How do I use loops in VB.NET? -

I have a ItemList : Dim ItemList As New List(Of String)
I wanna append each element from itemlist to a new list for 10 times each, then to start over again.
How can I make a loop for each element while there are still elements in the list (10 times each)?
I tried this but it's not working. it's too complicated for me cause I'm a newbie
Private crt As Integer = 0
Private limit As Integer = 0
Private Function getline() As String
Dim line As String = ""
SyncLock addlines
Do While limit < 10
line = ItemList(crt)
limit += 1
limit = 0
crt += 1
End SyncLock
addlines.AppendText(Environment.NewLine & line & " limit:" & limit & " crt:" & crt)
'Return line
End Function
I have also tried this:
For Each I As Item In Items
If I = x Then Continue For
' Do something
but I didn't know where to add the 10 times limit and also the current item number(crt)

As best I can make out of that mess of a question, you seem to want to append each line in ItemList (whatever that object is) 10 times.
This should do the trick.
Dim limit as integer=10
For each line as string in ItemList
For lineNum as integer = 1 to limit
addlines.AppendText(string.format("{0}{1} Limit: {2} CRT:{3}", Environment.NewLine, line, limit, lineNum ))
Next lineNum
Next line
Update: Updated answer for explanation in comments about what CRT was.


I'm trying to Multithread read all lines with 2 Threads to get diffrent Text instead of same?

The problem is when i Multithread to read all lines it somehow reads the same line with the 2 Threads so i can see in my console "hello1" "hello1" but i want to see 1thread."hello1" 2thread."hello2" 1thread."hello3" 2thread. "hello4" and so one how is that Possible?
to read the lines im using this:
For Each element As String In File.ReadAllLines("test.txt")
There are probably more efficient ways to do it, but try this...
' Custom "indexes"
Dim t1Count As Integer = 1
Dim t2Count As Integer = 1
' In Thread #1
For Each Element As String In File.ReadAllLines("test.txt")
' Index is odd
If Not t1Count Mod 2 = 0 Then
End If
t1Count += 1
' In Thread #2
For Each Element As String In File.ReadAllLines("test.txt")
' Index is even
If t2Count Mod 2 = 0 Then
End If
t2Count += 1

Readline Error While Reading From .txt file in

I have a Streamreader which is trowing an error after checking every line in Daycounts.txt. It is not a stable txt file. String lines in it are not stable. Count of lines increasing or decresing constantly. Thats why I am using a range 0 to 167. But
Here is the content of Daycounts.txt: Daycounts
Dim HourSum as integer
Private Sub Change()
Dim R As IO.StreamReader
R = New IO.StreamReader("Daycounts.txt")
Dim sum As Integer = 0
For p = 0 To 167
Dim a As String = R.ReadLine
If a.Substring(0, 2) <> "G." Then
sum += a.Substring(a.Length - 2, 2)
End If
HourSum = sum
End Sub
If you don't know how many lines are present in your text file then you could use the method File.ReadAllLines to load all lines in memory and then apply your logic
Dim HourSum As Integer
Private Sub Change()
Dim lines = File.ReadAllLines("Daycounts.txt")
Dim sum As Integer = 0
For Each line In lines
If line.Substring(0, 2) <> "G." Then
sum += Convert.ToInt32(line.Substring(line.Length - 2, 2))
End If
HourSum = sum
End Sub
This is somewhat inefficient because you loop over the lines two times (one to read them in, and one to apply your logic) but with a small set of lines this should be not a big problem
However, you could also use File.ReadLines that start the enumeration of your lines without loading them all in memory. According to this question, ReadLines locks writes your file until the end of your read loop, so, perhaps this could be a better option for you only if you don't have something external to your code writing concurrently to the file.
Dim HourSum As Integer
Private Sub Change()
Dim sum As Integer = 0
For Each line In File.ReadLines("Daycounts.txt")
If line.Substring(0, 2) <> "G." Then
sum += Convert.ToInt32(line.Substring(line.Length - 2, 2))
End If
HourSum = sum
End Sub
By the way, notice that I have added a conversion to an integer against the loaded line. In your code, the sum operation is applied directly on the string. This could work only if you have Option Strict set to Off for your project. This setting is a very bad practice maintained for VB6 compatibility and should be changed to Option Strict On for new VB.NET projects

