IIS 6.0 preventing "PUT" & "DELETE" method types on WCF 4.0 web service calls (403 Forbidden) - wcf

I am a developer trying to assist my server admin in figuring out how to get this issue corrected.
But I have an app that is using WCF 4.0 configure-less setup to make RESTful webservices calls. Everything works fine locally but when pushed to my server all PUT and DELETE requests return a 403 forbidden error.
After searching around I've been unable to find anything that seems to work, and I'm not sure if there is some logs that would help figure this out, I'm not a server guy and apparently neither is my "server guy". So any tips on where to point him or what might be causing this would be greatly appreciated.

You would need to add the verbs to the appropriate handler on IIS 6. The below links explain on how to achieve it.
Steps as below:
1. Right click the Virtual Directory in IIS
Select 'Properties'
Click 'Configuration...'
Search for .svc in the 'Application Extensions' list
Select '.svc' (if this is not present, then you need to add it by clicking Add and using the same path for the executable as is used for the .aspx extension)
Click 'Edit ...'
In the 'Verbs' list select 'All Verbs'
MSDN Forums
Setting Application mapping on IIS 6


Publish .NET Code application to Arvixe Host

I have a ASP.NET Core with Blazor website and I want to deploy it to Arvixe host. The website is very simple and contains only UI elements no database required. I published the website to a local file system and uploaded it using FTP to the Plesk.
When I am visiting the website, I receive this error:
500 - Internal server error. There is a problem with the resource you
are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
I have tried to run it on the IIS and I received more details:
Configuration The configuration file cannot be read due to
insufficient permissions.
I tried to add IIS_IUSRS to the group and users for web.config but I am not able to find it because I am using a windows 10 connected to active directory.
Besides, I still don't know how to solve this problem at Arvixe. Does anyone know tips might help?
500 internal error is generic issue. Please kindly check the error message on the server and paste it here. Make sure that your provider has installed .net core bundled on their server and here are tutorial about publsih .net core using plesk https://windowswebhostingreview.com/how-to-publish-using-web-deploy-with-plesk-control-panel/. It should be working fine.
You need to give Full Trust permission (Read-Write-Execute) to your application folder and also to Application Pool and also check if the Runtime version supported by Arvixe matches with your Asp.net Core version.
Also enable the logs in web.config file by setting stdoutLogEnabled="true" to get detailed error so that you can investigate more about the error.

GeoDesic Buffers sample code does not work in my local IIS Server

I am new to use ArcGis Api for javascript, I am using JS Api 3.20.
I have been trying for 3 days but it does not work.
I have taken code from the following link
Geometry Engine - Geodesic buffers | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 3.20
I paste this in My Html file create in VS website for .Net , and setup a local server for my page using IIS server
I also downloaded proxy from GitHub resource-proxy/DotNet at master · Esri/resource-proxy · GitHub
setup it in same application in IIS
Downloaded excel file added in my application from https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/4.5_week.csv
but still I am getting the following error in console using developer mode when set Proxy URL to this
config.defaults.io.proxyUrl = "/";
GET 404 (Not Found)
and when I set proxy url to this
config.defaults.io.proxyUrl = "/Proxy/";
then the following error occurs in console
GET 403 (Forbidden)
Could you please help me out. I would be thankful in advance.
I Resolved My Issue thanks.
Basically I didn't enable IIS 4.5 web features so I read readme file of proxy which resolved my issue.
Here is what I read from ReadMe file located in DotNet folder of Proxy
Troubleshooting: If you get an error message 404.3, it's possible that ASP.NET have not been set up. On Windows 8, go to "Turn Windows features on or off" -> "Internet Information Services" -> "World Wide Web Services" -> "Application Development Features" -> "ASP.NET 4.5".
First off, try setting the proxyUrl value to this:
config.defaults.io.proxyUrl = "/proxy/proxy.ashx";
That may resolve the issue.
EDIT (based on clarification that IIS is in fact running on port 1555):
You might want to confirm that you can access the proxy at all, by entering the proxy url directly in your browser (with no arguments), eg:
If this resolves correctly, you should get an error response in JSON format like this:
{error: {code: 400,message:"This proxy does not support empty
That at least would confirm that the proxy is accessible and functioning properly on your system.

