tradeoff routes and views rails 3 - ruby-on-rails-3

here it's routes.db
resources :licenses do
resources :sublicenses do
resources :time_licenses
Then there is a client application that calls time_licenses_controller for creating new time_licenses, the controller responds with a json file, but i don't need to show any view.
Somewhere else instead i need to show to the client an index file including all time_licenses for every sublicense.
That's the path
Now i have a problem with the routes. When i call the create on time_licenses_controller i get this error:
No route matches "/time_licenses.js"
that i can solve changing the routes.db file like this
resources :time_licenses
resources :licenses do
resources :sublicenses
but in that case i get the same error linking the index view.
What do you suggest me? Do i have to create two different controllers?

Since you are using nested resources, you will always need to specify license and sublicense while specifying the path to timelicense.
Your path helpers will be:
license_sublicense_timelicense_path(#license, #sublicense, #timelicense) and so on
You can get the path names for the timelicense by
rake routes
Refer rails guides - nested resources for any doubts.


laravel 4 pattern filter using a wildcard

I started using Laravel 3 last week, and then found the new 4 release and I'm trying to convert now.
I have a dozen+ routes that I want to deliver to a specific controller method. i.e., "/api/v1/owners/3/dogs/1 or /api/v1/owners/3" to run "myresourcecontroller#processRequest"
In Laravel 3 I was able to use this: (note * wildcard)
Route::any('api/v1/owners*', 'owners#processRequest'); // Process tags resource endpoints
I found this example from the documentation but it gives me an error. I get a NotFoundHttpException.
//[Pattern Based Filters](
Route::filter('admin', function()
Route::when('admin/*', 'admin');
Not sure what I'm doing wrong? Is there another way to do this?
I don't want to use the Laravel 4 restful controllers, cause they don't seem to conform to complete restful design. i.e., no verbs in the url.
I have all of my processing written, I just need to be able to route to it.
I need to be able to create new records by POST /api/v1/owners or /api/v1/owners/3/dogs
I cannot use /api/v1/owners/create.
I'm trying to avoid having to write a route for every endpoint, i.e.,
Route::any('api/v1/owners/{owner_id}', 'owners#processRequest');
Route::any('api/v1/owners/{owner_id}/dogs/{dog_id}', 'owners#processRequest');
Thank you for any help
You should make use of resourceful controllers as they're a great asset when building an API. The endpoints you described can be achieved using resource controllers and nested resource controllers.
Route::resource('owners', 'OwnersController');
Route::resource('owners.dogs', 'OwnersDogsController');
Would allow you to create an owner with POST localhost/owners and create a dog on an owner with POST localhost/owners/3/dogs.
You can then wrap these routes in a route group to get the api/v1 prefix.
Route::group(['prefix' => 'api/v1'], function()
Route::resource('owners', 'OwnersController');
Route::resource('owners.dogs', 'OwnersDogsController');
Haven't used Laravel myself, but try any('api/v1/owners/*', (note slash before asterisk) as in the example.

Rails 3 Routes - prepend all url paths with set string

I've been asked to change the routes on a Rails project such that the routes will only respond to requests where the app name (or other arbitrary string) is the first string after the domain name, e.g. instead of instead of instead of
I've suggested using a subdomain instead, but the client is quite specific about wanting the URL in the above format. will be a splash page which will contain a link to, with the intention of adding additional apps/pages in future with new folder names.
Is there an easy way of modifying the routes file so that all routes will get the .../appname prepended to all resources and routes, while being after the domain?
One option is wrap all existing routes in: namespace :appname do ... end, like so:
# config/routes.rb
Appname::Application.routes.draw do
namespace :appname do
# existing routes go here
I'm not sure if this is the most elegant solution, but it will prepend /appname to all the routes.

Missing routes in rails after using resource keyword

Not sure what the issue is here, but I have a basic line in my routes.rb:
resource :videos
But I don't see all the paths. Namely:
GET /videos/:id
I only see the following when running "rake routes":
videos POST /videos(.:format) videos#create
new_videos GET /videos/new(.:format) videos#new
edit_videos GET /videos/edit(.:format) videos#edit
GET /videos(.:format) videos#show
PUT /videos(.:format) videos#update
DELETE /videos(.:format) videos#destroy
What am I missing? Thanks!
You make videos a singular resource, but videos is a collection so you have to do :
resources :videos
Change your line to resources :videos, and the missing route will magically appear

Multiple Resource Routing In Rails

I have two unrelated models, say Person and Building. When the app receives a url like I would like to show properties of the Person with the name johnDoe, and the same for the building with the name EmpireState.
I'm confused as to the routing part specifically. I'm unsure if I need to create a pages controller that can return the objects from the database. How should I go about doing this?
Am hoping for something like below?
match ':user_name/:building_name', :controller => pages
If those two are not related, you shouldn't do it that way. If they ARE related, we call that nested resources.
resources :projecs do
resources :tasks
Sample URL: "/projects/12/tasks/1281"
If they are NOT related (taken from my comment):
In your BuildingsController you can fetch the parent informations too. If you use the match route in your question, you'll have params[:user_name] AND params[:building_name] available and can fetch anything you want with them...
Building.find_by_name(params[:building_name]) # return all Buildings based on URL param

Rails-3.1 nested routes creating same action and controller, basic lack of knowledge

Doing the following routes configuration:
resources :cadeiras do
resources :professores
resources :cadeiras do
resources :fichas
resources :fichas do
resources :exercicios
will generate me 2 different links to the same controller and action, running rake routes ill get something like:
fichas GET /fichas(.:format) {:action=>"index", :controller=>"fichas"}
cadeira_fichas GET /cadeiras/:cadeira_id/fichas(.:format) {:action=>"index", :controller=>"fichas"}
The first action will reference all the 'fichas' while the second on is referencing only 'fichas' from 'cadeiras' how is it possible to distinguish the two actions?
I would like to avoid three level nesting problems as described here :
Thank you for your time
If I understand your question correctly, the answer is "you don't distinguish them" :
The exact same action is executed from the controller, rendering the exact same view. The difference is the collection of 'fichas' that get sent to the view:
- in the first case, all fichas are available in the view
- in the second case, only the 'fichas' related to the 'cadeira' are available in the view (e.g. /cadeira/1/fichas will display only the 'fichas' related to the 'cadeira' with id 1)
To determine which records to show (e.g.) in an index view, you can do something like this:
unless cadeira_id = params[:cadeira_id]
#fichas = Ficha.all
#fichas = Cadeira.find(cadeira_id).fichas
The rest is up to the view: it should render fichas the same way, you just chose which records are actually made available to it.