on. This Apple documentation explains it in more detail. This is why you're not seeing the log messages from your NSLock subclass — the object you synchronize on can be anything, not just an NSLock.
Basically, #synchronized (...) is a convenience construct that streamlines your code. Like most simplifying abstractions, it has associated overhead (think of it as a hidden cost), and it's good to be aware of that, but raw performance is probably not the supreme goal when using such constructs anyway.
#synchronized(self) {
return [[myString retain] autorelease];
transforms directly into:
// needs #import <objc/objc-sync.h>
id retVal = [[myString retain] autorelease];
return retVal;
This API available since iOS 2.0 and imported using...
#import <objc/objc-sync.h>
Apple's implementation of #synchronized is open source and it can be found here. Mike ash wrote two really interesting post about this subject:
Locks, Thread Safety, and Swift
Let's Build #synchronized
In a nutshell it has a table that maps object pointers (using their memory addresses as keys) to pthread_mutex_t locks, which are locked and unlocked as needed.
It just associates a semaphore with every object, and uses that.