I need other syntax for RDLC Expression " =Fields!xxx.Value" where xxx contains dot(.) - rdlc

I am generating report dynamically.
I have two tables User and Branch, and both have column name 'NAME'. So I use 'User.Name' and 'Branch.Name' as ColumnName in DataTable and bind it to RDLC using following code:
foreach(DataColumn dc in dtUser.Columns)
this gives an error that "Object Name must be CLS-complient identifiers". I think this is because the columnName contains dot(.).
Do we have any other syntax for this to be resolved?? (like =Fields![xxx.yyy].Value)


How to resolve this sql error of schema_of_json

I need to find out the schema of a given JSON file, I see sql has schema_of_json function
and something like this works flawlessly
> SELECT schema_of_json('[{"col":0}]');
But if I query for my table name, it gives me the following error
>SELECT schema_of_json(Transaction) as json_data from table_name;
Error in SQL statement: AnalysisException: cannot resolve 'schemaofjson(`Transaction`)' due to data type mismatch: The input json should be a string literal and not null; however, got `Transaction`.; line 1 pos 7;
The Transaction is one of the columns in my table and after checking it manually I can attest that it is of String type(json).
The SQL statement has it to give me the schema of the JSON, how to do it?
after looking further into the documentation that it is clear that the word foldable means that of the static one, and a column from a table JSON won't work
for minimal reroducible example here you go:
SELECT schema_of_json(CAST('{ "a": "b" }' AS STRING))
As soon as the cast is introduced in the above statement, the schema_of_json will fail......... It needs a static JSON as it's input

Dynamic ASSIGN of table row expression

In my ABAP report I have some structure:
begin of struct1,
field1 type char10,
end of struct1.
I can access to it's field field1 directly:
data(val) = struct1-field1
or dynamically with assign:
assign ('struct1-field1') to field-symbol(<val>).
Also I have some internal table:
data: table1 like standard table of struct1 with default key.
append initial line to table1.
I can access to column field1 of first row directly:
data(val) = table1[ 1 ]-field1.
But I can not get access to field1 with dynamic assign:
assign ('table1[ 1 ]-field1') to field-symbol(<val>).
After assignment sy-subrc equals "4".
The syntax of ASSIGN (syntax1) ... is not the same as the syntax of the Right-Hand Side (RHS) of assignments ... = syntax2.
The syntax for ASSIGN is explained in the documentation of ASSIGN (variable_containing_name) ... or ASSIGN ('name') ... (chapter 1. (name) of page ASSIGN - dynamic_dobj).
Here is an abstract of what is accepted:
"name can contain a chain of names consisting of component selectors [(-)]"
"the first name [can be] followed by an object component selector (->)"
"the first name [can be] followed by a class component selector (=>)"
No mention of table expressions, so they are forbidden. Same for meshes...
Concerning the RHS of assignments, as described in the documentation, it can be :
Data Objects
They can be attributes or components using selectors -, ->, =>, which can be chained multiple times (see Names for Individual Operands
Return values or results of functional methods, return values or results of built-in functions and constructor expressions, or return values or results of table expressions
Results of calculation expressions
Sandra is absolutely right, if table expressions are not specified in help, then they are not allowed.
You can use ASSIGN COMPONENT statement for your dynamicity:
ASSIGN ('table1') TO <tab>.
However, such dynamics is only possible with index tables (standard + sorted) due to the nature of this version of row specification. If you try to pass hashed table into the field symbol, it will dump.

convert text field to a date/time field in access query not working

I'm working with a access database and vb6. My table has a field named "InvoiceDate" which is a text field. I'm not allowed to make database modifications. So I guess my only option is to change the text field into a date/time field in my query. I found several methods to do so. They are as follows.
Format(InvoiceDate, "yyyy/mm/dd")
Between #2015/01/01# And #2016/01/01#))
DateValue(InvoiceDate, "yyyy/mm/dd")
CDate(InvoiceDate, "yyyy/mm/dd")
But those 4 methods didn't work. I can't figure out this.
The query I'm using as follows
SELECT Invoice.InvoiceDate, InvoicedProduct.InvoiceType, Invoice.InvoiceStatus,
Invoice.RetailerID, Invoice.DailySalesID, Invoice.RepID,
InvoicedProduct.Quantity, InvoicedProduct.UnitRate,
FROM Invoice
INNER JOIN InvoicedProduct
ON (Invoice.DailySalesID = InvoicedProduct.DailySalesID)
AND (Invoice.RepID = InvoicedProduct.RepID)
AND (Invoice.InvoiceID = InvoicedProduct.InvoiceID)
WHERE (((InvoicedProduct.ProductID)='9010001174130.4')
AND (DateValue(Invoice.InvoiceDate) Between #2015/01/01# And #2016/01/01#))
GROUP BY Invoice.InvoiceDate, InvoicedProduct.InvoiceType, Invoice.InvoiceStatus,
Invoice.RetailerID, Invoice.DailySalesID, Invoice.RepID,
InvoicedProduct.Quantity, InvoicedProduct.UnitRate,
HAVING (((InvoicedProduct.InvoiceType)='Invoice' OR (InvoicedProduct.InvoiceType)='Sound')
AND ((Invoice.InvoiceStatus)='VALID'))
ORDER BY Invoice.InvoiceDate;
This gives me the error "Data Type mismatch in criteria expression"
Following two types are include in my InvoiceDate Field
2016/01/04 10:00: AM and 2016/01/20 08:25 PM
The only difference is the colon after the time
Please help.
Thank you.
Your criteria:
DateValue(Invoice.InvoiceDate) Between #2015/01/01# And #2016/01/01#
is correct, so the error message indicates, that one or more of your text dates in InvoiceDate don't represent a valid date, like 2015-06-31 or Null.
Run a query to check this:
Select *, IsDate(InvoiceDate) As ValidDate From Invoice
and see if any of the values of ValidDate are False.
To ignore the extra colon:
DateValue(Replace(Invoice.InvoiceDate, ": ", " ")) Between #2015/01/01# And #2016/01/01#

