SQL Server - On-Insert Trigger vs. Per-Minute Job - sql

My question is mainly concerned with "what's best for performance", but kinda "philosophically" speaking as well (if it makes a difference)... so let's jump right in.
[TableA].[ColumnB] stores a value that needs to exist in [TableC].[ColumnD]. Right off the bat, no answers involving Foreign-keys - just assume that they're "not allowed" in this environment for whatever reason.
But due to "circumstances x,y,z", [TableA].[ColumnB] sometimes gets values that do not exist in [TableC].[ColumnD], because, let's say, [TableA] gets populated from an object that exists in running code as a "serialized blob", an in-memory representation of the data, and the [ColumnB] values got populated before those values were deleted from [TableC].[ColumnD] by some other process. ANYWAY, this is for example's sake, so don't get bogged down in the "why does this condition happen", just accept that it does.
To "fix" the problem, which method is best of these two: 1. make a Trigger that fires on-INSERT on [TableA], to Update [ColumnB] to the value that it should be (and assume I have a "mapping" of bad-to-good values). Or, 2. run a scheduled-Job every hour/minute/whatever that runs Update queries to change all possible "bad" values to their corresponding "good" values.
To put it more generally, what's better for performance and/or what is best practice: a Trigger, or a periodic Scheduled-Job? In context, let's say [TableA] is typically on the order of hundreds of thousands of rows, with Inserts happening 10-100 records at-a-time, as frequently as every few minutes to as rarely as a few times per day.

Doing triggers is like callbacks- They're more logically sound, and they spread any lag into every query. Doing continual checks (called polling or cron-jobs), you end up with more severe moments of lag every now and then. In almost all cases, using triggers/callbacks are the better way to go as having 1ms of lag added to every query is better than 100ms of lag at seemingly random intervals.

Use of triggers is generally discouraged, but your load is light and your case seems to be a natural trigger case. Consider using instead-of trigger to avoid two operations on the same row (one insert instead of insert and update). It may be the simplest and most reliable solution (as long as you have written reliable code in the trigger that won't cause the whole operation to crash).
Since you are considering a batch job, you are not concerned with timing issues. I.e it's OK with your application that tables may be out of sync for 1 minute or even 1 hour. That's the major difference with the trigger approach, which will guarantee that tables are in sync all the time. Potential timing issues would make me uncomfortable. On the plus side, you won't be at risk of crashing the original insert operation with your trigger.
If you go this route, please consider Change Tracking feature. Change tracking will indicate which rows have been inserted since the last time you checked, so you won't have to scan the whole table for new records. Alternatively, if your TableA has an INDENITY primary or unique key, you can implement similar design without change tracking functionality.

Triggers are both best performance and practice, as they maintain referential integrity as well as allowing the server to optimise for performance.

You didn't say what version of SQL Server you were using, but if it's 2008+, you can use Change Data Capture to keep track of data changes to your "primary" table. Then, periodically, you can run a batch over the change table and do whatever processing is required over that small set.


