Where can I find the full DLNA specifications? - upnp

I'm looking to create a DLNA media server type of thing in Android. I've found myself a UPnP library for Java called CyberLink, and I'm looking to implement the DLNA interface for a M-DMS, or Mobile Digital Media Server, which has a quick description here:
The problem is that I can't find the actual technical specification for such a device. I've put in a lot of effort Googling, so please don't throw a 'JFGI' at me. I ran into a forum post that implied I might have to pay for access to the specification, but it was very vague:
The link that was posted as the apparent solution is also broken, and I can't find any similar document on the current UPnP website.
Does anybody know where I can find the DLNA specifications? Or perhaps an alternative solution to implementing it myself? Any help will be much appreciated!

Full DLNA specs are available only to DLNA members and dearly paid for. The guy in referenced forum post is mixing things up. UPnP is not a "dlna doc". DLNA is a refinement of UPnP, a set of rules and restrictions in the name of interoperability. A good half of the DLNA specs is just a verbose listing of allowed media formats, subformats, sampling rates, bitrates etc. Whereas UPnP just specifies the abstract device interfaces. The link is correctly
and standardizeddcps is a subfolder there. DCP stands for Device Control Protocol, aka the abstract interface which the device must implement to participate in UPnP network. You would be interested in arch-DeviceArchitecture document to understand UPnP network in general and then MediaServer* folders, most importantly av-ContentDirectory which is a core service to provide DMS per DLNA specification. And yes, Intel Device Spy is absolutely essential tool. Wireshark will be your friend too. Reverse engineering is a daily bread and DLNA specs won't help you :)

The DLNA spec is now available to anyone -- you do not need to be a paying member to download.
From the DLNA.org website: (http://www.dlna.org/dlna-for-industry/guidelines)
Non-member companies may download the Guidelines using the form below.
**Please note that the Guidelines you download today are the most current published version of the DLNA Guidelines. When new Guidelines
are released, you will need to download the newer Guidelines to
receive the additional updates. Note that not all updates are

I'm not sure where to get the full DNLA specs but you could approximate the same info by using something like Intel Device Spy to see which services an existing M-DMS device publishes then use the service descriptions from the standardizeddcps directory in the docs available from the UPnP forum

You can get DLNA spec from the DLNA Organization, and for that you have to be member of the organization.
There is this DLNA compatible Digital Media Server (DMS) on Android platform and it is free for all Android platforms. It is tested with all leading DLNA certified TVs.
Pixel Media Server.


No skeletal data with RealSense SDK 2.0?

Does anyone have info about support for human skeletal data on the SDK 2.0 (or lack thereof)?
The Intel site is oddly silent on the matter.
Would love to know if it's at least in the works. The D400 series cameras look promising.
You could look into Nuitrack which offers sensor independent tracking.
Note: I'm not affiliated, but I'm also trying to transition from KINECT v2 to RealSense.
To date, Intel does not have any formal plans to release skeletal tracking for the RealSense sensors, though they might provide this via third-party partners in the future.
As #zeFrenchy's answer mentioned, Nuitrack is the only skeleton tracking middleware available for the RealSense at the moment.
(If you want to know for sure, you'll have to find a contact at Intel.)
As for official online sources, here are some hints from Intel Customer support.
March 2018 - GitHub librealsense issue #1376
The RealSense SDK 2.0 is focused on providing depth across multiple
operating systems and wrapper. All open source. We provide a few code
samples which we hope the community will add to. We also provide tools
like the viewer. What we are hoping to do is expand into middleware
like person tracking or scanning via third-party partners. Please
watch our site as we bring these partners on board.
Oct 2017 - GitHub librealsense issue #743
We cannot comment on development roadmaps at the moment but please
provide more details on your use case and requirements are so that we
may scope this feature for the communities needs.

