RabbitMQ messaging - initializing consumer - rabbitmq

I want to use RabbitMQ to broadcast the state of an object continuously to any consumers which maybe listening. I want to set it up so when a consumer subscribes it will pick up the last available state...
Is this possible?

Use a custom last value cache exchange:
Last value caching exchange:
This is a pretty simple implementation of a last value cache using RabbitMQ's pluggable exchange types feature.
The last value cache is intended to solve problems like the following: say I am using messaging to send notifications of some changing values to clients; now, when a new client connects, it won't know the value until it changes.
The last value exchange acts like a direct exchange (binding keys are compared for equality with routing keys); but, it also keeps track of the last value that was published with each routing key, and when a queue is bound, it automatically enqueues the last value for the binding key.

It is possible with the Recent History Custom Exchange. It says that it will put the last 20 messages in the queue, so if it configurable you may be able to change that to the last 1 message and you are done.
If that doesn't work, ie the number is fixed at 20, then you may have to process the first 19 messages off the queue and take the status from the 20th. This is a bit of an annoying work around but as you know the parameter is always 20 this should be fine.
Finally if this doesn't suit you perhaps you will set you consumer to wait until the first status is receive, presuming that the status is broadcast reasonably frequently. Once the first status is received then start the rest of the application. I am assuming here that you need the status before doing something else.


ActiveMQ: How do I limit the number of messages being dispatched?

Let's say I have one ActiveMQ Broker and an undefined numbers of consumers.
To process a message, consumers need an external service which is either "DATA1" or "DATA2" (specified in the message)
Each server, "DATA1" and "DATA2", can only handle 20 connections
So at most 20 "DATA1" and 20 "DATA2" messages must be dispatched at any time
Because of priorization, the messages must be enqueued in the same queue
Even if message A has a higher prio than message B, if A can't be processed because the external service has no free slots, message B needs to be processed instead
How can this be solved? As long as I was using message pulling (prefetch of 0), I was able to do this by using a BrokerPlugin that, on messagePull, achieved this by using semaphores and selectors. If the limits were reached, the pull returned null.
However, due to performance issues I had to set prefetch to 1 and use push instead. Therefore, my messagePull hack no longer works (it's never called).
So far I'm considering implementing a custom Cursor but I was wondering if someone knows a better solution.
Update the custom cursor worked but broke features like message removal. I tried with a custom Queue and QueueDispatchSelector (which is a pain to configure since there isn't a proper API to do so) and it mostly works but I still have synchronisation issues.
Also, a very suitable API seems to be DispatchPolicy, however, while it is referenced by Queue, it's never used.
Queues give you buffering for system processing time for free. Messages are delivered on demand. With prefetch=0 or prefetch=1, should effectively get you there. Messages will only be delivered to a consumer when the consumer is ready (ie.. during the consumer.receive() method).
consumer.receive() is a blocking call, so you should not need any custom plugin or other to delay delivery until the consumer process (and its required downstream services) are ready to handle it.
The behavior should work out-of-the-box, or there are some details to your use case that are not provided to shed more light on the scenario.

RabbitMQ support for LIFO or time based priority queue

Is there any way to make a RabbitMQ queue behave as a Stack, i.e. the client gets the last message that was posted in the queue (LIFO) rather than the first one? Or maybe alternatively make it a priority queue using a timestamp which the client could set?
RabbitMQ does support priority queues but the priority it allows is just a number up to 255 (recommended to use up to 10).
What I want to achieve is that the latest messages are processed first because they contain the latest information about the source. I still want to process the old messages, but in situations when the client cannot keep up (or there was some downtime and the client is recovering) I want to process the latest state information first.
The only solution I came up with so far is to use a TTL on the messages of the main queue and have them go to a dead letter queue when they expire, which is also processed by the client. However this is not so clean, and if the source of the message takes longer than the TTL to send a new status update, the latest state will be stuck in queue behind the other older expired messages still to be processed.
If it is not possible to achieve with RabbitMQ, is there any other recommended messaging framework that supports this requirement?
Kafka Log Compaction was created for exactly the use case you describe:
Log compaction ensures that Kafka will always retain at least the last
known value for each message key within the log of data for a single
topic partition. It addresses use cases and scenarios such as
restoring state after application crashes or system failure, or
reloading caches after application restarts during operational
maintenance. Let's dive into these use cases in more detail and then
describe how compaction works.
So, RabbitMQ is a queue, not a stack. It is specifically designed NOT to do what you are asking (a queue is always a first-in, first-out data structure).
However, there are options:
Presumably some process (e.g. a web service) exists between the client and the message server. This process could save the data off to an additional storage location (e.g. memcached) for immediate access of the latest value, thus leaving the queue untouched.
You could configure a secondary queue/service combination. When messages are published, they can then be routed to both queues. The first queue is for your heavy processing, and the second queue would be a service whose only task is to update the latest value in memcached or some other fast storage/retrieval system. Thus, message lifetime in this queue would presumably be much shorter.
You could implement multiple processing steps. The first step would be to update the current state (presumably a quick operation), after which the message is then re-published to the longer processing step's queue.

