Too many arguments to method call - objective-c

I am trying to set the initial text for what the twitter message should say in my app using a NSString from my appDelegate. Check out the code here:
NSString *tweet;
tweet=[MyWebFunction tweet:appDelegate.stadium_id];
if([deviceType hasPrefix:#"5."]){
// Create the view controller
TWTweetComposeViewController *twitter = [[TWTweetComposeViewController alloc] init];
[twitter setInitialText:#"#%",tweet];
The problem is, is there is an error at the twitter setInitialText that there are Too many arguments to method call, expected 1, have 2. ?!?!?
Any help is greatly appreciated. :)

The TWTweetComposeViewController method setInitialText only takes one argument, being of type NSString*. You cannot simply format any and all NSString variables passed to a method as you can with the NSString method stringWithFormat (which is, I imagine, where you've seen the syntax [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", myString]).
In your case, you either need to simply call:
[twitter setInitialText:tweet];
or call:
[twitter setInitialText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", tweet]]
I feel it necessary to add, to further your understanding, that a method only takes a variable number of arguments (such as stringWithFormat) when its declaration ends with ...
For example, looking in the docs for NSString reveals that stringWithFormat is declared as such:
+(id) stringWithFormat:(NSString *)format, ...;
Similarly, arrayWithObjects in NSArray is declared as such:
+(id) arrayWithObjects:(id)firstObj, ...;
which one would use like:
NSString* myString1 = #"foo";
NSString* myString2 = #"bar";
NSNumber* myNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:42];
NSArray* myArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:myString1, myString2, myNumber, nil];

Try [twitter setInitialText:tweet];
If you really need formatted text for a more complex case, try
[twitter setInitialText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", tweet]];

"[twitter setInitialText:#"#%",tweet];"
you just got your "#" and your "%" the wrong way round it should be
[twitter setInitialText:#"**%#**",tweet];


