Implement a keyboard click sound, lost - objective-c

Everyone on this site has been very helpful on my schooling of iOS programming, but I've run into a brick wall with a very simple feature. I've found Apples documentation on implementing the factory keyboard click sound upon a button touch, but what Im not getting is the "creating a sub lass of UIView" part. I have a very basic calculator that I've built, the buttons are made of standard Round Rect's that I want to make the simple click sound. So Apple says:Adopting the UIInputViewAudioFeedback Protocol
Perform the following three steps to adopt the UIInputViewAudioFeedback protocol:
In your Xcode project, create a subclass of the UIView class. In the header file, indicate that the subclass conforms to the UIInputViewAudioFeedback protocol, as follows:
#interface KeyboardAccessoryView : UIView {
Now I am using the standard UIViewController tied to a xib with all my buttons. Am i to: Create New File, name it as a subclass of UIView, JUST so i can implement this sound? That doesn't make sense to me, and if this is really amateur stuff I apologize, but I'm learning from many different places. Thanks in advance.

You have to set your custom input view as the inputView property of the object that is supposed to be the first responder (For example, a UITextField instance), and the inputView(your custom input view) must conform to the UIInputViewAudioFeedback protocol. And to actually play a click sound: [[UIDevice currentDevice] playinputClick].
For example:
#interface MyCalculatorDisplay : UIView
// ...
#interface MyCustomKeyboard : UIView <UIInputViewAudioFeedback>
// ...
// Then, somewhere in your controller:
MyCustomKeyboard *keyboard = [MyCustomKeyboard new];
MyCalculatorDisplay *display = [MyCalculatorDisplay new];
display.inputView = keyboard;


Menu bar application actions with Objective C?

I've recently been trying to create an application on Xcode 9.4.1 with the Objective-C programming language.
I am trying to make the application work from the menu bar rather than a full app.
However, I have only managed to make the Menu items show up and have no idea how to add actions such as a web link to the buttons.
Can anyone help with this? All I want is to add actions to the buttons using code.
P.S. I am not using storyboards.
Without providing what you've done so far it seems like you're asking for complete code, nevertheless I happen to have an old project that does it. In the app delegate you do something like this: in the barItemAction method you can do whatever you need to perform
#interface AppDelegate ()
#property NSStatusItem *barItem ;
#implementation AppDelegate
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
self.barItem = [NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar statusItemWithLength:NSVariableStatusItemLength];
self.barItem.button.title = #"🚀";
[self.barItem setAction:#selector(barItemAction)];
// Insert code here to initialize your application
-(void)barItemAction {
NSLog(#"🚀 button was clicked ");

Why is this delegate method automatically called in Objective-C?

