Rails 3 - paperclip with perloader - ruby-on-rails-3

I use for upload my images Paperclip. I would like to ask you, if exist any gem or plugin for showing the preloader while the image is uploading (something like "56% loaded").

it doesn't have to do anything with paperclip actually.
I am using mootools, with mootools I am using FancyUpload which has lots of options and is very well written and easy to debug, rewrite, extend etc...
When you use this, you get an "Ajax" upload with a progress bar.
if you are using jQuery, there are many plugins for that as well.
it's very easy to integrate into the project.


How can I make PDF files in a Unity WebGL build?

I am in the process of making a Unity WebGL App and I would like the user to be able to download a status report which pulls-in info from the app.
So far I have tested SharpPDF with which i am able to generate a pdf in the editor and standalone builds but not in the webGL build.
Any ideas
You could make a jslib and use something like pdfkit.

upload videos with caption on youtube in rails 3.x

I am using youtube_it gem for uploading video on youtube.I want to upload videos with caption file on youtube.I am not able to find any method for uploading videos with captions in this gem. Is there any better gem or any other solution for this scenario in rails 3.x with ruby version 1.9.x?
some one has add this functionality in fork.

Rails 3.2 Asset Pipeline, CarrierWave and .gitignore

I'm using CarrierWave gem and Rails 3.2. When in production, Rails requires me to pre-compile the user image folder.
Currently my CarrierWave upload images to public/assets/images and I'm ignoring public folder in .gitignore.
Is there a better practice for this?
This question and answers provide you with better options for managing CarrierWave upload images

using sencha touch with rails 3.1

I created an example app on how to use Sencha Touch,Rails 3.1, Devise and Mongodb.
I put the Sencha Touch files in public folder, but i would like to know if there is a way to put it in the assets folder, doing it the rails way.
My issue is that everything gets compiled into one big javascript file, and i don't really want the code that is used for the non login part of the app always available.
you can see the source code for the app here: link
move your javascript files to app/assets/javascripts/views/...view.js then they will be compiled for each individual view.

Is it possible to include fonts in an app bundle and make them available in a UIWebView

I'm working on some HTML5 content to be included as part of an iPad app in a Web View and it requires some custom fonts which I was attepting to implement via CSS and #font-face
As I understand it, Mobile Safari only supports SVG fonts, but my testing has shown Mobile Safari to really struggle with SVG and the performance hit is a serious issue.
So... is it possible to put fonts in the App Bundle and somehow make them available to the webview?
Yes it is. Include the fonts in the App Bundle and in the app-info.plist use
"Fonts provided by application"
and provide the file name for each font.
Looks something like this...