Should I use defensive copies in Objective C? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I was playing around with mutability, and I came up with the following code in which an immutable object can be cast to a mutable one.
- (NSString *) getaString {
NSMutableString * string = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
[string appendString:#"This "];
[string appendString:#"was mutable."];
return string;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
//Get a string returns an NSString, which is then cast to a mutable string with a compler warning.
NSMutableString * string = [self getaString];
[string appendString:#" And apparently still is"];
_showText.text = string;
or with no compiler warning
- (NSArray *) getaString {
NSMutableString * string = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
[string appendString:#"This "];
[string appendString:#"was mutable."];
//Cast to NSString.
NSString * immutableString = string;
NSArray * array = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:immutableString, nil];
return array;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
NSMutableString * string = [[self getaString] objectAtIndex:0];
[string appendString:#" And apparently still is"];
_showText.text = string;
The UITextField shows the whole string of "This was mutable. And apparently still is", with no compiler warning. I've seen multiple SO posts that recommend simply casting or using mutable objects as immutable objects, but as I've just shown, that can be dangerous. Also, the cast still works without the array, but I do get a compiler warning.
My question is, should I be considering using java style defensive copies? I haven't seen any mention of defensive copies in objective C, and all I could find in Apple's documentation was a vague mention that it’s best to adopt some defensive programming practices. I'm concerned both about security and about protecting against careless coding.
The example you've given is misleading.
You are storing a NSMutableString in an array and you are taking it out. Why would you expect the string to be immutable after that?
However there are cases in which defensive copies are pretty much a standard in Objective-C.
Consider a class (let's call it CustomClass) defining a property for an NSString and a method to print it:
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *aString;
- (void)printTheString;
Now, since NSMutableString is a subclass of NSString, a client of this class could potentially do something like:
CustomClass *anObject = [CustomClass new];
NSMutableString *aMutableString = [NSMutableString stringWithString:#"Hey!"];
anObject.aString = aMutableString;
[anObject printTheString]; // Hey!
[aMutableString appendString:#" Got you!"];
[anObject printTheString]; // Hey! Got you!
which can be dangerous in some cases.
It has then become common practice to use the copy attribute, instead of strong, for immutable classes with a mutable subclass:
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *aString;
In this way a defensive copy is made when the string is assigned, preventing the client to mess with the object later on.
The previous example would then print Hey! both times.
It's also worth noting that for most of this classes sending copy to an immutable object returns the same object, instead of an actual copy. In this way you can have your cake and eat it too, since the copy will be performed only when needed.
I don't know for sure whether you should make defensive copies in Obj-c, but it is possible to make mutable copies of an immutable string, and it is possible to make immutable versions of a mutable string.
There aren't any immutable strings in your code, by the way. NSMutableStrings in an NSArray are still mutable, so you aren't doing any conversion. The array is the thing that cannot have objects appended to it.
Here's why: The array is just holding a pointer to the NSMutableString, not the actual object, so you're not changing the contents of the array by changing the contents of the string, because the memory address pointed to by the array stays the same.
NSString *original = #"Hello, world!";
// putting the original in a mutable string
NSMutableString *copy = [original mutableCopy];
NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:copy, nil];
// the object in the array can still be modified
[[array objectAtIndex:0] appendString:#" Goodbye, cruel world!"];
// make an immutable version of the mutable string
NSString *copyOfTheCopy =[NSString stringWithString:[array objectAtIndex:0]];
NSLog(#"%#", [array objectAtIndex:0]);
// just to make sure...
[[array objectAtIndex:0] appendString:#"Got you!"];
NSLog(#"%#", [array objectAtIndex:0]);
NSLog(#"%#", copyOfTheCopy);
The output should be:
2013-11-03 21:16:06.099 SomeProject[7045:303] Hello, world! Goodbye, cruel world!
2013-11-03 21:16:06.100 SomeProject[7045:303] Hello, world! Goodbye, cruel world!Got you!
2013-11-03 21:16:06.100 SomeProject[7045:303] Hello, world! Goodbye, cruel world!
Another answer given by Gabriele Petronella caused me to make a change that gets rid of one of those gotchas with pointers. This one doesn't use a pointer to the NSMutableString and instead makes a new string from the old one. Sorry I can't vote you up yet, you taught me something :)
If you're looking to obtain an immutable NSString from an NSMutableString, you can do something like this:
NSString *anImmutableString = [NSString stringWithString: aMutableString];
So if we take your original code in the question, and I'm going to assume that your viewDidLoad is where you want an immutable string:
- (NSArray *) getaString {
NSMutableString * string = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
[string appendString:#"This "];
[string appendString:#"was mutable."];
NSArray * array = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:string, nil];
return array;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
NSString *string = [NSString stringWithString:[[self getaString] objectAtIndex:0]];
//[string appendString:#" And apparently still is"];
_showText.text = string;
Now, if you still want to append to string in viewDidLoad, you can, but you'd have to do it differently (the same way you append to any other NSString). It'd look something like this:
NSString *newString = [string stringByAppendingString:#" And apparently still is"];
Now look at the contents of the variables.
string = "This was mutable." //as you built it from an NSMutableString in the getaString method
newString = "This was mutable. And apparently still is" //as built from calling "stringByAppendingString" method on your variable string in viewDidLoad
It's important to note that the contents of newString are quite misleading here. newString is not an NSMutableString. It's a regular NSString. Calling stringByAppendingString returns an NSString that is the result of appending the argument you send to the end of the NSString you're calling the method on. (And the contents of the NSString you called the method on remain unchanged--it's immutable).
If you would like newString to be an NSMutableString, you'll have to do something like this:
NSMutableString *newString = [[string stringByAppendingString:" And apparently still is"] mutableCopy];