Connect Web Role to Web Site Role in the same windows azure solution

We have a solution with a web role (WCF service role) and a WebSiteRole for a website we are building,
we are trying to connect the WebSiteRole to the WCFServiceRole with no success.
The Web reference comes out empty everytime while the service seems to be functioning properly.
We even tried making a new solution with an empty "DoWork" service to try to attach it , it comes out empty as well.
I used the svcutil to generate the proxy manually and add it to the project and that worked, but that's not the right way to connect to a service...
what am i doing wrong?
Update :
opened a new bug, hope they'll fix it
The types in the WCFRole and WebsiteRole are colliding.
Right click and the Service Reference -> Configure service reference -> Uncheck the "Reuse reference Types"
working like a charm now :)

WCF Services not working from Silverlight Application after Deploying

Okay I have seen some very similar questions here but none seem to be answered to my liking. I have created a Silverlight application that calls a couple of services to populate various comboboxes from the database. I got this working without too much trouble on my local machine.
So now I want to deploy it to our webserver. It was relatively straight forward to get ISS7 to load the Silverlight application. However, none of my services seem to be working properly, in that the comboboxes are empty. In IE I get the following error:
Message: Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application An exception occurred during the operation, making the result invalid. Check InnerException for exception details. at System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary()
at MyTestPage.ViewModel.MyService.GetInfoCompletedEventArgs.get_Result()
at MyTestPage.ViewModel.MainPageViewModel.b__2(Object s, GetInfoCompletedEventArgs ea)
at MyTestPage.ViewModel.MyService.MyServiceClient.OnGetInfoCompleted(Object state)
Line: 1
Char: 1
Code: 0
URI: http://www.mywebsite.com/MyTestPage.aspx
My problem is that this error only occurs when deploying on the webserver and I have no clue how to debug this problem. The error says to check the InnerException but I haven't found an answer yet (after hours of searching) that tells me how I should do this.
I have tried browsing to the services and I am able to do so using the domain name i.e. http://test.myserver.com/Services/MyService.svc. However when logged onto the server and using http://localhost:3456/Services/MyService.svc - which is the path in the ServicesReferences.ClientConfig file - It cannot be found.
Some answers here seem to suggest using a clientaccesspolicy.xml file but I don't understand why this should be necessary if the services are hosted on the same server as the application - they aren't required when debugging on my local machine. Despite my reservations I have tried adding a clientaccesspolicy.xml file to the root of the application but this still doesn't make any difference.
So I have a couple of questions:
1) How do I get access to the InnerException when I am running the application on the webserver? Is there a specific log file I can view or turn on?
2) If, for some reason, I am trying to access the service in a cross domain fashion (even though they are located on the same server) how do I configure the application so that this isn't required?
Ok, I was able to get the tracing to work. I can now see the trace details on the page when it loads but it doesn't really tell me anything useful. I have also added the option to write the details to the disk. Initially this file wasn't being written and I couldn't understand why. Then I noticed that refreshing my silverlight application was not triggering a write to the log. It was only when I manually browsed to the services that the log file was updated. This seems to indicate to me that my silverlight application is not hitting the services at all (for some reason). I tried cutting out the View Model object and hitting the service directly from the xaml code behind file but this didn't make any difference either.
At this point after spending more than two days trying to figure this out, I am thinking about starting again from scratch.
For my mind it shouldn't be this difficult to deploy something that works on a development machine to a webserver.
I pretty much gave up on my initial approach. I had another go following along from this video http://www.silverlight.net/learn/videos/all/net-ria-services-intro/. It uses Domain services instead of the WCF Services and it was actually fairly straight forward to get it going on the webserver. The example is two years old now so maybe there are better ways to do this now (I am open to suggestions) but at least it worked within an hour of trying it (compared to 2.5 days and getting nowhere).

Deploy WCF REST 4.0 to XP IIS 5?

I am trying to deploy a simple "Hello World" .NET 4.0 REST-style WCF service on WinXP (IIS5). It works fine in Cassini.
I tried to adapt the info here to me:
but something is not clicking. Can anyone lend ideas or comments? Yes, I must stay with WinXP.
After a fair amount of struggling I was able to successfully deploy a WCF 4.0 REST web service on XP/IIS5. For the benefit of you and others in the same situation, here's what I did (let me know if you need more detail):
Using VS 2010, build a deployment
package for the project and then
install it on the target machine
(your web server). The following
link will show you how to do this: http://vishaljoshi.blogspot.com/2009/03/web-packaging-installing-web-packages.html
Make sure that your virtual directory in IIS is configured to use .NET 4 (right click on virtual directory > properties > ASP.NET tab > ASP.NET Version)
Configure your virtual directory to support extensionless requests (i.e. your REST API) by creating a wildcard mapping (right click on virtual directory > properties > configuration > mappings tab) with the following properties:
Executable: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_isapi.dll
Extension: .*
Check that file exists: unchecked
(Note: watch out for the bug that keeps the "OK" button on this dialog grayed out. To get around this just click in the executable textbox after entering your extension and the "OK" button should get enabled).
If you get an authentication error when accessing the service then turn off integrated authentication on the virtual directory. This should fix the problem if you have used the defaults in the generated web.config of your service. If you have explicitly modified the authentication mode then you will have to adapt accordingly.
Have you considered self-hosting your service instead of trying to use IIS. That will probably be easier to do than use IIS.
In case above steps dont work. There could be a problem with permissions on your App pool for that website / virtual directory , you can try to set that right and try it out.
You can refer this article for more help on this.