Is there a more elegant way to detect changes in a large SQL table without altering it? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I get a hash of an entire table in postgresql?
(7 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Suppose you have a reasonably large (for local definitions of “large”), but relatively stable table.
Right now, I want to take a checksum of some kind (any kind) of the contents of the entire table.
The naïve approach might be to walk the entire table, taking the checksum (say, MD5) of the concatenation of every column on each row, and then perhaps concatenate them and take its MD5sum.
From the client side, that might be optimized a little by progressively appending columns' values into the MD5 sum routine, progressively mutating the value.
The reason for this, is that at some point in future, we want to re-connect to the database, and ensure that no other users may have mutated the table: that includes INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.
Is there a nicer way to determine if any change/s have occurred to a particular table? Or a more efficient/faster way?
We are not able/permitted to make any alterations to the table itself (e.g. adding a “last-updated-at” column or triggers or so forth)
(This is for Postgres, if it helps. I'd prefer to avoid poking transaction journals or anything like that, but if there's a way to do so, I'm not against the idea.)
Adding columns and triggers is really quite safe
While I realise you've said it's a large table in a production DB so you say you can't modify it, I want to explain how you can make a very low impact change.
In PostgreSQL, an ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN of a nullable column takes only moments and doesn't require a table re-write. It does require an exclusive lock, but the main consequence of that is that it can take a long time before the ALTER TABLE can actually proceed, it won't hold anything else up while it waits for a chance to get the lock.
The same is true of creating a trigger on the table.
This means that it's quite safe to add a modified_at or created_at column and an associated trigger function to maintain them to a live table that's in intensive real-world use. Rows added before the column was created will be null, which makes perfect sense since you don't know when they were added/modified. Your trigger will set the modified_at field whenever a row changes, so they'll get progressively filled in.
For your purposes it's probably more useful to have a trigger-maintained side-table that tracks the timestamp of the last change (insert/update/delete) anywhere in the table. That'll save you from storing a whole bunch of timestamps on disk and will let you discover when deletes have happened. A single-row side-table with a row you update on each change using a FOR EACH STATEMENT trigger will be quite low-cost. It's not a good idea for most tables because of contention - it essentially serializes all transactions that attempt to write to the table on the row update lock. In your case that might well be fine, since the table is large and rarely updated.
A third alternative is to have the side table accumulate a running log of the timestamps of insert/update/delete statements or even the individual rows. This allows your client read the change-log table instead of the main table and make small changes to its cached data rather than invalidating and re-reading the whole cache. The downside is that you have to have a way to periodically purge old and unwanted change log records.
So... there's really no operational reason why you can't change the table. There may well be business policy reasons that prevent you from doing so even though you know it's quite safe, though.
... but if you really, really, really can't:
Another option is to use the existing "md5agg" extension: http://llg.cubic.org/pg-mdagg/ . Or to apply the patch currently circulating pgsql-hackers to add an "md5_agg" to the next release to your PostgreSQL install if you built from source.
Logical replication
The bi-directional replication for PostgreSQL project has produced functionality that allows you to listen for and replay logical changes (row inserts/updates/deletes) without requiring triggers on tables. The pg_receivellog tool would likely suit your purposes well when wrapped with a little scripting.
The downside is that you'd have to run a patched PostgreSQL 9.3, so I'm guessing if you can't change a table, running a bunch of experimental code that's likely to change incompatibly in future isn't going to be high on your priority list ;-) . It's included in the stock release of 9.4 though, see "changeset extraction".
Testing the relfilenode timestamp won't work
You might think you could look at the modified timestamp(s) of the file(s) that back the table on disk. This won't be very useful:
The table is split into extents, individual files that by default are 1GB each. So you'd have to find the most recent timestamp across them all.
Autovacuum activity will cause these timestamps to change, possibly quite a while after corresponding writes happened.
Autovacuum must periodically do an automatic 'freeze' of table contents to prevent transaction ID wrap-around. This involves progressively rewriting the table and will naturally change the timestamp. This happens even if nothing's been added for potentially quite a long time.
Hint-bit setting results in small writes during SELECT. These writes will also affect the file timestamps.
Examine the transaction logs
In theory you could attempt to decode the transaction logs with pg_xlogreader and find records that affect the table of interest. You'd have to try to exclude activity caused by vacuum, full page writes after hint bit setting, and of course the huge amount of activity from every other table in the entire database cluster.
The performance impact of this is likely to be huge, since every change to every database on the entire system must be examined.
All in all, adding a trigger on a table is trivial in comparison.
What about creating a trigger on insert/update/delete events on the table? The trigger could call a function that inserts a timestamp into another table which would mark the time for any table-changing event.
The only concern would be an update event updated using the same data currently in the table. The trigger would fire, even though the table didn't really change. If you're concerned about this case, you could make the trigger call a function that generates a checksum against just the updated rows and compares against a previously generated checksum, which would usually be more efficient than scanning and checksumming the whole table.
Postgres documentation on triggers here: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/sql-createtrigger.html
If you simply just want to know when a table has last changed without doing anything to it, you can look at the actual file(s) timestamp(s) on your database server.
SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'your_table_name';
If you need more detail on exactly where it's located, you can use:
select t.relname,
from pg_class t
join pg_namespace ns on ns.oid = t.relnamespace
where relname = 'your_table_name';
Since you did mention that it's quite a big table, it will definitely be broken into segments, and toasts, but you can utilize the relfilenode as your base point, and do a ls -ltr relfilenode.* or relfilnode_* where relfilenode is the actual relfilenode from above.
These files gets updated at every checkpoint if something occured on that table, so depending on how often your checkpoints occur, that's when you'll see the timestamps update, which if you haven't changed the default checkpoint interval, it's within a few minutes.
Another trivial, but imperfect way to check if INSERTS or DELETES have occurred is to check the table size:
SELECT pg_total_relation_size('your_table_name');
I'm not entirely sure why a trigger is out of the question though, since you don't have to make it retroactive. If your goal is to ensure nothing changes in it, a trivial trigger that just catches an insert, update, or delete event could be routed to another table just to timestamp an attempt but not cause any activity on the actual table. It seems like you're not ensuring anything changes though just by knowing that something changed.
Anyway, hope this helps you in this whacky problem you have...
A common practice would be to add a modified column. If it were MySQL, I'd use timestamp as datatype for the field (updates to current date on each updade). Postgre must have something similar.

