SQL Server 2008 RC2 Intellisense not working - sql

I have tried everythig. I checked if it is enabled, I installed the hotfix (I already had it), and I just did a repair. I still don't have any intellisence.
What else can I check? This is driving me crazy!!

Check the following reasons why it might not work:
1 The query window is connected to a downlevel server (e.g. SQL Server 2005), where IntelliSense does not function
2 Maybe you need to install SQL 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 according to here

I did a full reinstall (not repair) and it is working now. It was probably a corrupted install. Hope this saves someone time!!

You can try and refresh the local IntelliSense cache in the Edit->IntelliSense menu.


Can't install SQL Server 2005 on Win10 x64

I'm trying to install SQL Server 2005 on my Win10 x64.
The problem is I can't even select the Database Services and Reporting services I need cause checkbox is disabled.
I had a bit research on this issue but everyone else seems to have problems after the installation began, whereas, I can't even start the progress.
I tried Run program made for previous versions of windows and extract then install sqlncli.msi from SP4 according to this.
Neither of them enable the checkboxes and I'm running out of ideas.
Should I install sp4 without install SQL Server first? Any suggestion would be appreciated.
I had the Visual Studio subscriptions and turns out you can still download the original version of SQL Server 2005 by downloads search(autocomplete won't show it but the search result will).
And the checkboxes are enabled in this version.
If you face problem during the installation, this works for me.

Install Microsoft SQL Server 2012 express edition

I tried to install MS SQL server, yesterday on my Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit OS machine, following the instructions provided in a PDF by a company that has done it before.
Everything seemed to say it installed ok. However it didn't seem to install SQL Server Management Studio which is used for a lot of the exercises I am required to do and quite useful in general.
Has this happened to anybody else. Has anyone got any advice for what I can do to fix this.
I did notice that my machine seems to have MS SQL Server 2008 for some reason, I think it must have already been there and is conflicting, perhaps I should uninstall it. What do you think?
I hope you's can help.
I'm guessing you downloaded and installed only the db, and not the one with "Tools". The Tools is the one that includes SSMS. No worries you can go here https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29062 and download the Tools separately and install it. Expanded the "Details" of the page and this will let you know about the different files you can download.

Problem uninstalling SQL Server 2005

I have a problem with SQL Server 2005.
I have a Computer with Windows 7 x64 bits installed and I want to run SQL Server 2005 correctly. The first time I try it, i did the follow:
1) Install SQL Server 2005
2) Install SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 x64
And it works!
But now (for reasons that are irrellevant) I need to uninstall all and re-install again to check the steps.
So I went to Add/remove programs of Windows and uninstall all the SQL Server things that I found. After, I did the same steps that I said before, but... it didnt work! What's going on?
I saw that the uninstall of SQL Server 2005 seems that it didnt go well because i can find the instance of SQLExpress... and i read that Service Pack of SQL Server cant uninstall.
But... how can remove ALL SQL Server 2005 things, to start again the installation like i did the first time?
If you want to know how to remove the instance you can see here how to do it manually. Another resources is here and here.

Problem uninstalling SQL Server Management Studio

I had problems with SQL Server and i uninstalled/reinstalled a lot of things and tools of it. Now, SQL Server works, but the Management studio doesnt.
When i execute it i have the follow error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". And i cant do any query...
I tried to remove it and reinstall, but in the installation center i cant check management tools to remove it... it appear disabled. I cant uninstall it and also i cant reinstall it.
What can i do?
Quick and dirty solution: if you use SQL Server 2008, install SQL Server 2008 R2 side-by-side and use ssms from it.

Pb for installing SQL Server Express Management Studio 2008

Each time I launch the install, it launches the SQL Server Express 2008 panel instead of Management Studio why ?
Ok, I just need to vent little bit and add myself to the list of angry users.
Why they went ahead and messed up the SQL installer is beyond me.
Took me 1+ hour to install SSMS because TO ADD A FEATURE you must select PERFORM A NEW INSTALLATION grrr....
Anyway, a good step-by-step with images (that saved my day) can be found http://www.asql.biz/Articoli/SQLX08/Art3_1.aspx#SSMSonSQLX
You need to follow the same steps when installing Studio Express as you would to install Sql Express (or a new instance of):
Installation > New Sql Server standalone... > click OK/NEXT until you're sick of it > Perform a new installation of.... > OK/NEXT a few more times > and there it is, "Management Tools - Basic"!
MS recommended best practices installer workflow (ya know, MSRBPIWF ;)
Just go to Installation -> New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation -> Add features to an existing instance. If You downloaded Management Studio installation, you'll have option with it. It is really dumb that You have to do it this way, but that is how it works:)
It is weird and I think the whole installation needs to be re done, (im having my own issues with it right now!)
I just installed management studio express on top of my SQL express 2008 installation and I had to do it by selecting a new installation / instance at the selection screen. If you select modify a existing installation, it only shows the components already installed.
When you do this, it only installs the management studio - nothing else despite it looking like it will from the selection screen.
maybe you've not installed all the components n driver it requires, have you?