Unrelated Column reference with filter syntax error

Im using SSAS Tabular. Trying to insert a column which gets data(OrgNumber) from an unrelated table called DimCustomer.
Throws back error msg:
The syntax for 'FILTER' is incorrect.
The calculated column 'FactTransactions[CalculatedColumn1]' contains a syntax error. Provide a valid formula.
Try this:
=LOOKUPVALUE('DimCustomer'[OrgNum], 'DimCustomer'[CustomerNr], 'FactTransactions'[CustomerNr])
This assumes it is a calculated column on FactTransactions
I laid out your code like the below and it seems you have an extra bracket:

Multiple parameter values

I have a problem with BIRT when I try to pass multiple values from report parameter.
I'm using BIRT 2.6.2 and eclipse.
I'm trying to put multiple values from cascading parameter group last parameter "JDSuser". The parameter is allowed to have multiple values and I'm using list box.
In order to be able to do that I'm writing my sql query with where-in statement where I replace text with javascript. Otherwise BIRT sql can't get multiple values from report parameter.
My sql query is
select jamacomment.createdDate, jamacomment.scopeId,
jamacomment.commentText, jamacomment.documentId,
jamacomment.highlightQuote, jamacomment.organizationId,
organization.id, organization.name,
userbase.id, userbase.firstName, userbase.lastName,
userbase.organization, userbase.userName,
document.id, document.name, document.description,
user_role.userId, user_role.roleId,
role.id, role.name
from jamacomment jamacomment left join
userbase on userbase.id=jamacomment.userId
left join organization on
left join document on
left join user_role on
right join role on
where jamacomment.scopeId=11
and role.name in ( 'sample grupa' )
and userbase.userName in ( 'sample' )
and my javascript code for that dataset on beforeOpen state is:
if( params["JDSuser"].value[0] != "(All Users)" ){
this.queryText=this.queryText.replaceAll('sample grupa', params["JDSgroup"]);
var users = params["JDSuser"];
//var userquery = "'";
var userquery = userquery + users.join("', '");
//userquery = userquery + "'";
this.queryText=this.queryText.replaceAll('sample', userquery);
I tryed many different quote variations, with this one I get no error messages, but if I choose 1 value, I get no data from database, but if I choose at least 2 values, I get the last chosen value data.
If I uncomment one of those additional quote script lines, then I get syntax error like this:
The following items have errors:
Table (id = 597):
+ An exception occurred during processing. Please see the following message for details: Failed to prepare the query execution for the
data set: Organization Cannot get the result set metadata.
org.eclipse.birt.report.data.oda.jdbc.JDBCException: SQL statement does not return a ResultSet object. SQL error #1:You have an error in
your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL
server version for the right syntax to use near 'rudolfs.sviklis',
'sample' )' at line 25 ;
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to
your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
'rudolfs.sviklis', 'sample' )' at line 25
Also, I should tell you that i'm doing this by looking from working example. Everything is the same, the previous code resulted to the same syntax error, I changed it to this script which does the same.
The example is available here:
If someone could give me at least a clue to what I should do that would be great.
You should always use the value property of a parameter, i.e.:
var users = params["JDSuser"].value;
It is not necessary to surround "userquery" with quotes because these quotes are already put in the SQL query arround 'sample'. Furthermore there is a mistake because userquery is not yet defined at line:
var userquery = userquery + users.join("', '");
This might introduce a string such "null" in your query. Therefore remove all references to userquery variable, just use this expression at the end:
this.queryText=this.queryText.replaceAll('sample', users.join("','"));
Notice i removed the blank space in the join expression. Finally once it works finely, you probably need to make your report input more robust by testing if the value is null:
if( params["JDSuser"].value!=null && params["JDSuser"].value[0] != "(All Users)" ){
//Do stuff...