How to reschedule messages with a specific time in RabbitMQ

My problem:
I pull off a message from a RabbitMQ-Queue. I try to process this message and realize that it can't be processed yet. So i would like to add it back to the queue and let it return only on a specific time + 5000ms. Unfortunately that is more challenging than i thought.
What i've tried:
RabbitMQ Dead Letter Attributes -> My issue here is, even though the manual says that the default exchange is binded to every queue it doesnt forward it according to the routing criteria. I've tried to add expires = "5000" and x-dead-letter-routing-key = "queuename" also "x-dead-letter-exchange = "" as the default exchange should work. The only part which works is the expires part. The message will disappear and go into the dark. This also occurs with the dead-letter-exchange beeing amq.direct including the binding on the targeted queue.
Open gaps for me:
Where i'm a bit left in the dark is if the receivers have to be dead letter queues and if i the dead letter queue is a basic queue with extended functionality. It is also not clear if those parameters (x-dead-letter..) are only for DLX Queues. I would like to do this delayed delivery persistent and purely via. the message attributes and not via. queue configurations (only if required).
I've searched on the web and checked many different dead-letter infos. Im trying to build a micro-service like architecture while using RabbitMQ as the delivery mechanism (i use processes which take their work from the queue and forward it). I would believe other people here have the same running already but i couldn't find any blogs about this.
I had to come to the conclusion that on the message level it is not possible.
I've created now for each queue which is in use a separate queue ("name.delayed") , where i can add the message with the argument "expiration" = 5000
The queue settings itself has to be a dead letter queue routing it to the queue "name"

rabbitmq: can consumer persist message change before nack?

Before a consumer nacks a message, is there any way the consumer can modify the message's state so that when the consumer consumes it upon redelivery, it sees that changed state. I'd rather not reject + reenqueue new message, but please let me know if that's the only way to accomplish this.
My goal is to determine how many times specific messages are being redelivered. I see two ways of doing this:
(1) On the message itself as described above. The message would be a container of basic stats and the application payload message.
(2) In some external storage. We would uniquely identify the message by the message id that we set.
I know 2 is possible, but my question is if 1 is possible.
There is no way to do (1) like you want. You would need to change the message, thus the message would become another message. If you want to do something like that (and it's possible that you meant this with I'd rather not reject + reenqueue new message) - you should ACK the message, increment one field in it and publish it again (again, maybe this is what you meant when you said reenqueue it). So your message payload would have some ID, counter, and again (obviously different) payload that is the content.
Definitvly much better way is (2) for multiple reasons:
it does not interfere with business logic, that is this diagnostic part is isolated
you are leaving re-queueing to rabbitmq (as you are supposed to do), meaning that you are not worrying about losing messages and handling some message meta info which has no use for you business logic
it's actually supposed to be used - the ACKing and NACKing, that's why it's in the AMQP specification
since you do need the number of how many times specific messages have been redelivered, you have it somewhere externally, meaning that it's independent of (rabbitmq's) message persistence, lifetime, potentially queue durability mirroring etc
Even if this question was marked as solved some time ago, I want to mention that there is a way at least for the redelivery. It might be integrated after the original answer. There is a different type of queues in RabbitMQ called Quorum queues.
Quorum queues offer the option to set redelivery limit:
Quorum queues support poison message handling via a redelivery limit. This feature is currently unique to Quorum queues.
In order to archive this, RabbitMQ is counting the numbers of deliveries in the header. The header attribute is called: x-delivery-count