Best place to enforce retention policies for tables in SQL databases?

I've got a table that records information about customer contacts. The table is defined as only "recent" contacts and I would like to delete all records for contacts older than 3 weeks.
For example, the table is:
create table recent_contact {
recent_contact_id int identity (1,1) primary key,
contact_text nvarchar(4000),
created datetime
create index createdIndex
on recent_contact (created)
All inserts to this table will happen via a stored procedure that just does an INSERT statement.
My question is about cleanup. I would like to delete all items older than 3 weeks. So far I have thought of 2 ways to accomplish cleanup.
have a background database job run periodically (e.g. every 5 hours) that will scan the above table and delete anything older than 3 weeks.
In the insert() stored procedure call, add the logic to clear out old data. This should only add constant time overhead since the table is indexed on [created] and each item is inserted once and deleted only once. So on average this sproc will do 1 insert and 1 delete.
// insert
insert into recent_contacts (contact_text, created)
values (#text, #createDate)
declare #threeWeeksAgo datetime
set #threeWeeksAgo = DATEADD(DAY, -21, GETDATE())
// remove old items
delete from recent_contacts
where created < #threeWeeksAgo
Of the two options, I went with option 2) because I felt it was a more elegant solution and wouldn't require a separate cleanup job. My coworker told me that this was bad practice and that retention policy should always be in a separate job that runs periodically. I.e. he thought option 1) was the better option.
I'm wondering what other people think? Generally speaking, what are the best practices for enforcing data retention policies?
Do 1). Option 2) is a misguided idea. There is no reason to shun the periodic job, but there are plenty of reasons to avoid punishing every single insert with the cost of looking up stale entries, and even more punishing for INSERTs to randomly hit a spike in response time because it was the unlucky winner of the lottery ticket to clean up some entries. A scheduled job on the other hand can be scheduled at convenient hours. And, last but not least, consider that your 'clever' design requires an INSERT in order for maintenance to occur.
In time you will learn that due to index tipping point issues the cleanup of data post retention period is actually a very tricky problem and many developer bodies pave that road. You will also discover that time series like a clustered index by the time column, not the least because of obsolete data cleanup issues.
I’d go with 1) because:
It is best to have a dedicated process for cleaning out old data. With 2), you have two processes intertwined in one routine, and if (when) one process changes, you’ll have to only modify that part of the code without messing up the other part.
Similar, what happens if it somehow breaks? With two processes, if something goes back, you’ve potentially doubled the necessary trouble-shooting effort.
What happens if, for whatever reason (outages, holidays, slow season) no one INSERTS a new row? Your data falls outside of the retention window, yet remains on the system.
Depending on size of code base and overall volume of data (which I’d guess is pretty small), these are more quibbles than anything else (unless volume grows significantly over time...) Even so, using "safer" tactics now builds good habits and practices, so that if some day you do have to work with high-volume systems, you're more likely to produce suitably robust code on the first pass.

