Cancelling a setInterval delay while it is running in AS2 - actionscript-2

Is this possible?
I have a file in which a movie clip is launched when the user roles over another element. To make the user experience more pleasant this happens after a 3 second delay using setInterval. Is there a way of stopping and resetting this time if the user rolls off the element before the 3 seconds is up?
var xTimer = setInterval(wait, 3000);
function wait(){
Above is the code I have used to set the delay, and below is the code I had assumed would interrupt and reset the timer.
invisBtn.onRollOut = function(){
Any help on this would be massively appreciated.

First, the setInterval & clearInterval functions use a Number variable to work.
setInterval() returns a Number variable, and clearInterval() takes that Number in parameter to remove the previous started interval. Here you seem to keep the interval ID inside a function variable instead of a Number one.
Thus, clearInterval(xTimer()); should in reality be clearInterval(xTimer); (without the parenthesis after xTimer).
And secondly, so you can use it in the invisBtn.onRollOut function, just be sure that the xTimer variable is scoped correctly (not inside a function where the invisBtn.onRollOut isn't also), and not on different keyframes of the timeline (timeline keyframes in Flash tends to forget the code you've written on it as soon as the reading head passes onto a new keyframe of the layer which has the code on it).
Feel free to ask more details if you need !


Godot - Input.is_action_just_pressed() runs twice

So I have my Q and E set to control a Camera that is fixed in 8 directions. The problem is when I call Input.is_action_just_pressed() it sets true two times, so it does its content twice.
This is what it does with the counter:
0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2
How can I fix thix?
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("camera_right", true):
if cardinal_count < cardinal_index.size() - 1:
cardinal_count += 1
cardinal_count = 0
emit_signal("cardinal_count_changed", cardinal_count)
On _process or _physics_process
Your code should work correctly - without reporting twice - if it is running in _process or _physics_process.
This is because is_action_just_pressed will return if the action was pressed in the current frame. By default that means graphics frame, but the method actually detect if it is being called in the physics frame or graphic frame, as you can see in its source code. And by design you only get one call of _process per graphics frame, and one call of _physics_process per physics frame.
On _input
However, if you are running the code in _input, remember you will get a call of _input for every input event. And there can be multiple in a single frame. Thus, there can be multiple calls of _input where is_action_just_pressed. That is because they are in the same frame (graphics frame, which is the default).
Now, let us look at the proposed solution (from comments):
if event is InputEventKey:
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("camera_right", true) and not event.is_echo():
# whatever
It is testing if the "camera_right" action was pressed in the current graphics frame. But it could be a different input event that one being currently processed (event).
Thus, you can fool this code. Press the key configured to "camera_right" and something else at the same time (or fast enough to be in the same frame), and the execution will enter there twice. Which is what we are trying to avoid.
To avoid it correctly, you need to check that the current event is the action you are interested in. Which you can do with event.is_action("camera_right"). Now, you have a choice. You can do this:
if event.is_action("camera_right") and event.is_pressed() and not event.is_echo():
# whatever
Which is what I would suggest. It checks that it is the correct action, that it is a press (not a release) event, and it is not an echo (which are form keyboard repetition).
Or you could do this:
if event.is_action("camera_right") and Input.is_action_just_pressed("camera_right", true) and not event.is_echo():
# whatever
Which I'm not suggesting because: first, it is longer; and second, is_action_just_pressed is really not meant to be used in _input. Since is_action_just_pressed is tied to the concept of a frame. The design of is_action_just_pressed is intended to work with _process or _physics_process, NOT _input.
So, apparently theres a built in method for echo detection:
Im closing this.
I've encountered the same issue and in my case it was down to the fact that my scene (the one containing the Input.is_action_just_pressed check) was placed in the scene tree, and was also autoloaded, which meant that the input was picked up from both locations and executed twice.
I took it out as an autoload and Input.is_action_just_pressed is now triggered once per input.

