Missing routes in rails after using resource keyword - ruby-on-rails-3

Not sure what the issue is here, but I have a basic line in my routes.rb:
resource :videos
But I don't see all the paths. Namely:
GET /videos/:id
I only see the following when running "rake routes":
videos POST /videos(.:format) videos#create
new_videos GET /videos/new(.:format) videos#new
edit_videos GET /videos/edit(.:format) videos#edit
GET /videos(.:format) videos#show
PUT /videos(.:format) videos#update
DELETE /videos(.:format) videos#destroy
What am I missing? Thanks!

You make videos a singular resource, but videos is a collection so you have to do :
resources :videos

Change your line to resources :videos, and the missing route will magically appear


Texticle in rails isn't providing the responses I want. How configurable is it? or have I got it wrong?

I'm using the texticle gem in a Rails 3 app.
I've got a table full of food names, such as Onion, Green Onion, Onion Powder, etc. etc.
I'm searching the table with
foodnames = FoodName.search(params[:search])
return render :json => foodnames
when I attempt to search for 'chopped onion', I had hoped to get back a list of matching 'onion', as those are somewhat close, but I'm getting an empty set.
If I use just 'Onion' or 'Onions', I get back the list I expected.
there seem to be conflicting documentation with texticle.
the github repository page, https://github.com/texticle/texticle shows methods like fuzzy_search, but when I try to run that I get undefined methodfuzzy_search' for #Class`
the other documentation http://texticle.github.com/texticle/ says nothing about fuzzy_search or similar capabilities.
my gem file has gem 'texticle', '~> 2.0', require: 'texticle/rails', though I did add that in and re-bundle install after I original had it without the version or require statements.
can anybody clarify what is going on here, and how I can get a better search result? It seems far too strict for my needs as is, and I suspect things are not working as they are supposed to.

How do I stub a path generating method in Rails?

I'm writing a view spec, and it renders a view that contains the line (in haml):
=link_to new_post_path
but the spec fails with:
ActionController::RoutingError: No route matches {:action=>"new", :controller=>"post"}
I'm trying to stub the new_post_path method, as it's not actually important to the view spec, but haven't had any luck.
I've tried, within my spec, the following two variations without any luck:
stub!(:new_post_path).and_return("this path isn't important")
controller.stub!(:new_post_path).and_return("this path isn't important")
If you're not in a view spec, but find yourself needing to stub a path helpers, the following syntax works as of Rails 4.2.5; you'll need to receive_message_chain instead as described here:
To wit:
allow(Rails.application).to receive_message_chain(:routes, :url_helpers, :new_post_path).and_return("this path isn't important")
The method new_post_path comes from the Rails.application.routes.url_helpers module. You need to stub the method on that module
Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.stub(:new_post_path).and_return("this path isn't important")
allow(view).to receive(:new_post_path).and_return("this path isn't important")
that is rspec 3.2 syntax
I guess the old syntax would be
view.stub(:new_post_path).and_return("this path isn't important")

tradeoff routes and views rails 3

here it's routes.db
resources :licenses do
resources :sublicenses do
resources :time_licenses
Then there is a client application that calls time_licenses_controller for creating new time_licenses, the controller responds with a json file, but i don't need to show any view.
Somewhere else instead i need to show to the client an index file including all time_licenses for every sublicense.
That's the path
Now i have a problem with the routes. When i call the create on time_licenses_controller i get this error:
No route matches "/time_licenses.js"
that i can solve changing the routes.db file like this
resources :time_licenses
resources :licenses do
resources :sublicenses
but in that case i get the same error linking the index view.
What do you suggest me? Do i have to create two different controllers?
Since you are using nested resources, you will always need to specify license and sublicense while specifying the path to timelicense.
Your path helpers will be:
license_sublicense_timelicense_path(#license, #sublicense, #timelicense) and so on
You can get the path names for the timelicense by
rake routes
Refer rails guides - nested resources for any doubts.

Dashes in property name not getting NoMethodError

I'm using the Linkedin gem to pull profile information for RoR 3.
Gem: https://github.com/pengwynn/linkedin
API Doc: https://developer.linkedin.com/documents/profile-fields#positions
Everything works except when I get to a property with a dash in the name.
<%=position.title %> displays correctly but<%= position.start-date %> return a NoMethodError in Users#show - undefined method start.
I've tried different operations like "startDate", "start_date", quotes around "start-date" but none have worked.
Is there a proper way to escape the dash/hyphen in the property name?
The expression in your ERB will be parsed as subtracting the value of the date variable from the result of a call to the start() method of the position object. Hyphens aren't valid in identifiers within Ruby.
I'm not familiar enough with the LinkedIn gem to suggest a solution, except to say that since it's based on an XML API, you should look for a way to manually pull data out of a tag pair. Most similar gems offer such a method. Also, this is a great case for using IRB as an exploratory tool: fire up an IRB session and see what happens when you call position.methods, after properly creating the position variable of course. My guess would be that you'll see something in that list which suggests an answer.
Looks like it returns a Hashie::Mash which converts keys, with a few extra rules:
You said you'd already tried position.start_date right? That should work. But if not, have you tried position['start-date'] or position['start_date'] one of those two should also work, since it's a Mash.

Paperclip not saving attachment

I am unable to get Paperclip to save my attachment. Rather than saving a single image (such as an avatar as seems to be the common usage), I need to be able to upload/save multiple files; therefore I have a User model and an Asset model. The file information gets properly stored in the asset table, but the attachment itself is not saved in the filesystem as expected.
My log shows the message:
"[paperclip] Saving attachments."
but the attachment is not saved.
Here's a gist with the details: https://gist.github.com/1717415
It's gotta be something simple that I'm missing...
OK... found the problem and it's now working.
The first issue was my naming of the columns in the asset model. I had used simple names: i.e., :description, :file_name, :file_size, :content_type. What I needed to use was: :upload_description, :upload_file_name, :upload_file_size, :upload_content_type where the 'upload' (or whatever you want to use) is a prefix that Paperclip will recognize.And of course that changed my Asset model to reference :upload not :asset, as in:
has_attached_file :upload
Secondly (and this post Adding :multipart => true throws Undefined Method "name" error was key to understanding this) was that you cannot specify the full column name (:upload_file_name) in your view, just specify the prefix and Paperclip magically understands what you want.
Hope this helps someone else!
Did you install ImageMagick?
Did you added image_magick command_path via initializer?
if not, checkout this answer:
Weird paperclip error message