Efficiently detecting concurrent insertions using standard SQL

The Requirements
I have a following table (pseudo DDL):
Several clients concurrently insert rows in that table, possibly many times per second. I need to design a "Monitor" application that will:
Initially, fetch all the rows currently in the table.
After that, periodically check if there are any new rows inserted and then fetch
these rows only.
There may be multiple Monitors concurrently running. All the Monitors need to see all the rows (i.e. when a row is inserted, it must be "detected" by all the currently running Monitors).
This application will be developed for Oracle initially, but we need to keep it portable to every major RDBMS and would like to avoid as much database-specific stuff as possible.
The Problem
The naive solution would be to simply find the maximal INSERT_TIME in rows selected in step 1 and then...
SELECT * FROM MESSAGE WHERE INSERT_TIME >= :max_insert_time_from_previous_select
...in step 2.
However, I'm worried this might lead to race conditions. Consider the following scenario:
Transaction A inserts a new row but does not yet commit.
Transaction B inserts a new row and commits.
The Monitor selects rows and sees that the maximal INSERT_TIME
is the one inserted by B.
Transaction A commits. At this point, A's INSERT_TIME is actually
earlier than the B's (A's INSERT was actually executed before
B's, before we even knew who is going to commit first).
The Monitor selects rows newer than B's INSERT_TIME (as a consequence of step 3). Since A's INSERT_TIME is earlier than B's insert time, A's row is skipped.
So, the row inserted by transaction A is never fetched.
Any ideas how to design the client SQL or even change the database schema (as long as it is mildly portable), so these kinds of concurrency problems are avoided, while still keeping a decent performance?
Without using any of the platform-specific change data capture (CDC) technologies, there are a couple of approaches.
Option 1
Each Monitor registers a sort of subscription to the MESSAGE table. The code that writes messages then writes each MESSAGE once per Monitor, i.e.
CREATE TABLE message_subscription (
message_subscription_id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY,
message_id RAW(32) NOT NULLL,
monitor_id NUMBER NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT uk_message_sub UNIQUE (message_id, monitor_id)
INSERT INTO message_subscription
SELECT message_subscription_seq.nextval,
FROM monitor_subscribers;
Each Monitor then deletes the message from its subscription once that is processed.
Option 2
Each Monitor maintains a cache of the recent messages it has processed that is at least as long as the longest-running transaction could be. If the Monitor maintained a cache of the messages it has processed for the last 5 minutes, for example, it would query your MESSAGE table for all messages later than its LAST_MONITOR_TIME. The Monitor would then be responsible for noting that some of the rows it had selected had already been processed. The Monitor would only process MESSAGE_ID values that were not in its cache.
Option 3
Just like Option 1, you set up subscriptions for each Monitor but you use some queuing technology to deliver the messages to the Monitor. This is less portable than the other two options but most databases can deliver messages to applications via queues of some sort (i.e. JMS queues if your Monitor is a Java application). This saves you from reinventing the wheel by building your own queue table and gives you a standard interface in the application tier to code against.
You need to be able to identify all rows added since the last time you checked (i.e. the monitor checks). You have a "time of insert" column. However, as you spell it out, that time of insert column cannot be used with "greater than [last check]" logic to reliably identify subsequently inserted new items. Commits do not occur in the same order as (initial) inserts. I am not aware of anything that works on all major RDBMSs that would clearly and safely apply such an "as of" tag at the actual time of commit. [This is not to say I would know it if such a thing existed, but it seems a pretty safe guess to me.] Thus, you will have to use something other than a "greater than last check" algorithm.
That leads to filtering. Upon insert, an item (row) is flagged as "not yet checked"; when a montior logs in, it reads all not yet checked items, returns that set, and flips the flag to "checked" (and if there are multiple monitors, this must all be done within its own transaction). The monitors' queries will have to read all the data and pick out which have not yet been checked. The implication is, however, that this will be a fairly small set of data, at least relative to the entire set of data. From here, I see two likely options:
Add a column, perhaps "Checked". Store a binary 1/0 value for is/isnot checked. The cardinality of this value will be extreme -- 99.9s Checked, 00,0s Unchecked, so it should be rather efficient. (Some RDBMSs provide filtered queries, such that the Checked rows won't even be in the index; once flipped to checked, a row will presumably never be flipped back, so the overhead to support this shouldn't be too great.)
Add a separate table identify those rows in the "primary" table that have not yet been checked. When a montior logs in, it reads and deletes the items from that table. This doesn't seem efficient... but again, if the data set involved is small, the overall performance pain might be acceptable.
You should use Oracle AQ with a multi-subscriber queue.
This is Oracle specific, but you can create an abstraction layer of stored procedures (or abstract in Java if you like) so that you have a common API to enqueue the new messages and have each subscriber (monitor) dequeue any pending messages. Behind that API, for Oracle you use AQ.
I am not sure if there is a queuing solution for other databases.
I don't think you will be able to come up with a totally database agnostic approach that meets your requirements. You could extend the example above that included the 'checked' column, to have a second table called monitor_checked - that would contain one row per message per monitor. That is basically what AQ does behind the scenes, so it is sort of reinventing the wheel.
With PostgreSQL, use PgQ. It has all those little details worked out for you.
I doubt you will find a robust and manageable database-agnostic solution for this.