How to stop infinite cola layout manually?

I had used infinite option in cola layout to draw the nodes and their connections. I was trying to add manual stop function to this when all the nodes in the graph get well settled. But I couldn't find a way to do this.
So, how can I manually stop the cola layout?
I cannot use max simulation time option as the number of nodes in the graph and their connections can vary and so deciding this time is not possible.
As a hack, I am using currently like
var simulationStopTimer = setInterval(function (){
if (simulationStopNow){
options.infinite = false;
}, 10000);
So, i am using a timer every 10 seconds to check whether the user has clicked a button to stop the layout. Is there is any better way?
If you create a layout object, you can call layout.stop() :
For your case, however, that is unnecessary:
Physics layouts automatically stop once they're settled. Make sure to set your force parameters appropriately. And turn the time limit to a high value so the layout doesn't stop prematurely.

Unable to interrupt psychopy script, event.getKeys() always empty

I'm new to psychopy and python. I'm trying to program a way to quit a script (that I didn't write), by pressing a key for example. I've added this to the while loop:
while n < total
if len(event.getKeys()) > 0:
# Another while loop here that ends when time is past a certain duration after 'start'.
And it's not working, it doesn't register any key presses. So I'm guessing key presses are only registered during specific times. What are those times? What is required to register key presses? That loop is extremely fast, sending signals every few milliseconds, so I can't just add wait commands in the loop.
If I could just have a parallel thread checking for a key press that would be good too, but that sounds complicated to learn.
Edits: The code runs as expected otherwise (in particular no errors). "core" and "event" are included. There aren't any other "event" command of any kind that would affect the "key press log".
Changing the rest of the loop content to something that includes core.wait statements makes it work. So for anybody else having this difficulty, my original guess was correct: key presses are not registered during busy times (i.e. in my case a while statement that constantly checks the time), or possibly only during specific busy times... Perhaps someone with more knowledge can clarify.
....So I'm guessing key presses are only registered during specific
times. What are those times? What is required to register key
To try and answer your specific question, the psychopy api functions/methods that cause keyboard events to be registered are ( now updated to be literally every psychopy 1.81 API function to do this):
1: These functions also remove all existing keyboard events from the event list. This means that any future call to a function like getKeys() will only return a keyboard event if it occurred after the last time one of these functions was called.
2: If keyList=None, does the same as *, else removes keys from the key event list that are within the keyList kwarg.
Note that one of the times keyboard events are 'dispatched' is in the event.getKeys() call itself. By default, this function also removes any existing key events.
So, without being seeing the full source of the inner loop that you mention, it seems highly likely that the event.getKeys() is never returning a key event because key events are being consumed by some other call within the inner loop. So the chance that an event is in the key list when the outer getKeys() is called is very very low.
Update in response to OP's comment on Jonas' test script ( I do not have enough rep to add comments to answers yet):
... Strange that you say this ..[jonas example code].. works
and from Sol's answer it would seem it shouldn't. – zorgkang
Perhaps my answer is giving the wrong understanding, as it is intended to provide information that shows exactly why Jonas' example should, and does, work. Jonas' example code works because the only time key events are being removed from the event buffer is when getKeys() is called, and any events that are removed are also returned by the function, causing the loop to break.
This is not really an answer. Here's an attempt to minimally reproduce the error. If the window closes on keypress, it's a success. It works for me, so I failed to reproduce it. Does it work for you?
from psychopy import event, visual, core
win = visual.Window()
clock = core.Clock()
while True:
if event.getKeys():
while clock.getTime() < 1:
I don't have the time module installed, so I used psychopy.core.Clock() instead but it shouldn't make a difference, unless your time-code ends up in an infinite loop, thus only running event.getKeys() once after a few microseconds.

Flash as2 bullet removing enemy?