I'm going through this book called "cocoa programming for mac os x" and I just started with delegates. This whole thing with delegates is still a little bit wacky to me but I think I just need to let it settle.
However there was this one exercise where I should implement a delegate of the main window so that if resized height is always 2xwidth.
So I got 4 files:
AppDelegate are just the two standard files that get created when you open a new Cocoa project. I had to look up the solution because I didn't quite know how to accomplish this task.
The solution was just to create a new cocoa class, "WindowDelegat.h/.m" and add this to it's implementation file:
- (NSSize)windowWillResize:(NSWindow *)sender toSize:(NSSize)frameSize {
NSSize newSize = frameSize;
newSize.height = newSize.width * 2;
return newSize;
Then I opened the interface builder, added a new object and made it my WindowDelegate. I then had to ctrl drag from the WindowDelegate to the actual window and made it the window's delegate.
Clicked run and it worked. Yay! But why?
First I thought that "windowWillResize" is just one of these callback functions that get's called as soon as the window is resized but it isn't. Normally methods get invoked because the general lifecycle of an program invokes them or because they are an #IBAction, a button or different control elements.
But "windowWillResize" is non of them. So why is it called?
EDIT: Problem solved! Thanks a lot!
Now I'm trying to connect the delegate to the window programmatically. Therefore I deleted the referencing outlet from WindowDelegate to the actual window in interface builder. It works but I just want to verify that this it the correct way how it's done:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "WindowDelegate.h"
#interface AppDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate>
#import "AppDelegate.h"
#interface AppDelegate ()
#property (weak) IBOutlet NSWindow *window;
#property (strong) WindowDelegate *winDeleg;
#implementation AppDelegate
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
// Insert code here to initialize your application
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
// Insert code here to tear down your application
- (void)awakeFromNib {
[_window setOpaque:NO];
NSColor *transparentColor = [NSColor colorWithDeviceRed:0.0 green:0.0 blue:0.0 alpha:0.5];
[_window setBackgroundColor:transparentColor];
NSSize initialSize = NSMakeSize(100, 200);
[_window setContentSize:initialSize];
_winDeleg = [[WindowDelegate alloc] init];
[_window setDelegate: _winDeleg];
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface WindowDelegate : NSObject <NSWindowDelegate>
#import "WindowDelegate.h"
#implementation WindowDelegate
- (NSSize)windowWillResize:(NSWindow *)sender toSize:(NSSize)frameSize {
NSSize newSize = frameSize;
newSize.height = newSize.width * 2;
return newSize;
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
return self;
Why does the #property of WindowDelegate need to be strong?
And isn't my winDeleg an object? Why do I have to access it through _winDeleg when it's an object. I though the underscore is used to access variables?
Thank you for your help!
Clicked run and it worked. Yay! But why?
Because instances of NSWindow have a delegate property that can point to any object that implements the NSWindowDelegate protocol, and that protocol includes the -windowWillResize:toSize: method.
Read that a few times. The reason it's important is that you can create your own object, say that it implements NSWindowDelegate, implement -windowWillResize:toSize:, and set that object as your window's delegate. Then, whenever the user resizes the window, your method will be called and can modify the proposed new size.
Normally methods get invoked because the general lifecycle of an program invokes them or because they are an #IBAction, a button or different control elements. But "windowWillResize" is non of them. So why is it called?
This really isn't so different. Think of delegates as "helper objects." They let you customize the behavior of an object without having to create a whole new subclass. The NSWindowDelegate object is essentially a contract that the NSWindow promises to follow: whenever certain things happen, such as the user resizing the window, the window will call certain methods in its delegate object, if the delegate exists and implements those methods. In the case of NSApplication, a lot of those delegate methods are application lifecycle events, like the app starting up or quitting or getting a message from the operating system. In the case of NSWindow, delegate methods correspond to interesting events that can happen to a window, like the user moving it, hiding it, showing it, maximizing it, moving it to a different screen, etc. Other classes, like text views or network connections or movie players, have their own sets of interesting events and their own delegate protocols to match.
Note that methods marked IBAction really aren't delegate methods, they're just methods that get called by objects like controls that use a target/action paradigm. The IBAction keyword lets the IDE know which methods it should present as possible actions for things like buttons. You often find actions in window controllers and view controllers, and those objects frequently act as a delegate for some other object, but the actions themselves aren't part of the delegate protocol. For example, NSTableView takes a delegate object that determines how the table will act and what's displayed in it. It often makes sense for the view controller that manages the table to be the table's delegate, and that same view controller might also manage some buttons and contain the action methods that said buttons trigger, but the actions aren't part of the NSTableViewDelegate protocol and you therefore wouldn't call them delegate methods.

Why can't I add custom NSButtonCell to NSView?

I'm attempting to create a custom view that contains a play/pause button, and I'll attach any number of these to an NSWindow. I started by creating my own NSView and just drawing out the various pieces, then subclassing the play/pause button as an NSView (baby steps).
This all worked fine until I decided my button needed to extend NSButtonCell rather than an NSView. The following (from TimeSlipView.m) fails miserably, and I can't seem to figure out why:
playPauseButton = [[TimeSlipViewButton alloc] init];
[playPauseButton setButtonType:NSMomentaryPushInButton];
[self addSubview:playPauseButton];
I get a compile error and this warning for that last line: "Incompatible pointer types sending 'TimeSlipViewButton *__strong' to paremeter of type 'NSView *'".
I have a feeling I've misunderstood something very basic, and that for some reason I can't just pass addSubview: my NSButtonCell from within an NSView.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "TimeSlipViewButton.h"
#interface TimeSlipView : NSView {
TimeSlipViewButton *playPauseButton;
NSView *timerText;
NSView *clientText;
NSView *projectText;
NSView *taskText;
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface TimeSlipViewButton : NSButtonCell
A Cell Is no View and thus cannot be used as such! what you do doesn't work
You try exactly that when adding it as a subview
Cells are a (legacy) concept where views were too expensive.
The were/are used by some controls (like NSButton) to handle the actually drawing.
the Button CONTAINS a button cell
It ISNT a button cell, it IS a NSView
what you might wanna do is give a stock NSButton a specific ButtonCell that has custom drawing options. There are good tutorials out there for given existing NSButtons/NSSegmentedCells/NSTextFields custom NSCells