What Are the Performance Differences Between Running One vs Many Inserts

I'm currently in a situation where I'm building a script that I know will need to insert multiple rows. I'm doing this in Perl, so in terms of parameterization, it's much easier to insert each row individually. In terms of speed, I'm guessing running just one insert statement will be faster (although latency will be relatively low as I'm quite close to the database itself). I'm thinking the number of rows per run of the script will be about 20-40 on average. That said, what would be the approximate performance differences between running just 1 INSERT INTO statement v.s. running one for each row? Note: The server is running SQL 2008.
[EDIT]Since there seems to be a lot of confusion, I'd like to clarify that what I'm really asking for is the theory behind how a multi-row insert is handled by SQL Server 2008. Does it essentially just convert it internally into a bunch of individual insert statements and run those over one connection, or does it do something more intelligent?
Yes, I know I can run timed loops. No, that's not what I'm asking for. [/EDIT]
Combining multiple inserts into one command is always going to execute much more quickly than executing separate inserts. The reasons are:
A lot of work is done parsing the SQL - with multi version, there's only one parsing effort
More work is done checking permissions - again, only done once
Database connections are "chatty" - with multi version, handshaking only done once. You really notice this issue when using a poor network connection
Finally, multi version gives opportunity for server to optimize the operation
There is a general idea to let the SQL database do its thing and not try to treat the database as some sort of disk read. I've seen many times where a developer will read from one table, then another, or do a general query and then run through each row to see if it's the one they want. Generally, it's better to let the SQL database do its thing.
In this case, I can't really see an advantage of doing a single vs. multiple row insert. I guess there might be some because you don't have to do multiple prepares, and commits.
It shouldn't be too difficult to actual create a temporary database and try this out. Create a database with two columns, and have the program generate data to toss into the tables. Give yourself a decent amount to do. For example, how many items will this table have? And, how many do you think you'll be inserting at once? Say create a table of 1,000,000 items, and insert into this table 1000 items at a time, 100 items at a time, and one item at a time. Just generate data using the increment operator. There may be a "sweetspot" of the number of items you can insert at once.
In my unbiased, and always correct opinion, you'll probably find that the difference isn't worth fretting over, and you should instead employ the method that makes your code the easiest to maintain.
I've have a programming dictum: The place where you want to optimize your code is probably the wrong place. We like efficiency, but we usually attack the wrong item. And, whatever we've squeezed out in terms of efficiency, we end up wasting in maintenance.
So, just program what is the easiest to understand and don't fret about being overly efficient.
Just to add a couple of other performance differentiators to think about on insertion:
Foreign Keys - If the table you are inserting into has foreign keys, SQL Server effectively needs to join to the foreign key tables on insert. When you do your inserts in one query, SQL server can be more efficient in doing these joins.
Transactions - As you don't mention transactions, I assume you must be using SQL Server auto-commit mode. With such a small number of rows, it is likely that the overhead of creating 40 transactions vs. 1 transaction would be higher than maintaining the log to allow rollback. However, if you were inserting 400000 rows, it would likely be more expensive to insert in one statement/transaction than insert 400000 separate rows as the cost to be prepared to roll back up to 400000 rows is very high (if you were to insert 400000 rows, it usually is best to insert in batches -> the optimal batch size can be determined through testing). Also, above a certain row count, it may become more efficient to disable the foreign keys, insert the rows, then re-enable them.