I am trying to make a simple as2 shooter but when I try to shoot an enemy the bullet just go thru it and doesn't remove the enemy. I tried to put
if (hitTest(_root.vihollinen)==true
but nothing happens
Most of the code is just copy/paste because I don't know much about coding but I'm trying to learn!
The most significant issue is that your enemy needs an Instance Name in order for the code to understand it. Simply click on your enemy movieclip, and add vihollinen to the Instance Name field at the top.
Next, your bullet code is close, but needs some adjustments. Here is your code:
_root["bullet" + bulletsFired].onEnterFrame = function(){
this._x += this.xmov;
this._y += this.ymov;
if (hitTest(_root.vihollinen)==true){
If you're ever using an onEnterFrame handler like that with a function, it's good practice to always refer to the current object with this, like so: if(this.hitTest(_root.vihollinen) == true){
remove() is not an ActionScript2 function. Try using unloadMovie() instead, like this: _root.vihollinen.unloadMovie()
Changing those three things will make your code function. Be sure that you try to go through each part of your code and understand it to the best of your ability - it'll make things much easier in the long run, even if it takes a long time to figure out why each part is there!

What is the best way to read input from keyboard using SDL?

I'm running an update() method n times per second to "update" the keyboard input from the user so I can read it later in the logic part of the program. So I find two ways of implementing this in the SDL Docs and I'm not sure which one should I use.
1; Loop for all events using SDL_PollEvent searching for key down/up events and saving the key states in a map so I can check for each key state in the logic of the program.
Note: Alternatively, I can also use SDL_PeepEvents instead of SDL_PollEvent to take only the event types that matter; so, it would not "thrown away" the events on the queue.
std::map<int, bool> keyboard; // Saves the state(true=pressed; false=released) of each SDL_Key.
void update()
SDL_Event event;
keyboard[event.key.keysym.sym] = false;
keyboard[event.key.keysym.sym] = true;
2; Taking a snapshot from the keyboard each frame so I can read it easily.
Uint8* keyboard;
void update()
keyboard = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL);
With any of above implementations I can read keyboard just like this:
if (key_map[SDLK_Return]) printf("Return has been pressed.");
Also, is there another way to do so?
I prefer to do a variation of 1, where I fill three arrays, indicating not only the current state, but also which keys just went down and which keys just went up. This allows me to easily check for those events in code (without comparing to the previous snapshot), but, most importantly, it won't miss events that last less than a frame. For example, if your game is running at 10 fps due to a slow machine, the user might press and release an important key between two calls of your update routine, and then your system will never register it. This is extremely frustrating.
SDL also sends key events when the key is held down, which allow you to have multiple key down events for each key up. I find this particularly useful when implementing keyboard scrolling through a list of items, e.g. a keyboard-controlled menu.
You should use solution 2.
Why? As SDL_GetKeyState() docs point out, before using it you are expected to call SDL_PumpEvents() to update the state array.
When you are calling SDL_PollEvent(), it implicitly calls SDL_PumpEvents(). So, it basically updates the array for SDL_GetKeyState() anyway. By parsing these events manually, you just create a second array (well, actually a much slower map) holding the same information which SDL already collected for you.
So, I would dare say that first solution means doing the same thing twice. And if you ever decide to support things such as repeated keystrokes (SDL_EnableKeyRepeat()), you'll be reimplementing even a larger part of SDL.
I realize this question is quite old, but my answer could benefit someone. Personally, I use two arrays with SDL_GetKeyState. I store one array holding the current frame's keyboard state, and one array holding that last frame's keyboard state. (With some memcpy commands, it's really easy to update them.) Along with those two arrays, I have a map that converts strings like "A" to the SDL scancode values, but that is optional.
Then, when you need to check if something is released or pressed, you can combine the two arrays to check. (I made this a function.) For example, if you know that the key is pressed this frame, but wasn't pressed last frame, it was clearly just pressed this frame. if (currentFrame["A"] == true && lastFrame["A"] == false) {/*just pressed*/}
You would then do the opposite for the released. I find that method super easy to implement and use.