Open source code exists for ONVIF video stream on camera side? (not client side)

I would like to send a video stream via an ONVIF protocol from an a H.264 stream or an IP camera (which has not a onvif protocol).
I have seen that a programmer's guide exists but does a open code exists in java, C, javasript,etc?
Such a code does not exist, because the specification is in WSDL form, so you can use that to autogenerate the code with an adequate tool such as gsoap.
A note for comments
I am part of the ONVIF group, I used to be part of PSIA and took part to ISO/IEC TC 79 WG 12 for 62676-2. I can say that, unlike PSIA, there is not official code for device or client. Further more, implementations made by companies selling SOCs exist, but they require NDAs and are not opensource.
Since implementation depends on the operating system of the camera as well as on the software used to implement it and on the hardware, they are too specific. The tool used by most manifacturers is GSOAP. So please:
Understand that the WSDL specifications together with the programming guide is sufficient to develop it
Stop adding meaningless comments and/or suggest edits just to get badges.

Why DIAL (Discovery and launch) when we have UPnP?

I was browsing through the capability of DIAL, and found out that it is very similar to UPnP, in-fact it uses UPnP protocol for device discovery (SSDP).
What dial is offering, actually a subset of UPnP protocol, isn’t it? Can't we use UPnP's SOAP for content sharing and communicating (launch app) instead of DIAL?
I'm not getting a clear picture where DIAL is fitting in the software stack (If I have UPnP supported already).
Please help me clear my confusion.
The new DIscovery And Launch (DIAL) standard builds on Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) but rather than trying to stream content from a device to the TV it asks the TV or set-top box to launch a suitable client to play back the content direct from source. That way, the digital rights management (DRM) issues are addressed while minimising the reliance in wireless bandwidth and removing the battery issue, but at the cost of creating a new standard.
More info here:
You are correct that UPnP could be used to accomplish what DIAL accomplishes.
DIAL apparently was developed quickly avoiding the UPnP standards development process. There was/is no reason that an UPnP device/service that implements application launch and has XML device/service description and SOAP actions could not be added to UPnP, and in fact there now is a UPnP multiscreen effort underway to do just that.
Advantages of DIAL: already defined; already being deployed; simpler than a UPnP device/service is likely to be.

Free mapping component for IOS

Today I have realized, that IOS MapKit must not be used for vehicle tracking apps, just if you have google premium (10 000 dollars/yeer/100 vehicles, so it is far from ideal for me)
So my question is if there are any good and free mapping component (e.g. open street based) for IOS that can be used free also in vehicle tracking applications?
ESRI has a free IOS control. it can talk to their public servers or to a private server.
here is a "list" of the free services offered by ESRI. You should check them out and see if any of them meet your needs. I don't know how good their coverage of Europe is.
Check out route-me project for showing maps on iOS devices. It can show online and offline maps. If you need routing check out this forum thread. I haven't tested it, but as far as I understood, you can calculate routes on your server and then give them back to you iOS app.
You should have a look at CloudMade and their NaviStudio. By reading this overview, I understand, that it is free, but may contain advertisement.

Speech Recognition API

I need to automatically transcribe some short MP3s as part of a proof of concept I am working on. I am currently looking into cloud solutions or web API services to send the MP3 as a simple HTTP request and receive a transcription back.
The only free/open source solution I have found here, but the demos don't seem to work (at least not on the files I need to transcribe). I have found some enterprise solutions for call centers, but so far nothing I can simply integrate into a project.
Are there any web based speech recognition services available? One that is able to filter out small noise would be a plus.
Here is an unofficial method to access Google ASR capability. I just tested on Yesterday and it still works - you can get JSON style ASR output with words and associated confidence score from an FLC audio sampled in 16KHz.
Also you can try speech recognition engine of Windows 7 to produce subtitles. Here is the tool for that.
This may be a good match. Also, their techcrunch profile (See this) lists competitors as: SimulScribe, SpinVox, Vlingo, Nuance, Microsoft, Google
Some of these links may be helpful.
Vlingo, Bing and Google have recognizers in the cloud, but I don't think they make them publicly programmable. I believe they are accessible only from their authorized clients.
For a proof of concept (and low volume), have you considered just using the desktop speech engines that come in Windows 7? What is the difference between System.Speech.Recognition and Microsoft.Speech.Recognition? may be helpful. The MS desktop recognizers ship with a dictation grammar and it sounds like that is what you will need.