Why Memory allocation failed whe HPDF_LoadPngImageFromFile using libhpdf? - pdf

I got a exception ERROR: error_no=1015, detail_no=0 using HPDF_LoadPngImageFromFile to load a png file with a jpeg file extention.I have libpng and libpng-dev installed. I can not figure out why this exception occurs. Anyone help me? Thanks.

LOL,I had compile libaru demo already....thanks stackoverflow..and libharu developer.
ERROR: error_no=1015, detail_no=0
general , you must check your image file weather or not exist in current directory.
indicate you c program want to load something isn't exist.
Good luck.


Error reading a .stp file with Assimp library

So I've been trying to read a .stp file with the latest assimp library.
The error I get is: "ERROR: Failed to load file: IFC: Unrecognized file schema: AUTOMOTIVE_DESIGN".
On the chance that my file was corrupted, I took a wavefront file I had and exported it to '.stp' using 'assimp' and I get the same error as above when I try to read the file back with assimp.
Would anyone have a clue about the file schema error with assimp or why assimp will not read a file it created?
At the moment Asset-Importer-Lib does only support the IFC-2.3-Format. So when the file format does not contain the following tag:
FILE_SCHEMA( ( 'IFC2X3' ) );
the import will fail at the moment. SO you can try to change this schema entr.
It would be nice to get your model for a deeper investigation ( just use our github-page: https://github.com/assimp )

Importing *.pdf_tex file error

I have made a graphic with inkscape. Now I'm trying to build it in Latex. I' m working with TEXMaker. Therefore I have exported my graphic as *.pdf_tex and *.pdf.
In macros i have added the following
my picture is build in like this:
Here I'm getting the following error. "!Package pdftex.def Error: File'pic.pdf" not found. See the pdftex.def package.."
I have tryed also to work with includegraphics which not succed. Because there he it doesn't recognize pdf_tex format.
Interesting is that the compiler says that there is not a file called "pic.pdf" and not "pic.pdf_tex". Althought both files are clearly in the file. To be sure i put the pic.svg file in the file. Now i have no more ideas and would be happy to get some help
Use resizebox to set the width of your file instead of \def\svgwidth{175pt} it will solve your problem

IS it possible to manage NO FILE error in Pig?

I'm trying to load simple file:
log = load 'file_1.gz' using TextLoader AS (line:chararray);
dump log
And I get an error:
2014-04-08 11:46:19,471 [main] ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.pigstats.SimplePigStats - ERROR 2997: Unable to recreate exception from backend error: org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException: ERROR 2118: Input Pattern hdfs://hadoop1:8020/pko/file*gz matches 0 files
at org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigInputFormat.getSplits(PigInputFormat.java:288)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient.writeNewSplits(JobClient.java:1054)
Is is possible to manage such situation before error appears?
Input Pattern hdfs://hadoop1:8020/pko/file*gz matches 0 files
The error is the input file doesn't exist in the given hdfs path.
log = load 'file_1.gz' using TextLoader AS (line:chararray);
as you haven’t mentioned the absolute path of file_1.gz , it will taken the home hdfs dir of the user with which you are running your pig-script
Unfortunately in the current version of Pig (0.15.0) it is impossible to manage these errors without using UDF's.
I suggest creating a Java or Python script using try and catch to take care of this.
Here's a good website that might be of some use to you: https://wiki.apache.org/pig/PigErrorHandlingInScripts
Good luck learning Pig!
I'm facing this issue as well. My load command is:
DATA = LOAD '${qurwf_folder_input}/data/*/' AS (...);
I want to load all files from the data subfolders, but the data folder is empty and I got the same error as you. What I did, in my particular case, was to create an empty folder in the data directory. So the LOAD returns an empty dataset and the script did not fail.
By the way, I'm using Oozie workflow to run the scripts, and in the prepare, I create the empty folders.

What does "system requires 8-byte headers" means

I saw this www.spec.org/cpu2006/Docs/481.wrf.html where it says that
If your system requires 8-byte headers, please set wrf_data_header_size = 8
Would you please tell me how to know that. Thanks in advance.
More info: I am trying to use spec2006 wrf program, which is 2.1 version of the program. I am not able to run that program, although it compiles with runspec.
Error is
At line 6744 of file module_ra_rrtm.fppized.f90 (unit = 10, file = 'RRTM_DATA')
Fortran runtime error: End of file
*** Miscompare of rsl.out.0000, see /path/rsl.out.0000.mis
'rsl.out.0000' short
Error: 1x481.wrf
I will be very grateful for any help.
You simply need to add wrf_data_header_size = 8 in the SPEC CPU configuration file you're using to build/run the WRF benchmarks.
See the config/Example-linux64-amd64-gcc41.cfg example configuration file that comes with SPEC CPU2006.

Objective C, CABase.h file error

I hate Xcode 4! It crashes all the time and finally it gives me an error in CABase.h file which is an library header file that I am not allowed to modify..
I don't even know how this file is broken.
How to fix this problem? It complains like
"Expected *before*
Expected '=',',',';','asm' or '_attribute_' before 'extern'
Also, how can I completely remove Xcode on my Mac and re-install?
You probably just have a simple error, perhaps in a header which is included prior to CABase.h. Use a "divide and conquer" strategy to locate it.
To answer your last question:
$ sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools –mode=all
This happened to me just because I had the letter 's' at the beginning of one of my implementation files. I must have missed the cmd key when cmd+s for saving the file. Luckily, another compile error discovered this and removing the 's' fixed both errors.
For example,
// GraphingViewController.m