Best practices for multithreaded processing of database records

I have a single process that queries a table for records where PROCESS_IND = 'N', does some processing, and then updates the PROCESS_IND to 'Y'.
I'd like to allow for multiple instances of this process to run, but don't know what the best practices are for avoiding concurrency problems.
Where should I start?
The pattern I'd use is as follows:
Create columns "lockedby" and "locktime" which are a thread/process/machine ID and timestamp respectively (you'll need the machine ID when you split the processing between several machines)
Each task would do a query such as:
UPDATE taskstable SET lockedby=(my id), locktime=now() WHERE lockedby IS NULL ORDER BY ID LIMIT 10
Where 10 is the "batch size".
Then each task does a SELECT to find out which rows it has "locked" for processing, and processes those
After each row is complete, you set lockedby and locktime back to NULL
All this is done in a loop for as many batches as exist.
A cron job or scheduled task, periodically resets the "lockedby" of any row whose locktime is too long ago, as they were presumably done by a task which has hung or crashed. Someone else will then pick them up
The LIMIT 10 is MySQL specific but other databases have equivalents. The ORDER BY is import to avoid the query being nondeterministic.
Although I understand the intention I would disagree on going to row level locking immediately. This will reduce your response time and may actually make your situation worse. If after testing you are seeing concurrency issues with APL you should do an iterative move to “datapage” locking first!
To really answer this question properly more information would be required about the table structure and the indexes involved, but to explain further.
DOL, datarow locking uses a lot more locks than allpage/page level locking. The overhead in managing all the locks and hence the decrease of available memory due to requests for more lock structures within the cache will decrease performance and counter any gains you may have by moving to a more concurrent approach.
Test your approach without the move first on APL (all page locking ‘default’) then if issues are seen move to DOL (datapage first then datarow). Keep in mind when you switch a table to DOL all responses on that table become slightly worse, the table uses more space and the table becomes more prone to fragmentation which requires regular maintenance.
So in short don’t move to datarows straight off try your concurrency approach first then if there are issues use datapage locking first then last resort datarows.
You should enable row level locking on the table with:
Then you:
Begin the transaction
Select your row with FOR UPDATE option (which will lock it)
Do whatever you want.
No other process can do anything to this row until the transaction ends.
P. S. Some mention overhead problems that can result from using LOCK DATAROWS.
Yes, there is overhead, though i'd hardly call it a problem for a table like this.
But if you switch to DATAPAGES then you may lock only one row per PAGE (2k by default), and processes whose rows reside in one page will not be able to run concurrently.
If we are talking of table with dozen of rows being locked at once, there hardly will be any noticeable performance drop.
Process concurrency is of much more importance for design like that.
The most obvious way is locking, if your database doesn't have locks, you could implement it yourself by adding a "Locked" field.
Some of the ways to simplify the concurrency is to randomize the access to unprocessed items, so instead of competition on the first item, they distribute the access randomly.
Convert the procedure to a single SQL statement and process multiple rows as a single batch. This is how databases are supposed to work.