how to fire mapView:didSelectAnnotationView

I'm new to iPhone development. I've been reading several questions on how to make a google maps annotation callout window accept line breaks. Every tutorial I've read requires me to fire the mapView:didSelectAnnotationView method. But I have no idea how to trigger this. things I've tried include
putting the method in my MapViewController.m file which extends UIViewController
putting the method in a MapView.m file which extends MKMapView, then have my Mapview element in my storyboard reference it as the class to use
There's so much about xcode, objective c, and iphone development that I don't understand, so i can't tell where my problem lies.
At the moment, my map does plot my desired marker on the desired location. I just need to understand how to fire the mapView:didSelectAnnotationView and mapView:viewForAnnotation functions before I can start customizing the call out box.
Does anyone have step by step instructions on how to trigger these functions?
A bit of background
A few things to note:
You don't call mapView:didSelectAnnotationView. The MKMapView calls that function on it's delegate. In other words, when you set up an MKMapView, you tell it: "hey, listen, anytimme you need to tell me what's happening on the map, go tell this guy, he'll handle them for you". That "guy" is the delegate object, and it needs to implement mapView:didSelectAnnotationView (that's also why its name "did select", ie, it already happened, as opposed to "select"). For a simple case, the delegate is often the UIViewController that owns the MKMapView, which is what I'll describe below.
That method will then get triggered when the user taps on one of your annotations. So that's a great spot to start customizing what should happen when they tap on an annotation view (updating a selection, for instance).
It's not, however, what you want if you want to customize what annotation to show, which is what it sounds like you're actually after. For that, there's a different method just a few paragraphs earlier on the same man page: mapView:viewForAnnotation. So substitute this method if you find that mapView:didSelectAnnotationView isn't what you were looking for.
What you can do
If you got as far as a map with a marker, I'm guessing you have at least:
* a view controller (extendeding from UIViewController, and
* an MKMapView that you've added to the view for that view controller, say named mapView
The method you want to fire is defined as part of the MKMapViewDelegate protocol.
The easiest way to get this wired is to:
make your UIViewController the delegate for you MKMapView
in code, say in your viewDidLoad, of your MapViewController.m you could do mapview.delegate = self, OR
in Interface Builder, you could drag the connection from the the MKMapView delegate property to the file's owner
then, define a method on your UIViewController called mapView:didSelectAnnotationView, declaring it just like the protocol does, in your MapViewController.m file:
- (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView didSelectAnnotationView:(MKAnnotationView *)view {
// whatever you need to do to your annotation and/or map
Good luck!
mapView:didSelectAnnotationView is a delegate method of the map view, you can read about it here:
MKMapViewDelegate Protocol Reference
You don't need to call it, the map view will call it "by it self" and send it to every view/view controller that registered as it's delegate.
What do you need to do
Basically you need to add the MKMapViewDelegate on your .h file, what will look something like this:
#interface someViewController : UIViewController <MKMapViewDelegate>
Then in the .m file, after you instantiate the map view you should add:
mapView.delegate = self;//were self refers to your controller
From this point and on your controller will be able to "receive messages" from the map view which are the methods that you can see on the MKMapViewDelegate reference I linked to.
So to implement the mapView:didSelectAnnotationView you need to add in your .m file
- (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView didSelectAnnotationView:(MKAnnotationView *)view{
//if you did all the steps this methosd will be called when a user taps the annotation on the map.
What is happening
What happens in the background is:
The map view has a method (Apple codded) that handles the AnnotationView touch events.
When a touch event take place it sends a "message" to all of it's delegates saying "Hey a user did Select Annotation View on this map, Do with it what ever you need".
usually it looks like that:
[self.delegate mapView:someMapView didSelectAnnotationView:someAnnotationView];
Then every view/controller that assigned itself as a delegate and implemented the method will cal this method.
Good luck
Place *place = [[Place alloc] init];
PlaceMark *placeMark = [[PlaceMark alloc] initWithPlace:place];
[self.mapView selectAnnotation:placeMark animated:YES];

How to raise an event in Objective-C

I'm a little confused about raising an event in Objective-C,
I came from C# (.NET) environment and I would like to learn Objective-c and Cocoa programming.
So here's my question:
I have a little application with a NSTextField that I want to use to listen to an event.
What I want to do : When I double click within this control, it raise an event and pop up ex: an NSAlert that displays "Double clicked".
So how can I do that, I'am a visual person so I need some code exemple to show how it's work; Like what should I put within the .h class and within the .m class.
Thanks in advance,
You need to read up on the Cocoa Fundamentals and the target/action mechanism. An NSControl (like its NSButton subclass) has a target to which it sends an action with itself as the sender. Not all controls support -doubleAction, but some do.
NSButton/NSButtonCell does not support a double action, so you would need to do some subclassing and override the mouse methods. NSEvent (which is passed into mouse methods) can be queried for its click count to distinguish double-clicks from singles.
Just for the record, it's usually click-and-hold that produces a context menu on OS X and this capability is announced through a down-facing arrow somewhere on the right of the button face. Few people will actually know a menu is there for double-clicking and it's hard to represent this with a symbol on the button face. Consider a click-and-hold trigger for your button's context menu.
I am not sure why you want to do this in a text field, but here is how to do it:
You need to use a subclass that overrides click behavior for double clicks. The header file would look like this:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface ClassName : NSTextField {
//Any new instance variables here
//Any new methods here
and the implementation file would look like this:
#import "ClassName.h"
#implementation ClassName
- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)event {
//You can also do this with mouseDown:, depending on when you prefer to handle the event
if([event clickCount] == 2) {
//Handle double click here
} else [super mouseUp:event]; //or pass to parent implementation