Progress bar with VB.NET Console Application

I've written a parsing utility as a Console Application and have it working pretty smoothly. The utility reads delimited files and based on a user value as a command line arguments splits the record to one of 2 files (good records or bad records).
Looking to do a progress bar or status indicator to show work performed or remaining work while parsing. I could easily write a <.> across the screen within the loop but would like to give a %.
Here is an example of how to calculate the percentage complete and output it in a progress counter:
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Imports System.IO
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim filePath As String = "C:\StackOverflow\tabSeperatedFile.txt"
Dim FileContents As String()
Console.WriteLine("Reading file contents")
Using fleStream As StreamReader = New StreamReader(IO.File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
FileContents = fleStream.ReadToEnd.Split(CChar(vbTab))
End Using
Console.WriteLine("Sorting Entries")
Dim TotalWork As Decimal = CDec(FileContents.Count)
Dim currentLine As Decimal = 0D
For Each entry As String In FileContents
'Do something with the file contents
currentLine += 1D
Dim progress = CDec((currentLine / TotalWork) * 100)
Console.SetCursorPosition(0I, Console.CursorTop)
Console.Write(progress.ToString("00.00") & " %")
End Sub
End Module
1rst you have to know how many lines you will expect.
In your loop calculate "intLineCount / 100 * intCurrentLine"
int totalLines = 0 // "GetTotalLines"
int currentLine = 0;
foreach (line in Lines)
currentLine ++;
int progress = totalLines / 100 * currentLine;
///print out the result with the suggested method...
///!Caution: if there are many updates consider to update the output only if the value has changed or just every n loop by using the MOD operator or any other useful approach ;)
and print the result on the same posititon in your loop by using the SetCursor method
MSDN Console.SetCursorPosition
Dim totalLines as Integer = 0
Dim currentLine as integer = 0
For Each line as string in Lines
' Your operation
currentLine += 1I
Dim Progress as integer = (currentLine / totalLines) * 100
' print out the result with the suggested method...
' !Caution: if there are many updates consider to update the output only if the value has changed or just every n loop by using the MOD operator or any other useful approach
Well The easiest way is to update the progressBar variable often,
Ex: if your code consist of around 100 lines or may be 100 functionality
after each function or certain lines of code update progressbar variable with percentage :)

Listbox Remove Spaces

I am trying to use this code to remove spaces from a listbox but it is not working
Dim word As String() = {" "}
For i As Integer = 0 To ListBox5.Items.Count - 1
For Each Word As String In word
If ListBox5.Items(i).ToString.Contains(Word) Then
ListBox5.Items(i) = ListBox5.Items(i).ToString.Replace(Word, String.Empty)
End If
any help would be appreciated a lot.
You define a string array with one value and its static, why?
It seems you could do this simply by coding it like this
scan every item and replace " " with string.empty,
don't bother checking if it exists, just run the replace statement on every item
For i As Integer = 0 To ListBox5.Items.Count - 1
ListBox5.Items(i) = ListBox5.Items(i).ToString.Replace(" ", String.Empty)
try this code
For i As Integer = 0 To ListBox5.Items.Count - 1
ListBox5.Items(i) = ListBox5.Items(i).ToString.Replace(" ", Nothing)
fist we have to loop through the listbox items. we declared the items from index 0 to the final item index,ie listbox.items.count-1 . this is stored in a variable i. next all the items ,say from 0 to count-1 is replaced.
istBox5.Items(i).ToString.Replace(" ", Nothing) " " indicates a space and'nothing' indicates can also use regex.replace here by importing system.regularexpressions.

String.contains not working

I'm trying to filter a list based on input from a textbox. If the item doesn't contain the string, it is deleted from the list. Here is my subroutine:
Sub filterlists(filter As String)
Dim removalDifferential As Integer = 0
For colE As Integer = 0 To RadListView1.Items.Count
Dim itemEpp As ListViewDataItem = Me.RadListView1.Items(colE)
Dim jobname As String = itemEpp(0)
If Not jobname.Contains(filter) Then
' MsgBox(jobname & " Contains " & filter)
RadListView1.Items.RemoveAt(colE - removalDifferential)
removalDifferential = removalDifferential + 1
End If
End Try
End Sub
Currently this is not deleting the correct items. The TRY is there because when you delete an item the list index changes (which means the for loop length is wrong and will throw outofbounce errors). Any other loop options that will work here?
Assuming you really do want to delete any LVI which simply contains the filter text, you should loop backwards thru the items (any items, not just Listview items) so the index variable will in fact point to the next correct item after a deletion:
For n As Integer = RadListView1.Items.Count-1 to 0 Step -1
If radListView1.Items(n).Text.Contains(filter) Then
End If