Rails 3.2 Asset Pipeline, CarrierWave and .gitignore - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm using CarrierWave gem and Rails 3.2. When in production, Rails requires me to pre-compile the user image folder.
Currently my CarrierWave upload images to public/assets/images and I'm ignoring public folder in .gitignore.
Is there a better practice for this?

This question and answers provide you with better options for managing CarrierWave upload images


Rails getting error when generating shopify app

I'm getting an error when generating shopify app using rails. Screenshot is shown below:
Can anyone tell me what is going wrong?
You have probably added the shopify gem to the gems file.
all you need to do is to run
bundle install
so the app will install and use the new gem

upload videos with caption on youtube in rails 3.x

I am using youtube_it gem for uploading video on youtube.I want to upload videos with caption file on youtube.I am not able to find any method for uploading videos with captions in this gem. Is there any better gem or any other solution for this scenario in rails 3.x with ruby version 1.9.x?
some one has add this functionality in fork.

video upload in rails 3

Is there any gem or plugin for uploading videos in rails application? can anybody suggest a gem or plugin for uploading videos in rails 3? please help me in this regard with a tutorial.. Im new to rails.
I created a gem for this very specific reason: https://rubygems.org/gems/paperclip-ffmpeg

Rails 3 - paperclip with perloader

I use for upload my images Paperclip. I would like to ask you, if exist any gem or plugin for showing the preloader while the image is uploading (something like "56% loaded").
it doesn't have to do anything with paperclip actually.
I am using mootools, with mootools I am using FancyUpload which has lots of options and is very well written and easy to debug, rewrite, extend etc...
When you use this, you get an "Ajax" upload with a progress bar.
if you are using jQuery, there are many plugins for that as well.
it's very easy to integrate into the project.

Editing a gem definition on HEROKU (opentok)

quick question about Heroku. My app is using a gem called opentok. To function outside of a "sandbox" mode, the app requires changing an API link in a gem file called opentok.rb. I did that locally and the app works fine. however, when I deploy to heroku, the app does not work because heroku looks at my gem file and gets the unmodified gem lib of opentok which then runs my app on the heroku server in sandbox mode.
Is there a way I can access the opentok gem file (opentok.rb) on the heroku server and edit it with gvim from a console?
Thank you!!
Unpack the gem to your vendor directory, edit it as you require, then tell Bundler where to retrieve the gem from.
Command line:
gem unpack opentok-VERSION --target vendor/gems
gem 'opentok', :path => "vendor/gems/opentok-VERSION"
After you've done all this, do a bundle install, add the vendored Gem to your git repository, and push to heroku.
For the opentok gem, though, the api url can be passed directly as an option:
opentok = OpenTok::OpenTokSDK.new #api_key, #api_secret, :api_url => 'https://api.opentok.com/hl'
this feature is documented in the spec/opentok_spec.rb file. Look for:
it "should be possible to set the api url as an option" do
Thanks to Stijnster, the opentok gem creator, for pointing it out to me!