Redis as a message broker

I want to pass data between applications, in a publish-subscribe manner. Data may be produced at a much higher rate than consumed and messages get lost, which is not a problem. Imagine a fast sensor and a slow sensor data processor. For that, I use redis pub/sub and wrote a class which acts as a subscriber, receives every message and puts that into a buffer. The buffer is overwritten when a new message comes in or nullified when the message is requested by the "real" function. So when I ask this class, I immediately get a response (hint that my function is slower than data comes in) or I have to wait (hint that my function is faster than the data).
This works pretty good for the case that data comes in fast. But for data which comes in relatively seldom, let's say every five seconds, this does not work: imagine my consumer gets launched slightly after the producer, the first message is lost and my consumer needs to wait nearly five seconds, until it can start working.
I think I have to solve this with Redis tools. Instead of a pub/sub, I could simply use the get/set methods, thus putting the cache functionality into Redis directly. But then, my consumer would have to poll the database instead of the event magic I have at the moment. Keys could look like "key:timestamp", and my consumer now has to get key:* and compare the timestamps permamently, which I think would cause a lot of load. There is no natural possibility to sleep, since although I don't care about dropped messages (there is nothing I can do about), I do care about delay.
Does someone use Redis for a similar thing and could give me a hint about clever use of Redis tools and data structures?
Ideally, my program flow would look like this:
start the program
retrieve key from Redis
tell Redis, "hey, notify me on changes of key".
launch something asynchronously, with a callback for new messages.
By writing this, an idea came up: The publisher not only publishes message on topic key, but also set key message. This way, an application could initially get and then subscribe.
Good idea or not really?
What I did after I got the answer below (the accepted one)
Keyspace notifications are really what I need here. Redis acts as the primary source for information, my client subscribes to keyspace notifications, which notify the subscribers about events affecting specific keys. Now, in the asynchronous part of my client, I subscribe to notifications about my key of interest. Those notifications set a key_has_updates flag. When I need the value, I get it from Redis and unset the flag. With an unset flag, I know that there is no new value for that key on the server. Without keyspace notifications, this would have been the part where I needed to poll the server. The advantage is that I can use all sorts of data structures, not only the pub/sub mechanism, and a slow joiner which misses the first event is always able to get the initial value, which with pub/sib would have been lost.
When I need the value, I obtain the value from Redis and set the flag to false.
One idea is to push the data to a list (LPUSH) and trim it (LTRIM), so it doesn't grow forever if there are no consumers. On the other end, the consumer would grab items from that list and process them. You can also use keyspace notifications, and be alerted each time an item is added to that queue.
I pass data between application using two native redis command:
rpush and blpop .
"blpop blocks the connection when there are no elements to pop from any of the given lists".
Data are passed in json format, between application using list as queue.
Application that want send data (act as publisher) make a rpush on a list
Application that want receive data (act as subscriber) make a blpop on the same list
The code shuold be (in perl language)
Sender (we assume an hash pass)
#Encode hash in json format
my $json_text = encode_json \%$hash_ref;
#Connect to redis and send to list
my $r = Redis->new(server => "");
Receiver (into a infinite loop)
while (1) {
my $r = Redis->new(server => "");
my #elem =$r->blpop("shared_queue",0);
#Decode hash element
my $hash_ref=decode_json($elem\[1]);
#make some stuff
I find this way very usefull for many reasons:
The element are stored into list, so temporary disabling of receiver has no information loss. When recevier restart, can process all items into the list.
High rate of sender can be handled with multiple instance of receiver.
Multiple sender can send data on unique list. In ths case should be easily implmented a data collector
Receiver process that act as daemon can be monitored with specific tools (e.g. pm2)
From Redis 5, there is new data type called "Streams" which is append-only datastructure. The Redis streams can be used as reliable message queue with both point to point and multicast communication using consumer group concept Redis_Streams_MQ