Understanding Instantiation in Objective-C

I’m currently trying to learn Objective-C by reading books and online tutorials, also referring to the Apple documentation but some things just don’t click. I have a question about classes, I have been using the NSString for a while now without putting too much attention on how it is used.
I was under the impression that in order for someone to be able to use a method from a certain class in Objective-C you first needed to instantiate it, something like…
ClasssName *varName = [[ClassName alloc]init];
Then you would call methods like...
[varName someMethod];
But looking at how the NSString is used I’m now I little confused, for instance here is how we would normally use it...
NSString *someString = #"some text here";
[someString stringByAppendingFormat: #"some text = %d", 3];
Following what I have read about classes we would need to do something like the following instead.
NSString *someString = [[NSString alloc]initWithString: #"some text here"];
[someString stringByAppendingFormat: #"some text = %d", 3];
Can someone explain why some classes do not require instantiation before using its methods?
Objective-C knows some abbreviations that are called literals. The compiler is aware of the special notation. A string literal is compiled into the binary and exits throughout the lifetime of an app.
For most cases it will behave like an object created on runtime.
if two literals are identical, only one object will be created and live forever
if you create NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"My String"]; with #"My String" being used as a literal before, also string can point to it.
Since Apple LLVM Compiler 4.0 Objective-C knows some more literals. But in contrast to string literals these literals are created during runtime through convenient initializers.
Note that
[someString stringByAppendingFormat: #"some text = %d", 3];
does not change someString. It returns a new string object.
NSString *newString = [someString stringByAppendingFormat: #"some text = %d", 3];
The #"Text" syntax gives you an autoreleased string back, it can be thought of as a shorthand.
when you write
[[NSString alloc]initWithString: #”some text here”];
you conceptually create an autoreleased string with #”some text here” and then you create a retained new string with initWithString.

Assign to NSString after alloc/init

This doesn't seem to work:
NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] init];
string = #"%#M", anotherstring;
I expect this to make "string" equal to "5M" if "anotherstring" is "5".
Is this not the right syntax? Now, I could use initWithFormat and it would work, but how can you separate it into two different lines and also work?
There are two mistakes in your code. Firstly, NSStrings are immutable, and once you allocate and initialize them, they're set, and there's no way to change them. For that, you'd have to look into NSMutableString.
Secondly, the syntax of your code makes no sense. #"%#M", anotherString is not a valid Objective-C method call. You are indeed looking for -initWithFormat: to perform the operation you want. The code should look like this:
NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%#M", anotherString];
Read more about NSString and how to use it in the NSString Programming Reference document, and the String Programming Guide to get a sense of how to work with strings in Cocoa and Objective-C.
This line:
string = #"%#M", anotherstring;
is syntactically correct, but it doesn't do what you want it to do. This is how you format a string:
NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%#M", anotherstring];
There's no point in separating it into two lines. This:
NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] init];
string = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%#M", anotherstring];
will create an extra NSString object, and also cause a memory leak.
How about
NSString* string;
string = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%#M", anotherString];
Keep in mind that the = operator is assignment. Any time you use it, any value was stored in your variable is overwritten with the new one. So even if your original code was syntactically correct it still has faulty semantics that would, in this case, cause a memory leak.
just make it into a property and you dont need to worry about releasing and retaining the "string" (that is if you autocreate it by using synthesize). and dont forget to autorelease the object ur assigning to the property:
self.string = [[[NSString alloc] init] autorelease]

initlializer element is not constant

guys i m getting this basic error "initializer element is not constant"..not able to figure where exactly i failed .below is the code.`
#implementation myfirstflickrappViewController
NSString *const FlickrAPIKey = #"14c39d71001b0fb84d1dacb6049580ec";
NSString *const text = #"hello";
NSString *urlString =
[NSString stringWithFormat:
FlickrAPIKey, text];
You call a method on NSString (stringWithFormat:) in a place where you are not allowed to do so - namely outside of a method or function. Only constant expressions like string literals are allowed there.
You might put that code in your -init method or the class initializer.

Error with a NSLocalizedString with parameter

I have to print a localized string passing it a parameter.
I use:
NSString *myMsg = [[NSString alloc]
stringByAppendingFormat:NSLocalizedString(#"MyKey", #""), aString];
[MyViewController updateMyMessage:myMsg];
[myMsg release];
In the Localizable.strings, I use:
"MyKey" = "My message says: %#";
It works, using this code:
NSString *myMsg = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(#"MyKey", #""), aString];
[MyViewController updateMyMessage:myMsg];
However, I would to know what's the problem in the the former code.
stringByAppendingFormat appends to an existing string. Since myMsg has not been initialized the first example doesn't work.
You can reference: and make sure you are using a method for creating or initializing strings.
Hope that helps,